10114-chapter-12 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10114-chapter-12



“So you need to get an exclusive before getting your promotion?” Sally ask May as she found a bench for them to seat on.

The park was a bit filled with children, adults, parents watching out for their kids and couples and friends who just came to have fun at the park.

Sally and May agreed to meet here since they always frequent the park whenever they get a free time.

“They didn’t tell me about the exclusive part. They watch me work my @zz off only to delay my promotion ” May said, feeling a bit used.

“That’s cruel but I know you can work this out. You are the greatest reporter have ever known, so this is definitely a piece of cake for you” Sally said, trying reassuring her friend.

“I know right and that’s why have thought of a very good exclusive. What do you think about Xavier Landon?” May ask.

“I do know Xavier is a one of those tycoon in the real estate business. Why do you ask?”

“I plan on using him to get my exclusive” May reply while Sally gave her a puzzling look.


“Like everyone, we’ve only ever heard about Xavier Landon but we don’t know who he is, he keeps a low profile and does his best to get out of a press con or interview. After thinking things through have come to realise that he is keeping a secret, a secret which I want you to find out” May told her friend.

“Why me?”

“Cause you are the best when it comes to playing the part”

“Am not an actress, May?”

“I know you aren’t one but you aspire to be one. I saw the audition booklet of the Shakespeare play in your room, you auditioned for it, right?” May ask and Sally nodded.

“What if I tell you that Xavier Landon is the one sponsoring the play. I did my finding on it and also while helping me out, you can get close to him and get him to help you with the audition” May suggest.

“I don’t May, this isn’t right” Sally said doubt fully.

“What’s right is that we both help each other. You get him to help you with the audition and I get my exclusive when you find out his secret” May said, nudging her on the side.

“Common, Sally”

“Okay, if I do agree to this. How am I suppose to get close to him, I don’t even know what this guy looks like” Sally said.

“To be sincere too, I don’t know what he looks like but I have ask a fellow reporter to help with his pics and I heard that there is a secretary spot open at Xavier company. You can go for the interview which takes place next week” May inform.

“Can I use the rest room?” Sally ask and left May there.

In a tent in the fun fair, Xavier Landon sat still while the palm reader stared at his hand.

Xavier sigh out for the third time since the palm reader have been starring at it for a while.

He stare at Genova Williams, his childhood best friend. Between them, she has always been the outgoing one, the one who loves to party while he is just the boring guy which he somehow like since no one bothers him.

Since it’s the weekend, Genova had force him to hang out with her at the fun fair which is why he is the tent, getting his palm read by a weird lady.

“All I see is just one thing” the lady said sometime later, letting go of his hand.

“What do you see?” Genova ask.

“Red, a lady in red is about to come into his life and she’s definitely going to turn it around” the palm reader said.

“Around in a good way or a bad way?” Genova ask.

“That I don’t know but you should be alert of the lady in red”

“Lady in red my foot” Xavier let out when they were out of the tent.

“Common, she might be right”

“Lady? You do know that apart from you and my grandma, I have no lady friend”

“That’s because you scare them off with your * Don’t come close* looks” Genova counter.

“You weren’t scared by it”

“I wasn’t but then I had to try about ten times before getting you to be my friend. Seems like am the only one who can tolerate your attitude” Genova said, linking arms with him.

“You are glad to be out here with me, right? I saved you from staying locked up in your study trying to think of ways to earn another million” Genova said.

“You didn’t and now that you mention it, it’s about time we leave”

“Common Xavier, it’s still too early and there’s still a lot of things to do”

“You know I h@?? being around people” Xavier reminded.

“Which is why you have to start getting use to it. You are the CEO of a real estate company, you need to interact more with people most especially your employees” Genova counter.

“I don’t need to interact with my employees, they get payed to do what I ask them and that’s final”

“Okay! But for today, you will be spending more time outside with me. Oh! It’s cotton candy, let me get some for us” Genova said, rushing off.

Xavier was still waiting when two men approach him.

“Sorry to intrude but are you Xavier Landon?” One of them ask while the other brought out his camera to take pictures.

The camera lights got Xavier feeling dizzy, he has always h@??d the paparazzi, the only thing they do is to ask questions and take pictures which he h@??.

“Hey! where are you going? Follow him!” The man said when Xavier ran off.

By now, a lot of reporters were chasing him, they must have got hold about him being at the fair? Could Genova have told them….he thought as he got to a photo booth.

He got in only to see a lady seated there, posing for the camera.

Sally sat right when an unknown man walk in, she was about telling him to leave when she heard some voices outside.

🗣️ Where is he?

🗣️ I thought I saw him pass here.

🗣️ We mustn’t lose him.

🗣️ How about we check the photo booth?

On hearing that Sally stare at Xavier who panicked, she have to do something to help him, it’s obvious he doesn’t want them finding him.

Getting up, she pull off her coat and drape it over him and then sat beside him.

“Put your arms around me” she said.


“Do as I say or you will be caught” she said and when his arms came around her, she pulled his head towards her making it look like they are kissing.

“Oh! Sorry” the man who came to check the photo booth said.

🗣️ It’s just a couple in there, let’s go look at other places.

When they heard the receeding footsteps, Sally let go of Xavier, wondering why she felt a bit uneasy.

“Why did you help me?” Xavier ask.

“Because you need rescuing” she answered.

“Are you sure? Isn’t it because you will like me to be in your debt?” Xavier ask since he’s use to that sort of thing.

“And why will I want you in my debt. Are you the president or are you Xavier Landon? If you are one of them then that’d be great” Sally burst out.

“You mean you…don’t know me?” Xavier ask.

“I don’t, I only helped out a man in distress and so, I better get on” she said, turning to leave.

“Wait! Your coat”

“It’s best you keep wearing it. They won’t recognize you with that on” she said and turn to leave only to stop.

“And also saying thank you is the best thing at situation like this” Sally added and left.

Xavier made a call to his chauffeur and Genova and when the call ended, he found himself thinking of Sally, wondering who she is.


“Boss, boss, we are here” James, Xavier temporary secretary call but Xavier didn’t answer which got him muttering under his breath.

“Here we go again. Acting like he doesn’t hear me when I know he does”

Letting out a sigh, he lightly touch Xavier arm.

“We are here” he said as Xavier finally gave him his attention.

“Can I have my schedule” he ask and immediately, James began to read it out.

“I said that can I have it, I didn’t tell you to read it for me”

“Am sorry sir” James apologise giving him the sheet.

“The interview for a new secretary is happening today, right?” Xavier ask

“It is boss” and I will be free from you and being your secretary….James thought this within.

“Let’s get on with it then. Hope the stairs is free, I don’t want to run into anyone” Xavier said as they walk into the company.

“It’s just like you always want it” James said leading the way up the stairs while walking past the elevator.

On the other hand, Sally was on the third floor when the elevator broke down, luckily for her and some others.

They were help out of the broken elevator, not wanting to be late, she decided to use the stairs.

She had just taken a few steps when her heels fell off, cursing softly, she made way back to it only to stop when she saw two men at the end of the stairs.

One was holding her shoe while the other was staring at her with anger.

“Didn’t you know that you are not suppose to use the stairs during this time of the day!” James yell at her.

“Am sorry, I just thought that….” Sally words trail off when she saw the man from the photo booth.

“You!” She cried out while Xavier kept starring at her, holding onto her shoe.

“Why are you here and….arrgh!” A cry left her lips when she slip and find herself falling headlong but before she could touch the floor, someone arms came around her, holding her still.

For a while, the both of them stared at each other and at that moment, Xavier remembered something someone said to him.

“Red, a lady in red is about to come into his life and she’s definitely going to turn it around”

Xavier eyes stray down to Sally gown and it turn out to be red. He also remembered something the palm reader had told them when they were leaving.

“It’s going to happen in a week time. Your lady in red will come to you in a week time”

Could this lady be the lady in red?…..

TBC ❤️
