10165-chapter-41-finale | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10165-chapter-41-finale


★★★After ever happy★★★

She continued to gaze into space, tears streaming down her cheeks. Max couldn’t help but ask, “Can you see us?” Carol’s gaze shifted towards Max, acknowledging his presence.


Lucifer took hold of Carol’s hands, guiding her gaze towards him. With a soft expression, he locked eyes with her and asked, “Can you see me? I’m curious to know.” Carol remained silent, her tears streaming down her cheeks.

Just moments ago, she had been trapped in darkness, with no hope for the future. But now, her eyes were wide open, fixed on the person she had loved her whole life. Carefully, she intertwined her hand with Lucifer’s, gently brushing against his. She nodded in response to his question, tears flowing one after another. “Yeah, I can see you, with my own two eyes,” Carol finally revealed, and without hesitation, Lucifer pulled her closer.

He embraced her tightly, tears streaming down his own face. Who would have thought that the magic would work so effortlessly?

Meanwhile, author, soaked in tears, witnessed the unexpected softness of the devil everyone feared in the village towards his daughter. He sniffled audibly, causing Carol and Lucifer to reluctantly end their passionate embrace.

Carol turned to author, her gaze filled with curiosity. Her mind suggested that he might be her father, but she needed confirmation. She turned back to Lucifer, her eyes questioning him.

Lucifer understood what she meant and he gently nodded his head, saying, “Yes, he’s your dad.” Carol shifted her gaze back to Author.

“Carol, my daughter,” Author called out with a surprised yet happy tone.

Carol’s tears continued to flow as she sat in front of Author, holding his hands tightly. “Dad,” she called, and Author pulled her into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry, sorry for not being there for you, sorry for neglecting you. I’m sorry for not taking the responsibility of a father, sorry for everything,” Author cried.

“It’s okay, I forgive you… I… I…” Carol tried to speak, but tears streamed down her face instead.

Author patted her back, giving her a fatherly hug while Carol closed her eyes, accepting the comfort.

They both shared a heartfelt hug until Lucifer interrupted them with his jealousy, clearing his throat loudly.

As they break away from the hug, Author can’t help but admire Carol, wondering how his daughter grew into such a beautiful and elegant lady.

Lucifer opens his arms widely, inviting Carol to come for a tight hug. Carol hesitates for a moment before crawling closer to him, throwing herself onto his chest as Lucifer wraps his arms around her. They feel the closeness between them.



Loretta is pacing anxiously in her room after hearing the rumors of Max’s arrest. She can’t find peace of mind, knowing that if Lucifer took such swift action, he must have uncovered something significant. She’s fully aware that it wouldn’t take him long to take drastic measures.

Loretta is desperately trying to find a way to escape, but she knows that Lucifer will track her down no matter where she goes. She’s trapped, fearing that Lucifer will never let her go for what she did.

As she finds a seat for herself, her eyes are filled with a dangerous red glow. Suddenly, she hears the creak of the door, and her heart races, thinking it’s Lucifer. But to her surprise, it’s not him.

Even though the person isn’t Lucifer, her heart is still pounding as if it’s ready to leap out of her chest. Filled with fear, she shifts back, sweat trickling down her body.

“Je…z.e…be…l,” Loretta stammers, her voice trembling as she makes eye contact with her uninvited guest.

“Ohh, were you expecting me? You seem like you knew I was coming,” Jezebel says, moving closer to Loretta.

Loretta can’t help but breathe heavily, already envisioning images of her own lifeless body. She knows exactly who Jezebel is and what she’s capable of doing.

Loretta gathers all her courage and sits confidently in front of Jezebel, glaring at her as if she has something important to say.

With a devilish smile, Jezebel softly asks, “Do you know why I’m here?”

Loretta, showing no fear, responds, “I don’t know because you never tell me.”

Jezebel nods twice and smiles gently, saying, “I thought you would be stubborn, but it seems I won’t waste much of my time. Anyway, I’m here to collect those two glasses from you.” Her eyes turn into a dangerous gaze.

“Glasses?” Loretta wonders, but before she can say anything, she finds herself in a dark room. She looks around but can’t see a thing.

“Okay, I’m done here,” Jezebel declares, standing up. “You will now live forever in darkness, just like what you did to my friend. Your two eyes will be kept with me until I’m ready to ki|| you.” Jezebel storms out instantly.

“Ahhhhh… Jezebel, please return my eyes! I’m ready to do anything you want, just give back my two eyes!” Loretta cries, but Jezebel is already gone.

Even though Loretta is a powerful woman, she can’t undo what Jezebel has done. There’s nobody who can reverse Jezebel’s actions. Loretta knows her life is doomed, and she will be blind forever.

“Wow, I didn’t know you had that kind of power,” Prince Rome compliments, clearly impressed. But after witnessing Anne blind someone in an instant, he’s now scared of her.

“Now that you know who I am, do you still want to be friends?” Anne asks, her gaze filled with a dangerous intensity.

Prince Rome takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to face Anne directly. “I’ll answer that after you answer my question,” he says, his voice steady. Anne turns to face him, her curiosity piqued. “With such power, why don’t you use it to control my brother?” Prince Rome asks.

Anne ponders his question for a moment, her expression thoughtful. “Because I also want to live as a ordinary human. I know that no man would want to marry a woman who isn’t ordinary,” she explains.

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘ordinary human’?” Prince Rome asks, genuinely confused. But Anne just smiles, keeping the mystery alive.

“You don’t need to know. Just answer my question too,” Anne replies, keeping the mystery alive.

Prince Rome clears his throat and looks up at the dark sky. “Even if you were about to turn into an animal in the next millisecond, I would still choose to be your friend,” he says seriously, as if his words hold great meaning. Then he shifts his gaze to Anne. “My adorable grandmother,” he concludes, taking a step back, anticipating a playful punch from Anne.

“Grandmother? Adorable?” Anne repeats, as if she’s heard something mysterious. “Come here,” she says, beckoning him with her finger. But Prince Rome quickly runs away, making her chase after him.

“Don’t trip while chasing me, adorable grandmother!” Prince Rome shouts as he runs.

“You’re such a fool!” Anne screams. “Just wait and let me catch you!” she adds, determined to catch up to him.


Frida and Max were tied up, feeling like their fate was hanging in the balance.

Frida’s face looked pale, as if she was battling an incurable illness.

Lucifer, Carol, and Max sat in front of them, their eyes filled with irritation.

Trigger stood there, glaring at Carol with regret for what he had done. Little did he know that she was her twin sister all along. If only he had known, he wouldn’t have done such a horrible thing to her.

With every thought, tears welled up in Trigger’s eyes.

As Carol raised her head, their eyes met, but Trigger quickly looked away, while Carol smiled.

Lucifer cleared his throat, preparing to speak. “I don’t even know where to begin with this judgment,” he said, looking at Carol and signaling for her to speak up.

Carol cleared her throat and leaned forward in her chair, her voice filled with a chilling intensity. “Frida, did you know that I hold the power to end you right now?” she asked, causing everyone to gasp in disbelief. “But I’ve decided not to go down that dark path. Despite all the terrible things your family has done to me, I sit here today as the Lucifer bride, a testament to how their actions shaped me. I could have made you suffer, but instead, I choose forgiveness because of my brother”

Suddenly, Anne appeared out of nowhere, her eyes burning with anger as she directed her gaze at Frida. “Are you seriously considering forgiving her?” she spat out, her voice dripping with resentment.

“Anne,” Carol called out slowly.

“Even if you forgive her, I never will,” Anne said, reaching out her hands towards Frida. Frida was forced to stand up from her seat, her legs flailing in the air, and blood pouring from her mouth.

With each twist of Anne’s hand, more blood poured out from Frida. Trigger was trembling, as if he were the one being squeezed.

“I will make you taste your own medicine,” Anne said angrily, her eyes filled with rage.

Carol was shaking in her chair, worried if Anne would actually harm Frida.

The only person who remained motionless was Lucifer, staring at the scene as if he were enjoying it.

Carol looked at Lucifer, giving him a pleading look to stop Anne, but Lucifer looked away as if he hadn’t noticed.

Trigger, overwhelmed with desperation, fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. “Please, spare her life,” he pleaded, his voice filled with anguish.

Anne, throwing Frida to the ground, watched her body slump down tiredly. She then walked closer to Trigger, kneeling beside him. With a scoff, she delivered a harsh slap to his cheek, causing it to redden. “You have the nerve to speak after nearly ki||ing your own sister because of your desires,” Anne sneered, her grip on his shirt tightening as she lifted him to his feet. “Look into my eyes and tell me to forgive her,” she demanded.

Trigger could only stare, overwhelmed with regret for his past behavior. He knew he had made a mistake, but deep down, he believed it wasn’t entirely his fault. His desires had led him astray.

“I know, I know I don’t deserve to plead for her, but please forgive us,” Trigger cried, his tears flowing freely.

Anne pushed him back, causing him to fall to the floor. Anger filled her as she brushed her hair back forcefully.

“Do you really feel like ki||ing my only brother?” Carol asked, rising to her feet. She walked over to Anne and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I miss you. I miss your unique face,” she said, pulling Anne into a tight hug.

Anne stood there for a moment before responding to the embrace. “Don’t forget about your mission here. Maxwell could come for your head at any time,” Anne warned, her voice filled with concern.

“He can never do that. I have my husband by my side,” Carol joked, and Anne broke the hug.

“Your husband? What a joke,” Anne said with a smile.

Lucifer suddenly stood up, glaring at Frida on the floor. “Frida, I’ll consider your safety for the sake of the time we spent together,” Lucifer declared, then turned to Trigger. “And you, I’ll only forgive you because you have my wife’s blood,” Lucifer said, causing Carol to smile.

Carol walked over to Trigger and crouched down to his level. “Hey, dear brother,” Carol called, and Trigger lifted his head. “Did you like my friend’s greeting?” Carol asked, and Trigger gave her a questioning look. Carol smirked and delivered a hot slap. “How dare you treat me like that!” Carol screamed angrily. “But I still miss you,” Carol said, pulling Trigger into a tight hug. “I miss you,” she cried, and Trigger held her close.

“I miss you too, sister,” Trigger cried even more.

Lucifer watched them with jealousy, but he couldn’t do anything. It was just a family hug.

Max looked at his two children and smiled happily.What did he care for more than to see his two children being happy together.


Favorite male character ?

Favorite female character?

Happy scene ?

Saddest scene ?

Who will you miss most?

If devil bride should be film, will you watch ?

How many people will miss this story ?
