10071-chapter-34 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10071-chapter-34


Roxy stepped out, her eyes roaming on her schedule with a frown on her face, she sighs as she tucks it away and saw Amelia approaching her with shaky steps, her eyes are darker blue than usual and she seems…. scared?

“What happened to you?” Roxy asked immediately Amelia eyes met her’s

“I’m fine, it’s just that I’m looking for a student here, her name is Kimberly and she’s supposed to show me around” Amelia said, trying to hide her ragged breathing as she reached for her pink box

“You wanted to replace me that fast?, I thought we were supposed to do everything together since we’re both new?” Roxy asked as she dragged her box along side with Amelia who’s still recovering from her earlier shock

“I will destroy you” Those words still lives in her head rent free, she subconsciously touched her neck, she can still feel his manhandled grip blocking her air supply, what’s wrong with her?

“We are together now, no need to make a fuss” Roxy continues as they swive right and Amelia eyes scanned the long line with blue doors, it’s twenty in number and they’re on the first row

“I guess this is the dorm?” Amelia asked and Roxy grined

“It sure is, I got us our room while getting my schedule and we are on number ten, I think that room is already occupied, but let’s check it out” Roxy sounds excited

“Sure….” Amelia trailed as she walked sideways with Roxy, few girls could be seen walking through as most of them throws scornful looks at them but Roxy couldn’t give less of a fĂșck as Amelia tried getting her head straight

“New students!” A pretty girl suddenly yelled from behind and Amelia turned sharply, Roxy did too

She’s also a blonde with long legs and she’s putting on the school uniform that hugs her body like a second skin, she looks classy and the way she walks towards them proves it

Amelia’s eyes trails to the other girl behind her and they look exactly the same, only this one is a black haired girl with heavy chain boots matching her school uniform, her eyes are glued to her phone as she walks behind her twin…….. they’re obviously twin

“If you want to cause trouble then walk away because I’m not nice” Roxy glared as they approched her and the blonde hair smiles, the black haired is still staring at her phone paying no attention to anything

“Nonsense!, I’m actually happy we have new students here, my name is Maya and over here is my boring twin Mia, it’s so nice to see you girls!” Maya goshed and Amelia eyes brightens

“Wow, I’m Amelia and she’s Roxy, you girls seem cool” Amelia said and Maya swiped into their middle

“I’m the cool one while she’s the boring one, Mia is antisocial and hardly talks, but you girls have me!” Maya said happily as they strides towards room ten

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” Amelia waved at Mia who simply turned around and walked back to the exit with her phone up her nose

Amelia faced Maya with a confused look at the total way Mia ignored her

“Told you she’s akward, just stay away from her, what’s your room number?” Maya asked and Roxy grined

“Room ten”

“HĂłly shĂźt!, My room is room eleven, we are doormates!…… this is going to be fun!” Maya goshed as they arrived the room and Roxy pulled the door, it’s mental so it’s kinda hard but it opened and they all stepped in

“This place is amazing” Amelia goshed as they stepped in fully and looked around

The room is divided into three places, each room has it’s own door so they are currently standing on the small space centers with three closed door in front

“Kimberly is already occupying the center, I guess that leaves you both with left and right” Maya said

“I’m taking the left!” Roxy beamed as she scrambled towards the door and open it, it’s a medium size room, fit enough for one person

“You know Kimberly?” Amelia asked immediately Roxy entered her room

“Well, she’s kinda akward because of her body insecurities, she prefers staying alone and yes, I know her but we hardly talk to each other, rather she prefers not talking to anyone” Maya voiced out and Amelia eyes drops in a hush pout

“Well, I guess I will see you around?” Amelia smiled at Maya

“Are you kidding me?, I will help you arrange but first hold still and smile” Maya said with a giddy look as she pulled Amelia close and took a picture of them, Maya is a pure definition of beauty and kindness, she’s also crazy to a fault

A group of girls walked past them and waved at Maya while throwing remarkable compliment and Mays goshed, twrilling around as she faced Amelia

“You seem to be popular” Amelia quoted as they both entered her room

It’s a box like shape with blue walls, a bed, a table…..a huge space for clothes and a bathroom, it’s really perfect as Amelia eyes scanned the entire space

“Try famous, I’m like the star of this school, well I try to keep my streak going through, but Silver Queens is the star, I’m just me” Maya said as she helped Amelia arrange

“Who’s Silver Queens?” Amelia asked with a genuine interest

“You will know her once you see her, lectures start tomorrow for newbies, your room looks perfect, you can customize it though to you taste” Maya said and Amelia nods as Roxy opened the door

“Umm, Maya, can I borrow you for a minute?” Roxy asked and Maya sprint on her feet instantly

“Sure thing, make yourself comfortable Amelia and don’t let anyone run you over, see ya” Maya waved as she left with Roxy

Amelia shut the door and walked towards the table, it’s a medium size as well with a mirror conjoled with it, she looks at her reflection and slowly moved away, seeing herself in the mirror brings back memories she doesn’t want to fathom, it’s dark and glistening directly at her, it’s haunting

A rustle movement came from behind the small window as her eyes averted towards it immediately, she hurriedly quickened her pace, flipping the satin black curtains but saw nothing……is she imagining things?

“Just calm down and breath” she chanted as her phone beeped and a text from her private doctor displayed

“Meeting scheduled by eight on Saturday” she read the text and deleted it almost immediately, therapy doesn’t work rather it brings back those dark shadows that seems to be hiding under her bed each time she tries to fall asleep, she’s partially insomniac due to lack of adequate sleep and if skipping these sessions would make her feel better, then so be it


Cole sat down quietly as he slipped the current medical reports brought to his notice, his eyes twitches as he rubs his forehead frustratedly, things hasn’t been easy on him and his daughter

Sometimes he’s really grateful she doesn’t remember a thing but at the same time he’s sad because those seven years of her life she wiped away is the reason behind her current restless self, she tried to be normal, even with his help and that of Milicent but he’s afraid that he’s slowly losing his daughter….. just the same way he lost “who shall not be named”

“What if she remembers?” Cole mutters to himself as he rubs his temples, he’s so distracted that he didn’t know when Milicent walked in

“I just got a call from Dr Kir, I think she’s not ready yet” Milicent voiced out and Cole look up at her

“It’s been twelve years, Milicent, I don’t think she will ever remember, it will rather keep hunting her for the rest of her life, what if she finally loses it?…..I can’t lose my only daughter” Cole said worriedly and Milicent bites her lips

“The doctor said she intentionally erased those memories because she doesn’t want to relive the shock, in as much as I’m scared of her hating me once she remembers, I think we should just leave her be” Milicent said and Cole scoffed

“Nice defense mechanism Milicent, it’s not going to happen” Cole pointed out and Milicent furrows her eyebrows

“Cole…..” Milicent trails

“Who told you she doesn’t want to remember her past?, Keeping it a secret from her is already the biggest mistake I’ve made just because I’m trying to protect my family!” Cole bursted out and Milicent crossed her hands

“The doctor said we shouldn’t force her, telling her automatically means forcing her to remember what she’s so afraid of!” Milicent shots back

“You are just selfish, you don’t want her to h@?? you, but she will eventually” Cole mutters as he tries walking away

“That’s never going to happen, she won’t remember and we won’t force her, it’s been twelve years, lets help her focus on the present and achieve her dreams” Milicent retored and Cole crooks his neck

“What about her nightmares?…..her safety?, her mental health?….. don’t you care about that!?” Cole bursted again and Milicent gulped

“She no longer have those nightmares, she’s finally becoming normal Cole, just please, don’t” Milicent pleaded but Cole simply brushed past her and walked away

Milicent falls on the couch besides her as she grips her chest, tears coating her eyes as she squeezed in hurt

Even though Cole might be right, there’s no way she’s going to allow twelve years of noturing Amelia go to waste, if Amelia somehow remembers her past that means everything she’s ever worked for would perish instantly and she can’t let that happen




It’s dark, really dark and a little girl struggling to climb down the stairs, it has always been like that, each time she opens her eyes, she always trapped in the middle of the stairs, her feet heavy to go any further

“Mom!” She calls out but got nothing, the house is dark, and she’s breathing heavily, her blue eyes roaming the entire space in search for light but like always, she’s trapped

She falls on her knees, her pink flowery gown hugging her small body as she grips her teddy bear closer, caressing it softly as she crutches at the middle of the stairs

“Teddy, I can’t find mommy” she whispered as she pulled her teddy close and a mild gasp escaped her lips as her teddy bear started moving in her grasp

“Arrrrrrragh!” She yelled…… flinging the teddy bear with horrific expression as it landed on the ground and immediately everywhere morphed and she’s standing at the little garden at the back of her favorite spot, her eyes quaked as she stared around and spotted a blonde hair lady on a swing

The blonde hair lady was cradling a little baby in her arms as she swinged through and fro, she’s whispering something only the baby could hear and the little girl smiles

“Mommy you are here!” She goshed as she hurriedly quickened her pace towards the swinging lady, her facial expression changed into giddiness the lady slowly turned and a glare made the little girl stopped running

“What are you doing here?…..” The lady said with a sad smile

“Mom?…..” The little girl called out and the toddler started crying hard……

“Hush little baby doll, Mom is here” the lady whispered to the toddler and the little girl tried moving closer

“Go away!” The lady yelled as the crying of the toddler increased

“Why!” The little girl retorted in her tiny voice as she moved closer

“Just go!….. you shouldn’t be close to me” the lady said as she started crying, the little girl paused as the lady’s tears turned red and she bowed her head while the little baby’s cry increase madly and the toddler started fading away, suddenly thick smoke covered the building behind as the little girl shrikes in fear

“Mom!….” The little girl yelled as she moved closer but suddenly dropped into a big black hole, it’s so deep that her cry echoed loudly, her small fingers scratching the edges of the ground as she kept going deeper and deeper and deeper….

“Amelia!!!” Kimberley’s voice made Amelia jerked from the bed with beads of sweat coating her forehead and cheeks, she’s breathing heavily as she looks around and saw Kimberley’s worried expression

“Are you alright?, You’ve been shaking and sweating profusely” Kimberly asked and Amelia gulped as she placed her palm over her face

“I… I’m fine” Amelia mumbles as she lifts herself off the bed and Kimberley’s eyes followed her

“Are you sure?…. you look scared and flushed” Kimberly asked as Amelia faced her with a smile

“I’m totally fine, you are dressed up for class already!?….. just give me a minute!” Amelia half yelled as she stormed into the bathroom and locked the door to avoid Kimberley’s questions

She exhaled deeply as she opened the tap and splashed water over her face repeatedly, breathing harshly at the thought of Kimberly seeing her in that state…… nobody should see her when she’s struggling

It’s been years and Amelia keeps having this same nightmare, a little girl trapped either in the closet, sometimes stairs and other times near a small lake….. there’s always an older lady holding the toddler who would usually cry each time the little girl appears

Trying to read meaning behind these images is impossible, even with the help of Dr Kir, Amelia can’t seem to understand why the lady who looks so much like the little girl would be crying blood in a swing and why is she having these nightmares?

In no time Amelia steps out of the bathroom and Kimberly was gone, she exhaled in relief as she started getting ready, it’s Tuesday so no uniform

She opened the box and placed a hand on her temple, tapping it as she finally picked an outfit, it’s a velvet pink zipper tutle gown with matching pink boots, wrapping her hair in her usual signature ponytail and putting on a light lip gloss

Pink is her favorite color, all her outfits are pink, her shoes, bags, and literally everything she owns is pink, even her phone color and pouch is pink, she’s a giddy princess

The door flunged open and Roxy’s body firm fills the door, she’s in her usual baggy jean and t-shirt, but it’s black and white, her purple hair adding to her beauty

“We’re almost late, although we don’t have the same class but I’d rather wait for you” Roxy said and Amelia grins

“I’m done, let’s go” Amelia flipped on her pink backpack and Roxy stared at her

“What’s up with all the pink?” Roxy asked as they stepped out of her room

“It’s my signature color, don’t ask questions” Amelia pointed out and Roxy laughed

Kimberly is already standing outside, her eyes lit up immediately she saw the girls

“I will be three minutes late if we don’t leave now” Kimberly retorted as she rubs the side of her nose and picks up the front space

Different girls are already leaving for class as they blend into the crowd…… this is the female’s dorm, the male’s dorm is at the other end

“Nerd?…. remind me to get her drunk soon, Amelia” Roxy chimed in and Kimberly throws her a glare

“You never told me where you ran to yesterday, Kim, I was worried” Amelia asked as she wrap her hands over Kimberley’s shoulder

” I’m really sorry, I just needed some time alone, don’t worry, I will take you there later” Kimberly said and Roxy cleared her throat

“Are you girls cutting me out of the secret hideout?” Roxy whispered as they approched the biggest building filled with different classes

“You can come too, Rox” Kimberly mumbles and Roxy raised an eyebrow

“I h@?? being an after thought, besides you both have classes together and I will have to sit in a different class, that sucks” Roxy said with a pout

For someone who acts like a boy, she’s super cute when she pouts

The girls approched the classes and a few laughter could be heard as a particular girl points at Kimberly

“She seems to add fat every single day, poor clothes” the girl remarked and Kimberly bites her lips as she pulled Amelia along, Roxy however paused

“Do you derive jollies by being a second-class bĂźtch?” Roxy stepped on the girls toe as she squirms backwards

“Who’s the stray dog?….. stay outta this!” The girl shot’s and Roxy made to go after her but Kimberly held her hand

“Just let her go” Kimberly mutters and Amelia eyes widened in shock

“Why are you so reluctant in facing these bullies?, Nobody gets to talk down on you” Amelia retorted as her blood boils

“I gat my eyes on that street rat, she better be careful from now on” Roxy stated as she stormed into the middle class, it’s obvious she’s really pissed right now

“Let’s go” Kimberly mutters as she pulled Amelia along

Kimberly stops abruptly two steps into their class and Amelia ran into her rigid back

Her breathing becomes audible

Amelia’s breathing picks up it’s pace and the hair on the back of her neck stands on high alert

Since yesterday, there’s been this baffling level of awareness that won’t leave Amelia the hell alone.

Every fibre of her being is honed for the inevitable confrontation. For that crash and burn.

She suck in several deep breaths and begin the usual chant.

“I’m loved. Aunt, Dad, Roxy and Kim has my back. I won’t break. Not today.”

She need to remind herself of those facts to remain strong and not let him get to her. That’s what the devil’s reduced her to.

Her gaze finally strays ahead, following Kim’s field of vision.

Xander Knight. Kayden Nash. Ronan Astor. Byron Steel

The four horsemen of ALC. They earned the title for their impressive team play on the hockey team.

Amelia calls them the four arseholes.

And they are all in the same class!

No wonder Kimberly froze, they’ve barely escaped their wrath yesterday and now they’re in the same class

As in breathing the same air all year long. And not just any year, for three years straight?

Maybe she needs to talk to Dad and Aunt about changing college but what would they think?

“Um, Dad…..I want to to change college because some boy promised to destroy me on my first day ”

how dumb does that sound?

The four are laughing and jesting, Xander is throwing a ball at Ronna, and the latter catches it with ease as it twrills it on his index finger and tossed it back at Xander who caught it again

Kayden, who seems to be the quiet one, holds a book in his hands and laughs quietly at the other two

Amelia’s gaze strays to the main devil.

The hell ruler.

The black king.

You’d think the previous night would somehow erase him from her consciousness and nightmares. But It didn’t

Byron is the only one sitting. His legs stretch in front of him, crossed at the ankles. His fingers are interlaced across his stomach making him appear every bit of a Steel as his last name suggests.

A ruler on his throne.

A devil in his hell

Throughout yesterday, she thankfully hadn’t seen him, he’s bulked up — due to the hockey camp training Kimberly mentioned they went to last summer, no doubt. His jacket stretches over his welldefined shoulders. The dark blue ripped jean trousers tighten around his muscular thighs and even his legs are taller. She’s sure the coach would be so proud of his star player wanker.

His dark hair is between being tousled and slicked. Under the dim classroom light, his dark grey eyes appear black. Everything about him is.

Black mind.

Black heart.

Black soul.

She should’ve listened to Kim yesterday when she said those little bastards owned the school. Their parents are the biggest shareholders. Everyone in ALC, including some teachers, fall to their knees for them

Byron is bad news and just a single mess up could ruin her entire year so it’s better to stay away, far away…….

Ronan notices them first. He’s the typical teenage boy with messy brown hair and eyes. All he cares about is partying and shagging his way through school. Kim and Amelia are probably the only moving things with a skirt he hasn’t f-__-ked……..yet

That’s probably why he licks his lips suggestively while he looked at them up and down. Then he stops abruptly and nudges Xander and his smile vanished instantly as he stared at Kimberly with zero emotions

The classroom is filled up but everywhere is silent


“Well, well, well, what do we have here?…..” Xander motions as he jumped off the table and takes slow strides towards the girls, Kimberly shifted backwards but Amelia stopped her

“FĂșck off, you don’t need to get off by harassing her this morning” Amelia taunts as Byron relaxed even further in his seat, Kayden stopped reading and Ronna smiles at the scene

“Who’s the new lapdog, Berly?…… I’m surprised she’s still breathing and not suffocating” Xander continues and the whole class focused on them, students already throwing h@??ful remarks at Kimberly

“J…. just stop…. Xander” Kimberly mutters and the class roared in laughter

“Did you just call me by my name?” Xander growls as he made to grab her hands but Amelia steps in the way, blocking Xander’s attempt

“Oh‱my‱God……I love her already!” Ronna teased as he stared at Amelia who’s glaring at Xander

“The fatty has a protector now, that’s new” Xander cooed as he shoved Amelia out of the way but Amelia wouldn’t budge

“Stay back….” Amelia warned and Kimberly bites her lips, retreating her steps as she spuned around but crashed into someone, water spilling over her body as Amelia’s eyes widened

“Opps, fatty, didn’t see you coming, are your glasses too fat for your eyes now?” A blonde hair beauty with perfect skin and a rich Aura goshed as she passed Kimberly with a disgust look on her face

That must be Silver Queens, Amelia thought as she watched the way the rest of the classroom waved and cheers at her

Kim closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek. The rest of the class snickers in laughter as she dashed out of the classroom

Not again

Immediately, Xander follows her and Amelia made to go after them but Silver held her hand

“You should know better than butting in their business, pinky” Silver tuants as Amelia glared at her before rushing out of the class, fĂșck Silver and her stupid popularity, Kimberly is more important right now

She saw a glimpse of Xander and followed him immediately, her legs moving fast as she tried to regulate her breathing, before she left the class, Byron wouldn’t stop staring at her, she glared at him before leaving though but that doesn’t mean he’s out of her head

Her nails dig into her chest as she exit the building and head to the back garden, Wow, there’s a place like this in the school, it’s so calm and quiet and creepy because there’s no single soul out here

With every step she take into the cut grass, a weight crushes her chest. Her breathing becomes irregular, too

The pain in her chest is like tiny needles, tirelessly prickling her heart, even when she walk as slow as possible

Her heart condition can’t relapse.

It simply can’t.

Being able to run again didn’t come easily after the surgery. There were Nazi-style rehabilitations and a complete change in her lifestyle

Kim and Xander’s silhouettes appear in the small cabin house on the outskirts of the garden. She’s crying and yelling, but Amelia isn’t close enough to hear what she’s saying

This is bad

Amelia watches while breathing through her nose and mouth

Xander pushes into Kim, imprisoning her against the edge of the cabin. Her back hits the wooden pole and her eyes widen.

It could be because she’s disoriented. It could be that this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Or it simply could be that she’s finally had enough.

She’s done with these arseholes ruining her’s and Kim’s life.

She pull out my phone and record a video. Xander grips Kim by the hips pulling her into him. Although Amelia want to cut off his dĂźck for putting his hand on her best friend, but she know that will bring nothing. The video, however, will.

Amelia smiles, she can see Xander Knight’s fall in sight. Either he leaves Kim alone or she will blackmail him with sùxual harassment. ALC might be under his father’s command, but the press isn’t

She’s in the mood to ruin his future like he’s been actively ruining Kimberley’s life.

From the looks of things, it’s pretty obvious they know each other before

After taking enough video footage of him manhandling her, Amelia stopped the video and smile in triumph. Even her heart problem fades away

She tightened her grip on her phone and starts towards the cabin with angry strides, her ponytail swinging from side to side as she moved closer

Suddenly, a shadow blocks her way, making her slam into a hard surface, her legs jolted backwards as she almost fall but a strong arm wraps around her tiny waist before she hits the ground

She cease to breathe when she stares up at her nightmare


