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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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YUMMY  LOVE – Episode 5

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☔{My Joy Giver}☔

☄️ EPISODE 5☄️

?BY Anita obi ?



I kept watching and listening to their mum singing kodrianas favorite song….

Ma’am, the song you’re singing how ” Ethan immediately punched me hard on the face as I screamed in pains as Ruth rushed to me and pushed Ethan away while Thier mum went back inside”

Ethan..why did you punch him so bad… Clemson..I think you should get going… please ” Ruth said holding my hand as I pushed her away saying”

Take your hands off me, and you Ethan..this is just the beginning… you’ll h@ťě me for life” I said angrily leaving”



In the hospital…

I woke up beside kodriana who was still lying unconscious..

The doctor came in ..

Good morning ” he said”

Good morning doctor.. please how’s she doing ” I asked worriedly”

Actually your girlfriend need some rest… she’s in Shocks right now…it as if she has experienced a terrible incident before…Mr Clemson.. don’t worry.. you’re woman will be fine soon” he said as I coughed”

Erm doctor.. actually she’s not my girlfriend she’s my best friend ” I said as he looked at me surprisingly saying”

Stop saying that kid…you two actually look like couples…if you’re not her boyfriend then where’s her boyfriend,he should be here running around the way you’re doing, beside where are her parent.. aren’t there concerned about their child?” He asked”

Actually doctor it’s a long story,our parent passed away some years ago…the accident was very terrible…I watched my parent die right Infront of me…I think it’s about the incident that happened to us on the bridge that you’re referring to doctor…” I said”

Oh no.. that’s a very sad story.. I’m so sorry Mr Clemson… sorry for reminding you of the past ” he said”

No problems doctor ” I said”

You just have to make sure she’s always happy… shocks and sadness shouldn’t go near her..Mr Clemson please do your best to keep her alive if you really value her” doc said”

I will do all I can doctor..but please..when will she wake up” I asked”

Soon my dear ” he said and left

” I drew closer to kodriana and held her hand ”

Kodriana… please wake up…I miss talking to you” I said sadly in tears when suddenly I saw Ethan coming in ”

“I stood up angrily and rushed to him”

Get out now…I said leave” I said angrily ”

Clemson, please I’m sorry..I really didn’t mean to get her into trouble… please let me see her” he said sadly as I punched his belly ”

You fool… leave now, haven’t you done enough” I asked angrily pushing him out when suddenly I heard kodriana coughing ”

Kodriana…” I called rushing to her as Ethan followed ”

Ethan….” Kodriana called getting me surprised ”

” Ethan rushed to her as I stood aside watching at them”

Kodriana, kodriana…how are you feeling” Ethan asked holding her hand ”

Ethan… I’m fine… Ethan are you okay? You look worried” kodriana said touching his cheeks as tears rolled down my cheeks ”

” I wiped them away immediately and acted like a man”

” I went closer to her and said ”

Kodriana…what would you like to eat, your favorite?” I asked ”

Clemson, have you been crying? Why are your eyes swollen?” She asked”

Kodriana… please tell me what you want to eat ” I said trying to hold back my tears”

Anything Clemson, anything from you.. I’ll eat” she said with Ethan’s hands on her cheeks ”

Okay,I should get you something to eat” I said and left ”

” Kodriana,it seems Ethan is really your happiness…I think I should stop medaling in your affairs but I can’t watch him hurt you”



I bought her some food and brought it to the hospital..I went into her room but couldn’t find them..

Where is she” I asked myself dropping the food on the table ”

I rushed out to the doctor…

Doctor…where is she?” I asked”

Oh you mean kodriana? Her boyfriend left with her to his home ” he said as I landed on the ground sadly with my lips shaking”

She..she..she.. what?” I asked in tears already”

Mr Clemson,are you alright?” He asked as i grabbed his shirt immediately”

Don’t ask me that,how could you let another person take her away,was I not the one that brought her here? Why are you so senseless doctor?” I asked angrily”

Oh no.. you’re hurting my neck Clemson..I didn’t just let him take her,she confirmed that he was her boyfriend..why are you over reacting ” he said as I landed him a slap and pushed him to the ground saying”

If anything bad happens to kodriana,I will burn down this hospital ” I said and left angrily”



Be careful kodriana…” I said taking her in gently ”

Mother, father..I brought someone” I said as they all came downstairs ”

” Kodriana kept looking around the house as mother rushed to her ”

Wow..Ethan..this is your kodriana right?” She asked happily touching her hair ”

Yes mum.. she’s girlfriend.. kodriana meet my mum and dad…” I introduced ”

Good morning ma’am..and to you sir” she said as mum rushed to her saying ”

That’s okay dear,no need for that.. actually I heard about my son’s act on you…he left you with some bad friends of his…hey her to your brother’s room, Ethan we need to talk” dad said ”

No need Ruth,stay away from my girlfriend….mum..I’ll drop her and come back downstairs ” I said taking kodriana upstairs when suddenly the door opened as we saw Clemson badging in”

Kodriana, let’s go home” he said very angry coming to take kodriana from me ”

Clemson.. what’s your problem why are you here again ” I asked angrily as he drew kodriana from me”

Let’s go” he said taking kodriana as kodriana pushed him away saying”

Let go of me Clemson..why are you so furious…Ethan is my boyfriend ” Kodriana said as Clemson landed her a slap on her right cheek”

” We couldn’t believe our eyes ?”

Clemson you slapped me??” Kodriana asked with her hand on her Cheek”

Yes I did that to reset your malfunctioning Brian ” Clemson said angrily”


” Clemson was very angry to the extent of him giving kodriana a slap, kodriana walked closer to him saying in tears”

Clemson,you slapped me? You Lay your hands on me for the first time? What have I done wrong..what did I do wrong” kodriana said in tears as tears rolled down his eyes ”

Kodriana, listen to me carefully…all I’ve always wanted was for you to be happy and save…but now I can see that we’ve all grown up .. I can’t tell you what to do again ,and I can see you’re really in love with Ethan…fine, I’ll let you two be, henceforth our friendship is over ” Clemson said angrily leaving the house”

” Kodriana began to cry,I rushed to her and hugged her tightly…”

That’s okay kodriana,stop crying ” I said with her in my arms as mother came closer to us saying”

Ethan,son… I’m a woman..what I scent seems to be true” mum said”

What do you scent mother ” I asked”

…I can see love in his eyes..I mean Clemson” mum said ”

Don’t ever say that again mum..” I said to her angrily ”

” Kodriana came out of my arms trying to compose herself,she began to Walk backward to the door..I held her hand but she pushed me away saying ”

Ethan..I should go after Clemson…” She said rushing out without letting me.. Say a word ”

What the f-__-k is all this, what the hell is all this” I said angrily scratching my hair as Ruth said to me”

Ethan.. learn how to keep kodriana with you so she can let Clemson be..” Ruth said rushing out too”

” My whole head was hot..I was lost and confused…she loves me don’t she? Then why does she cares so much about Clemson..I know they’ve been childhood friends but isn’t the care too much…”

Son… those two are in love but haven’t recognized it have to give them their way because I think the girl is confused ” mum said” know what? Just shut the f-__-k up and go back to your not add to my pressure ” I said angrily rushing upstairs”



I got into the house in tears… crying like a baby..

Common a man…you can’t be crying because of a girl that loves another man…” I said to myself ”

Yes I’m right…I should be strong…Ethan is kodrianas happiness,I should let her be .

But why…why is she making me not to keep to any of my promises,why doesn’t she wants me to keep her safe… kodriana what’s my problem with you..why can’t I rest my head all because of you….

That’s because you’re a kind person Clemson” I heard her voice from the door post, suddenly she badged in ”

Kodriana” I called surprisingly as she rushed to me and hugged me ”

Clemson… please stop crying, you’ve never made me cry,why are you crying because of me .. I’m feeling guilty right now… I’m sorry but I love Ethan so much” she said in my arms as I placed my hands on her cheeks crying with her saying ”

Kodriana,yes I know you’re in love with Ethan…but ..but” she shut me up with a finger ”

Shii…say no more Clemson… because if not Ethan, they’ll be no one else” she said as I landed on the ground sadly ”

It’s finished” I said ” know this is my first time of falling in love… you’ve been like a brother to me,you made me never to remember the terrible incident that happened that day on the bridge, Clemson I’m really greatful….you know sometimes I feel like everything that happened before was my fault ” she said sitting with me on the floor placing her head on my shoulder as she continues”

Yes it was all my fault…it was all because of ice creams that made my dad to stop on the bridge just for my mum to buy me some,If I had listened to my late sister Ruth,when she told me not to lick the ones on the bridge but the ones in the house,we wouldn’t have been ki||ed on that bridge…I was so little back then Clemson, everything I remember today is because you kept records of all the things I told you on that day… Clemson..I owe you allot…if not for you..I would have been dead by now… Clemson I’m sorry for making you cry ” she said in tears putting her head on my shoulder as I hugged her tightly saying”

That’s enough .. you’re making me cry the more, I can remember all those times you do just the things I asked you to do” I said in tears”

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