10073-chapter-4546 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10073-chapter-4546



“He promised to help me find you and bring you here and he finally did it. He’s really the best dad, right Melissa?” Beauty asked and Melissa nodded.

“Will you leave us?” Melissa asked tearing up

“Yes but I promise to be visiting you often” Beauty replied with a smile.

“Thank you Mr. Miles, we’ll be on our way now” Angel bowed heading to the door with Beauty but Miles stopped her.

“You remember me now?” Miles asked with a glint of hope in his eyes but Angel shook her head negatively.

“But you just called me by my name” Miles said

“My daughter called you Miles earlier” Angel said releasing her hand from Miles grip.

“Can you at least tell me where you live so that I can visit”

“I don’t give my address to strangers”

“But I know your daughter and she knows me too”

“Doesn’t count. I will see you at home Wendy” Angel said and walked out.

“Mom, my properties” Beauty said when they were outside

“We will come get them later”

Miles dejectedly left the living room and went upstairs while Melissa sat down with a moody face.

Her sister has been taken away from her and things will never remain the same again. She blinked her eyes repeatedly until her tears started flowing freely.

Wendy sighed out and walked away to do her job, not knowing what to do.


Angel arrived with Beauty and Winnie creased her brows trying to remember where she met the little girl from.

“Who is she?” Winnie asked

“My daughter. I finally found her” Angel said stroking Beauty’s hair fondly

“Its quite a small world. She has been a few times with Miles and a little girl I suppose is Miles daughter” Winnie said and Angel smiled

“In that case, you met Miles again” Winnie whispered. Angel motioned Beauty to go sit on a chair and she did.

“What if I met him? Is there something special about this guy? Let me breath please. What should I do to help out here?” Angel said going towards the kitchen and Winnie sighed looking at Beauty who seemed so interested in wh@??ver she was watching on her phone.

For the past few weeks, she grew a bit attached with Miles, that Miles treated her like his own.

He took her shopping, bought her a lot of girls and kids stuff including the phone. It seems like something binds them together.

“This is going to be tough” she muttered

“So who is the father to your daughter? An indian?” Winnie asked as she joined Angel in the kitchen.

“He is not worth talking about. I’m not even planning to introduce him to her” Angel said

“What if Beauty starts asking questions, what will you tell her?” Winnie asked and picked up a cucumber.

“we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” Angel said and took the cucumber from her dropping it into a bowl of water.

“Why do I have this feeling that you are pretending not to remember Miles?” Winnie said and Angel smiled.

“See, I know that smile. What are you planning?” Winnie asked

“Something huge” Angel said and starts cutting the cucumber

“I knew it. The moment you said you don’t know who Miles was, I knew something was up but think about Beauty. Those two seemed to have a kind of bond” Winnie said

“I know Miles hurt you but don’t keep Beauty away from her father, please” Winnie pleaded and Angel sighed

“Enough about me, let’s talk about you” She said

“Me? There is nothing to talk about” Winnie said and threw a sliced cucumber into her mouth looking at everywhere but Angel’s face.

“Ofcos there is, dear girlfriend. Let’s start with the reason why you were hiding when you saw Chase” Angel said

“Its nothing” Winnie said and walked out hastily

She came face to face with Chase and turned to run back only to be pushed back by Angel.

She smiled awkwardly and faced Chase.

“Welcome sir. What would you like to have?” Winnie asked

“You” Chase replied simply with a sly smile.


“Coffee” he said and took a seat.


Luna was standing by the roadside Waiting for a cab. She was heading to a convenience store to get some girls stuff.

A car pulled up beside her and the glass rolled down to reveal Ryder.

“Where are you headed, let me give you a ride” Ryder said with a charming smile and Luna tucked her hair behind her ears shyly.

“the convenience store” she said taking her seat at the front beside Ryder.

The drive to the store was quite a lively one. A song started playing and it happened to be Luna’s favorite “Healing Energy” by Chris Brown.

Luna sang it quietly word by word until it goes to her most favorite part, she started shouting on top of her voice.

🎶 Healing energy on me.

🎵Baby. all I really need’s one thing.

🎵Healing energy on me.

🎵Baby,can you make a wish for me ?.

🎵Healing energy on me❤‍🩹🫶🏽

She kept singing with reckless abandon and Ryder tried as much as possible to match her energy. She was wild asf*.

He kept looking at her with smiles, he loves this side of her. Her free and lively side looks cute.

They arrived at the store and Luna didn’t make any attempt to get down from the car. She whined down the glass and called Ryder.

“At least be a gentleman and open the car door for me” she said blinking her eyes cutely and Ryder shook his head.

He started walking into the store without looking back and Luna came down from the car herself and ran after him.

“What kind of a person are you? So if I was your girlfriend, you won’t open the door for me? Luna asked

“Fortunately you are not my girlfriend, besides, I only gave you a ride. The least you can do is show gratitude not attitude” Ryder said and Luna rolled her eyes.

“Secondly, you are not my type” Ryder said and Luna’s mouth went open.

“What? A pretty girl like me? You must be joking, my face is to die for” Luna said

“Your face, I guess you can’t say the same for your front and back. Unfortunately, i’m kinda into ladies with big butt. Sorry” Ryder said and winked at Luna who gritted her teeth and stormed into the store.


Both Olivia and Miles have been trying to get Angel’s attention to no avail. She refused to give Olivia a listening ear and has been avoiding Miles himself.

She was at Winnie’s place with Beauty who was obsessed with wh@??ver she was doing on her phone.

Some people walked into the restaurant and Beauty looked up and saw Brandy walking in with Richie.

Beauty immediately ran to hug Brandy.

“How did you do it” Beauty asked

“Richie pulled some strings and I was released” Brandy said

After she was arrested, Richie couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. He has come to love and enjoy her company.

Seeing her in this situation without giving her a chance to explain things or without helping will be bad of him.

He had to use all the connections he have and spend as much money as he can to make sure that Brandy was released. They are currently living together.

“Richie?” Angel called

“Angel, where have you been? I’ve searched for you for a lot of times but couldn’t find you. What happened?” Richie asked

“Life happened” Angel said with a smile.

“Hi” Brandy waved nervously at Angel who ignored her like she doesn’t exist.

“Mom, aunt Brandy is saying hi” Angel said

“Mom?” Richie asked and Angel smiled

“How come” He asked again and Angel shrugged without saying anything.

She glared at Brandy and took her attention back to Richie. Brandy bit her lips and looked down.

“What do you want to have?” Angel asked and they took their seat. Beauty sat with them.

“Are you both together now?” Beauty asked with a smile staring at both Richie and Brandy and Brandy looked at Richie before moving close to Beauty.

“He’s still mad at me” she whispered

“Do t worry, he will come around soon” Beauty whispered back

Someone came in with a bouquet of flowers and handed it to Angel. She took out the note on it and read.

“I’M SORRY” was written in seven places with bold letters.

She has been receiving flowers twice everyday for the past one month. She knew it was from Miles but she just wasn’t ready to listen to wh@??ver explanation he has.

Winnie came in when Angel was serving them and her eyes widened.

“Brandy? Is this really you?” Winnie asked hugging Brandy who immediately stood up.

“Wait! You two know each other?” Angel asked and Winnie nodded

“Yes we were friends during highschool in America. Where is Selena? Do you hear from her at all?” Winnie asked shifting her attention back to Brandy.

“She is fine” Brandy muttered and Angel dragged Winnie away immediately.

“How did you guys know each other?” She asked when they were at the kitchen.

“We met I’m highschool and became friends. That’s all” Winnie said

“Just like that?’ Angel asked and Winnie nodded.

Miles came into the hotel shortly after and Beauty ran to him. He carried her up twirling her around and Beauty’s laughter echoed in the place.

“Now she is acting her age” Brandy muttered lowly staring at the way Beauty was clinging onto Miles.

“Best dad, what did you get for me today and where is Melissa?” Beauty asked. She started calling Miles beat Dad because that’s what Melissa described him to be and that’s what he exactly is, according to her judgment.

Miles handed a shopping bag to her and she opened it to see a lot of goodies. She laughed happily jumping on Miles again.

Angel came into the restaurant and her face turned into a sour one when she saw how close they were. She walked straight to them and took Beauty from Miles.

“Stay away from us and stop sending us gifts” she warned and Miles smiled

“I’m just starting” he said and stood up leaving the restaurant.

