Golden Rules | LEKZYNG
Home LIFE HACKS Golden Rules

Golden Rules

1. Never change yourself to get someone to like you since that is when you become unattractive.

2. If you want to be content and satisfied then don’t expect anything from anyone.

3. Never try to woo someone with your wealth because at the end you will lose both (money and partner).

Additional point: you can’t force someone to love you, it happens on its own.

4. I hear this from my mom; “the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach.” Which in other words means if you know how to cook good food you will be able to win any man’s heart.

5. Anger is destructive so when in anger just stay calm (or try to).

6. If you want someone to love you then you need to love yourself first.

7. Before there is love in a relationship, there should be trust. If you don’t have trust then you have nothing.

8. Always listen to your guts and look out for red flags (things that disturb you).

9. If on the first date, your date gossips about others and keeps mentioning their ex then that’s your sign to get up and walk away.

• If they can gossip about someone to you then they would gossip about you as well.

• If they mention their ex then they have truly not moved on and it just won’t work out with you at the end (the next thing you know they break up with you to be with their ex).

10. Forgive, don’t forget but move on.
