10103-chapter-910 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10103-chapter-910



” How dare that $cvmbag show his face to you again? I should have been there, I would have let out my frustration on him” Susan burst out, her voice loud enough to stir a sleeping Fiona.

“Shhh aunt” Stephanie said softly, starring at Fiona who had gone back to sleep.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that am so pissed that he show up wanting to even see you. Does he know about the kids?” Susan ask.

“He thinks I had them aborted and that am still living the life of a wh-_-re”

“What a scoundrel!”

“He is more than that. I just hope that he keeps on believing that the kids aren’t his. I don’t want a situation whereby I have to fight for them. The earlier we leave this place, the better for us all” Stephanie said softly, her eyes on Fiona.


Bobby stood in front of the window, basking in the warmth of the sun flittering in through the glass window while savouring his coffee.

The intrusion came when his secretary show up to inform him about his wife arrival.

“She’s here? Tell her am not around or better yet, tell her that am extremely busy and don’t have time to see her” Bobby rush back, heading to his desk.

But before his secretary could leave to do his bidding, Bianca barge into his office almost knocking the poor girl out of the way.

“What the hell is going on? Why am I getting this?” Bianca ask, throwing a file on his desk.

“Oh, you seem to have gotten the divorce paper” Bobby said non chalantly.

“I can’t believe you. When you told me about the divorce weeks ago, I thought you were bluffing but you really mean it! How dare you try to divorce me?” Bianca demanded, hitting her fist on the table.

“And why can’t I divorce you?”

“Have you forgotten that I made you who you are today. Thanks to the inheritance I got from Stephanie’s father, I use it to set you up and turn your poverty stricken life around and now, you dare to discard me?”

” Yes, I married you for your inheritance. I wouldn’t deny it, I wanted the money more than you did but you know that in the past five years, I have doubled that money and return it to you. You can’t deny it cause you and your mother have been living like a queen due to the money I multiplied with my effort!” Bobby said, yelling at her.

” You can’t do this to me. You can’t divorce me!” Bianca snap at him.

“I will and there’s nothing you can do. Just sign the paper and let’s go our separate ways from now on” Bobby said, totally tired of her.

Bianca walk round the desk and knelt beside his chair to take hold of his hand.

” But we love each other, you told me we are compatible and that’s why you chose me”

“A mistake, Bianca. It’s a mistake I constantly curse myself for. Let’s not kid ourselves. We don’t love each other, you only wanted me because Stephanie was dating me and I….out of greed chose you over her. For the past five years that we’ve been together, our life have been a mess. Let’s not prolong this and end it as fast as we can”

“You have a lover right? You are f-__-king someone behind my back and that’s why you want a divorce? Who is she? Is she one of the new dancers?” Bianca ask, looking hysterical.

“Think wh@??ver you want” He said making her scream.

She took the divorce file and tear it to pieces throwing the shreds at him.

“I won’t give you a divorce, Bobby. Whether you like it or not, I will keep being in your life and there’s no way, you will get rid of me, I promise you that” She said and left his office.

Bobby let out a sigh.


“Did you get to talk to Fannie Grey?” Stanley ask as he brought in his boss favourite medicine, Cheese cake.

“I did and she turns out to be someone I know from the past” Ashton said, still thinking about his earlier meeting with Stephanie.

“That’s good. Since you know her it will be easy to get her to sign with us” Stanley said with excitement.

“That will be ugh…a bit hard. You see am one of the people Fannie Grey h@??s in the world” Ashton said softly, bitting into his cheese cake.


“Remember I once told you that a lady once claim her pregnancy on me? Well, it’s her”

“Really? Who would have thought that you and the great Fannie Grey would have been something in the past”

“Is it a surprise that Fannie and I once had a thing?”

“It is. The news are going to have a field day when they got a hold of this info”

The door open and an elderly man in his early seventies walk in fuming.

“Ashton Maverick! You son of a gun!” Lucas Maverick, Ashton Grandfather yell, pointing his walking cane at Ashton.

“Grandfather, I wasn’t expecting you” Ashton said, standing up.

“I myself didn’t expect to be here but I had to. Did you forget what today is?” Lucas ask, walking towards them.

“And what’s today suppose to be?” Ashton ask as his angry grandfather throw his walking cane at him which went pass Ashton to hit the window before dropping on the floor.

“Why are you angry?” Ashton ask, knowing his grandfather can be scary when he is in this mood.

“I told you about the date with Denver group daughter, But you stood her up! You know that if things manage to work between you two then the Denver group will give us their support!”

“I already told you that am not interested in wh@??ver they have to offer us. We are fine without their support!”

“Say that when you manage to get Maverick Limited top one in the country!” Lucas yell back at him.

“It’s been three days since I put you in charge of this place but there have been no progress” Lucas added.

” Three days isn’t enough to work miracle on a failing company. I only need more time to bring back this company glory” Ashton said with determination.

“You can do that while also going on dates or do you intend to remain single for the rest of your life? I am old and I need to meet my grandchildren before I die, don’t you think so, Stanley?” Lucas directed the question at Stanley failing to see the sad look that cross Ashton face briefly.

“Grandpa, have had a failed marriage already, let’s not go through it again” Ashton said.

“So, you intend to remain single for the rest of your life?”

“By God’s grace” Ashton replied sweetly making Lucas temper boil.

“We shall see about that!” Lucas said and took his cane from Ashton and left.

“You really don’t intend to get married again?” Stanley ask sometime later.

” If there’s a reason for me to then I will but for now, no way am I putting myself in that $h|t again ” Ashton said wondering why he is suddenly thinking of Stephanie.


“What do you mean by the donor family pull out?” Stephanie ask the doctor in charge of Fiona.

“They suddenly got sentimental. They said they’d rather bury their deceased son with his body intact than to give it out” The doctor explain.

“So now we are back to wait listing?” Stephanie ask, looking dejected.

“Am sorry Miss Grey. Everyone is disappointed by the news but there’s still hope. We just have to keep praying for a new donor” the doctor said, trying to assure her with his words but Stephanie was far from feeling assured.

“Do we have to wait again for my new heart, mommy?” Fiona ask gently from behind and Stephanie went to her, giving her a hug.

“Everything will be fine cupcake” Stephanie said softly.

” For now, we will be discharging her and the other patient waiting. Once there’s a donor, we will let you all know” The doctor said, leaving the room.

Stephanie still had Fiona in her arms when Susan walk in.

“We’ve got a problem, Steph. Somehow the media found out you are here and they’ve been downstairs waiting to see you”

“How did they find out?” Stephanie ask.

“I don’t know but you need to leave. You are not in a state to see anyone and besides you don’t want your kids expose to this type of world, you said so yourself ” Susan remind her.

“Yes I did and am still bent on it. Stay here with Fiona while I go talk to the doctor about discharging her” Stephanie said, quickly leaving the room.

Stephanie stood in front of the lift waiting for it to open when someone took hold of her arm, pulling her into a room.

Stephanie tried to pull away but the strong arms tighten around her, pulling her close to him.

“Stay still. Two reporters are upstairs looking for you” Ashton said startling her.

“How do you know that?” Stephanie ask, pulling back to stare at him.

“I saw them” he replied, peeping through the door way to see the coast cleared.

“Let’s go” he said, taking hold of her hand but she pull away.

“I can’t leave, my aunt and….” She pause realizing what she’s about to reveal to him.

“I have it handled. Right now your aunt and my secretary are taking your daughter out through the back exit ”

“How do you know about my daughter?” Stephanie ask.

“I told you that it’s not over yet” Ashton said, reminding her of what he told her the other day.

” So you went digging some stuffs about me? What exactly do you know?” Stephanie ask, tensing.

“Easy. I didn’t go around digging like you said. I just found out the reason for you being at the hospital”

“What exactly did you find out?” Stephanie ask.

“Nothing much. If we don’t leave now, those reporter will show up ” Ashton warn.

“I don’t….”

“No more talking” Ashton said as he took off his neck shawl to wrap it around her head then he pulled out a dark glass and place it on her face.

“A perfect disguise, now come along ” Ashton said, taking hold of her hand.

Stephanie will very much like to tell him to get lost but she couldn’t, since she has to get out of the hospital.

They made it to the parking lot without being notice.

They were almost to his car when two men walk by and immediately, Ashton drew her into his arms, leaning towards her to make it seem like they are kissing.

“What are you doing?” Stephanie ask, starring into his deep blue eyes.

“What do you think?” Ashton reply, watching her in return while wondering why it felt nice having her in his arms.

His gaze shifted to her lips and he felt a great urge to kiss it.

Knowing what he intend, Stephanie push him away.

” Don’t you even think about it!” She said with a thr_@tening voice.

“The feisty mode is on again. For a while I thought you were melting in my arms” Ashton said.

“You think you are irresistible?” Stephanie ask.

“I don’t know about that but what I do know is that women tend to melt in my arms, you weren’t an exception”

” I was drunk and I don’t remember anything that happen between us that night” Stephanie said truthfully.

“Then you don’t mind me reminding you?” He ask, moving towards her but she move away.

🗣️ ” Hurry up. Someone said they saw Fannie Grey going through this way”

On hearing that, Stephanie and Ashton quickly got into his car and he drove them out of the parking lot.

Once they were far from the hospital, Stephanie pull off the glass and told him to stop the car.

“Why?” Ashton ask.

“You’ve done enough for me today. I can handle the rest” Stephanie gave her reason.

“But they might be following us and beside….”

“Just why are you helping me? What do you hope to get in return?” Stephanie ask and that got him parking the car in a safe area.

“I need to have a word with Fannie Grey” he said.

“About what cause if it’s work then I will tell you what have been telling others for years. I am not interested” Stephanie said, getting out of his car.

Ashton got out too only to get a call from his grandfather.

He ran after Stephanie and took hold of her hand while answering his grandfather call.

“I haven’t forgotten the date. I will certainly be on time” he said and end the call.

“Don’t let me stop you from going to your date, you wouldn’t want to make your date angry” Stephanie said trying to pull her hand out of his.

“I could care less about my so called date and why do I feel that you are somehow paying interest to my love life?” Ashton ask and Stephanie laugh.

Ashton found himself not able to take his eyes off her.

“It seems you don’t get it when I say that I don’t want to have anything to do with you and the same goes for your so called love life, it doesn’t interest me at all. Now let go of me!” Stephanie said trying to pry her hand free.

In one swift move, Ashton had her pine in his arms.

“Well you should start being interested cause I happen to be very much interested in yours, Stephanie Roger”

🔥T. B. C🔥
