10043-chapter-1920 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10043-chapter-1920


Bluey pushed open the door to Kaine’s bedroom and slipped inside. Her eyes widened as she took in the stunning bathroom.

“Whoa” She mumbled as her eyes roamed around.

The room was a tranquil oasis, filled with warm light and inviting aromas. A sleek jacuzzi tub sat in one corner, its gentle bubbles beckoning her to come and relax but she had to control that crazy urge,she wouldn’t wanna get into trouble again now that he’s kinda showing her his tiniest soft side.

On another side, a spacious shower stall gleamed with glass walls and a rainfall showerhead. The mirror above the sink was large and framed in elegant silver, reflecting the room’s serenity. The bathroom was surprisingly big, with plenty of space to move around.

Bluey’s curiosity led her to a separate nook, like a bathroom closet. Inside, she found an array of towels in every color, neatly folded and stacked on shelves. There were countless towels, each one soft and plush, inviting her to wrap herself in their warmth.

She could actually just spend her whole day inside that bathroom without thinking of getting out again,but right now she needed to have a perfect wash.

Getting under the shower, she got hold of one of the body wash,of course he’s got quite some numbers, Bluey was beginning to wonder if every guy really cares so much about their bodies and appearance this way, there are hair shampoos arranged neatly on the bathroom shelves also.

She decided to wash her hair,,it’s been weeks since she last washed her hair,and in her room,there’s nothing like that either,her hair definitely smells, thinking about it made her feel embarrassed. After washing her long dark hair,she took a long bath also, she was literally Mõ@?ing with how good the water felt on her skin.

“Oh gosh” she groaned when she finally turned off the shower.

“Can I use one of the towels?” She asked herself, is she supposed to walk out naked if she doesn’t take one? But what if he gets mad at her?? Nevertheless, she decided to walk over to the nook and opened the towel shelf more wider, her eyes rolling to find an old one,but none. They all look so new and so fine, at last she settled for the purple colored one and wrapped it around herself.

Finally she left the bathroom, she had to pass through the dressing room to get into the bedroom and once again she was amazed,just how many clothes does he have?? He must be so rich obviously,but is he a fashionista? That’s obvious also,judging by the way he always dress up,,you can never find him looking less attractive from his outfits,,how can a man be so hot? She started wondering…how old is he anyway? His face is really young but he acts like he’s above forty.

Bluey entered the bedroom and it was empty, she took her cold lips in,what’s she going to wear now? And where exactly is he? She was beginning to get cold since she lasted more than usual in the bathroom,trying so hard to be clean.

Just then, Kaine came in, Bluey wanted to greet it but it was that same moment her sneezing problem decided to come, she sneezed out loudly. .

“I’m sorry” She apologized.

Kaine stared at her blankly and went toward the dressing room.

‘Is he an alien or something? Does he know what smiling is? Does he have feelings at all? Why the hell would someone have one expression on his face every time? Just how??’ Bluey thought inwardly then twitched her nose as another sneezing was coming again.

She sneezed out once more,her head down, she didn’t even realize that while she did that her wet hair splashes water all over Kaine’s face.

Bluey almost screamed out when she saw that.

“I’m sorry!!! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that,I promise,I was just….”

Kaine glared and she took her lips in, keeping quiet right away.

Kaine dropped a shirt on her head and she took it in shock,,He’s giving her his shirt? Another cloth of his?!!

“Thank you…master” She bowed, trying to suppress a smile off her face.

Without thinking twice,she loosen her towel, is she supposed to hide? Kaine already saw everything anyway, somehow she wasn’t embarrassed. She put on the shirt while Kaine watched in silence. It’s a gray color and it smells so good, even though it’s a new one.

There was an awkward silence after that,until Bluey’s tummy decided to disgrace her by growling loudly,hunger.

Bluey grabbed her tummy immediately, her cheeks turned red.

“You should go ahead to call Clara if you’re hungry” Kaine said icely, trying to walk away.

“I can do the cooking” Bluey suddenly spoke up and Kaine gave her a look

“You?” He asked.

“I…can cook” Bluey muttered.

“Then go on and do it,what are you waiting for?” Kaine asked.

Bluey immediately bowed and walked out of his sight, her small legs making sounds on the floor, Kaine stared at her back, the shirt just covered her @zz a little,it looks big on her again and he actually wondered. ‘Just how short and small is she??’

Everything about her looks small as well,her eyes,lips..talking about lips,the only thing that came to Kaine’s head is if those small shaped lips can take in his ?ï?k.

He scoffed at his own imagination and got hold of his smoking pipe.

Inside the kitchen, Bluey was debating on what to prepare for the both of them,what if he doesn’t like wh@??ver she cooks? After so much procrastination,she decided to make something simple since it’s still morning and the ingredients are all there…A guacamole sandwich should be okay.

She was done within few minutes, she made watermelon smoothie and poured into two glasses with ice.

She serve Kaine’s own on the dining table, she would eat hers in the kitchen and then clean up.

She met Kaine coming from the open balcony in his suite on her way to call him.

“Master” Bluey bowed and he looked at her, she could perceive the smell of smoke, the first time she saw him smoke was at the party and now again,she actually thought he doesn’t smoke,,but he got some control over it,not addicted like she would assume mafians is.

“I’m…I’m done…” Bluey stuttered and bite her lips,,she always shake stupidly whenever she’s trying to talk to him.

Kaine raised his brows, as if telling her to say more.

“Your food is on the……dinning table”

Kaine replied her with a nod and she immediately walked away,her not long legs moving really fast.

‘Why walking like a…..what’s that cartoon? Barbie?’ Kaine thought and scoffed.

He walked to the dining like she said and stared at what she prepared,normally he’s not the type who eat so much,,he sat down and took the fork. The first bite from the sandwich almost came as a shock.

His face,though blank,but someone who is good in reading face would tell that Kaine was really amazed. He said nothing and just continue eating…and with just few bites,he finished all and gulped down the watermelon smoothie.

He literally lick his lips sweetly before leaving the dinning room, he left the suite after that also.

By the time Bluey showed her face, he was gone and she wondered where he went to,she was surprised he finished everything. She has been the one who always finish all his leftovers since she started coming over with Clara to cook for him, he would eat about five spoons or bites and then leave the rest,but now, she’s staring at an empty plate.

A smile escaped Bluey’s lips, her cheeks turned totally pink as she took the dishes into the kitchen to wash.




Sasha was sitting in front of her dressing mirror, trying to do justice to her hair when suddenly she heard a knock on the door,she paused and turned her head toward the door, the knock came again.

“Come in” She said and the doorknob twisted then opened, revealing Kael.

Sasha groaned.

“Can you just give me a chance to apologize?” Kael asked and closed the door behind him.

“You don’t have to apologize,you were just drunk” Sasha mumbled, and focused back on the mirror.

“I’m sorry I did that, I wouldn’t force myself on anyone even if I like them so much….I’m sorry” Kael apologized.

“Accepted,but next time try not to come into my room” Sasha muttered and Kael bit his lip.

“I will try” he uttered and Sasha looked at him weirdly.

“Sorry” he said with a light smile,,Sasha frowned, she have never seen him smiling,but it really suit him.

“See you later” Kael said and waved two fingers at her before going out.

“Weird” Sasha scoffed.

Outside, Alex was walking beside Tyson when he saw Kael leaving Sasha’s room, a frown appeared on his face.

“Isn’t that Kael? Coming out of Sasha’s room. Wow…is there something going on that I don’t……”

“There’s nothing going on” Alex groaned and Tyson glanced at him.

“How the hell would you know?” He teased.

“Stop it” Alex muttered and increased his pace.

“I’m sorry man,just saying” Tyson caught up with him.




Inside the pool, Knife was the only one, in her red bikini swimming and having fun, her moves and ski||s are like that of a segzy mermaid.

Bian walked into the arena,his two hands in his knickers,his sneakers making him appear taller when he’s not that tall.

He stopped walking when he noticed Knife in the pool,he stood there staring,his eyes following her,roaming around her segzy slim body, a naughty smile appeared on his face when Knife caught him staring.

“Why are you here all alone?” Bian asked and walked closer till he got to the edge then he squatted,his eyes still on her.

“I miss the pool,and tbe water is so cold,love it” Knife replied and swam toward her glass of wine.

“I love the bikini,looks segzy on you” Bian said

Knife chuckled after sipping from her wine.

“Thanks kiddo” She said and Bian batted his cute lashes.

“Huh?” He gave her a surprise gaze.

Knife swam toward him.

“You look cute also” Knife said and stretched her hand to ruffle his hair like a kid.

“Don’t do that,I’m not a baby” Bian snapped her hand off, already pissed.

“Then what are you?” Knife teased.

“I’m an adult, I can do everything everyone here does,even better than you” Bian rolled his eyes and Knife laughed.

“Hey kiddo,,that doesn’t change the fact that you’re the youngest here,you should respect your elder ones” She said.

Bian rolled his eyes.

“Here” Knife raised four fingers up and Bian creased his brows.

“I’m four years older than you” Knife whispered and Bian glared.

“So what? Does that even matter? Why are you reminding me anyway?” He scoffed.

“You look cute when you pout angrily like this” Knife chuckles and came out of the pool.

Bian’s eyes followed her @zz and legs until she wrapped a towel around her and walked away.

He sighed out.

“Sorry bro,nobody takes you serious” Risky teased as he showed up.

“Don’t start,I’m not in the mood” Bian rolled his eyes.

“Hey, is it my fault that your crush see you as her younger brother? Why not crush on your age mate? Oh sorry I forgot everyone’s older than you here” Risky stuck out his tongue and Bian started chasing after him while he immediately took to his heels,running off while laughing out loudly.

“I h@?? you!” Bian yelled when he couldn’t catch up with him.

“I love you too!” Risky replied.

Bian rolled his eyes and walked away.




The rooftop was like a perfect lounge on it’s own, with perfect sight seeing of the blue water fall in the center of the empire, Axe was sitting down on one of the flat seats,his back resting on the backrest, Sunny was sitting on his laps,,she was only wearing a pant and bra which hardly covers her B-__-bs,she was facing him directly,crossing him,her two legs on his sides,the smokes coming from his blunt filled her nose but she didn’t care,she would kiss him every second.

All of a sudden, Kaine popped up and sat down on the next seat beside Axe,Without sparing them a glance.

Sunny immediately tried adjusting her bra but Kaine never looked their side.

“This is new, why are you here?” Axe asked when Kaine didn’t say word.

“I’m just wondering,,what should I do to a ?îtçh who dare raise her hand to beat up what’s mine” Kaine said calmly and Sunny froze, she gulped and Axe glanced at her.

“What should I do?” Kaine looked at Axe.

Axe said nothing.

“Unlike you boss….I don’t torture and beat her up, and I don’t appreciate people touching her either…I’m going to overlook this one, but next time,you might have to start looking for another doll again because I’m going to ki|| the one sitting on your laps right now” Kaine said calmly but coldly.

Sunny could feel her blood running dry, she was trying not to look at Kaine.

“Your hands are shaking” Kaine told her and she looked at him, he winked at her before getting up.

Sunny swallowed hard.

Just as Kaine was about leaving, Sapphire showed up.

“Kaine!” She screamed and rushed to him, she hugged him.

“Oh geez, I saw your hoodie on that ?îtçh, what’s her name again? The hoodie she stole,like how dare she wear it around freely……”

“You mean the hoodie I gave her” Kaine spoke up and Sapphire literally froze.

Kaine smiled and touched her chin.

“Control your hands next time….you know I’m not nice” He frowned again and tapped her cheek before walking away.

“Axe I…..”

Axe pushed Sunny off his laps before she could speak, she almost fell.

“Axe wait…”

He glared at her angrily before walking away,,,now even the way Kaine handle things calmly without shouting and stressing himself made the hatred inside him grow more. Unlike him, he would have been shouting,,but Kaine. Why would he be so different? Just why!!

“What was that?” Sapphire moved closer to Sunny.

“He thr_@tened to ki|| me Sapphire,,just because of that witch,he thr_@tened me,I’m scared” Sunny said, her body shaking.

Sapphire swallowed, her fists clenched,Imagining Bluey’s neck in between them.


Billie followed Fang nervously, It’s the first time Kaine would call her into his office, she was so nervous. She adjusted her blouse well to show more of her cleavages.

“You can go in..He’s waiting” Fang said, and joined the other guards in front of Kaine’s office.

Billie opened the door gently and went in, she met Kaine sitting on the desk,with his usual cold face sending chills all over her spine.

“I’m here boss” She bowed shortly.

Kaine stared at her blankly, Billie’s cheeks turned red,,I swear she was f-__-king turned on just by his gaze on her, at least before Mr Kaine decided to speak up.

“How would you like your two hands cut off?” He asked and Billie’s body trembled immediately.


“That’s what I’m doing the next time to lay your hands on that girl, you know who I’m talking about”

“I’m sorry master I…..”

“Get out” Kaine cut her off.

Billie immediately bowed and rushed out of the office, her heart was beating so fast as if Kaine would really cut her hands that moment,she swallowed and adjusted her blouse immediately,covering her cleavages,,he didn’t even glance at her chest anyway, she sniffs in her tears and walked away.




Fang entered Kaine’s office,he was still sitting in front of the desktop,working and focused.

“Boss…you called for me” Fang bowed.

“Inform everyone that the mission has been adjourned till whenever, it’s not safe tonight” Kaine muttered without looking up.

“Do I have to tell the second boss?” Fang questioned.

“He knows already” Kaine replied.

Fang bowed again and went out of the office.


Queen mother was on a call, she was pacing in her living room..

“What do you mean by there’s no news about her?” She was looking kind of pissed.

“What? Demolished? Amd no new location about them?” She asked again.

“I don’t care how you do it Dremo,,make sure you find her for me,,look everywhere!” She snapped and hung up

“Who are you looking for?” Sapphire came in and Queen mother immediately turned,looking kind of suspicious.

“No one,you can’t understand” She said.

Sapphire doesn’t really care anyway,she was there for something more important.

“Can’t you just get rid of that girl with Kaine? Mom?” She asked.

Queen mother sat down.

“Why should I do that?? Don’t tell me that useless feelings of yours haven’t finished yet”

“Why would you call my feelings useless?!! You know how much I love Kaine! Why are you doing this to me just why!!” Sapphire screamed,stomping her feet on the floor.

“Kaine doesn’t feel the same Sapphire, he sees you as his….”

“I h@?? that word,,I’m not his sister and I’m never going to be! I don’t want to be one either,I want him!! If you can’t help me, don’t complain when I do something silly!” Sapphire snapped and stormed out angrily.




Bluey was on the couch, it was so boring,her eyes already shaking but she was trying her best not to sleep,she was already getting worried about Kaine.

What if they went on another mission and he get hurt again like last time?? She stood up from the couch and started pacing, her mind wasn’t settled,she was truly worried about him and she doesn’t even know why she feels that way.

She was still pacing when she heard the sound of the door,, signifying that the passcode was imputed, then it opened and she immediately rushed to the door to check.

Kaine raised his brows.

“Master” Bluey called nervously, checking his body with her eyes to see if there’s any blood, she sighed out when she found none.

Kaine suddenly made a painful expression and touched his forehead.

Bluey’s eyes widened.

“Are you okay?” She immediately asked.

“It’s fine,,just headache” Kaine groaned and took the direction to his bedroom., Bluey followed with worries all over her face.

Kaine sat down on the seat and she unconsciously touched his forehead.

“Your temperature!” She gasped, feeling how high it is.

Kaine said nothing,just staring at the naive girl in front of him.

Without a second thought, Bluey left the room, she returned with a wet towel and showed up, as if asking for his permission.

Kaine released a grunt but then nod, she immediately placed the wet towel on his forehead.

Kaine was motionless, he allowed her do her thing but his eyes were totally somewhere else.

Bluey tried leaving to soak the towel again when Kaine grabbed her hand and pulled her back, the towel dropped from her hand and Kaine looked down at her chest,without her knowing,He’s been staring at the way her B-__-bs were bouncing under his shirt she was putting on.

Bluey’s throat dried up, Kaine pulled her closer and her @zz landed on his laps,gaining a gasp from her.

She swallowed and their eyes locked,Kaine let out a naughty smirk and used one hand to unbutton her shirt,she was beginning to lose her breath,he undid the second one too and now her cleavages were visible,then he undid the third one,showing her B-__-bs completely.

Kaine run his hand through the white skinned B??@š?s,then his thumb touched the pink pointed ??pplë.

“Master….” Bluey Mõ@?ed, her eyes shut as her body quivered under his touch.

She opened her eyes and their eyes met again, then he spoke up.

“Can I suck them?? They look pretty” He said.

Bluey felt cold when he said that, but before she could even speak up.

Kaine’s mouth wrapped around her right ??pplë.

“Holy f-__-k” Bluey whimpered.

Her fingers ran through Kaine’s soft hair.

