10109-chapter-2930 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10109-chapter-2930


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With the flight take off half an hour ago. Everyone on board were doing their thing.

While some sleep, some talk, some listen to music and some just stare out through the window.

Judy was among those starring out through the window when Graham push up the arm rest separating them.

He move towards her and lay his head on her shoulder.

“Graham you….”

“Just until we get to New York, let me stay this way” he said, his arms snaking around her.

Judy’s heart swell with love as she stare at him. She wouldn’t deny that she had been sad when she chose to leave last night but having him here, trying to fight for their love made Judy realize that she should do the same.

She should come clean with him, he deserves to know the truth. As soon as they get to New York, she will be telling him the truth.

On the other hand, Juliet was busy with her phone when she heard the click of a camera.

She turn to find Romeo taking a picture of her.

“What are you….”

“Let’s take a picture together” Romeo said, putting his arm around her shoulder so they can get the perfect picture.

“Relax, am not taking the picture to post it on my status and claim *She’s my girl* I just think it’s time I change my profile pic” he said when he saw the uneasy look on her face.

“Am not worried about that instead am wondering why you still insist to get close to me” Juliet said.

“And why wouldn’t I want to get close to you?”,

“You know my secret. Don’t I scare or disgust you? ” Juliet ask and gently, Romeo took hold of her and gave it a light kiss.

“Right now, I think you are the best girl out there. Not only are you beautiful, you manage to steal my heart and you’ve got a special ability. What more can I ask for in a girl when you have it all” Romeo told her.

“Tch! Stop being corny” Juliet said, trying to pull her hand out of his but he tighten his hold.

“Am not being corny Juliet, I really mean it. You think you are scary and a disgust to people but I think you are the most beautiful person have ever met in my life, I fell for just you and to me, your special ability is a bonus. Understand?” He said and Juliet gave a nod and watch him kiss her hand again.

“I like you, Juliet. I really, really do ” he said and that got her heart racing.

They got to New York safely and they all walk out of the airport to get a taxi.

“You guys should go ahead, I need to take Judy somewhere. Take care of our bag” Graham said, running off with a puzzled Judy.

“How about I take Juliet home while you take Clarissa” Darren suggest.

“Hell no! No offense to you Clarissa but I just don’t want to be separated from Juliet yet ” Romeo reply.

“Oh! Then I will take Clarissa home. Trust that you two can get Graham and Judy’s things back safely?” Darren ask as a taxi stop in front of him.

“We can” Romeo said waving at Darren and Clarissa who got into the taxi.

“Today is Saturday and I always spend it alone” Juliet said the first thing that came to mind.

“Likewise but from now on, we will have to change that cause the weekend will be our dating days” Romeo told her.

“Dating Days? I haven’t agree to be your girlfriend” Juliet remind.

“Which is why we have to spend the weekend together so I will be able to charm and make you fall for me” Romeo said and that got her laughing.

“You should laugh more often. You look lovely when you do” He said, adjusting a wayward strand of hair from her face.

“Just a warning before you embark on this journey of charming me, you should know that I am a very boring person and it’s hard to impress me” Juliet said.

“That’s fine. Am hard to impress myself and am a total bore even to myself but together, we will work things out. I am willing to give it a try if you will” He said, waiting for her reply.

“I’m willing to give it a try too” Juliet said, taking hold of his outstretch hand.

“Then let’s go put this bag somewhere and go out on our first real date. Have got a lot plan for us” Romeo said.

“Oh really?”

“Yes, have been planning it ever since the day we met”

“Were you so sure that I will someday go out on a date with you?”

“I had my doubts but I knew for sure that you were mine from our very first meeting” Romeo said as their voice trail off to the sound of vehicles passing by.


Louis was busy with his phone when he got a notification about Romeo changing his profile.

He click on it and saw a picture of Romeo and Juliet.

That made him jealous, he tried to stop starring at the picture but he couldn’t.

The thought of Juliet and Romeo together made him angry and Jealous and he has never for once feel that way before.

“They look good together, don’t you think?” Amber who was seated beside him ask.

“Am not in the mood for your ?îtçhiness” Louis warn.

“This isn’t about being ?îtçhy. This is about showing you what you can lose if you don’t act” Amber began and he gave her his full attention.

“The promise you made me, you won’t be able to keep it cause you did the number one thing you’ve always tell yourself not to do. You’ve fallen for Juliet”

“That’s impossible….”

“It’s not! Have been watching you ever since you click into Romeo’s profile. I saw the look on your face and I recognize it to be one of anger and jealousy, I feel that way when I see Romeo with other girls most especially Juliet”

“But I can’t possibly be in love with her. I don’t even believe in love” Louis said, feeling a bit lost.

“You are in love with her and the earlier you accept it, the better for you”

“What do you mean?”

“The more you keep telling yourself that you are not in love with her, the more you lose her to Romeo, do you want that?” Amber ask.

“I don’t” Louis found himself replying.

“As much as I am disappointed in you for falling in love with Juliet, I am still willing to offer you my help” Amber said to him.

“Or do you intend to refuse since you think the way I do things is wrong? ” Amber added when she saw him hesitate.

“Amber you know….”

“It’s either you take my hand and work with me to keep those two away or you lose the girl you love to someone else” Amber said, cutting him off.

“I’d advice you to take my hand cause you will be losing a lot if you refuse it, so make a choice” Amber added waiting for Louis reply.

“Where are we?” Judy ask as Graham took her up a bridge that has lots of padlock on it.

“The love pad bridge”

“Care to elaborate” Judy said, her hand lock with Graham.

“Well, it’s called the love pad bridge because it’s a couple bridge. Couples come here together, write each of their name on a lock and once they’ve close the lock against a part of the bridge, they throw the key away” Graham began.

“The lock itself signify their togetherness while the key signify forever. Couples believe that by doing this they will be together forever and since am one of those people who believe in it, I decided to come try it with you. Hope you don’t mind?” Graham ask.

“I don’t ” Judy said, smiling at him.

Graham brought out a padlock and marker from his pocket and after writing his name on it, Judy did the same.

Then they found a space among many other locks and put theirs there and together they threw the key in the water below, both laughing by their action.

“Have always wanted to do this with you but you’ve always but me at bay” Graham said, wrapping his arms around her.

“I had my reason” Judy reply, feeling a little shy in his arms.

“Reasons which I hope won’t be a problem between us anymore. All that matter is that I love you and you love me too, right?” Graham ask, waiting for her reply.

Judy will have love to say yes right away but before that, she needs to tell him the truth.

If he loves her like he claim then, he will be able to forgive her.

“Erm…Graham, I need to tell you something” Judy said.

“Is it a good something or a bad something?” Graham ask.

“In-between ” Judy said as he began to shake his head.

“I don’t want anything to ruin this moment for us Judy, so let’s save wh@??ver you are going to tell me for another time”

“But Graham….” Graham silence her with a kiss, ending wh@??ver protest she was going to make.

Judy let go of her thoughts to savour the moment with Graham, wrapping her arms around his neck, she kiss with the same intensity he use in kissing her.

When the kiss ended, they pull away slightly to stare at each other, both smiling.

“I love you, Judy” Graham said softly.

“And I love you too, Graham” Judy said, initiating their second kiss.


“Is that a smile I see on your face?” Judy ask as she and Juliet got out of the bus heading to the Crystal high.

“Was I smiling?” Juliet ask in return.

“You were. I have no doubt that Romeo is the one making you smile” Judy said as they walk past some students.

“He is. It’s been fun getting to know him and he likes me a lot but…”

“Don’t tell me you don’t like him?” Judy ask.

“I do! I really like him but am scared”

“Scared of what?”

“Of what people will say when they find out that the best guy in school is dating a freak” Juliet said.

“You are not a freak Juliet. You are the best there could be out there and that’s what Romeo likes about you. Do not worry about what others think, just worry about what makes you happy which is Romeo and your family and your friends” Judy said.

“You are right! Thanks sis” Juliet said, tapping her lightly on the @zz.

It’s a fun thing they do when they commend one another.

“What about you? When do you plan to tell Graham the truth?” Juliet ask.

“Today. Am going to do it today and no more pushing it” Judy said with fierce determination.

“Good and if you need support just call for me” Juliet said which got Judy smiling.

“Time to head to different direction. See you after school” Juliet said, waving at her sis.

“See you” Judy wave back at her before going the opposite way.

Judy’s heart kept pounding hard and she wonder why? Is it because of the step she’s about to take? Judy thought as she saw Graham a distance away talking to two of his friends.

She was about calling his name when someone else did.

Judy watch a girl run towards Graham, giving him a hug.

“You’ve have no idea how much have miss you” the girl said, her arms wrap around Graham’s waist.

The real Judy is back….

