10105-chapter-2324 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10105-chapter-2324



Romeo was on his way to Juliet and Judy’s room when he got a call from Graham.

“Amber wants to see us?” Romeo ask.

“Yeah, she just called me now. She wants to talk about business, do you have an idea what the business is about?” Graham ask.

“I don’t and why will you think I have an idea”

“Cause she’s your friend. Anyway, she said it’s important and that we join her at the restaurant, do you want to go?” Graham ask waiting for Romeo’s reply.


“Why aren’t they here yet? Did they really confirm with you that they are coming?” Natalie ask Amber.

They are both seated at the VIP section waiting for Graham and Romeo.

“Why do you look so calm?” Natalie threw at Amber but Amber wasn’t given a chance to reply as a waitress approach them, handing them a note.

Natalie read through it and toss it aside, angry at wh@??ver she read there.

“Graham and Romeo refuse to see us, right?” Amber ask guessing the content of the note.

“They did. Did you know they will refuse?” Natalie ask.

“I bet my chances on it. Why will they choose to be here with us when the Robert sisters are around. Anyway, this is good for us since we will be able to execute our plan perfectly. Go do your part while I do mine, see you later” Amber said, leaving the restaurant.

Natalie pull out her phone to make a call to Travis who answer on the third ring.

“So, are you with Judy?” Natalie ask, also leaving the restaurant.

“Just found her” Travis said down the line.

“Great. Send me your location and make sure you stay with Judy no matter what” Natalie said, smiling to herself.

Though it took her sometime and thanks to the help of one of the staff, Natalie found Graham.

She met him outside the gym, apparently, he had gone there looking for Judy.

“Graham, we need to talk” Natalie said but he walk past her, saying.

“I have nothing to say to you”

“But I do”

“Which I don’t want to listen to. Just leave me alone” Graham said but Natalie ran towards him, obstructing his path.

“You are looking for Judy, right? I know where she is! She’s at the outdoor pool” Natalie said, adding to it.

“And she’s not alone. She’s with Travis. You know right? You know that my brother is in love with her, why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Why don’t you just get to the point” Graham said, his patience wearing out.

“Judy is not the right girl for you. She acts shy and innocent but the truth is that she’s a seductress, she seduce my brother and now that he’s fallen for her, she wants to discard him since she finds you to be a more better catch” Natalie said.

Graham gave her a condescending look and was about to leave when she took hold of his hand.

“You still want to go to her after what I told you?” Natalie ask and he yank his arm off.

“Am going to confirm if all you said is true. So, leave me alone” he said, storming off and Natalie smile.


Natalie send the message to Travis, knowing her brother won’t let Graham get his way this time.


Wanting to be alone, Judy had chosen a quiet place which is the poolside. No one would come out for a swim at night, she thought, enjoying the night view.

“Mind if I join you?” Travis ask, making known of his presence.

“You don’t have to join me cause am about to leave ” Judy reply, getting off the chair she is sitting on.

“Are you still mad at me? I told you that I didnt know about Natalie posting the picture on the….”

“You don’t have…”

“I have to. I want you to believe me, you need to know that what I told you that night is real. I do like you, Judy, I like you a lot” he said, taking hold of her hand but she pull away.

“Well, I don’t feel the same. I don’t like you, Travis” she said, feeling a bit cruel for hurting him.

When he said nothing, she walk past him only for her to stop when he began to talk

“So, Is it Graham you love? You know you are lying to him, you know you are decieving him and yet, you love him?”

“That’s none of your business” Judy said hotly.

“It is my business. I won’t stay still and watch the girl I love go after a guy who isn’t for her. He has his own Judy and if she return someday, that will be the end for you. Have you thought of that?” Travis ask.

“I have! You have no idea how guilty I feel whenever I see Graham, so stop acting like a know it all!” She yell at him only for him to seize her arm.

“End it with him, Judy! End it or I will tell him the truth” he said looking like a maniac.

“Let go of me, Travis. You are hurting me” Judy cry out but he didn’t let her go, instead Graham chose that moment to show up, pushing Travis away.

“You bastard!” Graham rasp, shielding Judy behind him.

“Stay out of this Graham. This is between me and Judy” Travis said.

“Sorry dude but there’s no way am letting you get close to my girlfriend. Stay the hell away from her, you’ve been warn” Graham said, taking hold of Judy to pull her along.

“Do I have to say it here, Judy! Do you want me to tell him, here! If you don’t want that then do the right thing, don’t turn me into a monster!” Travis yell after her and that made Judy stop.

“Judy” Graham call and she stared at him with sad eyes.

She can’t let Travis tell him the truth, he doesn’t deserve to find out this way…she thought pulling away from him.

“Go away, Graham” she said softly.


“Go away. I can take care of myself, you don’t need to meddle neither do you have to act like my boyfriend” Judy said, trying to hurt him.

“Is this you choosing him over me?” Graham ask.

“Think wh@??ver you want. All I know is that I want you to stay away from me and I mean it” Judy said, walking towards Travis.

Travis gave Graham a look before going after Judy.

He caught up with her in the garden, tears were streaming down her face.

“I did what you want! Leave me alone!” Judy yell at him.

“You know it’s best you stay away from him now than for him to find out the truth” Travis told her.

“What you did right there is utter selfishness. You were only thinking about yourself and not me or anyone else and for that, I h@?? you” Judy said and ran off before he could stop her.

Juliet stood on the resort rooftop, taking pictures of the night sky.

She had left Darren and Clarissa when they decided to play cards and she’s been wandering about until she got here.

She was about taking another picture when she got a call from Romeo.

She ignore it like she did the other time and was about to leave when Louis showed up.

“Thought I’d find you here” He said, walking towards her.

“What do you want?”

“To keep you company. I know you like stargazing at night” he answered.

“How do you know that?” Juliet ask.

“Came across it while checking your school bio. How come a girl like you doesn’t have a social media acct?” Louis ask, looking aghast.

“What I do is none of your business” she said turning to leave but he stood in her path.

“Going already? Isn’t it too early? Why don’t we go sightseeing?” Louis ask.

“Am not interested” she said walking past him and at that moment, Amber send him a message.





When Amber had told him of her plan earlier, he had made a decision not to take Juliet there, his intention is to take her sightseeing so she wouldn’t have to witness the confession but he will have to do that now.

After all he’s only helping his best friend get the guy she love and he shouldn’t concern himself with Juliet….he thought going after Juliet.

He caught up with her when the elevator door is about slid shut.

“Juliet will you accompany me to the ball room?” He ask.


“Amber! What’s wrong?” A worried Romeo got to the ball room expecting to find Amber in some kind of trouble but instead, she is doing fine.

“Glad you made it, Romeo”

“You told me you were in danger or is it a lie to lure me here?” Romeo ask.

“Am sorry. It was the only way I could get you to see me”

“Now that you have, I better get on my way” he said, turning to leave but she stop him.

“You can’t leave until you hear me out” Amber said knowing that Juliet and Louis are outside listening.

“Can’t you see it, have been giving you the signs for a long time but you refuse to see it which is why am going to say it tonight”

“I love you Romeo. Have been in love with you the very first day we met” Amber reveal.

“You are in love with me?” Romeo ask, shock by this revelation.

They’ve always been friends, he has never seen her more than that and he believe she felt the same way.

Amber move close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist to snuggle close.

“I love you Romeo. Am madly in love with you and I know you feel the same about me” Amber said.

Juliet who had heard this stared at Louis who was watching her in silence.

Not being able to listen to them, Juliet left with Louis trailing after her.


“You knew right? You brought me here on purpose. You wanted me to see that” Juliet accuse.

“Juliet I….”

“You shouldn’t have bother cause nothing is going on between Romeo and I. Amber is welcome to him for all I care” Juliet said walking past him but Louis caught hold of her hand which she pull away.

“One thing I h@?? most is people who approach me with hidden agenda. It makes me h@?? myself for trusting them and giving them a chance to get close to me but in your case, I won’t h@?? myself instead, I will h@?? you. Stay away from me, Louis” Juliet said walking off while Louis stood wondering why he felt hurt by her words………

