10148-chapter-1112 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10148-chapter-1112


^^unknown feelings^^

Carol was throw inside a building loaded with grain

She was lying down helplessly her eyes on the wooden ceiling

She kept murmuring some horrible word to herself

The kind of hunger striking her off right now was nothing to be described

Oscar have locked her up since three hours without giving her food neither water

She felt her throat gluing together and her eyeball feel like it’s coming out from it sheath

She rolled from edge of the building to others not minding if her tongue got licked with the grain

If only Anne was with her everything would have been easy

She sat up and hold her head with her two hands “where the hell are you, Anne” she scream scaring the guard at the door

“I’m sorry” she bowed slowly when the guy at the door beeped at her from the tiny window in the building

After some minutes she heard the creaked of the door and she nearly tier up with happiness

The aroma of fried chicken filled her nose ring as she used her nose to searched for where the whiff was coming from

Soon she saw a familiar face which she recognized as Trigger, he was still dressing manly like before, his handsome face was still intact, the only difference was that he changed his hairstyles

The first day he saw him his hair was stylish To the both side of his shoulder but now his hair was parked in ponytail in support of iron sliver band while the shaft dropped to his back

Better still,the new hairstyle make him look more cuter

“Oh you” Trigger said coming inside the grain room holding one fried chicken on his left hand

“Hey” Coral wave

after exploring all his face, she directed her gaze back to the chicken in Trigger hand

She could feel her throat swallowing down the aroma coming from the chicken

“Is that for me” Coral asked directing her eyes back to Trigger face

“This?” Triggers asked raising the chicken up

Without waisting a second, Coral walk to him and snatched the chicken from him, he filled the chicken inside her mouth and bite mouthful of it, she chewed the chicken like her future depend on it

“You don’t even care if the chicken was poison” Trigger said and Carol released a wicked smile

“Even if the chicken was poison, I won’t die of hunger” She said and Trigger shrugged his head

“Eat the chicken and come outside” Trigger said and walk out of the room

“Huh…the chicken is soo delicious” Coral complemented and landed her @zz on the floor, Wiring her whole attention to the chicken



Lucifer rested his back on the white rock, his eyes was closed and his body was shirtless

His huge chest interview the publicity of the cascade

The waterfall was aquarium-blue color
It was drizzling onto the rocks, the water was pounding to the rocks while the tinkle sound tumbled down the mountain, The bliss-pool at the bottom was varnish clear. It was a divinity pool, It looked like a wall of blue silky threaded with silver,flowers next to it were nodding gently

He opened his eyes slowly as he made his way to the nearest small rock

He sat on the rock and his memory flashed back to the moment the strange girl rested on his chest

He could sensed his body tinkled alone and his eyes magnet on her adorable curve face, his heart pounded hundred miles away from him

He could bleedy remembered they way the rhythm of their heart lope together

The steamy eyes the girl shared him was still replaying on his head

“That feeling, what’s is it?” he murmured and released a heavy breath

He stood up and walk to where he hung his cloth on the green Douglas-fir tree, he picked it up and took his time to dressed nicely

He picked his sword on the floor and gazed around the cascade

The cascade was meant for him and his bride only, no one, absolute no one can find the way to the cascade

And that’s why he find it hard to believe Frida was his bride, hadn’t been she was his real bride she would have wander aimlessly to the waterfall

But no, she wasn’t and that made it hard to believe she was his real bride

But the puzzled note was that she returned from Havenly which should haven’t be possible if she wasn’t his real bride

Everything seem so complicated and he find it hard to solve

He released another heavy air before leaving the cascade


^^Fujjiang Palace^^

^queen Residency^

“Your highness, Prince Rome and Prince Vernon are here” the guard standing at the Queen mother’s door announced the arrival of the two prince

“Let them in” Queen mother said and the planks door to her chamber became fully opened

The two Prince stepped in and showed the queen her respect by Bowing their head

The queen answered them with smile and gestured the two prince to have their seat

“Grandma how How are you doing?” Prince Vernon asked when they finally sat and Queen smile Largely

“I’m good crown prince,how are you doing also” Queen asked

“I’m fine grandmother” Vernon replied with a smile

“Grandmother I’m also on seat” Rome said with a pouted lips

“Are you jealous of your brother” Queen mother asked and Vernon smile loudly

“Stop smiling nothing funny here” Rome said with a serious look

“You’re funny brother” Vernon said and cares Rome back slowly, If there is anything he treasured mostly it was his brother, he love him and his willing to render anything for his sake

“Mother why did you call us here”Rome asked and Queen mother expression became serious

“It’s about the arrange marriage” Queen mother said and face Vernon, she smile sweetly and instantly Vernon and Rome understand immediately “Crown Prince, it’s time for you to get married” Queen mother said

Vernon became silent and stared at the floor silently, the decision of getting married wasn’t the pro but the fear of getting married to a pure stranger was the difficulty

The only female he love and care for, will never get accepted by his family and that’s ki||ing

“Mother, can’t he marry the girl he love, I mean is it a must to do arranged wedding” Rome said with anxiousness

“No he can’t my dear, there is a lot of process to take before the Prince get married, he can’t marry from any family” Queen mother explained

“Queen mother, if I also want to get married,will you go through the same process?” Rome asked and queen nod her head

“I think I have to excuse my self now,I have to get something straight”Vernon said and stood up, he bowed his head and stormed out of the room

“Brother” Rome called and stood up“bye grandmother” Rome said showing the queen his respect before matching out

Queen mother could only stared at a space and released heavy breath

She also knew the decision is kinda hard, getting married to someone you have no feelings for,she have once experienced the trauma and base on her own experiences she knew nothing good will come out from it

She shook her head and rested her back on the portfolio bed behind her



Lucifer sat on the Flat Portfolio foam chair, his eyes was set on the brown book on his hand

He opened each page with his left hand while his right hand hold the book firmly

His eyes was only on the book but his mind has flew back to the strange girl he met earlier

The more he tried to forget about her the fatless he remembered her cute round face

He dropped the Book on the floor and raised his head up “Oscar” he called vigorously and immediately Oscar appeared in his room like a air

“Yes, master” Oscar said bowing his head, his sword was holding intact on his left hand

“Bring me the psycho girl we met earlier” Lucifer said and Oscar squeezed his face

“psycho?” Oscar recalled and Lucifer nod his head

“Yea the psycho we met at the training ground today” he said and Oscar face solved a lil bit

“psycho, that’s exactly her name…no word can describe her craziness” Oscar said when he remembered how horrible Carol made his life when he was taking her to the kitchen

Oscar matched out of the room and within a minute he appeared with Carol on his back

Oscar bowed and left the room leaving only Lucifer and Carol

“You call for me” Carol said pitching her nails hurtfully

Lucifer could only stared at the floor, the fear of exchanging look with the strange girl engrave on his hearts

The first time he will be scared to look straight into someone’s eyes

Carol stared at Lucifer and she noticed he wasn’t ready to make any statement any moment from now so she decided to sit down

She raised her Hanful dress and make her @zz set well on the floor “Since you’re not ready to talk, at least I can take a rest here, the tress in the kitchen is to envy”

With this statement of her Lucifer stylishly raised his head up and was surprised to see Carol seating down, he frowned his brows and completely raised his head “who gave you the permission to sit down” he questioned with a low voice

Carol smile cos he could feel his voice was trembling a lil bit, according to the rumors she head, Lucifer was a giant monster who ki||ed without taking a second, he was a dead horror who fear no one on earth but the way things are going Lucifer was completely different from what people said

Carol sat well and raised his waist up and chin down, she supported her hand on her laps seating like a monk in the castle “I sat down because you’re also seating down” she said fearlessly

Lucifer released a soft breath, right now he was completely helpless, all the 206 Bones in his body became weak, the reason why he felt so frail was still anonymous to him

“Are you not scared of me” Lucifer asked and Carol nearly throw up

“Scared? Why should I be scared of you? You’re not even that scary” Carol said but was surprised when a wind from no where blowed her off landing her back on the wall heavily, Blood gushing out of her mouth

Lucifer wide his eyes as he stared at the unconscious Carol who was now lying on the floor

Lucifer raised his head up and was surprised to see Frida standing right infront of the door, her brown eyeball turned to shining blue which was glowing heavily

Her gaze was only on Carol with rage of anger boiling in her

“What are you doing” Lucifer asked with his hoarse voice

“What did you think I’m doing? Punishing the crazy girl that made me look stupid in front of everyone” Frida said and tensile her left hand to Carol side

She used her power to raised her weak body up, Carol legs was nearly touching the floor while her head was rested on her shoulder blood rushing out from her mouth and nose “she is going to die in my hand” Frida snapped and used her left hand to control a ice that shaped exactly like a knife “no one meddle with me and scout free”. Frida said, her voice roared in the whole room

She throw the knife to Carol,She was expecting the knife to hit directly on Carol throat but was surprised when the knife stopped half way

She wide her eyes and directed her gaze to Lucifer, her eyes became thrice widen when she saw Lucifer hand on the air stopping the knife to go more further

The knife Fall down and it turned to Water immediately

“You can’t hurt her,right in my presence” Lucifer said and disappeared to where Carol was standing, he used his left hand to draw her closer and rested her head on his shoulder “you have no right to hurt her especially when she was with me” Lucifer added


