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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€ World


๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ’ In love with the cold hearted CEO ๐Ÿ’  ๐Ÿ’ 

ThEME;His innocent wife

Episode 99๐ŸŒบ100

Semi-final and final

By Empress story land โฃ๏ธ



The news about the hostages getting safe and the fighting spirit of the youths who showed great courage in counter attacking were the hot topic and trends of all news and social media apps….

“Congratulations Mr president we just avoided a disaster”…
The ministers all laughed heartily,happy for the Great news,the president sighed in relief as he closed his eyes to calm his fluttering heart,his opened his eyes to stare at the direction of the screen displaying the faces of Fu Hai and the rest,his gaze unreadable….





Gu ming was locked up in a luxurious room,but it felt more like a cage than a room,these days her gaze had grown silent filled with coldness and anger….

” She refuse to believe she had been taken down form that powerful authority to a meesy nobody”….

” Impossible! impossible!
Gu ming chanted as she laughed evily,her laughter giving the guards guarding the doors chill,they looked at the direction of the door,distain written on there faces…

King Kang walked towards the direction of the room,with four council men and some guards,the one’s at the door bowed before opening the door and closing it back silencing all information form leaking out ….


Gu ming looked up to see who would pay her a visit,she wasn’t expecting to see king Kang,her eyes brightened a bit but when she saw what the guards where carrying a defeated look loom on her face….

” Why??

” Why what”…
King Kang asked confused, only for her to scoffed


” Do you think am blind , obviously you’re here to dispose of me right,have you told your son about it”….
She said arrogantly,hopeful and tasting the water….

” Yes and he very much support the decision”….

Gu ming face looked hideous with rage as she barked out not hiding her h@ลฅฤ›…

” I should have strangle him to death when he gave his first cry that good-for-nothing child”…
She cursed leaving the council men flagger basted….

” How treacherous”….

” Do you want to die”…

” Saying that in front of the king,and even cursing the crown prince “…

” Hehe,what stupid crown prince,am his mother ,I have the right to decide his life an death, he’s nothing but a pawn in my hands”…


Everyone was shocked as they stared at the angry king who slapped her hard…

” How dare you, insolent woman,let me tell you,that pawn whom you said is just a chess piece ,his my flesh and blood ,my son and the heir to the throne”
King Kang roared, making Gu ming stunned….

” Also ,what am thankful for ,is that he got to meet consort Ming who took care of him as her own child,so even though you are gone,I won’t have to worry about him feeling sad”….

Gu ming felt chill run down her spine,she shivered as she crawled to king knag holding his leg pleading for mercy….

” Hubby you can’t do this to me,am your wife , remember your sweet heart”


King Kang kicked her heavily,she rolled away from him held her hurting chest and spatted out blood,her eyes showed fear as she looked at the murderous glare on his face…

” What wife,what sweetheart,I don’t remember having a vicious women filled with wickedness hiding her heartlessness and I have bedded her for twenty-five years, you’re nothing but a passer-by and a mistake in my life”

” No”
Gu ming panicked ,as she shakily thr_@tened…

” My parents won’t spare you”…

” Oh,sorry to bother you,they are already dead all of them”
King Kang said icily making her grow shocked,her heart stilled with agony ,she yelled and lurged for king Kang obviously to attack him but got kicked by one of the council men ,she fell backwards and spat out blood, coughing non-stop….

” Do it”…

” Yes your majesty”…

Before Gu ming could register what was going on,two guards held her down ,and pour a drink down her throat, covering her mouth forcing her to swallow….

Gu ming winced in pain as she held her stomach,her body trembling as she looked at him..

” What did you give me “….

” Oh didn’t you like to add things to people drinks and food,I just gave you a taste of your own medicine,the scorpion venom you tried to feed me,I return it to you back in hundred folds it’s just that I heard there no antidote for such venom especially the golden scorpion venom”….

Gu ming fell on her butt,as her face paled with fear,with a smirk king kang left with his subordinates, leaving the agonized woman behind shutting the door on her….

” Haaaaaaaaa”
Gu ming shrieked but after some minutes she stopped screaming obviously dead, the king men shivered slightly seeing this development….

” Thank goodness her plan didn’t work”….

“. Right we would have been in a lot of trouble”…

King Kang only had a cold look on his face….




Mr Jones was arrested but when he was placed in a special prison with heavy guards to set him for his trial he committed suicide and he was buried in a shallow grave with no name inspired on it, falcon and Mr Jones were later released ,after getting somethings done they left for California to take over Mr Jones business….

Ethan was speechless when he woke up and was given the news of his mother demised,he wasn’t even sad but had a cold and disgusted look on his face on learning the truth,he only pretended as if he never had a mother,Mr Kim was pained,guilt and regret hitting his mind…..

Tanya left for America ,since she had to go back to her eight month old baby waiting for her return and to the arms of her warm husband….

The following days were peaceful,Kun lun had gotten out of danger,and was able to move slowly but prince recommended he use a wheelchair for his safety for the time being which he agreed,but still grumbled about it affecting his images,but who cares .

Authoress POV

He can grumble for all he like shameless man๐Ÿ˜’

Kun lun: authoress who are you calling shameless

Authoress;you of course how many shameless Kun lun do I have in the story

Kun lun”……”
But you still feel for my handsomeness don’t sweat it

Authoress “๐Ÿ˜’”
” Your fada”..

Kun lun”guys I don’t understand what this cunny woman is saying”….

Authoress”๐Ÿ˜’who are you calling cunny ,trash head”..

Kun lun”๐Ÿ˜ณbut I am a computer expert woman”….

Authoress”(smirks),I design this story,and I made you a computer expert, without me you’re nothing…

Kun lun “โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ”

Authoress “so to me your still a trash head,gummy worms”

Kun lun”๐Ÿ˜ฅthis is so not fair……

The rest”you deserve it”…

Kun lun”……..????

Fu juhong “hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚,gummy worms so funny…

End of authoress point of view…..

A month later men propose to their lovers,and yes the first to take in was our miso who now goes by the name Fu Miso, everyone attended her wedding including Ethan ,who asked for forgiveness and was forgiven,the injured Kun lun, Veronica,Tanya and her husband the Kim’s family and many more, Taylor wedded Eun woo,and Mrs Seabrook was more than happy,even Lucas was glad he now had his own official mother…..

Oh and that’s not all….

Fu juhong got a girlfriend who turned out to be Ming,Katrina friend’s and he loved her dearly,Zack went his normal business so did Bruno,but Veronica oh well, don’t know how but Kang chi Joon fell in love at first sight when he saw her…

(Evil laughter)hehe?

Kang chi Joon approached scared her,but after pursuing she relented and gave him and he was more than happy,finally having his own woman by his side,Kang chi and lolita too got married, everyone lived happily….but later after much persuasion from lolita and his mother,she carried her own pregnancy and nearly lost her life during child birth,but guess what she gave birth to triplets and wasn’t able to convince again,the doctor said it was a miracle for a 40%chanced woman to give birth to triplets…

The story ends here,and Fu Miso gave birth to twins,her last born was a son and when she gave her attention to him Fu Hai got jealous even of his own son….



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