10133-chapter-3738 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10133-chapter-3738



“How dare you!” Teddy Brooks demand, slapping Genova hard on the face.

Genova staggered a little due to the hit but she stood back, her eyes on the carpeted floor.

“All I told you to do is to look for a way to get Xavier to his car but instead, you did the opposite”

“Are you here to help me or to sabotage my plan?” Teddy ask, grasping her neck and slamming her hard against the wall.

“Am sorry,Teddy. I do want to help you, I want to help you get back at Desiree but not this way. I can’t let you ki|| a innocent guy just to get your revenge” Genova spoke freely since Teddy isn’t squeezing the life out of her.

“Why? Because you love him?” Teddy ask.

“Yes” Genova reply, speaking the truth for once, he let her go, strolling back to his desk.

“I made it clear to you that love isn’t part of this. Why on earth will you let yourself fall for the enemy!” Teddy lash out.

“Love isn’t something you can control. The feeling just came and though I tried, I really tired to ignore it, I just couldn’t. When you sent me to Xavier today all I kept thinking was how to save him and am glad I did” Genova said and in return,Teddy hit his fist on the table, startling her.

“You said you were once in love with someone. Then you should know how I feel right now, you should know how terrible I will feel if I end up being the cause of his death or if I wasn’t there to save him” Genova added quickly, making Teddy remember Sophia.

“You are right. I was once in love and I was willing to do everything for her but they took her away from me. Do you blame me for wanting to do the same to them?” Teddy ask.

“I don’t! I don’t blame you but you should focus more on the one who hurt you, don’t let out your anger on the innocent one most especially Xavier. I have never asked you for anything before, so please, do this for me” Genova plead.

“Fine! I will stick to bringing Desiree down but if it doesn’t work then I go back to destroying everyone and everything around her” Teddy said, surprising Genova with his choice to agree with her.

“Do you have a plan on how to take Desiree down?” Genova ask.

“I do have and this time, it better work or you will pay for it”

A while later, Genova walk out of Teddy study, a smile spreading her lovely face.

Her phone began to ring and on seeing the caller, she quickly walk up to her room not wanting Teddy to hear her.

“This is Desiree” The old lady said as soon as Genova answered.

“I know, why are you calling me?” Genova ask.

“I need you to help me with something. You should know that I h@?? asking for help but you are the only one I know that can help me”

“If you are worried about the bomb today, I can assure you that Xavier is fine and….”

“I know. I do watch news and as long as he is okay there’s no need talking about the explosion” Desiree said, cutting her off.

“What do you need my help with?”

“It’s about Xavier’s marriage. I have a plan and you have to be a part for it to work” Desiree told her.


Adam was half drunk when Claire found him in the crowded bar.

He gulp down the liquid and was pouring himself another when Claire stop him.

“Why are you doing this?” Claire ask, setting the wine glass aside.

“Why do you think am doing this?” Adam ask in return as a foolish grin curl up his face.

“Am saying goodbye to the first girl I ever love” Adam return gently.

“Is there a need to say goodbye?” Claire ask.

“She’s married. Don’t you watch the news?” Adam demand.

“I do but judging from my perspective. I don’t think their marriage will last” Claire said, piquing his interest.


“From the gossip I heard at work, Turns out Desiree Landon doesn’t approve of Sally”

“That was why she announce Xavier engagement to that lady Genova during the company anniversary ” Adam added softly.

“Bingo! What I know about Desiree Landon is that she is someone who gets what she wants and so for this marriage, I can bet with you that it won’t last, Desiree will have her way and the two will end up parting” Claire told him.

“So, all I have to do now is to wait?” Adam ask.

“No. What you have to do now is to do what I say and I know of a way you can get what you want, how about making an appointment with Desiree Landon, herself?”Claire ask, a mischievous smile on her face.


“Is your sister always late? It’s getting dark already” Lucia Sawyer said, looking at the time on the watch she had on her wrist.

“She is often late. Don’t worry mom, she will be back home soon” Mathew said watching Marie who gave him a secretive look.

He pulled her to the kitchen out of ear shot.

“Why can’t we tell mom that Sally is married?” Marie ask as soon as they were alone.

“That’s because it’s not our thing to tell. Sally has to be the one to tell her, we can’t interfere. Have you been able to get through to her?” Mathew ask since he gave Marie the task of calling Sally.

“I have but her phone is dead ” Marie reply just as Lucia walk in, startling the two.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost? What’s the matter?” Lucia ask, noticing the suspicious way her twin are acting.

“Nothing” Marie and Mathew said in unison making them more suspicious.

“Start spilling it. What are you two hiding from me?” Lucia ask.

“You guys won’t believe what happen today. There was an explosion at Landon real estate and Sally and Xavier happen to be there, it’s pure luck that they didn’t get into the car and….Oops!” May stop talking when she walk into the kitchen to see Lucia in the room.

“Mom! You didn’t tell me you were coming” May said giving Lucia a hug.

“I told no one and I’d like for you to continue what you were saying about an explosion” Lucia said, disentangling from the hug.

“Oh that? It’s nothing”

“Will someone tell me what is going on? Why are you all keeping mute when it comes to Sally? Did something happen to her?” Lucia ask, worried about her daughter.

“I can assure you that nothing happen to Sally. She’s okay but we aren’t the right person to break the news to you, Sally should do it herself” May said softly.


” Don’t get down, yet” Xavier said as he stop his newly purchase car in front of his apartment.

Sally watch him walk round the car to open her door and as gently as he can, he help her out of the car.

“Stop fussing over me. I only grazed my arm and nothing else” Sally said, starring at the band aid use to cover her injury.

“To me a graze is a big deal. Am just glad that you are okay” he said, pulling her into the warmth of his arms.

Sally wrap her arms around his waist, smiling with sheer joy but that smile soon vanish when she someone approaching them.

“Sally Sawyer! You better have a good explanation as to why you got married without telling me!” Lucia yell at her daughter.

“Mom” Sally call, pulling away from Xavier.

“Your mom?” Xavier whisper and when she nod in return, he quickly walk towards Lucia, his hands outstretch.

“Hello Mrs Sawyer, I am Xavier Landon, Sally’s husband” Xavier said, waiting for her to take hold of his hand but she ignore it and went towards Sally, taking hold of her hand instead.

“We are leaving” Lucia said.

“What? But mom I….”

“Do not mom me! Your marriage to this man is not valid. I don’t want you with him, I don’t want you around anything that has to do with the Landon family!” Lucia burst out in anger startling Sally and Xavier…….

TBC ❤️
