10054-chapter-5758 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10054-chapter-5758



Genny literally froze. Thane has another mate? Aside her.

“No….no….” She shook her head,,unable to control the hot tears falling down her cheeks.

She was still standing there with the note in her hands when Thane came in,he was cleaning off his wet hair with a towel but paused when he saw Genny in tears and what she was holding.

“Genny” He called and she raised her head to look at him.

“What is….this?” She asked,showing him the letter.

Thane dropped his towel and walked over to her, she stepped back immediately and he stopped walking as well.

“Tell me this is a joke, tell me it’s not going to happen. Another mate for you? I don’t want that,I can’t share you with anyone, I don’t want that,I don’t” She said in tears.

Thane moved closer to her and pulled her into a hug.

“Stop crying, this isn’t even concluded yet” He said.

“What do you mean by not concluded? You saw what was written inside it,you wanted to keep it away from me right?” Genny broke the hug and Thane sighed.

“I wasn’t planning to tell you until I visit the seer by myself,I was thinking something could be done to prevent or somehow…” Thane said.

Genny shook her head.

“There should be a way,I can’t imagine,I don’t want to imagine another girl around you”

“I don’t want that either Genny, do you trust me?” He asked.

“I want to trust you..I trust you,I trust Thorne,but this is not about Thorne right now” Genny muttered and Thane sighed.

“I know but,I know I can try my best to control myself if anything like that finally happens. Can you just stop thinking about it? I’m going to visit the seer in her hometown tomorrow and talk to her directly” Thane said and Genny sat down on the bed.

“I’ve missed you so much,I really want to do a lot with you tonight,but hearing this right now……”

“Genny please, I just told you I don’t want anyone else but you. Why can’t you just forget about this and let’s just think positively? Please” He sat down beside him.

“I will believe you….” Genny wipe her tears.

Thane grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit on his laps instead.

“I love you Genny,you know that right?” He asked and Genny nodded.

“I love you more” She wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.

“I missed you so much, I love you” She said again and pecked Thane’s cheek.

“You really think that’s what I want right now?” Thane asked and her cheeks turned red.

“Thane wait let me….” Thane pushed her on the bed before she could finish, he got on top of her and connected their lips at once.


Zenith was waiting outside the dorm for Lila to show up, he was standing there nervously but looking handsome in his outfit.

Just then,he heard some footsteps behind him and he turned at once,his mouth opened as soon as he saw Luna(thinking It’s Lila) she was putting on a long full dress,the free skirt starts from her tiny waist down to her legs. Her hair was styled so prettily,she has never dressed up like this,never.

“Can we go now?” Luna asked when Zenith just stood there staring at her.

“Oh…of…of course we should” He stuttered and Luna shook her head.

‘He must really be in love with Lila, she’s so silly. I hope he doesn’t find out it’s not her’ Lila prayed inwardly.

“Can I…hold your hand?” Zenith asked and Luna frowned slightly.

“Why? Aren’t we walking to the car? I can walk on my own please” She said.

“Oh…I’m sorry” Zenith sighed out and there was silence until Zenith unlocked his car, red in color with the key in his hand. He opened the front door for her.

“Thanks” Luna smiled but immediately she remembered she need to give him some attitude as Lila instructed,the smile faded away.

Zenith smiled before closing the door, then he entered the driver’s side as well and drove out of the institute.

“Where are we going to?” Luna asked after few minutes of silence.

“I was just about asking you….aside eating something good…what else would you wanna do?” Zenith asked and Luna thought for a while.

“I love food, so let’s eat first” she said and Zenith chuckled.

“Don’t laugh at me” Luna scoffed.

“I don’t mean it that way…what food do you enjoy anyway?” Zenith asked.

“Chicken, Ice cream, chocolate, and bread,soft ones” Luna elaborate and Zenith laughed.

“Was the soft* necessary?” He asked.

“Of course…what about you?” Luna smiled.

“I just eat wh@??ver,I don’t have favorites” He replied.

“So will you buy me ice cream after we eat?” Luna pouted.

“I can buy you a lot to bring back as well” Zenith promised and she clapped happily like a child.

Zenith stared at her and bite his lips,,he could feel butterflies in his tummy,,honestly he wouldn’t want tonight to end so soon.




Orion sighed out loudly as he opened the door to his room and entered,he closed the door and immediately shoved his shirt off his body.

“Finally you’re here” Odessa spoke up from the bed and Orion flinched before facing her side.

“When did you get here?” He asked.

“I’ve been waiting for an hour,why didn’t you lock your door, waiting for a girl?” Odessa frowned.

“What girl are you talking about?” Orion scoffed and made to walk away.

Odessa rushed down from the bed and jumped on his back.

“Do you even know how much I miss you? Are you trying to play hard to get? You don’t miss me at all?” She asked.

“I miss you Odessa,now can you come down at least? I need to take my bath,I don’t want to do anything with you looking all sweaty, I went for the evening exercise” Orion said.

“So what are you planning to do with me when you are done?” Odessa asked naughtily.

“It’s not wh@??ver you’re thinking about” He replied.

“Then forget about me coming down,I don’t mind your sweaty body,you still smell great anyway” Odessa clung unto him more tighter.

“Fine…let’s do wh@??ver you want when I’m done” Orion said and Odessa smiled,she jumped down again and Orion left.

Minutes later, Orion returned back to the bedroom, he was already putting on another clothes, Odessa smiled from the bed and took his pictures.

“Stop it” Orion muttered.

“What, why are you cold toward me?” She asked and got down from the bed.

“I just don’t feel too good tonight…..”

“Liar you’re trying to avoid me” Odessa cut in.

“I’m trying to avoid losing control of my composure and do what’s on my mind with you” Orion snapped and Odessa batted her lashes.

“But you’re making everything more harder for me,so can’t we just give each other some space…..”

“I don’t want to.. I don’t care if you do what ever is on your mind,do it….I want it as well” Odessa said.

“So you don’t mind having segz with me? Even when you’re not my mate?” Orion asked and Odessa froze.

“You…..you…..want to…..”

“Now you know what’s on my mind,can we stop all these then?” Orion asked.

Odessa moved closer and cupped his cheeks before slamming her lips on his own but Orion broke the kiss instantly.

“I just f-__-king said I don’t wanna do anything that would trigger me right now!!” He yelled at her and pushed her off.

“So what are you going to do now?! You’re in heat right? That’s why you’re in such a bad mood and you’re being harsh toward me” Odessa said.

“So what? You want me to f-__-k you?” Orion snapped.

“I don’t mind….”

“Don’t act this way Odessa please!” Orion groaned.

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“I will find someone who’s not a wolf……..” Orion muttered.

“No…I won’t let you do that….you can’t” She immediately grabbed his shirt and Orion gulped.

“We promised to find a way together right? I told you what the seer said,,I might really be your mate….”

“Until then” Orion cut in.

“You’re going to have segz with another girl?! What about me?!” Odessa screamed out and tears dropped from her eyes.

“You seriously think Thane would spare me if he find out I about it later?” Orion asked.

“Let’s not talk about my brother…..”

“Is still don’t want to do anything with you” Orion snapped and Odessa swallowed,still tearing up.

“So you’re still going to look for a girl….”

“I changed my mind” Orion mumbled and went to get a drink from the fridge.

“I will be fine soon” He mumbled.

“I can at least help…can’t we just make out without….”

“That’s a trigger….” Orion shook his head and Odessa took her lips in.

“Can I stay with you for tonight?”

“No,,,,I won’t be fine if I keep on seeing you Odessa…..let’s meet tomorrow” Orion said.

Odessa nodded and kissed his cheek before walking out of the room.

“f-__-k” Orion cursed and dropped the bottle in his hand,he fells so d@mn hot inside,,how he was able to control the feeling with Odessa inside was just a miracle.

As he find his way to the bed,his body was shaking,so restless and his ?ï?k was beginning to get so hard.

*I’m not sure I can handle this….it hurts* Lykan said.

*You have to….not like we have a mate in the first place* Orion said.

*The princess….*

*We can’t do that…never* Orion cut in and Lykan became quiet.

*It will be over soon…..soon* Orion assured and decided to go out again…the exercise worked a bit earlier…he should just do more.




Beorn was holding a book,reading under the moonlight and cold night,his stomach made a loud noise and he gasped when he remembered he missed dinner.

“What the f-__-k” He groaned and covered his face.

“Hey” He heard someone from the back and turned to see Sage.

“Come with me” Sage grabbed his hand. .

“Where are we going?” Beorn asked and followed him anyway.

“Surprise” Sage smiled.

“What…am I your girlfriend?” Beorn mumbled and Sage chuckled.

“You can be”

“I’m a boy….boyfriend is a better word” Beorn said and Sage laughed.

“You’re taking it serious,I was joking” Sage said.

They finally got to their door.

“What’s the surprise? It’s not our first time here” Beorn scoffed.

“Don’t be too forward” Sage groaned and opened the door for him to enter,he stopped walking immediately he saw the way Sage turned the room into something more pretty,at the center was the table with different meals decorated in the plates,the aroma filled the air.

Beorn turned back to face Sage.

“What is this all about?” He asked.

“I’m tired of eating with everyone…I want to eat just with you alone” Sage replied and pushed him forward.

“Sit down…I’m sure you’re starving” Sage said.

“That’s all you have to say? Just because you want to eat with me alone?” Beorn asked and Sage nodded.

They both settled down to eat.

“So….what are we?” Beorn suddenly asked and Sage choked.

“What….what do you mean?” He stuttered.

“You like me right?” Beorn asked.

“Beorn..how about you eat and stop talking?” Sage smiled.

“Honestly I’ve thought about it….I don’t really care anymore,I like you a lot” Beorn said and Sage sighed.

“How can you sound so confident when I can’t even find my tongue to say those words? Stop talking,,my heart is beating fast already” Sage said.

Beorn sighed and continue eating without saying a word more.




“So…you mean the sweet said there’s nothing to do to prevent it?” Odessa asked as she walked with The.

“Yeah” Thane sighed out.

“Have you told Genny?”

“How do you expect me to say that out? You know how she is…I can’t” Thane shook his head.

“You don’t have a choice anyway,you should tell her and you two can find a solution together” Odessa said and Thane groaned.

“I can’t even think well….Thorne isn’t saying anything to me,I’m confused as heck” He said.

Odessa sighed and hugged him.

“You will be fine” She told him and he hugged her more tightly.

“Oh…I need to go. I have a new student I’m training,she will be waiting already” Odessa pecked him before running off.

Thane climbed down the stairs leading out from the dorm house,he couldn’t even reply the students greeting him,he was so out of space until suddenly someone bumped into him.

“I’m sorry” A tiny voice said and Thane looked down to see the girl staring back at him with a smile.

“Hi” She waved but Thane couldn’t talk,,not when his heart was busy misbehaving without his permission,what is she??

“I’m new here…my name is Thelma” She smiled more brightly.

*She’s….Mine* Thane’s demon let out a growl in his head for the first time.

