10052-chapter-5354 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10052-chapter-5354


Genny was pacing inside Thane’s room,what the strange lady told her kept digging right into her soul, Thane’s parents? ki||ed her parents? Why? What offence would they have committed to bring such cruel punishment?? Death??

*Can you calm down at least? I hope you use your brain well to handle this situation well so you won’t regret it* Tonith told her.

*How else am I supposed to handle this? You heard what that woman said…* Genny snapped.

*If you spoil everything,I won’t say a word,you’re so annoying!* Tonith yelled at her before going quiet but Genny doesn’t care,she just can’t wait for Thane to be back.

Just as she was thinking about that, the door opened and Thane came in with a slight frown,but not deep.

“What are you thinking about so much? I’ve been restless” Thane touched his chest that was beating fast,all because of Genny’s endless thoughts.

“Are your parents really murderers?” Genny asked and Thane raised his brows.

“What? Murderers?” He asked,not believing what he just heard.

“They ki||ed my parents,,I don’t know why or wh@??ver happened,but they really ki||ed my parents,isn’t that just too cruel and wicked? Just why…..”

“What the f-__-k are you talking about? Would you at least explain?” Thane cut her off and Genny explained what happened to him.

Thane’s expression darkened.

“Wait….you mean you left the room while I was gone?” He asked,hoping she made a mistake.

“I did because……”

“Because what?!” He snapped and Genny flinched,he looked so angry.

“I sincerely f-__-king told you not to leave this room until I’m back,you promised me but still disobeyed??”

“I left because I was worried,,you don’t expect me to just stay here waiting……”

“Worried about what exactly?! Just what,,why can’t you obey my words for once? Why are you so f-__-king disrespectful when it comes to following wh@??ver I tell you? It’s not even the first time and in the end you would come up with one stupid excuse,and now you’re calling my parents murderers because one silly stranger tell you that? Are you dumb or something?!”

“Fine I know I left the room when I should’nt,but why are you so mad at me when I’m talking about something important?! You’re yelling at me as if what I did is do bad….”

“Get out” Thane muttered and Genny gave him a look.


“You seriously said what you did is not bad? You’re trying to tell me you have the right not to obey me,I am too small to tell you what to do,isn’t that what you mean? If you can’t follow just the smallest words,how the f-__-k am I going to cope with you in future? Just what the heck is wrong with you?! What!” Thane yelled at her.

“You still can’t just tell me to leave, I’m talking here….”

“Don’t make me mad Genny,I can call the guards to throw you out,get out” Thane glared at her.

“For real? I’m not going to come back” Genny said.

Thane opened the door for her.

“f-__-k off! I don’t care if you don’t come back,just get out”

Genny sniffs in her tears and stormed out of the room, Thane slammed the door close loudly.

*That was too much* Thorne groaned.

*I don’t give a d@mn,,she stressed me out. I can’t cope with her,,she’s annoying* Thane replied angrily and walked into the closet room..

*You made her cry* Thorne said.

*I don’t give a d@mn* Thane muttered,now wiping the tears also falling from his own eyes (Genny’s tears)

“f-__-k this is annoying, f-__-k mate bond!! f-__-k it!!” Thane shouted but the tears kept pouring.

He punched the wall and sat down on the floor.


Odessa opened her door when she heard a knock, she was surprised to see Genny in tears.

“Genny” She called with wide eyes and pulled her into the room the locked the door.

“What happened?” Odessa asked and pulled her into a hug.

Genny hugged her back, crying as she told her what happened.

“It’s all my fault,,I handled it badly,but I was just impatient and……but why would he send me out? He shouted at me,it hurts” Genny cried.

“It’s okay,stop crying” Odessa rubbed her back until she stopped crying.

They both sat down on the bed.

“I’m going to talk to him…and also,you shouldn’t disobey him like that. Even I doesn’t do that,,He’s the future alpha and that would hurt his pride. To be precise,I’ve never seen mother disrespecting father’s opinion” Odessa sighed.

“Why would he bring up tbe future into this? Like I won’t make a good Luna,that’s too much” Genny sniffs, still wiping her tears.

“It’s okay,I’m going to talk to him” Odessa said and hugged her again.




Orion watched as Thane ate silently with no single expression on his face,normally he would have spoken to him and they would be smiling together as they eat but this morning was totally different.

Orion was about asking him what was going on when Odessa came in.

“Thane” She called but Thane ignored her and just kept on eating.

“You fought with your mate? Seriously? And then you threw her out,what If something bad happened to her on the way …….”

“Stop it Dessa,don’t spoil my mood this morning,you think she’s scared of going out late in the night? That’s what she’s good at anyway,I just gave her the freedom to do what ever she wants” Thane snapped angrily.

“Wh@??ver she wants? Do you even mean that? You should have handled it more maturely” Odessa snapped back and Orion’s eyes widened.

“Odessa” He cautioned and Odessa rolled her eyes before she continued.

“I know Genny is quite naive and doesn’t know how to express herself in a better way,but you should know that too,instead of getting so mad,you should… ”

“You think I’m mad because of what she said dumbly? I’m more mad because she always do wh@??ver she wants even though I’m against it,,she does this always! Every f-__-king time,she would apologize and I will forgive her,but not this time,I’m not in for her dumb attitude,just stay away from it,you’re making me even more angry. Tell her I said we should take a break,I’m tired” Thane stood up.

Orion and Odessa made a shocking face.

“What do you mean by break? You know you can’t break up with your mate right?…..”

“I can be the first” Thane muttered and left,slamming the door loudly.

Orion immediately stood up also.

“Talk to him” Odessa told him.

Orion nodded before going after Thane.




Beorn sat down on his bed,watching every moves Sage made as he dressed up for class,it’s Monday morning.

Sage was trying to brush his hair but it’s not perfect like he wants.

“Can you help?” He Asked Beorn.

“Yeah” Beorn muttered and got up,,he walked closer to Sage and took the hair brush from him.

Sage chuckled as Beorn started brushing his hair.

“Shortie” He teased.

“Stop it,you’re only two cm taller” Beorn scoffed.

“Exactly” Sage said and Beorn rolled his eyes.

“Cute” Sage touched his cheek.

“Stop it,,stop” Beorn groaned and Sage dropped his hand.

Beorn finished brushing his hair and looked at his face.

“How do I look?” Sage asked,tapping his hair.

Beorn’s eyes fell on his lips and all he could think of was those lips on his again,like the first time.

‘Am I crazy?? He’s a guy for f-__-k sake’ Beorn groaned inwardly,but he couldn’t just control it.

“Beorn? Are you okay?” Sage asked worriedly and tried touching his forehead.

“Don’t touch me” Beorn immediately said and Sage raised his brows.

He grabbed Beorn’s hand.

“Stop it!” Beorn snapped.

“Why are you angry? Did I do something….”

“f-__-k” Beorn groaned and before Sage could speak up again, Beorn’s lips pressed against his own,shocking the hell out of him.

He immediately pulled him off.

“What,isn’t this what you want? Why pushing me away?” Beorn asked.

“What are you talking about? I already told you I was going to try my best to get over it…..”

“But I don’t want that to happen” Beorn cut in and Sage looked at him.

“I h@?? it now that you’ve started talking to everyone,I h@?? it so much,,you barely look at me like before,and you’ve started flirting too…I don’t like it” Beorn shook his head.

“Beorn,,you don’t have to do what you don’t want….”

“Stop making it hard,,I did that because I can’t stop thinking about it,,is it so hard to believe?!” Beorn snapped and grabbed his bag before walking out of the room.

Sage touched his head,he was sweating under the air conditioned room,he swallowed,his heart beats aren’t normal either.

He carried his bag in a rush and stormed out,running after Beorn but be was totally gone.




“Come on Genny,you can’t just sleep all day, let’s go to class” Juna said but Genny said nothing,she just lie on the bed motionlessly.


“I’m not going anywhere Juna,I’m sorry” she mumbled.

Juna sighed and waved at her.

“I will be back soon” She said and left.

*I don’t understand why you’re so down,,isn’t this what you wanted? I warned you!* Tonith yelled at her.

*You don’t have to add to my wound,I’m dying here* Genny said, tearing up again. It was as if her whole body was tearing apart,just few hours without Thane and she’s miserable already.

*You caused everything,try to fix it all alone,I h@?? this situation,I need to be with my mate* Tonith said.

*So he doesn’t even miss me? Am I the only one feeling so dead?* Genny asked but Tonith already choose to leave her to her fate.

Genny cried till she fell asleep.




Genny tried going in but the guards at the door Immediately stopped her,she looked at them surprisingly.

“I’m sorry my lady but the prince warned us not to let you in until he says so” one of them said.

“I need to go inside,I need to” Genny said.

“My lady….”

“Take me in!!” Genny yelled.

They immediately bowed, one of them opened the door and quickly left the way toward the balcony.

Thane was in the balcony,puffing out his blunt aggressively, He’s been having arguments over arguments with Thorne all day and now he already blocked him out of head till further notice,He’s going to handle himself all alone.

Just then, a guard showed up in the balcony with Genny behind him.

“Your highness…Lady Genny is here. I tried telling her not to come here but she insisted” The guard explained.

Genny showed up as well.

Thane ignored it and continue smoking then spoke up without turning back.

“Tell her I have no interest in wh@??ver she’s going to blurt” Thane told the guard.

“Thane…..” Genny moved closer.

Thane ignored her and left the balcony, Genny immediately followed him.

“Can you just let’s talk this out….”

Thane entered his bedroom and closed the door loudly on her face.

Genny bit her lips,tears roll down her eyes.



