10106-chapter-2728 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10106-chapter-2728



“I love you, Juliet” Romeo said jolting Juliet out of her reverie.

“Let go of me” Juliet said, pulling her hand out of his.


“You can’t be inlove with me? There are other girls, girls like Amber, girls who doesn’t have to live with a curse like mine….why does it have to be me?” Juliet ask, cutting him off.

“I don’t know too but what I know is that have fallen for you from the first day we met. Touch me to know if am lying” Romeo said, putting out his hand.

“I don’t want to. I don’t want to know, I don’t want you to like me, I don’t want your attention! All I want is a peaceful life in school, I thought that if I act invincible, people will ignore me but then, you came and change every….” Juliet word was left unsaid when he pull her into his arms, kissing her.

Juliet was shock at first and when she tried to pull away, he tighten his arms around her, deepening the kiss.

Though she never show it, Juliet have always wonder what her first kiss will be like and now that it’s happening, she has got to admit that it isn’t what she imagine.

Romeo claim her lips for the last time before ending the kiss, he kept starring at her, she had her eyes close and a smile spread across his face.

“It’s a first for me too” he whisper making her lids flutter open.

“This kiss is also my first kiss” he admit, watching her with intensity.

Wanting more of her, Romeo lean in, trying to initiate another kiss but Juliet pull away.

“Errr…I need to go” she said and turn to leave but Romeo stood in her path, preventing her move.

“Juliet you….”

“All of this…is new. I don’t know what’s happening to me….I feel my heart is gonna burst out of my chest in any minute…so, let me go, please” Juliet said and not waiting for his reply ,she took off.

“Her heart bursting out of her chest…is that a good or bad thing?” Romeo ask himself and went after her.


Graham place Judy on the bed, both feasting on their lips, finding it hard to stop.

Graham lean over her, his hand roving all over her and Judy couldn’t stop herself from caressing every part of his naked chest.

It wasn’t until he reach for her button that sanity return and she stop him.

She move away from him, sitting on the edge of the bed, she heard him call her name but she didn’t dare turn.

She felt the bed dip and knew, he is coming towards her, Graham sat behind her and wrap his arms around her.

“Forgive me for being too fast, I just had to show you…I wanted you to see how good we are together” he said softly, kissing her neck.

Tears glisten Judy eyes and slowly, she got off the bed and knelt in front of him, taking both his hands.

“You are right. Somehow, I like you. I love being around you but it’s not going to work”

“Are you saying that because of our social difference?”

“I couldn’t care less about that. The problem is me…am…am not…good enough for you” Judy said,having stop herself from telling him the truth.

“Don’t say that”

“I have to. It’s a keen reminder to me that nothing can ever happen between you and I. You deserve someone better and that’s not me” Judy said, getting up.

“So, are you giving up on us?” Graham ask.

“There was never an us. Remember, we broke up before the accident?” Sally said, using the memory he remembered against him.

“There’s really no chance for me in your life, again?” Graham ask and Judy gave a nod.

“Fine then, have it your way” With that said, Graham left, giving Judy the chance to cry her eyes out.

Juliet got to the room to find Judy crying and immediately, she got on her knees just as Romeo arrive.

“What’s wrong, Judy?”

“I want to leave, let’s go, please” Judy said in-between tears.

Juliet pull Judy into her arms and said softly.

“If we are going to leave then we should do it tomorrow”

On hearing that, Romeo storm off to his room in search of his brother.

“What happen between you and Judy?” Romeo ask as soon as he walk in.

“Nothing” Graham reply, sitting on the sofa looking lost.

“Nothing? They are leaving tomorrow! What are you going to do about that?” Romeo ask.


“Good morning everyone” Louis greeted as he join Amber, Natalie and Travis at the resort restaurant for breakfast.

“What’s so good about the morning?” Amber ask, feeling ?îtçhy as always.

“But things went accordingly. Travis spoke with Judy, Graham got angry like Natalie wanted and you got to confess your feeling. Shouldn’t it be a good morning?” Louis ask, spreading jam on his bread.

“It did go according to how we plan but we didn’t get the result we want” Natalie told him.

“How can you get the result you want when you are doing it the wrong way” Louis said suddenly, earning everyone attention.

“So,if you think we are doing it the wrong way, what’s the right way?” Amber ask.

“I don’t know. Am not sure but what I can tell you is that you won’t get any of them if you continue with your scheme”

“Louis, what the hell is….”

“I can assure you that nothing is wrong with me. It’s just a simple advice am giving and if you don’t take it, then that’s your loss and also….they left” Louis announce.

“Who left?” Amber and Natalie ask at the same time.

“Judy, Juliet, Darren and Clarissa” Louis reply.

“As long as Graham and Romeo are here then I don’t care” Natalie said as Travis got up.

“Am leaving too” he said, walking off.

” There’s one other thing you should know, Graham and Romeo are gone too” Louis said and left before they could bombard him with questions.


“Put the bags up and take a seat” Judy urge Darren who pick up their bag to put in the luggage space.

“Are you sure you want to leave?” Darren ask taking his seat beside Judy while Juliet and Clarissa sit in the front seat.

“It’s the best thing for us” Judy answer.

“I don’t think so” Graham said earning their attention.

Romeo and Graham stood with their bag pack in hand.

Graham whisper something into Darren ear and immediately, Darren stood up, taking hold of Clarissa, heading to another seat.

“Where’s Darren going?” Judy ask.

“I told him to go use our seat at the first class region” Graham reply, taking hold of Judy’s hand.

“I can’t let you give up on us, more than ever I want you in my life, Judy and If I have to dedicate my time proving to you that we are meant for each other then so be it, just don’t push me away cause I can’t live without you” Graham said, leaning towards her to claim her lips briefly.

“I love you” he whisper to her and just at that moment the intercom buzz with an announcement for everyone to fasten their seat belt.

A smile play across Judy’s face as she fasten her seat belt.

While Romeo take hold of Juliet hand, giving it a light kiss.


” Are you really going to do this?” The middle age lady seated behind the desk ask the girl standing in front of her.

“I am. I have to go back to New york” the girl said.

“But why? Why go back when you are about to make a success in your modelling career?”

” I left someone back there. I left the love of my life and I need to go to him” the girl said.

“Won’t you reconsider, Judy?” The lady ask, addressing her by her name.

“Am sorry, my mind has been made” Judy reply, walking out of the room.

“Am coming back Graham, am coming back to you” Judy mutter as she began to book a flight to New york…….

