10125-chapter-2526 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10125-chapter-2526



“Cause you see, the lady is mine” Xavier said, watching their linked hands with a feeling of distaste.

“Xavier!” Sally call, pulling her hand out of Adam to get up.

Still wearing that angry expression, he strode towards them and when he got to where they were, he took hold of Sally’s hand.

“Let’s go!” He said in his crisp authoritative way but Adam had something to say to that.

He took hold of Sally’s other hand, preventing her from leaving.

“What do you think you are doing?” Xavier ask, glaring at him.

“I should be asking you that Mr Landon and you said something earlier which still baffles me. How on earth is Sally yours? Cause from what I know, she’s just your secretary” Adam stated, trying not to be intimidated by Xavier look.

“Do I have to give you an explanation?” Xavier ask, moving towards him, his eyes boiling with rage.

“You have to since you won’t be leaving this room with her” Adam reply, moving towards him too.

Sally watch in horror as both men glare at each other, judging by the anger coming from Xavier, Sally could tell that they will get into a fist fight and that’s the last thing she wants, most especially for Xavier since he have a reputation to protect.

“Adam, I suggest you go back to your photo$h00t while I stay here and talk to Xavier” Sally begin slowly.

“I’m not leaving you here with him. Only God knows what he is planning to do” Adam said fiercely and Xavier fist tighten.

Sally notice Xavier action and it prompt her to take hold of his clench fist.

“Xavier wouldn’t hurt me, he is my fiance” Sally inform and that certainly did Adam a blow.

“Your what?”

“You heard her and now, I want you to get back out there and finish the photo$h00t and one more thing, stay away from my fiancee” Xavier threw at him, pulling Sally out of the room.

A brief glimpse at Adam told Sally that he didn’t seem to take the news well.

“Xavier, slow down. Xavier!” Sally call as he pull her along but he didn’t answer.

He got to a room which had private written on it and push her in.

Sally could see that he is still angry but why on earth is he? It’s not like she did something wrong? Sally thought to herself.

Nevertheless, she has to make things clear so he will stop getting the wrong idea.

“Xavier, I know you are angry but I can explain, what you saw there….” A gasp left her lips when he suddenly had her pin against the wall, towering over her.

“You think this is anger? Then you know nothing about how I feel ” he said, his voice silk and soft, sending strange shivers down her spine.

Sally wasn’t given the chance to speak because Xavier lips came crashing down on hers.

At first it was a hard, punishing kiss and she tried to fight him, pushing at his arm but that only fueled his action.

Pulling her closer, he deepen the kiss, sliding into her moistness, tasting every inch of her mouth and that got her surrendering to him, kissing him back and tasting him in the same way.

“Gosh! You have no idea what you are doing to me, Sally” his voice came out hoarsely while he trail kisses down her neck.

Sally tighten her arms around his waist, loving what he is doing to her, she has never felt this way with anyone,not even when she was dating Andrew.

That thought got Sally stiffening in his arms. Just a few kisses and she’s slowly turning into a wanton in his arms, a guy she feels nothing for.

With that thought in mind, Sally said the first thing that came to mind.

“I think we should end this” as soon as she said that, Xavier pull away to stare at her.

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“The marriage and everything is a mistake. I suggest we stop now before we end up doing something crazy” Sally said, trying to calm her racing pulse.

When he said nothing, she began to leave but he pull her back, lifting her by the waist, he made her seat on the only table in the room and stood in between her legs, giving her no room to escape.

“Xavier what are….”

“Shut up and listen. We are getting married, you made a choice and I made a choice and we are sticking to it” he said, watching her intently.

“In four days time, the company anniversary will be held. I intend to announce our marriage then, it will keep the likes of Adam away from you”

“I told you that Adam means nothing…”

“I know but I can’t help it. I get jealous when I see you two together, I don’t like it and I don’t like him” Xavier said fiercely, his arms around her waist.

“Don’t you think you are being absurd?” Sally ask.

“Think wh@??ver you want but keep it in mind that I don’t share what is mine, you are about to marry a very possessive man” Xavier said and though his warning is meant to make her feel scared and wary of him instead it got her pulse racing with excitement.

What the hell is wrong with her?


Mathew went up to the room with the dinner he prepared for Marie and himself.

Ever since their argument in the afternoon, she has been lock up in the room which is very unlike her.

Mathew knock twice and when he got no response, he open the door and walk in.

She was lying on the bed with her back turn to him, he knew by the movement she made that she isn’t asleep.

“I got you something to eat” Mathew said, placing the tray on her bedside table.

“I am not hungry!” Marie said, her voice coming out as a snap.

“You haven’t eaten anything ever since we got back from school today. You need to eat, Sally and May aren’t back yet and….”

“I just told you that am not hungry. Why can’t you just take that and leave me alone!” She yell at him, sitting up on the bed.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You give out your number to other guys and I don’t make a fuss the way you are doing right now!”

“Go away, Mathew”

“Not until you tell me what your problem is! What exactly did I do wrong, huh?” He ask and when she said nothing, he said to her “You act like a child sometimes”

With that final outburst, he turn to leave only for him to stop at the door when Marie speak.

“This is not me being childish. I am like this because I feel jealous! I don’t know how or when it began but I….I like you Mathew!”

“What did you just say?” A startled Mathew ask.

“I said I like you. Not as a sibling does to a brother but as a girl does to a boy. You must be disgusted right? I h@?? myself for being this way but I can’t help it” Marie yell at him.

“Just go Mathew! Pretend I never said it and….” Marie’s word were left unsaid when Mathew claim her lips.

A moment ago, he was by the door starring at her with disgust and suddenly he’s kissing her…. Marie pulled back, starring at him with huge confuse eyes.

“Mathew you….”

“It’s crazy and forbidden but just like you, I can’t control myself too. I can’t stop my feelings for you, Marie” Mathew confess.

“So you…feel the same way?” Marie ask and Mathew gave a nod, pulling her towards him for a proper kiss and this time, Marie kiss him in return.


“It’s still the same thing?” Teddy ask, speaking to his private investigator on the phone while in the confine of his study.

“Make sure you keep looking. It’s a must that you find her, she’s the only one apart from Desiree Landon who knows what happen twenty years ago”

“Just give me good news the next time you call” Teddy said and end the call.

He left his study to see Genova walk in with a four to five shopping bag in hand.

“What are you up to?” Teddy ask.

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already?” Genova set down the bags to give Teddy her utmost attention.

“What exactly did I forget?” Teddy ask again.

“The party. The Landon anniversary taking place in four days time” Genova reminded.

“It totally skip my mind” Teddy said guiltily.

“I hope you put it in mind from now on cause that day Desiree and I plan on giving everyone a surprise”

“And that surprise is the one you told me about the….”

“Don’t jinx it by saying out again. For now, it’s just going to be between Desiree, you and I” Genova said quickly.

“I hope that things go accordingly, I don’t want any mistakes, Abigail” Teddy warn.

“There won’t be mistake cause our plan is definitely going to work, Xavier won’t be able to get out of it even if he tries” Genova reassure, a smile curving her lips.


“Hello everyone” Sally call out cheerfully as she got home.

“Marie, Mathew, May” Sally call again but no response.

“Are they asleep already” Sally murmur, heading upstairs but something caught her eyes when she walk pass the kitchen.

“Hello there, I thought you were asleep already” Sally said to May as she walk into the kitchen.

“Drinking alone? You should have wait for me” Sally went to get a glass, moving towards a quiet May to pour herself the bubbling champagne.

“Didn’t we agree to only drink champagne when we are having a joyous occasion?” Sally ask, sipping the bubbling content.

“We do have a joyous occasion” May speak up, swirling the liquid in her glass.

“Really? Tell me about it” Sally said, taking another sip.

“Turns out someone among us is getting married” May said and immediately, Sally cough out the content in her mouth, watching May who now had a angry look on her face.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you are getting married to Xavier Landon!” May demanded…….

TBC ❤️
