10158-chapter-3132 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10158-chapter-3132


^^peed on pant^^

Lucifer sat beside Carol on the bed while the doctor attended to her.

His hands won’t seized to cares Carol’s hand every second while his eyes magnet on her pale face.

The doctor has been attending to her for the past thirty minute but haven’t yet conclude on a particular ailment.

Lucifer being impatient, he opened his mouth and asked the doctor what’s wrong with her.

“What’s wrong with her? Why is she not opening up her eyes?” Lucifer asked curiously and the doctor released heavy breath while standing up.

“It’s just vasovagal syncope, she will soon wake up, make sure she have a proper rest when she woke up, don’t tress her and probably feed her food when she wake up” the doctor said in a laughing tone which made Lucifer want to lunge punch on his cheek, but he just reply with a nod and directed his gaze back to Carol.

The doctor parked his belonging inside the surgeons’ bags beside him and stood up, he glared at Carol one more time and smile “she is cute even when sleeping” he mumbled making sure he was the only on that heard himself.

“You can go” Lucifer said and the doctor bowed gently and matched out of the room.

Immediately the doctor left the room, Oscar came in with his usual blank face, gazing at Carol on the bed ‘no wonder Lucifer always treat her right and that was because she was her bride’ Oscar thought and blinked his eyes, directing his head back to Lucifer.

“Anne and Prince Rome just came back now” Oscar gave Lucifer his word and Lucifer directed his attention to him.

“Where are they coming from?” Lucifer questioned.

“According to Anne explanation, they went in-searched of Carol” Oscar answered.

“So do they find her?” Lucifer asked with annoying look making Oscar to shake on stand because of the look on Lucifer face

“I don’t think they find her” Oscar replied.

“Carol was laying down right in-front of them so why is he asking if they find her?” Oscar thought.

“Call me Anne, only Anne” Lucifer said and stood up folding his two hand on his back.

“Okay” Oscar said and vanished.

Releasing a gulp of air, Lucifer face Carol and held her hands again, stretching her hand to his mouth, he gave it a soft kiss and smile dryly “please wake up” he pleaded inwardly.

“Carol!!!!!” Anne scream running toward where Carol was Laying ready to touched her, but Lucifer restricted that as he use a heavy wind to bow Anne’s off making her butt to land on the floor.

“Oucccch” Anne groaned holding Her butt “what are you doing?” She asked standing up.

“Where’re you when they Abducted her?” Lucifer asked without sparing Anne A glance.

“Am right beside her, I was just exchanging word with Prince Rome and within a second I couldn’t find her beside me, I’m really clueless about what happened and when they kidnapped her” Anne explained but her explanation sound so sucky on Lucifer ear.

How could they kidnapped someone beside you and you will claim not know anything about it, how is that even possible.

Lucifer stood up and folded his hand on his chest “so you mean, you know nothing about who kidnapped her?” He asked and Anne nod.

“How could you even say such horrible word, you promise to take care of her so what are the rubbish statements coming from that your mouth? What kind of conversation are you having with Prince Rome that made your head turn upside down? What if something bad happened to her? Will you take responsible or are you happy with the fact that she lost her sight ? If you know you can’t take care of her just stop tagging her whenever you want to visit outside, I never complained about keeping her closer” Lucifer spoke with angry voice which didn’t hesitate to make Anne shield a tears.

“So you mean I willingly let those shrew kidnapped her? Did you even know what you’re saying, Did you think am happy the way she was laying down helplessly? I’m not happy I just don’t know what to do, talking about conversing with Prince Rome, you want me to live like a deft not talking to anyone? have been guiding Carol since the day she came to this word and I would never pray for something bad to happen to her, she is more then a favorite to me, what hurt her hurt me more, did you even have any ideal of what I pass through because of her? You have know ideal so stop shouting at me with your grimy mouth “ Anne shout and turned back to leave.

“Once you stepped out of my room don’t step in again” Lucifer thr_@ten and Anne look back.

“As long as Carol is still lying there, nobody can stop me from entering this room” Anne said and thrower a digger look at Lucifer before storming out.

“Ohhhh she scared me for a second” Lucifer murmured and exhaled loudly.



After explaining all the strange thing he discern about Carol.

Trigger sat properly in-front of his father waiting for his own side of story.

“So you mean you saw two sign that only the Yang family had on her body?” Author asked for the third times and Trigger nod.

“Dad, I’m serious and I’m confused about her I just hope it’s not what I’m thinking” Trigger said and Author form a puzzled face.

“What’re you thinking?” Author asked.

“I just hope she’s not my twin sister” Trigger said and Author puzzled face soften immediately.

“That can’t be possible Trigger, I understand you’re hoping for an affirmative answer but i will advice if you can stop thinking negative cause I knew your sister isn’t existed again” Author spoke with unhappy face.

“Yes I understand but something is supper strange about this girl, for real dad” Trigger uttered.

“Can I see the girl?” Author asked.

“No dad you can’t unless you want to wave to my grave” Trigger said.


“Yes cause she is in the most menacing place” Trigger answered.

“Okay I don’t have to see her” Author smile and Trigger returned back the smile.


Carol opened her hefty eyes looking through all the room but everywhere was dark.

She can’t see, she forget for a minute and when she remembered she released a sad breath.

When did she got here? The last thing she remembered was Lucifer coming for her rescued.

So certainly she is in Lucifer room

“Lucifer” her frail voice sounded through the dim room but nobody answered her, resulting that she was the only one in the room.

“Lucifer” she called again with the hope if he will at least heard her voice but it was still the same.

She felt the huge to pee and if she waisted another second, she might just peed on pant.

That will surely be an embarrassment so she tried to stand up.

Supporting her hand on the bed, she move her left leg up followed by her right leg, luckily for her she was able to stand up.

She smile happily, ever since the day she has blind, the first time she will stood up without nobody’s help is today and that seems to make her happy.

Counting her legs forward, her two hand waving in-front of her in other to afford anything that will obstruct her movements.

Lucifer who was just coming inside the room was surprised to see Carol walking slowly without no one’s help.

He first thought she got her sight back but the way she waved explained that she was still blind.

He folded his hand as she watched Carol walking, the look on her face right now made him want to burst out laughing. But he managed to stay gallant

Watching her closely, naughty suggestion cross his mind and he smile on his own thought.

as the universal planned, Carol was walking in his direction.

She took a step closer making her to stay right In front of Lucifer but have she have no ideal of that.

Planning to take a step closer but stopped when she felt something soft and hot on her lips which made her eyes to wide twice.

Lucifer make sure his tongue sucked inside her mouth while he bite her lips with his white teeth, feeling the sugary on her mouth.

Carol took a step backward making the kiss to break.

Lucifer raised his body and folded his hand on his back.

Just the little second he spared to kissed her made his day more colorfully; he blushed just with the thought of exchanging saliva with her.

“Who is this” Carol asked angered saluting on her voice.

“Can you guess by my voice” Lucifer said and Carol took a step backward.

“Lucifer” Carol said and Lucifer smile loudly “That’s a relieve” Carol said releasing a hot breath.

“What? Did you mean you feel relieve knowing that I kissed you? Can I kiss you again?” Lucifer questioned with surprised look.

“No..I don’t mean… that” Carol said and move her head to one side in embarrassment “why did you kiss me in the first place?” She asked.

“Kiss? But you’re the one that kissed me” Lucifer lied and Carol mouth form “O”

“But how? You know I can’t see and you were way taller than me so how come I kissed you” Carol argued back and Lucifer Screech his head not knowing what to say again “see you can’t say anything” Carol pouted her lower lips “just know that’s on of your wish”. She added

“No, that’s not one of my wish” Lucifer disagreed.

“You only care about wish forgetting to ask about my healthy” Carol murmured slowly which didn’t failed Lucifer ear “Then what’s your first wish, I just wish it’s something I won’t fail to do” she said.

“Are you okay now? Are you still feeling headache” Lucifer asked and Walked to her torching her head to checked her pulse.

“You’re okay now” Lucifer said and take a step backward.

Carol held her stomach when she felt the huge to pee, one of the thing she was trying to avoid is telling Lucifer when she needed her privacy so she rather kept mute for now and asked for Anne help later.

“Did you wanna know what my first wish is?” Lucifer asked and Carol nod slowly.

Lucifer smile and move his head to her ear “I want to feel your warmth tonight, on my bed” Lucifer said lustfully and Carol narrow her eyes.

The pee she was trying to hold find it way down as the word Lucifer said rolled on her head.

Lucifer smile and bring his face to Carol’s face “did you hear me or should I repeat my self” He asked and Carol’s cheek turned into rosy.

“Ohh, are you blushing” Lucifer said raising a finger to Carol’s cheek.

“No…no..I’m…not…n…it..Blu..shing” Carol voice vibrate.

“But….your cheek said otherwise” Lucifer teased.

Carol move a leg backward and shook her head “I said No, I’m not blushing” she shouted and turned her back to Lucifer.

Lucifer eyes catched with her wet cloth and enlarged his eyes “what happened? Why is your clothe chilling”he said.

“Chilling?”Carol recalled and touched her cloth and her eyes nearly fall down, she touched her stomach and she could feel nothing, the pee that made her stomach grumpy, her stomach feel normal now.

‘Don’t tell me I just peed on pant” Carol mind shouted and she almost fall fall down if not for Lucifer who quickly held her waist.

“Don’t tell me you peed on pant?” Lucifer queried and Carol’s ears became red in embarrassment.

“No, that can’t be possible” Carol denied shaking her head.

“But it’s possible, you cloth prove it” Lucifer smile.


