10121-chapter-1718 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10121-chapter-1718



Genova was driving down to Landon real estate when the memory from the past came to her.

It all started two years ago when the real Genova died. Her own name then was Abigail.

Abigail had known Genova when she move to Australia for college but an accident which they were both in had ki||ed Genova and disfigured Abigail.

She could remember that she had been at the hospital when she first met Teddy Brooks.

He told her of Genova’s death and assured her that he will take care of her since Abigail is an orphan.

He did as he promise and even payed for the operation which help repair her face but Abigail had been shock when she found her new face to be that of the late Genova.

Teddy then told her of his plan. To Genova family, she’s dead but to the Landon family, Abigail will take the place of the late Genova and befriends with Xavier so Teddy will be able to get his revenge on Desiree Landon.

Teddy never told Abigail the reason for his hatred on Desiree Landon and she never ask.

Her job here is to earn Xavier trust and also seduce him. Teddy made it clear that she should never let her heart meddle in their plan but she has made a mistake of falling in love with him.

Teddy doesn’t know about her feeling and he won’t be knowing. She will seduce him like he wants and who knows, he might end up falling for her…Genova thought as she step on the gas.


Mathew had just finish taking his bathe when he got to the room to find Marie in the room.

“I thought you were downstairs” Mathew said, feeling a bit self conscious.

“I just came to get my phone and am glad I came” Marie said suddenly which got him starring at her.

“What do you mean?”

“I almost don’t recognize you with those muscles, have you been hitting the gym?” Marie ask.

“I haven’t” Mathew answered, moving towards his table to pick up his lotion.

“Aren’t you leaving, I need to get dress” he said, his back on her.

He expected her to leave as he said but instead, she took the lotion from him and put some on her hand.

“Let me” she said, standing behind him to rub the lotion on his back.

Mathew didn’t expect such action from her and though he wanted to, he couldn’t stop her since he like her touch.

He stood still while Marie rub the cream all over his back, stirring up feelings in him.

Feelings he did his best to keep under control. It wasn’t until he felt his manhood hardening that he stop her.

“I will do it myself” he said trying to move away but Marie stop him.

“But I want to do it. I need to know just how perfect your abs is so I can flaunt it to my friends when we get to college” Marie said, totally innocent.

She began rubbing his chest and that did it for Mathew.

His control snap and he took hold of her hand and pin her against the nearest wall, starring down at her while breathing heavily.

“Do you know what you are doing?” He ask.

“I was just….am sorry” Marie apologise, watching him with those innocent eyes of hers.

He shouldn’t do it but he can’t stop himself, he wants to kiss that innocent lips, cuddle her in his arms and kiss her till she’s gasping for breath and asking for more but instead, he move away, silently cursing himself.

“Mathew, are you….”

“Stay away! ” He said, moving away from her.

“I don’t think I can do this. Am using the couch” he said, moving towards the drawers to take some fresh clothes before leaving the room while Marie stood, watching the close door with tears glistening her eyes.


“I know have taken you by surprise but the difference this time is that I mean it, I want to marry you, Sally” Xavier continue, walking around the desk to come stand in front of her.

“B…but marriage is a sacred thing. It’s not something we can just get into just to get your grandma off your back” Sally said softly.

“I know and I know that am being selfish by using marriage to prove to her that I can take care of myself but it’s the only way I can think of right now and by being my wife, she will have no cause to harm you” Xavier said, trying to make her see the reason.

“But we don’t…we don’t love each other. How will our marriage work when there’s no love? ” Sally counter.

“Love isn’t necessary, Sally. It’s a feeling which makes one do something stupid and end up hating himself forever ” Xavier said, looking wistful.

“Were you scarred by love?” Sally found herself asking.

“Scarred? Of course not, I didn’t even have time to waste on such emotion”

“But being in love is the best feeling one can ever feel” Sally said.

“That’s your belief but it isn’t mine. To me love is an unwanted and useless emotion and so you can be rest assured that you won’t have me grovelling at your feet confessing my feeling. Our marriage will be a contractual one”


“Yes. Marrying me will help me take the first step in getting out of my grandmother clutches while you will have my protection for as long as you want. It’s beneficial to both of us and that makes it a contract marriage” Xavier explain.

“Xavier I….” Sally didn’t get to finish her sentence because Genova walk in, Interrupting them.

“Genova, what a surprise” Xavier said as Genova walk straight into his arms, giving him a hug and at the same time, starring at Sally.

“I wanted to surprise you and since there was no one at the secretary desk, I decided to let myself in. Who’s she?” Genova ask, still standing in Xavier arms.

“She’s Sally Sawyer, my secretary. Sally this is Genova, my friend” Xavier did the introduction.

“Just your friend. Common, we are more than friends. Nice to meet you, Sally” Genova said, stretching her hand for a shake.

Sally took the hand while wondering why she felt some kind of hostility from the woman.

“How about you get to work and leave Xavier and I to talk. Thank you” Genova said, giving her marching order.

Sally was at the door when she heard Xavier say.

“About our discussion, we continue later”

She didn’t bother to give him a reply, instead she left the office giving them the privacy they needed.

“You were rude to her” Xavier said, taking his seat.

“I wasn’t. I just wanted her to leave us alone and I kind of sense something going on between you two before I arrive, what’s up?” Genova ask, feeling a bit upset just by the thought.

“Nothing. I was just asking her something”

“Which is?”

“None of your business. Why are you here?” Xavier ask, going through the document on his desk.

“To ask you out to dinner and you mustn’t refuse” Genova said, hoping he’d go with her.

Sally on the other hand was typing out a document when she got a call from an unknown.

She didn’t want to pick at first but then she ended up picking.

“Where do you want us to meet?” She ask after listening for a while.


The VIP section Sally was led to made her think that she’s walking into the lion den.

Did she do right by agreeing to meet her….it might just be a trick to capture her, Sally thought as she hesitate at the door.

Putting her fears aside, Sally walk into the room which had Desiree Landon in it.

“I thought you wouldn’t come” Desiree said, already seated at the table, helping herself to some steak.

“I told you I would,I never go back on my word” Sally said, seating beside the lady.

“Aren’t you scared that I might abduct you or something?” Desiree ask, a smile playing on her lips.

“I did thought of that but if you were going to abduct me, you would have done so instead of asking me to see you” Sally reply.

“Good reasoning. Just like I promise, I have no intention of hurting you or anything, I only want to talk to you” Desiree said, pushing her plate aside.

“And does it have to do with Xavier?” Sally ask, remembering their discussion from earlier.

He had told her to wait after working hours so they could continue their conversation but she had escape before he could call for her.

“For the first time ever, Xavier is rebelling and it’s because of you. Have offered you money to stay away from him but you’ve refuse, tell me, what else can I do for you to stay away from my grandson?” Desiree ask.

“You called me here just to ask that?”

“You might think it’s a trivial issue but it’s not. Xavier insist on doing things his way and I….”

“Why don’t you let him do things his way. He is a grown up man ” Sally said, cutting her off.

“A grown up man who has a disability. You found out his secret due to him not being careful, imagine if his disability issue gets into the hands of an enemy. He’d be made a mincemeat ” Desiree lash out.

” You are right. If this get into the hands of a wrong person then it will turn out bad but what you should understand is that Xavier is a grown up man who can take care of himself, give him a chance to show it to you” Sally said.

“Now I get it. You are in love with Xavier, right?” Desiree ask.

“Am not….”

“Well, I won’t blame you. He his handsome and rich too, who wouldn’t want him but you should know that Xavier is a nobody without me, couple with that, he’s suffering from a disability which will be quite embarrassing sometime. Unlike other men out there, my grandson is the worst candidate you could ever pick, so I will advice you to reconsider” Desiree said.

Sally wondered why she felt angry listening to her talk about Xavier in that manner.

She made him look like a useless person and just so she can get her to leave her grandson….Sally thought, fuming within.

“So, are you rethinking the whole thing?” Desiree ask and Sally stood up.

“You know, just this afternoon. Your grandson ask me to marry him”

“H…he did what?”

“He ask me to marry him and I was going to refuse him. Not because of his disability or the terrible things you just said about him but because he’s a wonderful guy who deserves to be love and to receive the love you fail to give him ”

“How dare you! What do you know about Xavier’s upbringing!” Desiree yell at her.

“I know enough and that’s why am going to marry him. I will marry him and together we will show you that without you, he can make it on his own !” Sally said, speaking out of anger.

She turn to leave only to stand still when she saw Xavier standing at the entrance, watching her.

“You are marrying me, after all” he said, smiling at her and Sally silently curse herself.

She had said that out of anger and Xavier had heard….will she end up getting married to him……

TBC ❤️
