10069-epilogue | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10069-epilogue


Mrs Mantinda’s Mansion ‼️

Mrs Mantinda fixed her glasses on as she stared at the journal Noah retrieved from Jasper’s old house in New York where he once lived after running away

She flipped the pages and the first thing she see broke her heart into pieces

“I wish I was never born” was the first words in the journal, immediately tears pulled down her eyes as she read through

After Jasper ran away eighteen years ago, he stumbled on one of his uncle’s house and they took him in without bothering to reach out to them, because Jasper told them he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Mrs Mantinda or the family again

His uncle took care of him and flew him to New York where he started a new life but he still vowed to revenge for the neglect he passed through

Reading through the journal Mrs Mantinda came across so many senerios in which she totally ingorned Jasper and focused on Jayson instead

This specific line wrote

“When I was five and Jayson was seven, we went camping and got injured on our way back, when we arrived with bleeding elbows and knees, more brushed past me and grabbed Jayson in her arms, kissing and dusting his body while I stood with bulging eyes, Dad had to pull me aside and wipe my dirt while she hurriedly took Jayson to the meds, completely ingnoring me”

“I never felt like her son, sometimes I wish she never gave birth to me, sometimes I wished I could end my life, I always feel like a second thought and most times she never kisses me good night but would read Jayson bed time stories” another line explained and Mrs Mantinda broke down completely

“I h@?? my life and my Mom, the other day, Dad said to one of his business associate that the only way to really get rid of a certain pain, is by ending the source, should I do that?” Another line wrote and Mrs Mantinda gasped

Mrs Mantinda cried as she read more and more stories of how Jasper suffered in silence while she was all over Jayson

Jasper wrote this when he was eighteen year old as it clearly states “dear eighteen years of my fúcked up life”

“I never knew” she mumbles silently as tears rolls down her eyes and she sobbed loudly while jamming the journal close, she whimpers as she pulled away from her dressing table and scattered her draw, retrieving a bold picture of Jasper when he was eight

She caress the picture with a sad smile while crying heavily

“I’m so sorry, Son, I hope you forgive me” she whispered as she hugged the picture to herself and cried her eyes out


🌹Jasmine’s Pov 🌹

“I testify that “I Mrs Jasmine Jayson Bartle, is the only survivor of Mr and Mrs Corey and legitimate successor to their chatter and properties, I stand with my husband and Mother in-law as witnesses and profound evidence that I did not die in the accident that occurred eighteen years ago”

I remember saying those words to the court immediately after my marriage, it’s be two years plus and I’ve been handed over my parents businesses, well even though I faced a lot of challenges because the original ownership documents were burnt in the wearhouse alongside Laurence and Jasper……

“You’ve been working for hours, come on, this is supposed to be our honeymoon not working moon, Star” my lovely husband’s voice made me pause what I’m currently doing and turned around

“Just say you are tired of carrying baby Ariel instead of complaining” I pointed out and he pushes forward, stepping into our study room we literally created after moving to the island for our honeymoon

And yes, I actually pulled through and gave birth to baby Ariel even though I had to go under the knife, it was the most terrifying moment and thank God I had Jayson with me

“Well I’m not tired, I just, can’t you stop working?” He pouted as baby Ariel giggled while fiddling with his shirt, and making noises I don’t even understand but hey, she’s my baby girl

“Fine!” I muttered, flipping off my eye glasses as I stretched and reached out to our daughter, she’s a complete replica of Jayson, she has his chisel nose, perfect brown curls and sharp cheek bones, the only thing of she has of me are my brown eyes and heck!, Jayson and I have the same eye color so she’s practically her father’s daughter

“She’s so cute….” Jayson mutters with adoration radiating his features as I carried her in my arms, she looks perfect, she is perfect……. Jayson smiled as she sneezed and made a funny face while reaching out to him for grasp

“Hey!, I’m your Mother!” I semi yelled as we exited the study room and head for the living room, baby Ariel wouldn’t budge as she struggles to free herself from my clutches, I tried holding her still but a loud yelp made Jayson take her away from me

“She’s more of a daddy’s girl, okay….. come here my wittle angel ” Jayson made baby voices as I frowned, my phone binged and I hurriedly set up the big TV for our usual video call with the rest

“It’s almost time” I muttered and Jayson flopped on the couch whilst dragging me along, I sit beside him with baby Ariel oh his lap

It’s not like I’m jealous of my own child but she seems to be taking up most of Jayson’s space and well, I don’t like sharing…… don’t get me wrong though, I love my seeing Ariel glued to her father but there are times when I would want to be with Jayson and Ariel wouldn’t want that

Jayson set up the call and Mika was the first person to join

“Finally!, What took you guys so long?, I was thinking we weren’t going to see each other today” Mika frowned as Roland flopped besides her on the couch, they moved into their own apartment right after Roland proposed to her a year ago

“Star wouldn’t stop working, I know I’m the one that said she should focus but she seems to be ignoring the fact that we are supposed to be spending more time as a family” Jayson grumbled as Ariel rested on his chest while clapping her hands

“That sounds like something she would do” Mika scoffed as I rolled my eyes

“Is it just me or as Ariel grown into a beautiful young lady…… look at her cute hands” Roland chimed in as he inched closer and I smiled

“She’s exactly like her father, cute and adorable” Jayson pointed out while pinching her cheeks slightly

“That’s not true!….. she looks a lot more like me” I mumbled as I leaned on Jayson’s shoulder while holding his mid arm

“Stop being jealous Jasmine, she looks like a princess” Mika giggled as Roland hugged her to his side, the large screen giving us access to see them completely

Immediately the screen split into three and Delilah poped up while grining

“My favorite people!, It’s been three days and I wasn’t invited to our video call, that’s rude” Delilah grumbled, she seems to be waking up as she’s putting on her nightie and looking like a sleeping mess

“Who added Delilah to our group chat?” Roland asked playfully and I laughed while Delilah gasped

“I know Roland is behind it, you will pay for it!” Delilah bursted out as Jayson chuckled

“You two are still at each other’s throats?, I thought you guys were cool now?” Jayson asked and Roland frowned instantly

“We’re cool, but she’s still my little one, so she has to be treated exactly like that” Roland remarked and Mika glared at him

“She’s not your little one, show him, baby” Mika gestured at Delilah and she pulled out her hand, flickering her finger

“Oh my God!, Hudson proposed!” I gasped as the huge silver ring glisten brightly on her finger

“He sure did, he popped the question three days ago, I would have informed y’all but Roland removed me from our group chat!” She yelled while hitting her dressing table

“Wait, aren’t you like twenty?” Roland asked ignorantly and Mika hit him playfully

“Point of correction, Mr, I’m twenty three and I’m legal to get married and who says you can’t get married even if you haven’t clocked twenty?” Delilah asked with a scrowl and Roland chuckled

“Don’t eat me raw, Mrs twenty three, my baby and I are getting married in few months” Roland said as he kissed Mika and we all rolled our eyes while laughing

“Baby Ariel is so cute!!!” Delilah goshed as she clasped her hands together and I brushed Ariel’s hair while she snuggled into Jayson”s warmth

Little pûnk

The screen spilted into four boxes and Noah face appeared, he’s resting on his bed as sleeping Avia layed besides him…..they have been together for some months and Avia literally $h00t her shot at him last year, turns out they both like each other and decided to start something

“Woah, someone had a rough night” Jayson teased as we all giggled, Avia stretched while she looks up at Noah and gasped immediately she saw what was going on

“Totally, look at how flushed she is, I never knew Noah had it in him” Roland winked as Avia flipped him off with the middle finger while sitting up beside Noah

“Fúck you right the fúck off, Roland” Avia mutters and Jayson immediately covered Ariel’s ears

“Hey!, Mind your language in front of my daughter” Jayson warned and Avia rolled her eyes playfully

“Isn’t she like a year old or something, there’s no way she understands what I said” Avia said as she straighten the duvet and Mika furrows her eyebrows as she pulled closer

“What’s that red mark besides your ear Avia?” Mika asked and we all cheered as Noah looked at her and covered her neck with her hair

“A firm claim to tell the world that she’s mine, thank you very much” Noah voiced out finally in his hoarse voice and Delilah wagged her eyebrows

“I told you guys the quiet nerds are the most badass people to ever exist” Delilah said and Noah simply wrapped his hands over Avia and she snuggles into him

“Okay, I’m the only one not snuggling with my husband, Ariel’s got to go” I remarked playfully and Roland chuckled, Delilah laughs lightly and Mika gave me a stank eye

“What’s for breakfast, Devil” Hudson strolled besides Delilah and immediately saw the call going on

“Hey, fúckers, what’s going on?” He asked as he leaned forward

“Mind your language guys!” Jayson yelled as he pulled Ariel closer

Hudson chuckles while we all stared at Jayson

“Did you just call Delilah, Devil?” Mika asked

“Yeah, that’s what she told me the first day we spoke and I knew right there that she was mine, my little Devil” Hudson voiced out and Delilah giggled while stealing a kiss from him

“Can you guys just stop kissing?, Ariel doesn’t need the image” Jayson frowned again

“Like you don’t kiss your wife in front of her” Roland mumbles silently and Jayson pushed forward

“Yeah, that’s different, she doesn’t need to see you spawns doing it” Jayson retored and Mika scoffed

“Jayson, just let them be” I said rubbing his mid arm and he sighed

“Woah, Noah and Avia seems to be rocking it pretty well, look at her hair!” Hudson remarked and we all laughed

“Can you all just fúck off?, Babe, leave the group chat!” Avia yelled and Delilah raised an eyebrow

“So you guys can go back to roughing it up, eeh?” Delilah teased and Avia cheeks heated up as she pulled the duvet cover over her face

“Let her be guys, you all aren’t different, look at Mika’s collar bone and Delilah’s chin, oh, and don’t miss out the pink print on our dear Jasmine’s ear lobe” Noah blurted and everyone jaw dropped instantly

“Noah!” Mika was the first to call out

“He’s really something else” Delilah said as she tugged at Hudson

“I’m out and guys you all need to come back to Nevada, it’s boring without y’all” Hudson complained as he walked away from Delilah who frowned

The screen beeped and Gina appeared on the screen alongside Mrs Mantinda

“Someone removed me from our group chat” Gina frowned immediately

“That would be me” Roland said as she glared at him

“Mother in-law, you look good” I said immediately and Mrs Mantinda beamed

After her little therapy, she seems to be healing and recovering from self guilt that almost claimed her mental health, it hasn’t been easy on her after she read Jasper’s journal titled “story of my life”

“When are you guys coming back?” Mrs Mantinda asked and I stroked my chin

“In a month time, Jayson and I need to clear some business here before coming back” I answered

“Good, I can’t wait to swish my baby Ariel, the cutest thing ever!” Gina beamed with smiles

“Hey, she’s not a thing” Jayson scolded and Gina frowned

She finished her trials and was released a year ago, although things are still rough but we’re getting to know each other better

“Mom, you son is being mean again” Gina frowned

“Jayson, cut it out and give Gina a break” Mrs Mantinda scrowled

“Ummm, Mika, I want to ask you something” I said and everyone focused instantly

“What is it?” She asked

“You remember that time during my birthday before Mandy interupted, I saw you arguing with Roland and you were crying, what happened back there?” I asked and Mika eyes softened

“I told Roland what happened between Delilah and I, he didn’t like it one bit and blasted me for keeping such thing away from him” she said and Roland frowned

“I’m still mad at Delilah for doing something like that but Mika pleaded on her behalf so I forgive her” Roland said and Delilah bites her lips sadly

“I was stupid back then, I’m truly sorry” Delilah said

“It’s all good” Roland and Mika said at the same time

“Hudson, what are you doing!?” Delilah yelled as rustles came from their side and Hudson ran towards her

“I think I’m going to burn the kitchen down” Hudson said with a funny face and Delilah gasped

“Bye guys, i don’t know what Hudson is up to” Delilah said as she ended her side of the call while Hudson laughed at the back

“Jayson, we need you here at Nevada, some real business shît is going on and Jasmine needs to resume fully as well since you guys are partners now” Noah said with a slur

“yeah guys, get your asses over here, we have two weddings to plan and I miss Ariel” Avia beamed as she touched her side of the screen

“We need to go, Mom and I have girls day since we hardly spend time together, be back soon” Gina giggled as she ended their side of the call while Mrs Mantinda make baby faces at Ariel

“We need to go too, Jasmine and I have couples fest and you guys don’t need the image” Jayson winked

“Bye, fúckers…..if you guys don’t come back soon, I’m flying over to that island and dragging you home” Avia teased as Noah made a peace sign while ending their side of the call

“Remind me to remove them from the group chat” Roland said and we all laughed

“Bridal shower soon!” I chimed and Mika giggled, I honestly can’t wait to rock her wedding in a grand style, she deserves it and more

“Come on Mika, let’s leave the couples to go make babies again……” Roland teased and Jayson glared at him

“Fúck off, twat!” Jayson scolded playfully

“Mind your language, Mr Jayson, baby Ariel is listening!” Roland teased and Jayson ended the call

“Remind me to kick his àss off the group chat” Jayson said and I pecked his cheek

We looked at Ariel and she’s sleeping, she must have dozed off while we were chattering

Jayson carefully carried her as he placed her in her baby cradle gently and she pouted her lips in her sleep while adjusting

Tears gathered my eyes as I watched Jayson kissed her forehead softly with so much adoration and looked at me

“I’m so happy, Star…..my little baby is growing up” Jayson said and I pulled him towards the window as we looked out the calm area

The island is saturated at the end of the city, very far from Nevada though and it’s the most beautiful place I have ever seen, it belongs to our parents when they were still friends, I never knew our parents had a conjoined island, they must have been really close, they were really close

“I’m so happy with the way things turned out for us, everyone is happy, this is more than a dream come true” I said and Jayson trails kisses down my neck as my eyes flutter close, soaking in every single touch of his lips

“How about the couple fest to prove just how lucky we are?” Jayson whispered and I spin around, wrapping my hands over his shoulder

“And there you were teasing Noah!” I giggled as he claims my lips in the most breathtaking kiss, no matter how much or how long I spend with Jayson, every kiss feels surreal with him…..he pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss, leaving me breathless and longing for more a…….

“Annnnnnnnnnn!!” A loud cry echoed as Jayson pulled away from me with a groan

“And there goes my couples fest!” Jayson mutters as we hurried towards crying Ariel and I scooped her in my arms

With Jayson besides me, and my little baby staring back at me with her big brown orbs, I can’t wish for anything better

“Thank you for being part of my story, Jayson” I said and he pecked Ariel and squeezed my chin whilst kissing me

“And thank you for being part of my new beginning, Star” he replied and I leaned on his chest as Ariel played with my hair

Mika and Roland are engaged and getting married soon

Delilah and Hudson are also tying the knot soon

Avia and Noah are dating and planning a future together

Gina and Mrs Mantinda are bonding and they are all healing gradually

And I have the best people surrounding me and I’m more than happy

Having this people in my story line as been the most thrilling experience ever!

This is what our forever should be like!


OH MY GOD!, I’m so happy that we’ve come to the end of this wonderful story, thank you all for sticking with me throughout Jasmine and Jayson”s story, I’m more than greatful

Now, tell Anny 👇👇👇👇

What’s your most saddest scene?

Your most happiest moment?

Your most happiest scene?

Your favorite person?

Your favorite moment?

Your best character?

Who made you angry?

Who made you sad?

Your favorite ML and FL?

Your leading character?

Come on, tell me, I want to know
