10113-chapter-2526 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10113-chapter-2526



“Won’t you say something?” Amber ask, pulling away slightly to stare at Romeo.

“The truth is that I don’t know what to say. Have only thought of you as a friend and…nothing else” Romeo said, denting Amber’s hope.

“Well, it’s not too late for you to begin to see me in a new light? We could go on dates and….”

“Easy there, Amber. I will admit that am shock by your confession but that doesn’t hold me back from telling you the truth. Am in love with someone else, I can’t love you the way you want me to, am sorry”

“But you can try to love me, you can’t expect my feelings to just disappear and…”

“The best thing for you to do now is to let go of wh@??ver feeling you feel for me cause no matter what, I can never love you back” Romeo said and left Amber there, fuming.

He got out outside to see Louis waiting, looking a bit guilty.

“What are you doing here?” Romeo ask.

“Nothing. I just….I think I hurt Juliet’s feeling” Louis confess since he’s been feeling guilty ever since she left.

“What happen?” Romeo ask.

“I kind of brought her here and she witness Amber’s confession to you and….”

“You mean Juliet saw everything that transpire between Amber and I?” Romeo ask.

“She did ” Louis reveal.

“But why? Why will you bring her here and…never mind, what way she did went?” Romeo ask and when Louis pointed the direction to him, Romeo turn to leave but Louis stop him.

“I suggest you let her be”

“And let her keep thinking the worse about me, hell no!” Romeo said, pulling out of his hold.


“So, did you confess your feelings once again?” Natalie ask the moment Travis walk in.

“She h@??s me” Travis said, laying on the bed.

“Care to tell me what happen?” Natalie prompt and that got him telling her the whole detail leaving out the secret he knew about Judy.

“Who care if she h@??s you. What matter here is that Graham will no longer be a thr_@t to you” Natalie said when he finish.

“Is that all you have to say?” Travis ask, getting angry.

“Keep it cool guy. What am trying to say here is that even if she h@??s you, you can find a way to win her heart and that won’t be hard since she lives with us. So stop brooding about it and start thinking of ways to get rid of the h@?? she feels for you” Natalie told him.

Amber chose that moment to arrive, looking angry and frustrated.

“Things didn’t go well, right?” Natalie ask, guessing from Amber’s anger.

“He loves her! He is in love with her!” Amber fume.

“Did he tell you that?” Natalie ask.

“He did and he rejected me on spot but it’s not the end. Romeo will end up being mine, I don’t care what I have to do to achieve that but I will definitely make him mine, I swear”


“Okay the card has been sorted out, why don’t we…” Clarissa words trail off when she saw Darren asleep.

While everyone chose to go out sightseeing, she had stayed indoor with Darren playing with with him and they’ve been on it for a while now until he fell asleep.

“Darren, Darren” she call gently but he only stirred and didn’t wake up.

Clarissa sat on her heels starring at his sleeping face. It had been love at first sight when she first saw him and she won’t deny that it’s because she wants to get close to him that she tag along on this trip.

Will he think her too young when she confess her feeling…she thought, watching him with rapt attention.

The arrival of Judy got her moving away from Darren who also woke up.

“Go pack your things Darren, we are leaving” Judy said.

“What? But why?” Darren ask, following Judy into the bedroom.

“It just can’t work, Graham and I can’t work out and I want to leave. If you are coming with me, go pack your things cause am leaving first thing tomorrow” Judy said, taking a carrier bag to pack up the little clothes Darren had brought when he was coming.

Judy was glad that Darren didn’t press for more question and when she heard the door close, she knew he must have gone to pack.

Did Clarissa leave too…Judy thought as she went out of the room to see Graham standing against the door, watching her.

“What are you doing here?” Judy ask.

“To talk to you”

“I believe we said everything we had to. Where’s Darren and Clarissa?” Judy ask.

“I told them to leave us alone since what I have to say is just for your ear alone” Graham reply, walking towards her.

“Graham, I believe we have nothing to….” A gasp left her lips when he pinned her against the nearest wall, shocking her to the bone.

“So, you are leaving?” He ask, his angry voice sending shivers down her spine.

“I am. There’s nothing to stay here for” Judy reply trying to sound strong when she was shaking like a leaf within.

“You know, I came here to talk to you reasonably but you’ve just change my mind” Graham said.

He slid his hand into his pocket and make a call to Romeo.

“Is Juliet with you?”

“She’s not? Well, make sure you find her and keep her away from their room. Make sure she doesn’t return tonight” Graham said, ending the call.

“What are you doing, Graham?” Judy ask as he strode to the door and to her horror, he bolt it, throwing the key out of the window.

“Why the hell did you do that!” Judy question, walking towards the window to check for the sign of the key.

“To keep you indoor. Tonight it’s just going to be you and I” as soon as he said that, Judy turn to see him taking off his shirt.

“Wh…what are you doing?” She ask, backing away but he caught her by the waist and pull her into his arms.

“Have been trying to play it cool between us but I can’t anymore. I intend to make you mine tonight” he said softly.

“No! It will be rape, Graham!” She said, trying to pull away but he claim her lips, kissing her fiercely.

She tried to fight him but he is just too strong and his kisses…his kisses are slowly draining any fight within her.

With her own volition, she curl her arms around his neck and kiss him back.

He pull back slightly to stare down at her.

“It won’t be rape sweetheart, it definitely won’t be rape” he whisper and claim her lips once more, lifting her by the waist and into the room.

<< BEACH >>

Juliet was strolling beside the water, enjoying the peace and quiet of the night when Romeo showed up.

As soon as she spot him some distance away, she immediately turn to leave.

She was making her way to the hotel when he caught up with her.

“We need to talk ”

“I have nothing to say to you” Juliet said trying to walk past him but he stood firmly in her path.

“What you witness between Amber and I a while ago is….”

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Romeo. I don’t care what goes on between you and Amber” Juliet said, hoping he’d leave her alone but he did the opposite.

“You should care! ” His yell, startling her for a while.

“You know that I feel nothing for Amber, you know it’s you I want” He added softly.

“You know I love you even without me saying it, you know it’s you. You’ve known for a while now and that’s why you keep pushing me away”

“I don’t….”

“You heard my thoughts, Juliet. I didn’t believe you at first when you told me yesterday but I do now and I know that you know that I love you and I do love you a lot, Juliet” Romeo reveal…..

