10146-chapter-78 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10146-chapter-78


^^^a chance^^^


“Oh finally…we made it” Anne said happily when they finally arrived At Fujiang

“Just cut the crap I’m d@mn tired and suffocated” Carol said tiredly Stretching her body lazily

“You should be thankful that we made it earlier” Anne said and walk to the nearest House, she dropped her bag on the placement and sat beside it, Carol also walk and sat beside her

“Yea..yea..I’m grateful…that’s why you starve me and restrict us from eating since morning” Carol said with a pouted lips

“You should be thankful that I at least follow you,if I’m not here I can’t imagine how bored and sulking your life will be” Anne said and finally laid flatly on the Cold floor

“That’s why I love you…you’re the best of best” Carol said and fall untop of Anne

“f-__-king raised your d@mn body…did you want to ki|| me” Anne yelled and Pulled Carol away which made her to roll to the middle of the road

Carol rolled to the middle of the road and Gently spread her two hand as if she was enjoying the sun set “why did you have to be wicked sometime” Carol said her eyes on the sky

“Shut up and rest there, I know it will be more warm then this floor” Anne said closing her eyes

“Will you raised your @zz up or I should matched you” said by a thick cute voice which made Anne to opened her eyes

Carol Puzzled her face and stared at the handsome face infront of her but the sun was to beaming causing her not to have a proper look at the person

Without waiting for a second The guy move forward to Carol and count his leg untop of her

Carol quickly stood up and cleaned her cloth “what the heck are you up to” Carol shouted

“Heck? You’re really brave” said by the guy, he walk close to Carol and knocked her forehead twice

Carol could only stared at the handsome guy in wonder, she was helpless at this moment cos the pretty face In front of her was driving her nut

“That’s not your room, is it? It’s a public road for every body” the guy said which brought Carol back to her sense

She rubbed the place the guy knocked on her forehead and whimper “Who the hell are you?” Carol said screening the guy with her eyes…according to how the guy dress he was a sword man cos he was holding his scabbard and the general Hanful cloth he wore look so perfect on his body, everything on him look so good

“What?…if you know me, will you come for me?” The guy asked and Carol smirk

“Just tell me your name and I will find you” Carol said supporting her hands on Her waist

“My name ? What will you do with my name” The guy asked

“I will do everything…absolute Everything” Carol said using her hand for description

“My name…my name is Trigger..find me if you can” the guy made his last statement and leave instantly

“Tig…what…what such name is Tiggre….he is cute anyway” Carol said smiling on her own

“Will you stop smiling and let go”said Anne who was already behind Carol, she witness what happened between Carol and the guy and he could feel Carol was already day dreaming

Carol wiggled her body shockingly and face Anne “how many time did I have to tell you to stop behaving like a cat”Carol yell as she made her way to unknown direction

“I think this is the way to the market” Anne pointing to another way

“Market place or not…I’m going on this way”Carol said not looking back

“I thought we should visit the market place so we can eat but since you said no then let go” Anne said and started Following Carol but within a second Carol was already at the road that led to the market place

“You should have mention food in the first place” Carol said and Anne smile

“My foodie friend”Anne smile and followed Carol behind

They both walk like 20 minutes before they got to the market

“Wow…it’s f-__-king big and busy more then our market” Anne said covering her mouth with her palm

“Stop exaggerating and let go eat…” Carol said using her eyes to search for a canteen

“You love food more then your life….why?” Anne asked and Carol smirk

“Did you know how much I love food” Carol asked walking close to Anne

“No, I don’t know, only you can tell but all I know is that you can exchange your cloth for food”Anne said mockingly

“Cloth? Did you just said cloth?” Carol asked and Anne nod her head “you’re missing” Carol said and rest one of her hand on Anne shoulder before raising her second hand up “did you know how I treasure this hand?” Carol asked and Anne nod her head

“Yes you treasure your right hand more then anyone, even me” Anne said

“Yea you know…but I can exchange my right hand for food which mean I can also trade you for food ” Carol said and used her index finger to wipe the apex of her nose

“Carol!!!!!” Anne scream

“Stop screaming my name we’re inside market” Carol said and supported her hand on her waist “better still please let find something to eat, my stomach is ache” She added

“Carol..is that your name?” Said from the back which made Anne and Carol to turned

Carol kneel got weaken as he recognizes the owner of the voice as the Prince he pinched his nose earlier

He was still wearing the ordinary cloth he wore earlier, no one can quickly recognize him as the crown prince cos of his ordinary dressing code

Anne quickly hide her face not allowing the guy to take a proper look

The Prince walk forward, two guard in his back, one of the guy was the one he was with at the restaurant earlier

“Emmmm….I…..” Carol cracked her voice and put on a large fake smile cause nothing can describe how scared she is now

“You can still remember my face right?”the prince questioned which made sweat to licked out of Carol’s body

“I can’t seem to remember clearly” Carol lied squeezing her hand together her eyes staring at the floor

“Ohhh…you’re having brain problem right?” Asked by the prince using his index finger to touched the side of his head

“No..oo..I don’t mean that” Carol said waving his hands in deny

“Ohhh..no? Then can you explain the situation? Asked by the crown Prince walking closer to Carol

‘Please don’t move closer…please’ Carol pleaded inwardly

“Prince Charming…I think we should be on our way now…the king must be waiting for us” said by the guard they saw with him in the restaurant

“Charming…cha?.. what” Carol said laughing out loud forgetting the situation she was in

“How many time have I told you not to refer to me as Prince Charming” he said manly facing the guard

“I’m sorry…. Prince Rome..I think we should be on our way now” repeated by the guard

“Good” Prince Rome said and face Carol who was still trying to compose her self

“Your name is Carol right? I wish to see you again so you can pay for the damages you cause to my nose” Rome said and tuned back to live but suddenly face Carol again “what about your friend” he added not noticing Anne who stand like a passerby At Carol’s back

“Ohh my friend? She is…she…”Carol cracked her voice thinking of a lie to tell but nothing came up

“Oh there is she” Rome said pointing to Anne, tho he wasn’t seeing her face but he could still remembered her cloth

“You saw her” Carol murmured slowly

“I’m not blind” Rome said walking to Anne but stopped when he heard the Pronouce of Lucifer Bride coming

“Make a broad way, Lucifer Bride is coming” said by one of the guard leading Frida to his father house

All the citizen in the market quickly bowed their head including Rome, truly he was a crown Prince but he dressed ordinarily and Looking directly when Lucifer bride is coming is a disrespect for Lucifer himself, so to avoid any misunderstandings he bowed his head

Frida was seating on a brown horse which look so big and fitted

Ten guards line up beside the horse while five maid walk behind the hoarse

Carol also bowed her head but a suggestion came to her mind, penetrating inside Lucifer chamber will be hard tax but this is one of the hard tax, disrespecting Lucifer bride might help to lead inside his chamber

She smile mischievously and Raised her head up at once causing her eyes to met with Frida eyes, she smile largely and wave her hand as if she knew Frida from some where

Frida squeezed her face and raised her hand up signifying the guard to stop walking

“Bowed your head if you don’t want to loose it” said from one of the guard Guiding Frida

Anne know instantly that her friend as cause a scene

Carol squeezed her mouth and walk forward, she stand elegantly in-front of Frida’s hoarse and supported her hand on her waist “ why should I bowed my head?” She asked with confidence causing all the people surrounding them to start murmuring

Rome could quickly understand that the voice belong to know one but The clumsy girl he met earlier

“Did you want to loose you head this instant?” Said by another guard

“Stop lamenting and tell me the reason why I should bowed my head” Carol said staring straight into Frida’s eyes

“Did you know you’re disrespecting Lucifer Bride” Said by another guard

“Lu..Lucifer? Is that a name of a dog or cat?” She asked directing her eyes to the guard

“Carol what are you doing?” Anne managed to speak in a silent voice but Her voice didn’t failed Carol’s ears

“Can’t you see what I’m seeing? Why would they tell me to bowed for this ant on the horse” Carol said and Frida wide her eyes

“Ant? Ant? “ Frida called and Carol nod her head

“You’re not different from me, are you? You’re a girl I also is a girl, you have two nose I also have two nose, you have mouth, god bless me with mouth also, you’re beautiful am pretty..so tell me why I should bowed for you” Carol said praying inwardly for Frida to get angry and take her along with her

“Are you talking to me right now?“ Frida asked And Carol smile

“Yes I’m talking to you..what will you do? ki|| me? Or fry me?” Carol questioned with a narrow face

🗣who the hell is she

🗣oh gawd my neck is paining me

🗣 she should stop causing problem I want to raised my head up

Murmured by the people in the market

“You really have the gut to talk straight to my face” Frida said and face one of the guard “ tied her up and dragged her along” Frida command and face Carol who was smiling inwardly “you will face my wrath” Frida added

‘That is it..you’re the best’ Carol rejoice waiting for the guard to bind her

🗣is she going to ki|| her

🗣wow so she ki||ed like her husband

🗣oh cheese she is to disgusting

Said by the people in the market Which Frida didn’t failed to hear, she became froze on the horse as what the villagers said sucked to her heart

Carol looked around as if she wanted to stop the people from talking

“Leave her, let her go?” Frida instructed the guard that was about tiring Carol “ahhh” Frida shouted and the horse started moving again

“No…no..please take me along…don’t mind what the people are saying…please” Carol pleaded silently

“Shut up” Anne shouted slapping her head from the back

“Ouchhh” Carol groaned holding her head

“What did you think you’re doing?” Don’t you love your head” Anne said and Carol form a sad face

“Who the hell asked the villagers to protest for me, I nearly got a chance for my mission” Carol said

“Mission” Rome said coming closer to Anne and Carol “mission of what?” He asked when he finally got th

Carol stared at him and hiss “mission of making you like me” she shouted and held Anne hand “I don’t want to see again” she added and dragged Anne out of the place roughly

“Ohhh that ?îtçh” Rome scream forgetting he was still inside market, he looked around and fund millions eyes on him, he fake a smile and cleared his throat “let go” he said to the guard


Lucifer and Oscar trained with sword at the training ground, using sword to fight against each other attempting to slide each other’s throat

The training ground was big and surrounded with pure green grass, there was a multiples bamboo tree making the training ground to look more fitted

Lucifer move was faster then Oscar move by multiple number Causing Oscar cloth to soaked with Sweat

They fought like like an hour before Oscar dropped his sword and laid flatly on the bear floor “I’m tired please let rest” Oscar said drawing his sword closer to his body

Lucifer only nod his head and sat beside a bamboo tree resting her back on the tree

Silent engrave between them only Oscar heavy breath could be hear

After resting for like ten minutes Oscar raised his head up in other to start the training again but was surprised to see Lucifer soaked in deep thoughts

“Master” he called silently but Lucifer wasn’t answering which gave him no option more then to walk close to him

He stood up and walk to him tapping his hand which made Lucifer to wiggled shockingly

“What are you thinking? Oscar asked seating beside him

Lucifer stared at a space vigorously, he release a scary breath before facing Oscar

“My bride” Lucifer call driving Oscar to have more interest

“What about her?” Oscar questioned and Lucifer released another air

“Something is strange about her” Lucifer said

“Strange? What’s strange about her?” Oscar questioned with a worried face

“I don’t know but I don’t feel right about her, I can’t just feel anything toward her for the past two years” Lucifer said and picked a white stone at the floor, he stared at the stone and throw it away “just like that stone, I feel like throwing her away, she bulge me a lot” he added

“Hun…Master” Oscar called and Lucifer stared at him “I think it’s because you’re not giving her a chance, you never allow her to come closer to you… maybe you should give her a chance I know everything will set once you look at her lustfully”

“That’s what I’m talking about Oscar,have tried my best but I can’t help it, I don’t feel her and I h@?? her presence?” Lucifer said squeezing her face

“Okay …what about you shared an intimate night with her” Oscar suggested

“Intimate night?” Lucifer asked frowning his brows

“Yes..intimate night” Oscar recalled

Lucifer stared at a space as a lot of thought crossed his mind, no one seems to understand how he felt, no matter how he tried to explain his motion to anybody no one seems to understand him

Lucifer stood up and glared at Oscar who was still seating at the floor

“Wanna reach the waterfall, I will meet you home” Lucifer said and walk away, within a minute he has already disappeared into a tiny air

“Waterfall again? Only god know where that waterfall located” Oscar said cos ever since he has been a personal assistant to Lucifer, Lucifer never showed him where the waterfall located and he even tried to search for it but he find nothing


