10159-chapter-2930 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10159-chapter-2930



Walking hand in hand for 20 minutes without knowing the particular place they’re heading to.

Carol frown face as Lucifer lead the way to an unknown place.

“Where are we going?” Carol asked when she can’t take the silent anymore.

“Huh..I want you to guess” Lucifer answered without waiting a second.

“I’m not good at guessing” Carol pouted lips and Lucifer smile.

Just watching her behaving like a baby Look so funny to him.

Carol stop walking suddenly and face Lucifer “wait are we in the stream right now” she asked and Lucifer smirk “answer me now”.

“Can you hear the sound?”Lucifer asked and She nod.

‘So truly she is my real bride’ Lucifer thought and blush on his own thought “we’re not yet at the stream”he said.

“Hun…please can you take me there” Carol queried.

“I can’t take you there unless you get there by your self” Lucifer replied.

“Why? Why can’t you take me there?”

“Unnnn…nothing” Lucifer respond and Carol ruined face.

“I’m going to find my way there” She said and removed her hand from Lucifer’s own “just watch me” She added and started walking away without even knowing the direction.

Walking straightly her forehead landed on a tree which made her to groaned out and Lucifer could only smile

“Why are you smiling” She asked and Lucifer walk to her

“You’re to undaunted” Lucifer said when he finally got to her.

“That’s why you like me” Carol mumbled to herself.

“If I take you to the cascade, you’re going to grant my three wish” Lucifer said and Carol form sullen look “you’re not in?” Lucifer asked when he noticed the changed on Carol’s face.

“No..no..am in” Carol answered hurriedly.

“Okay let go” Lucifer said and Interlocked there hands again walking toward where the cascade located.

Carol won’t stop giggling on her own, the thought of visiting the cascade made her feel happy for some reason.

When they finally get to the waterfall, Lucifer released her hands and made her face him directly staring strongly into her brown eyes “we’re at the Cascade now” he murmured and Carol smile largely which made Lucifer heart to melted reluctant.

Carol looked around sufficient, even tho she was unable to View anything but the Sound of the waterfall made her happy “I love the feelings” she murmured happily “please Can you guide me to where the water dropped?” Carol asked and Lucifer folded his hand.

“Why?” He asked.

“I can’t see it but…I want to feel it with my hands” Carol uttered.

Lucifer nod twice and walk closer to her,holding her hands she dragged her closely to where the water falls and picked up her two hands, he stretched them to the water and Carol
Smile largely.

“Wow it’s so cold” she mumbled when her hands finally reached the water.

“Did you expect the water to be warm?” Lucifer teased and Carol stopped what she was doing.

“No…I’m just complementing…..hadn’t been I can view the cascade I would have known what else to say but since I can’t see,that’s the only way I can complement it” Carol said and face the water again.

“You should have closed your mouth instead” Lucifer said slowly not allowing Carol to hear “will you only play with the water with your hand? Won’t you bath?” Lucifer Asked naughtily and Carol solidified on a sport, taking a slow step closer to Carol, she also take a step backwards.

“Since we’re the only one here why don’t you take a quick bath” Lucifer satirize still walking close to her b

“No,No,don’t come closer….stop” Carol pleaded but non of her word penetrate into Lucifer’s ears cause she could still heard his footsteps.

“You know, you own me three wish” Lucifer said when he finally get to her.

“Wish? Wish? Okay, I know…just go back….I’m not bathing, why would I bath in-front of you” Carol Lament.

“Why can’t you? Did you wanna know what my first wish is?” Lucifer asked and Carol wide eyes, different thought crossing her mind.

“Your wish? First wish?” Carol recalled and swallowed hard “please stay back” Carol pleaded and Turned back with the aim to run away but instead, her two leg entangled together making her to fall heavily on the watery mud which decorated her green gown including her face

Lucifer only stand straight watching Carol like a movie, first why would she take such step when she knew she can’t see. “are you okay” he smile

“Yes I’m perfectly fine” Carol answered and tried to stand up but she kept falling which made her to sleep comfortably inside the mud burying her face in embarrassment

“Are you not going to stand up” Lucifer asked and she breath heavily “are you still breathing?”he asked again and Carol could only nod “can’t you move?” Lucifer deride and Carol nod “what should we do? I thought you don’t want me to touch you” Lucifer murmured slowly.

Carol gently raised her head up and smile awkwardly “I don’t mean that,…..please can you help me up” She requested and Lucifer shook his head in deny.

“No I won’t, until you promise to fulfill your wish”

“Why’re you doing like a kid, please help me” Carol said.

“Oh, a kid? Can a kid help you?”

“Okay..okay, have heard you, I’m going to fulfill the wish”

Lucifer smile and glared at her one more time before walking close to her and bend toward her “don’t emerge on such bold step again, what if I’m not here” Lucifer scolded before conveying her while Carol wrapped her hands on his neck

“Stop behaving as if you’re helpful” Carol complained

“Don’t forget I’m still holding you” Lucifer smile devilishly and Carol nod fiddly.

“Should I use one of my wish to change cloth for you?” Lucifer asked when they finally entered his room.

He walk to the bed and dropped her gently.

Carol could only smile unhandy while Lucifer walk to his credenza, bringing out one of his cloth.

“Please do me a favor ” Carol said.

“Which is”.

“Please call Anne for me” Carol said.

“And why should I” Lucifer smile and dropped the cloth beside her.

“Are you really going to dress for me? Is that one of your wish?” Carol asked sadly and Lucifer stared at her.

“Oscar” Lucifer called and Oscar appeared at once “call me Anne”. He said.

‘I know you’re not a bad person’ Carol thought and smile

“Are you happy now?” Lucifer asked and Carol nod still smiling “I’m glad, but my next wish will be naughty then this” Lucifer said and Smile erased from Carol’s lips

“She is here” Oscar announced when Anne get inside the room

“Change her dress to the dress beside her” Lucifer said to Anne and face Carol again, he smile to her before evicting the room followed by Oscar

“Did you find anything about her” Lucifer asked when he got outside with Oscar

“Not yet, I went to her village to asked about her but unluckily I find nothing” Oscar answered and Lucifer released Concern breath “but If I may asked why are you going through thin and thick just because of her”

“I told you not to use the word ‘just” Lucifer said angrily

“I’m sorry” Oscar pleaded

“Since you’re curious to know more about her then I will just tell you a details” Lucifer said and used one of his finger to direct Oscar closer “she is my real Bride” Lucifer said into his ear and Oscar eyes enlarged.

“You…your…bride?” Oscar Recalled and Lucifer nod.

“Yes, so make sure you find any possible way to get to her family” Lucifer said but Oscar wasn’t reacting, all he do was to stared at a space with opened mouth.

“Close your mouth and Vanished” Lucifer ordered and Oscar Bowed before walking away.

Lucifer turned back to exist but only to find Carol glaring at her from the back “what are you doing here” he asked with the fear of Carol hearing the converse he shared with Oscar.

“Is that the question you suppose to asked?” Carol said and Sweat form out of Lucifer’s body.

“What….what’re you talking…about?”Lucifer asked.

“I mean why would you instruct Anne to wear this Bag for me…I can’t see it but my body tells the cloth is d@mn big…I can’t even feel it on my body” Carol said raising up her two hands.

“Oh that?” Lucifer inquired followed by a relieve sigh “the cloth look so perfect on your body” he teased

“What will you say before” She pouted her lips playfully

“Carol let go” Anne said coming out from Lucifer’s room holding Carol’s mud cloth

“Where are you going?” Lucifer asked

“Non of your business” Anne said making sure Lucifer was the only one that heard

“We will be back soon” Anne cleared her throat and hold Carol’s hand dragging her out

“What’s wrong with her” Lucifer murmured sadly before entering his chamber

^^Market place^^

“Are you sure this clothe didn’t look wild on me” Carol asked and Anne nod

“Yea, it look perfect on your body” Anne rest assured.

“Huh, I will take that as yes” Carol smile.

“Oh Prince Rome” Anne shouted when she saw a familiar body standing in-front of her.

“Ohh.. Carol” Prince Rome called when he turned back, although Anne was the one standing at the front but his eyes only fixed on Carol.

“What’re you doing? Am I not the one that called you” Anne complained.

“Oh I’m sorry Anne” Prince Rome said.

“What’re you doing here?”’Carol asked.

“And who said I’m going to accept your apology” Anne said gaining Prince Rome attention once again.

“And what else did you want after that” Prince Rome said facing Anne fully.

“I want everything, why would I be the one to greet you first And you will reply Carol? Am I to tiny to see” Anne shouted.

“Stop shouting we’re in the market” Prince Rome complained.

“What did you mean? Did you mean I swallowed speaker? Why did you dropped the honorific suddenly” Anne scream again.

“Why’re you acting up? And who said I dropped the honorific? And what if I? Am far older then you” Prince Rome said.

“Huh, says who? Who said you’re older then me…just know it’s in your wildest dream?” Anne uttered.

“Did you realized am a Prince? I will lock you up if you disrespect me”

“What are you waiting for? Kindly do so now?”

“Ohhh, you’re talking to me like that because you know my brother will save you from my wrath”

“Yes yes I know so what” Anne lament without realizing how heavy her word is.

“So you accepted? You’re my brother’s girlfriend are you not ?”

“What are you talking about” Anne voice skimped.

“Ohhh….I thought as much” Prince Rome said.

“thought what?…..I don’t mean what I said earlier it’s just a split tongue….anyway we will be going now…..Prince Rome” Anne said and bowed trying to Dash the converse.

She turned back only not to find Carol again.

“Carol”Anne shouted.

“Where did she go now” Prince Rome said.

“I have no ideal” Anne said sweat fighting out of her body.

Carol opened her heavy eyes that convey hot tears, she looked around but couldn’t see anything, her head spine giving her intolerable headache

She tried to stand up but her body seem so be f-__-king weak “what’s wrong with me”She murmured and tried to stand up again but all to no bail.

“Someone should help me please” She scream out.

suddenly she heard a footsteps coming closer but she couldn’t see anything.

“Who are you?” She whimper but the person wasn’t making any pin sound.

But the footsteps kept moving closer which didn’t hesitate to frighten her.

“Please don’t ki|| me” she pleaded.

“I guess you like how fitted the cloth looks on your body” Frida said walking closer to Carol.

Carol’s body became stiff just hearing Frida’s voice, all the walking Bones in her body freezes reciprocating to the sadness in her hearts.

“Please don’t ki|| me” Carol cried.

“And why should I listen to you? I’m going to ki|| you today” Frida murmured devilishly “strangle her” she said To Trigger who was standing beside her.

“If you’re giving another opportunity to come next life don’t try to Cross part with me” Frida said.

“No,no, please don’t ki|| me”Carol said using style to creep to the back while her mind scream Lucifer’s name.

Her back landed on the big tree which made her to stop creeping “please have mercy” she cried but all fail as she felt a hand strangle her neck “who’re you? Are you one of his segz toy? Did she pay you to ki|| me?” Carol voice skipped.

“Shut up” Trigger shouted and Carol’s eyes enlarged on hearing Trigger voice.

“Trigger? Ar…e you.. the o..ne… I thought you’re a good man…why are you doing this to me” she cried while trying to removed Trigger’s hand from her neck.

“Am never a good person..” Trigger said wickedly making sure he strangle her neck tightly.

Blood started surging out of Carol’s mouth and nose.

“Just die” Trigger whispered and stared directly into Carol’s eyes which was full of tears.

‘why did looking straight into her eyes weak me’ Trigger thought but quickly wiggled the thought from his mind, while his eyes still magnet on Carol’s eyes, gradually her brown eyeball turned to golden color which was shining brightly.

Trigger eyes elaborate while his hand withdraw from her neck slowly “who are you?” Trigger muttered breathless.

Carol fall down heavily on the ground blood gushing from each hole on her body.

“What’re you doing” Frida asked from where she was standing moving closer to the scene.

Trigger could only stared at Carol on the ground “what is she” he thought and Stand up slowly.

“What happened? Why are you not ki||ing her” Frida asked.

“I can’t ki|| her” Trigger answered.

“And why that?” Frida asked.

“I don’t know but I can’t ki|| her” Trigger said.

“If you can’t ki|| her, then let me” Frida declared.

“No you can’t”Trigger said and Hold Frida hand.

“What are you doing? Let me go” Frida said trying to free her hand.

“Lucifer will soon be here let go” Trigger said and dragged Frida out of the scene.

Immediately they evict the scene Lucifer teleport to the scene and met Carol helplessly on the floor.

“CAROL!!!!” He scream and run to her.

“Lu..ci..fer..” Carol Pronouce deadly before collapsing on her chest.

Lucifer wide his eyes and Help her rest her head on his lap “Carol,Carol,” Lucifer shouted while hot tears stream down his cheek.


