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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A ?

?(The Ice Queen )?

BY: Worthy stories

Chapter twenty five ?️?️

“Remember no getting drunk. This is a mission.” Sydney reminds us for the tenth time before leading us into ‘Desires ‘.

I adjust my dress ensuring that nothing can be seen before holding Jayden’s arm and walking into the neon lighted place with a song I don’t know playing.

“That’s Linda DJing over there.” Jayden says to me as he points to a corner. I see her mop of curly hair bouncing as she jumps to the music and her husband, Ken Manchester, on the side walking to a man as he holds a glass of brown substance.

“Why’s her husband here?” I ask looking towards them as I see Linda waving in our direction.

“Ken? He’s the co-owner.” He says. Then waves back at Linda.

“Act drunk. ” I state walking towards the center as I look around.

“Never tried it but I guess I could try.” He says as I study everyone in my line of sight. Isabella and Sydney are dancing as Amelia and Harry are ordering something from the bar.

“Let’s go say hi to Linda. Maybe her husband knows something about the Spider and could help us.”

I say and Jayden nods taking my arm. I follow him before he stops abruptly.

“What the hell dude?” A man says and I move next to Jayden to see what’s going on.

A bald man wearing a leather jacket is drenched with his alcohol. He takes off his jacket just in time as I see a spider logo at the back.

Jayden apologizes to him and hands him a bill but I take it just before the man takes it.

“He doesn’t need it. He’s just plain stupid not to watch where he’s going.” I say with a slur as the man turns to me. I put a hand around Jayden unsteadily and Jayden gets the memo and tries holding me.

“She’s a lightweight.” He says. The man tries taking the bill from my hand but I move it away.
“Wanna play big man?

Here catch it.” I slur as Jayden pretends to tell me that I need to rest. I laugh and push Jayden away. “You don’t get to tell what to do you meanie.

I wanna go with this hottie. Hey I just rhymed.” I say and giggle and stumble to the man’s chest.
“Take me home.” I whisper to his ear and I see him lick his lips.

“You’re not going anywhere with him. Come, let go Ja…ne. The others are waiting.” Jayden says and the man stiffens.

“Others? You’re not alone with him?” He asks and I laugh placing my hand on his chest. “Just me and my girls who already have people to take them home.

He’s just our gay chauffeur of the night and he’s upset that he doesn’t get to drink.” I say seductively.

“I’ll be fine Will. I’ll call you to pick me up in the morning.” I say looking at Jayden who looks like he wanted to respond but I look at him.

He has to make this seem natural. He nods his head hesitantly the the bald man turns around so fast with me next to him.
“Call me Yale baby.” I fake a giggle.

Like the school? ” He nods kissing my neck. I pull him away. “I need you now.” My palm starts tracing down his stomach. He has impressive abs.

“Then let’s leave.” He says grinning and I grin too. We walk to his black Jeep and he helps me climb into the car. He walks to the driver’s side as I pull out my knife immediately and place it next to my side on the opposite.

“We’re going for a long drive sweetheart.” He says and I try looking disappointed.

“But I can’t go far away. I need you as soon as possible.” I whine as he starts the car.

He doesn’t talk for a few minutes and when we reach a deserted road I see it as the perfect time to draw out my knife and attack. Just as I move my hand he talks.

“Nope. Don’t even dare Jada Costa!” I stop in my tracks and look at him in shock before I even mask it.

“We’ve been looking for you darling and I knew you’d come to us.”

He says stopping the car. I take out my gun from its holster and point it at him. He points his at me with a smirk. “Wrong move.” He says.

“Now. I want you to get out of this car and place everything you’re hiding on your body in front of you where I can see them.”

He instructs but I don’t move. “You can move closer.” He instructs into his earpiece and I instinctively look around.

Flashing lights from another car appear and stops behind us. Another man with brown hair stops and moves to the back.

I look between the car and the man beside me who holds a smirk.

“I believe we haven’t officially met. I’m the Spider.” He says making my head fully snap to him.

“So it’s you.” I say looking at his face my eyes roaming down to his waist pretending to asses him. “Why did you ki|| Leonardo and his parents?” I ask aiming my gun at him.

“Oh, the brat’s on you. A life for a life.” He says and my heart drops but at the same time I get madder.

Now do as I say before your boy toy gets ki||ed as you watch.” He says and I notice Jayden being dragged by the man who got out of the car. Jayden’s a good fighter. It’s two against two. What could go wrong?

I look at the spider who’s watching me with a victorious smirk. “I think you’re forgetting something.”

I say as my left hand moves discreetly to the back of my left thigh where another knife is.

“I’m the best assassin and using him to thr_@ten me, is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.

Do wh@ťěver you want to him.” I say before throwing the knife at his shoulder making him grunt as I run out the car as I $h00t at the man with Jayden but he dodges.

I walk to him as he stands behind Jayden and places the nozzle of his gun inside his mouth. I stop in my trucks and look at Jayden who looks too calm.

I place my gun on the road then lift my hands up showing that I surrender. I hear other men coming out of the vehicle that had Jayden and guns click.

“I said all your weapons.” The Spider’s angry voice says and I bend down to my heels and start untying them. “I said weapons.

Not f-__-king stripping.” Spider shouts but I continue taking off my shoes. My eyes on Jayden.

As soon as I’m done. I get up and return my hands to their surrender position then turn around towards the Spider and other men that I count to four.

“I’m free.” I state as the spider motions to someone. I look around as I see a man move closer to me and starts patting my shoulders.

He moves to my Břě@šťs and fondles them aggressively but I don’t react.

He moves to my stomach down to my hips and just as he touches the knives on either side of my thighs, I knee him at his groin and turn him around then place a knife against his throat.

“Let him go.” I say and the spider starts laughing as his men look at me in shock.

“I knew you were fast, but this…” He starts clapping. “What makes you think we need him? You can ki|| him for all we care. Your only two if you still count your boy toy against us. What are the odds of winning?”

He taunts with a smirk as I glance behind at Jayden for a microsecond. He winks and I suddenly understand what he means. I look back at the Spider who takes out a gun.

I let my knife slit across the man’s neck just as I hear Jayden fighting off the man holding him. The men start running towards me as the Spider talks something hastily into his earpiece.

Someone $h00ts at me but I use the man I just slit as a human shield as I feel a presence behind me before he speaks.

“Sydney and the others should be here.” He says as we look around. I feel something cold on my arm.

“Take it. I’m not good with them.” He says and I take the gun still not looking at him. My eyes never leaving the men.


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