10118-chapter-910 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10118-chapter-910


Sally blink her eyes twice, wondering if she’s dreaming. Did Xavier Landon just ask her to marry him? It must certainly be a joke…she thought.

“Marry me, Sally” he said and that got her sitting up.

They were still in his car, park at gawd knows where.

“You can’t be serious”

“I am serious. You told me to show her that I can take control of my life and that’s by taking the first step which is marrying you” he said.

“Marriage can’t be the first step. We hardly know each other and am not in love with you” Sally said in return and when he said nothing, she got out of the car mainly because she was feeling choke by the atmosphere.

A while later, Xavier got out of the car too and walk towards her.

“You are right. I shouldn’t have ask you to marry me, I wasn’t thinking and I….can you forget I ever mention it” He said and she gave a nod.

“Have you figure someone out for the model?” Sally ask.

“He’s coming to the company tomorrow, get in, I will take you home”


“What! She called you just to warn you off her grandson?” May ask as she gave Sally a drink and settle on the sofa beside her.

“It’s a terrible experience, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone else” Sally said taking a sip of her juice.

“What happen next?”

“Xavier showed up and took me out of the house then he brought me home” Sally told her, deliberately leaving out the marriage part.

“Didn’t you get to find out something?”

“I didnt but don’t worry, I will get close to him as a friend and get him to spill all his secrets” Sally said with conviction.

“Your mother called earlier today. She said I should tell you that the twins will be staying here since their college dorm isn’t ready yet”

“When?” Sally ask.

“They might arrive tomorrow or the next. You spend less time with them, make sure you do so now that they will be spending some days with you” May advice and Sally let out a sigh.


Sally got to her office to see someone at her desk, snooping around.

Definitely James,she thought as she put down her bag, slowly walking towards him.

He had his back turn to her and he couldn’t see her which made it perfect for Sally.

She wrap her arms around his neck and tighten her hold on it.

“You know James, you’ve been getting on my nerves for a while now but I choose to ignore but what I won’t ignore is you snooping around my things” She said not letting go.

“Does it hurt! Does it! Then this will teach you never to snoop around my things!” Sally yell at him.

“What’s going on?” Xavier sudden arrival got Sally looking up and she was shock to see James beside him, watching her.

“But…aren’t you….oh my God!” Sally let go of the man she thought to be James.

“It’s Mr Parker” James said, rushing towards the man who is now setting his hair in order.

“What are you doing strangling the model!” James directed at Sally who was more shock to find out that he is the new model.

“The model! I…I didn’t know….I thought he is you and…am sorry” Sally apologise adding a bow to it.

“Take Mr Parker to my office” Xavier direct to James who immediately obey.

Sally’s head was bent but she knew Xavier was starring at her.

“I will deal with you later” he said and went to his office.

Sally went to her desk chastising herself , as soon as Mr Parker comes out, she will apologise to him once again….she thought.

It was an hour later when the meeting ended.

James came out of the office with Mr Parker in toll.

As soon as she saw him, Sally stood up to apologize.

“You know what I h@?? most?” Mr Parker ask, leaning against her desk to stare at her.

“I h@?? being rough handle and so, am not going to accept your apology. I’d rather get back at you the same way, an eye for an eye” he said and that got Sally looking at him.

She was expecting to meet a angry look on him but instead, he was smiling at her.

“Now that have got you to look at me, will you go out to get coffee with me on my next visit?” He ask, holding her gaze.

“Coffee? I don’t think….”

“Then you’d prefer I choke you the same way you did with me?” He ask, she shook her head negatively.

“It’s settled then. You will be having Coffee with me when I come again” he said walking towards the elevator with a cynical looking James.

“Mr Parker….”

“It’s Adam” he said cutting her off.

“Since we will be going on a date, it’s only right that you call me by my first name which is Adam. See you when next I come, Sally” Adam said, waving at her.

Sally sat on her seat wondering how she got herself into a date with a total stranger when Xavier came out of his office.

“Is it too hard to say no? You just met the guy today and you are going on a date? Aren’t you scared? He could be a bad guy!” Xavier lash out startling Sally.

“Forget it. Am going to the roof, I don’t want anyone bothering me not even you” he said, taking the stairs.

An hour went by without Xavier and though Sally did her best not to care, she couldn’t help it.

She was about to go in search of him when the fire alarm rang out, alerting everyone.

Sally ran for the elevator about to evacuate but then she took the stairs, heading to the rooftop where Xavier is.

He stood a distance away, starring down at other buildings.

“Mr Landon! Mr Landon there is a fire and we need to leave ” Sally yell out to him but he didn’t budge.

She ran towards him, calling his name but he didn’t answer.

It was until she took hold of his hand that he notice her.

“There’s a fire! We need to leave” She said and immediately, he took hold of her hand and run downstairs.

“It’s best we use the elevator” Sally said, heading towards it but when she saw him hesitate.

She realise that he must have a fear for it and so, she suggest that they use the stairs.

They were on the eighth floor when the intercom buzz with a message.


“Thank God, we are safe” Sally said as she stop descending the stairs.

“What are you doing? We need to leave or we will be trap in the fire” Xavier said, taking hold of her hand.

“Wait Mr Landon” Sally said, pulling her hand out of his.

“What is it?” Xavier ask while Sally gave him a puzzling look.

“You didn’t hear the message from the intercom?” Sally ask.

“What message?” He ask in return.

Deciding to do a thorough check, Sally wrap her arms around Xavier and stood on tip toe to whisper into his ear.

“I love you” she pull back, watching his face for some reaction but it was blank.

“What is….”

“You can’t hear me, right?” Sally ask interrupting him.

He pull away from her but Sally took hold of his hand, forcing him to look at her.

“You can’t hear me or anyone else and that’s because you are deaf” she conclude, finally finding out his secret…….

TBC ❤️
