10048-chapter-34 | LEKZYNG
Home Post 10048-chapter-34


“Kenzie… fuçk!” Eminem gasped, and the mouths of every other person in the room went wide.

Hazel froze on her spot as she felt the warm alcohol crawling down her breàsts valley, to her tummy, down to her…

She quickly stepped back, closing her arms on her chest which is now very transparent cos of the wetness.

“I’ll take him” Miguel said, hanging Kenzie’s right arm on his shoulder.

He managed to get his muscular body up the stairs, and Eminem followed.

“Are you ok?” Natty asked Hazel who’s still standing in shock.

“Yeah…I’m…I’m fine” she stuttered without thinking.

“Sorry about that, Ken is a diçk” Natty smiled kindly, and she nodded.

“Of course”

Natty went upstairs too, and Anna placed an arm on Hazel’s shoulder.

“You should go clean up…I’m sorry about it” she said.

“No ma’am. It wasn’t your fault and I’m really fine. I’ll go clean up” Hazel quickly replied and left the mansion.

“What’s going on? What happened to your blouse?” Maria asked when they met by the door

She dropped the bag she’s carrying and blocked her nose with her palm.

The alcohol stinks so much.

“It’s Kenzie…he puked on me” Hazel replied, and before Maria could press further, she already walked away.

Maria sighed sadly and carried the bag in.

Hazel was still on her way to the annex when she suddenly sighted a black stuff under a car.

She went back to take another look at it, and she squatted, picking it out.

It’s a power bank.

“Does it belong to one of them?” She muttered, taking a long look at it before continuing her journey.

She got to her room and dropped the PB beside her pillow, then she got rid of her clothes.

Unfortunately, the blouse is one of her favorites from her few blouses cos it’s colour green.

She decided to have a bath, it’s the only thing that can get rid of the alcohol smell on her right now.

She stripped herself naked, her pale skin looking sinfully attractive.

She admired herself for a while in front of the mirror before using the towel, then she stepped into the bathroom.

Immediately she got under the warm shower, she felt at peace as she ran her palms through the perfect curves and edges on her body.

When her palm got to her breàsts, she couldn’t stop the urge, as usual…she caressed it.

It’s an addiction, a tendency she hasn’t been able to get rid of since she reached puberty…she can’t keep her hands off herself during baths.

Even if she tries to, she’d start touching before she knows it.

She dotted her nîpples with her pointer fingers, and it felt so good that she smiled…

She cupped her full breàsts before increasing the water flow on the shower.



Thanks to Anna’s instructions, it was Hazel who rearranged and cleaned the room two days ago.

The bedroom is all grey like England’s sky, no other distinct colour except a golden coloured shelf with numerous trophy awards set on it.

Miguel and Eminem dropped Kenzie on the bed, and Natty removed his shoes, throwing them across the room

“This motherfûcker …. Seriously why did he drink all the vodka only to puke on the poor girl” she said.

“The poor girl’s breàsts…I swear i know her breàsts size already…her top gummed to her body after the show yunno?” Eminem replied with a $h|t-eating grin.

“Stop it, Emi. You gave him the alcohol” Miguel cautioned.

“And we all know he never gets drunk. He once drank three bottles of this same alcohol but stood strong….this is Ken we’re talking about so don’t fuçking judge me, and besides…he took it from me I didn’t give it to him” Eminem retorted.

“Stop the nags, maybe Ken is just tired from the jet lag, who knows?” Natty spoke up, and her eyes caught the castle of awards on the golden shelf.

“Fuvk!” She gasped, rushing to it.

“At this rate, he should become the king of hell instead…you mean to tell me he won these awards for breaking hearts? There are…95 trophies here!” Eminem gasped.

“Yeah…he started the hunt since he was 18, and I think these awards are what kept him going. Till he gets one million trophies, he won’t stop according to him” Miguel said.

He’s the only one who’s from New York like Kenzie, so he knows more about him.

Natty and Eminem are Germans.

“Wow! I’m scared of Ken at this rate” Natty faked a shiver, and Eminem grinned.

“Hey… guys ” Anna came in.

“Minister Anna Torrance!” Eminem said cheerfully.

“Former minister” Anna corrected.

“Oh…my bad. Nice to meet you, ma’am ” he smiled.

“Evening ma’am… you’re beautiful like Ken said ” Natty said.

“Kenzie talked about me? My own Kenzie?” Anna said unbelievably.

“She lied… Ken never talks about family” Miguel replied, and Natty gave him the middle finger secretly.

Anna smiled.

“Lee will show you to the second mansion where you three will stay” she said, and Lee came in.

“Ken’s junior brother? You’re cute!” Natty said immediately, and he made faces.

“I prefer hot”

Eminem started laughing.

“I have a feeling we’ll be close! Come buddy!” He hung his arm on Lee’s neck, and they both walked out of the room.

Miguel and Natty exchanged glaces and scoffed unitedly before following them.



Hazel put on her sleep-shirt after her bath, and she rubbed her toes on her calve as she checked herself out in front of the mirror.

The shirt barely covered her @zz, as usual…

She’s a fan of not wearing anything to bed, but because this isn’t her house, she just had to make do with the short shirts every night.

She remembered Kenzie’s hold on her earlier and raised her arm, checking that spot out as if it’s now different from other parts of her body.

She remembered his tattoo , his eyes….his lips…how he threw up on her.

She made sour faces and sighed.

“All rich boys are diçks… douches. I don’t like him already” she muttered, leaving the mirror before going to her bed

She fell on it and covered herself with her body-centered quilt.

She was about to shut her eyes when she remembered Cole’s text.

She took her phone and prayed inwardly that it won’t frustrate her life before turning it on

She met another text from him already.

Cole: Are you ok? You didn’t reply me.

“Not all rich boys are douches after all. Cole is in college too just like him, and he’s not a diçk” she muttered, typing a reply.

Hazel: I’ve been busy, not intentional.

He replied almost immediately.

Cole: Sorry about that, are you taking vitamins and tonic like I suggested? You need it.

She smiled again and started typing, taking close to three minutes before she successfully typed…

Hazel: I’d rather save the money for vitamins and tonic and use it for something more important. Sorry I replied late again, my phone is stupid.

Cole: You should allow me to get you a new phone.

Hazel: No, thanks! I have to go now.

He hasn’t replied when she got a message notification from Penny, and she clicked on it.

Penny: Heard the son of the house is back! Is he handsome in person like I’ve been seeing on IG?

“Crazy” Hazel muttered.

Hazel: I’m not ready for your gossips tonight…. goodnight! *hearts emoji*

She dropped her phone and shut her eyes immediately.

It didn’t take long before she drifted off to a deep sleep.

Maria came in and walked slowly to her bed. She sat on the edge and noticed the power bank beside her pillow.

“Where is this from?” She muttered, but she brushed it off easily.

Hazel will tell her about it tomorrow morning

“Sweet dreams…baby” she kissed her hair before leaving the room.



Maria and Hazel woke as early as 6 to start breakfast preparations since Anna requested that.

The two are in their green aprons in the kitchen, working hard.

They’re making creamy spaghetti, fried chicken and salad, then homemade juice.

The spaghetti and chicken are already done, but Hazel is still busy with the salad while Maria is making the juice.

“Is the salad ready yet?” Anna came into the kitchen.

“Just a little bit me more, ma’am” Hazel replied.

Anna came to her and tasted it…

“No salt? I told Maria to add it” she said.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am. I forgot to tell her” Maria came over.

“Salt….in …in salad?” Hazel stuttered unbelievably.

“Just do as you’re told” Maria replied.

“Alright, ma’am” Hazel replied.

Anna left the kitchen and Maria returned to the juice.

Hazel smirked secretly.

Is he related to lot’s wife in the biblical stories? Why always salt?

It’s weird.

Nevertheless, she left the salad to go get salt on the opposite cabinet, but on her way there, Kenzie entered the kitchen.

She stopped dead on her tracks, and she gulped without meaning to.

He’s in baggy purple shirt with a bird drawing in front of it, then black shorts.

His eyes still so drowsy and his hair scattered… seems he came here directly from bed.

He’s looking illegally handsome for that early in the morning… it’s unfair.

But the odd thing is that he’s walking towards her, in her direction.

She gulped again, blinking slowly afterwards.

Is the douche gonna apologize for what he did last night?

A satisfactory smile appeared on her lips, but it wiped off when he walked past her, and she almost fell.

She had to hold the cabinet as whips of his spicy scent chocked her nose.

He got fire lighter then brought out a cigar pack from his pocket before walking out of the kitchen nonchalantly.

Hazel licked her lip slowly. What was she expecting?

“I thought we settled that you’d drop smoking?” Hugo’s voice came from the living room, obviously talking to Kenzie.

“Hugo…why don’t you let him off? Smoking is nothing” Anna’s voice said.

“It’s nothing? It’s not good for his health so why always supporting his antics? He’s sick in the head already, burning his liver to black will only aggravate it” Hugo replied.

Hazel peeped into the living room, and she saw Kenzie sitting on a sofa, smoking with his eyes buried in his phone.

Hugo is sitting in front of him while Anna is walking to him.

Anna sat beside Kenzie and started arranging his hair fondly.

“Ken, you should…

“I’ll be in the second mansion, will eat there with my friends this morning” he cut her off and stood.

He started going for the dooor.

He suddenly looked towards the kitchen door, and Hazel quickly snuck in

“That was close” she muttered, holding her chest.

“He’s a douche to everyone” she sighed, finally getting the salt.



“Mate!” Eminem shouted dramatically when Kenzie came in.

He’s in the game room with Miguel, playing snooker.

“What’s up? You look upset” Miguel asked, hanging his snooker stick on his neck as he took a cup of coffee to sip.

“Daddy issues” Kenzie said, dropping his cigar to take Miguel’s stick.

“Let me guess….it’s about the smokes” Eminem said, sitting on the table edge.

“Of course, the smokes” Natty replied, coming in.

She’s in a bra top and shorts.

“There are males here, girl!” Eminem said, and she chuckled.

“What? Am I starting to get under your skin? Should we fuvk?” She winked, taking his stick from him.

“Do it, you both” Kenzie said.

Natty and Eminem snapped their eyes at him.

“Live porn is always welcome…do it in here” he said with an interested glint in his crazed eyes.

“I’m in too!” Miguel replied, hanging his arm on his shoulder.

“You both are insane” Natty rolled eyes.

“Tell me about it, sickos” Eminem added, and Miguel giggled.

Kenzie’s phone buzzed, and when he checked to see it’s an unimportant notification, he hissed out, his lips reddening and looking so kissable.

“Amber is still not replying?” Natty asked with a smile.



The grieve of Erika’s death is still on the streets, and her fans are still in sorrow, but as for Amber, the grieve ended yesterday after Erika was buried.

She’s the leader of the band, so she decided to brace up and resume the band activities.

They’ll have to start scheduling auditions to take in a new member who’d replace Erika

If possible, she wants to take in two members so they’d be four this time.

She came downstairs in the big cozy house, looking domineering in her pink furry shorts and cardigan.

She’s a tall, sassy-looking girlie.

A mug of coffee sat on her right hand, and her phone sat on the left.

She’s busy reading Kenzie’s texts, and she’s smiling proudly.

To think that he can get any girl he wants in the whole of New York and beyond, but he can’t get her …

That’s a feat she’d die to keep. It’s fuçking sweet!

But one thing is for sure, he’s free to fuvk anyone he wants right now, but he’ll become hers the moment she gives him attention.

He sent close to 120+ messages already, but she hasn’t replied any.

She clicked on one, sipping her coffee as she read.

Ken~Z: You’re not special, and I’m Kenzie Torrance, I get wh@??ver I want… you’re mine to fuvk… fuçking mine.

She laughed after reading that.

“Of course, I’m yours Kenzie”

The door opened roughly, and she was about to scream when Hope came in with tears in her eyes.

The third member of the band.

“Hope?” Amber frowned.

“Did I just hear you laugh? Seriously? Erika was buried just yesterday and you’re already planning auditions to take in her replacement? Our team told me about it and I’m about to go crazy right now. I get that you didn’t like each other when she was alive but…

“I don’t get you, Hope. So now that Erika died, I should send the band to the soil with her? Tell me!” Amber interrupted.

“Give her some space, bîtch! She was one of us!” Hope sniffled.

“Go cry me a river if you’re not comfortable with the schedule, I’m off!” Amber dropped her mug.

It fell and shattered on the ground, and a steam of her coffee stretched around the white floor as she went upstairs.

“Amber!!” Hope ran after her.



“You got 95 awards already, dude! If you campaign for Satanship, you’d get in without rival” Eminem said.

They’re back in the living room, awaiting breakfast.

“Thanks for the compliment” Kenzie deadpanned.

Natty chuckled, and their faces turned to the door when it opened.

Maria came in with Hazel, carrying their food trays.

Natty and Eminem quickly stood and helped them set the dishes on the dinning.

“I can already smell salt in Ken’s salad” Natty grinned.

“Enjoy” Maria smiled

“Thanks,…” Eminem narrowed his eyes at her.

“Maria” she smiled.

“And you?” He faced Hazel who’s behind Maria.

“Hazel” she replied.

Maria pulled her out, and Eminem faced the rest.

Kenzie is currently looking at a green ribbon on the floor, must have fallen from Hazel’s hair.

Not like he cares.

“Ken, tell me you’re adding her to your fûck-list, her breàsts are to die for!” Eminem said unfiltered.

“Her?” Kenzie looked up

“The maid’s daughter, Hazel” Eminem replied.

Kenzie paused for a heartbeat.

“That boring one? She’s like a snail” he talked uninterestedly.

“I think she’s cute, especially her cheeks” Natty smiled.

“You can as well date her” Kenzie stood.

“Where to?” Eminem and Miguel asked at once.

“My power bank…” He replied and left the mansion.

Getting to the main mansion, he couldn’t find it in his room, and he started wondering if he didn’t bring it home.

He came downstairs and met Maria.

“Are you looking for something?” She asked.

“Power bank” he replied with a squint.

“Wait….I think I saw it in Hazel’s room at the annex and…

“Maria, get me some water” Hugo’s voice came upstairs.

“Yes sir” she replied and rushed into the kitchen.

Kenzie left the mansion and made his way to the annex.

He opened the first door he saw and entered the room which is almost like a forest cos of the green theme.

He could hear the shower running in the bathroom as he started looking around for any sign of the power bank.

His eyes caught lace P@?tî?? and bra on the bed,…the ones she pulled off before entering the bathroom.

He squinted sadistically before turning to the bathroom door.

He started striding to it, his dark aura freezing the air, and the closer he got, the louder the running shower comes

He got to the door, held the knob and twisted it, pushing the door open.

Hazel’s naked backside is the first thing he saw….her butt.

She’s under the shower, fondling with her breàsts as usual.

Her back might be on him, but it doesn’t take a genius to know what she’s doing.

She quickly pulled her towel down, tripping on the wet ground as she struggled to wrap it around herself.

Water entered her ears, and she gulped some in the process.

She didn’t even think of turning off the shower, so immediately she wrapped the towel on herself, it got wet too.

She was panting heavily with open mouth as she turned slowly, her hair gummed to every part of her face.

Her back hit the wall in raw shock when she saw him standing by the door with a bored look in those devoid eyes of his.

“You don’t know how to knock? I get that you’re the son of the house but being a diçk is thoughtless…Even without knocking, I’m sure you heard the running shower sound so why would you open the door on me!!” She said a little loud, holding the towel tightly to her chest like her lifeline.

Kenzie’s features remained unmoved, like a devil patrolling the flames of hell.

Hazel gulped hard.

“You’re seriously a black-hearted conundrum, and I…

“Shut up” he cut her off frostily, and she went silent, secretly biting her tongue.

“The power bank, now” he said.

