10129-chapter-3132 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10129-chapter-3132



“You what?” May question, sliding Sally a disbelieving look.

“I said am in love with Xavier. I don’t know when it began or how, all I know is that I love him. I couldn’t bring myself to say no to him when he proposes earlier” Sally reveal.

“After what I told you?”

“I know that it’s risky staying with Xavier while knowing his grandmother is a murderer, but I can’t help it. I can’t seem to let go, try to understand me, please” Sally stood up, taking hold of May hand.

“Seems like there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s obvious you are head over heels for that guy cause the Sally I know will give up what she wants just to please the people around her. I should never have let you spy on him, this is all my fault” May said, feeling guilty.

“You are not at fault and I know what am doing. Put your mind at rest and trust me, okay”

“You know I trust you” May said this while giving her a hug.

“And before I forget, someone is outside who wants to see you” Sally inform.


“Why don’t you go and see for yourself”

May got outside to see no one there, she was about to return when James got out of the car.

On seeing him, her expression change, she ignore his greeting and made a turn to go back in but he came after her.

“Give me a listening ear, May” he said, his hold on her arm detaining her.

“Why? To listen to more story you’ve cook up in that head of yours?”

“At first, I approach you to know what you and Sally were up to. Remember the day I visited your workplace. That was when I met Jenny, she was a friend I lost contact with, we got around to talking and she told me about you. She made me believe that you took her job from her and have been looking down on her ever since ”

“And you believed her?”

“I knew nothing about you other than you having a secret with Sally. Jenny mention something about you being an ice queen and am someone who enjoys a challenge. I saw your coldness as something I could melt and one thing led to another and we ended up making a bet” James finish, letting out a sigh.

“And am sure you had fun trying to prove that you can melt me?”

“May I….”

“Save it, James. Have heard enough to last me a life time. Now that you’ve said your peace, can you leave and I hope you will keep your distance from me” with that said, May pull her hand free and was about to go in when he pulled her back.

She staggered into his arms and he use that opportunity to pull her into his arms.

“What are you….” May words caught in her throat when he cup her cheek.

“I don’t know what I’m doing too but what I do know is that we can’t end things this way. There’s no way am getting out of your life, no way!” He said and claim her lips.

Meanwhile, Marie walk into the room she share with Mathew to find him prop on the only sofa in the room, reading a book.

A smile curve Marie’s face and slowly, she approach him, removing the book and sitting on his lap.

“Okay, this is new. Something happen?” A stun Mathew ask.

“Since Sally and May are busy with their thing. I thought we should also do our own stuff” Marie ask, wrapping her arms around his neck to press a light kiss on his lips.

Mathew respond by kissing her back,accommodating her on his laps. They kiss for a while both licking and sucking every part each other mouth.

It wasn’t until Marie slid her hand under his chest that he stop her.

“What?” Marie ask as he set her aside gently.

“We can’t do this” Mathew reply, ruffling his hair in frustration.

“You don’t want me” Marie said, looking sad.

“I do want you. You have no idea how much I want you, Marie but it seems like you are forgetting one big hurdle”

“Right! We are siblings” Marie said softly.

“Look, why don’t we do something. Let’s stay away from each other for a while”


“To cool off. If we stay together then things might be hard and we won’t….”

“No! We can’t be separated. Anything but us being separated” Marie cry fiercely, holding him tight.

“We have to do it, Marie. Who knows, a bit of a separation might be able to help us think straight and the feeling between us might just dissipate” Mathew said, gently pulling away from her.

“That’s what you want? Isn’t it your aim to discard me?” Marie ask.

“I’m not discarding you. I just want us to stay apart for a while”

“Fine then, if that’s what you want!” Marie choke out, letting go of him to walk towards the door.

“Marie” Mathew call, hoping she’d be able to understand but Marie couldn’t, the hurt she felt couldn’t let her reason at all.

“You’ve said your mind haven’t you? Then leave me alone!” She return, slamming the door behind as she leave the room.


Dressed in a white tux which did justice to his handsomeness, Adam walk into the hall which the Anniversary will be taking place.

He was immediately waylaid by Claire, who pulled him to a private spot to have a word with him.

“Is Sally here?” Adam ask, his eyes searching the mass of people in the room.

“No and I got you here just to go over our plan. Do you still remember what you have to say?” Claire ask him.

“I do. That’s the main thing here, how can I forget?” Adam said in return earning a smile from Claire.

“Since it’s settled, off you go to Sally, she just arrive and also know that I’m rooting for you two” Claire added before floating off.

Sally on the other hand was greeted by some of her colleague. Since it’s the company anniversary, all the workers of Landon real estate has been invited.

Through the midst of a lot of guest, Sally notice Claire and wave at her, she was about joining her when she notice a familiar figure in the VIP section.

Sally smile when she saw Xavier, he got up from his seat in the vip section and began to make way towards her but the sudden arrival of Genova ruin it.

From where she stood, Sally watch Genova hug him, practically acting like a leech by plastering herself against him.

This got Sally angry and jealous, she almost walk towards them to pull Genova away but the assurance of Xavier ring in her finger made her stop.

“They look good, don’t they?” Desiree sudden question got Sally looking beside her.

“You look a little flustered, did I catch you off guard?” Desiree ask sweetly.

“A little” Sally reply, feeling a bit scared in her presence.

“That’s good since I still have more surprises for you. I hope you like it” Desiree said and went off to join Genova and Xavier who were in a deep talk.

The MC chose that moment to get on the podium calling up Desiree for a brief word of advice.

From where Sally stood, she watch Xavier help his grandmother on the podium and when he would have left, Desiree held onto his hand.

“First of all, I’d like to make a toast” Desiree began as the waiter and waitress pass a glass of champagne around to everyone.

When Desiree had her glass in hand, she continue her speech.

“You might all be wondering what the toast is about but I can assure you that it’s a joyful occasion since it’s about my grandson” Desiree smile at Xavier who also smile in return, wondering what his grandmother is up to.

“A joyful occasion needs to be shared with everyone and that is why I’d like us all to raise our glass to toast to my grandson Xavier Landon and his Fiancee Genova William on their recent engagement ” Desiree announce, startling everyone, most especially Xavier and Sally.

Is this the surprise she meant earlier? Sally thought as she watch Genova get on the podium to link hands with Xavier who still have a stun look on his face.

Congratulations poured in from everyone except for Adam who also found the whole thing confusing.

Isn’t Xavier Landon engage to Sally? Adam thought as he saw Sally leaving the room.

Sally stood at the garden, trying to hold back the tears that thr_@ten to spill.

“Sally?” She turn to see Adam standing there, watching her.

“Are you okay?” He ask and she force on a bright smile.

“I am okay. Is there a reason why I shouldn’t be” Sally said,hoping he’d take a hint and leave.

“Why is Xavier getting married to someone else when you told me a few days ago that you two are getting married?” Adam ask and when Sally said nothing, he continue.

“Did he cheat on you or did he think that lady in there is more better for a wife? ”

“I didnt do either” Xavier crisp tone came from behind them.

He walk past Adam and took hold of Sally’s hand.

“Let’s get out of here” he said, pulling her along but Adam took hold of Sally’s hand, preventing them from leaving.

“What are you doing?” Xavier ask, glaring at Adam.

“There’s no way am going to let Sally leave with you. You will just have to take her over my dead body” Adam said fiercely.


Desiree Landon and Genova were at the boutique going through some wedding catalogue when Xavier walk in.

“Xavier!” Genova call in excitement.

“Am glad you made it here on time. Come take a seat and help Genova pick a dress” Desiree offered but Xavier shook his head.

“I didn’t come to sit with you guys to pick a dress, I have a surprise for you, grandma” Xavier said just as Sally walk into the room.

“Don’t tell me she’s here to help me pick a wedding dress?” Genova ask, snorting in disbelief.

“No. On the contrary, I will like it if you help her pick a wedding dress for our church wedding”

“What!” Genova burst out.

“You heard me,Genova and grandma, I’d like you to say hello to Sally not as Sally Sawyer but as Sally Landon” Xavier said, startling everyone including the attendant in the room.

“You see, Sally and I are married” he added, flashing them all a smile…..

TBC ❤️
