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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A ?

?(The Ice Queen )?

BY: Worthy stories

Chapter Sixteen?️?️


I pick up my training gears that I haven’t used for months since Leo’s health started deteriorating.

Leo. It’s been a month since his burial and to be honest, this has been one of the hardest time of my life.

I lost my best friend Lilian and my brother on the same day but I had Leonardo.

A product of their love. I promised to cherish him and protect him forever but I failed. I failed.

I look down at my hands that have formed a fist and so I take in deep breaths slightly relaxing my body.

My phone buzzes on my side table and so I walk to it to find a text from my closest friend.

I’m outside. Hurry up or we’ll be late.

The text reads and I take my gears. I had asked for a leave of about a year so that I could be with Leo.

I couldn’t focus on Leo and at the same time on basketball and so I chose Leo.

I walk down the staircase only to find mother talking to Leah and Renna reading some fashion magazine.

I pass them without a word until mother’s voice stops.

“You couldn’t wait for Leonardo to leave so that you could start your stupid sport.”

She sneers just as my phone pings with another from Dylan telling me to hurry up.

I don’t say anything but only walk away. I find Dylan in a brand new matte black Audi R8 V10. He gets out of his car and jogs to me and we do our handshake.

“It’s good to see you back. Everyone missed you.” He says and I snicker.

“Tell that to Riley and he’ll disagree.” He laughs a bit as we walk to his car.

“Cool car.” I say once when we’re in and he starts his endless talk about it and how he bought it. Maybe this will help me. I need to get my life back on track.

We arrive at the studio where it’s dark and I look at Dylan in question. He only shrugs confused too and we walk.

Dylan opens the door that’s shut. Weird. Just as we get in, the lights turn on and strong bodies jump on me and some basketballs hit me.

I look around to see my team members surrounding us. They all welcome me back one by one.

They all came to Leo’s burial but I hadn’t seen any one of them since apart from Dylan. “I’m better and faster. Better watch out for me Williams.” I turn to a serious Riley.

“I missed you too man.” I say as I give him a bro hug.
Coach whistles five minutes later and we all jog to him. “Good to see you back Williams. We changed our training criteria and you’ll have to adapt it as soon as you can. I won’t be lenient to you.” He says.

Sure coach.” I respond and soon we start training. Since I left I’ve been hitting the basement gym more in order to keep fit and so the training isn’t something hard and I notice coach is impressed.

“Man, I’m beat up and I have this dinner with my family.” Dylan groans as we walk towards his car after practice.

I pat his shoulder thinking about going back to my house where we have this tense and awkard tension. It has always been there since mother lost his precious hardworking and smart son. Maybe it’s time to move out.

As we reach his car, we find Riley texting on his phone. He gets up from the car he’s leaning on and walks to me. I look at him in question.

“Just wanted to say that wh@ťěver you’re going through, I’m here for you. I feel you bro. ” He pats his chest where his heart is and leaves after I nod reluctantly.

“What just happened?” Dylan asks in disbelief but I don’t respond and we leave. The closer we get to my home the more restless I feel. Dylan continues talking about this dinner but my mind can’t grasp anything.

“We’re here.” He says and I thank him then get out. Immediately he leaves, I start walking to the house. I don’t find mother, Renna or Leah and I thank God.

I walk to my room take a five minute cold shower and after I feel better, I head towards Leo’s room. Everything is as it had always been.

I walk to his bedside table and take his locket with his parents’ faces and his on the middle and clutch it. I failed them.

The feelings that accompany me everyday intensify. Guilt, rage, sorrow and panic. I still don’t understand those bastards’ end game.

Why would they ki|| Leo if they knew he was their key? Did they now know the chip wasn’t with him? We gave them the wrong one and I’m sure they are angry now but they haven’t contacted me or anyone else.

And Jada, what I said to her was false. She tried helping me but I spoke in pain not thinking about how an @$$h0le I was to her.

I saw a glimpse of her on Leo’s burial and that was it. The only time I’ve seen her since the last time.

I went to the FBI to search for her but I was told she quit! The children’s orphanage said that she was last seen two days after Leo’s death and never again. Ryan came to me and we talked.

Leo was his friend too and he was devastated. And Jada is like a mother to him but he’s sure She’ll be back to him according to some letter she left behind.

I asked for the letter but Ryan refused saying no one could see it but he read it to me later on.

“You can’t keep living like this?” A voice snaps me from my thoughts. I look around Leo’s room to find Leah holding a plate of steak. I lower my head to it’s previous position.

“I’m happy that you’ve gone back to your basketball team even though Sarah doesn’t seem too fond of the idea.” She says as she walks towards me and sits next to my lying form.

“I never understand why.” I mutter but she hears.
“She loves you in her own way. She just doesn’t like your decisions. She always saw his two sons would have this big jobs behind desks.

Jake became this known engineer and she thought that maybe you would take over her ind…”

“Leah. That’s enough.” My mother’s cold voice startles us. Leah gives me the plate and stands then leaves but my mother walks into the room. She walks around and every step she takes, the tension increases tenfold.

“I’m moving out.” I say. She continues walking touching the surfaces.

“Running away from your problems isn’t the best way to live Jayden.” She says as she turns to me her cold eyes looking down to me. I’m used to them, not like Jada’s beautiful ones but dead that make you intrigued.

They make you want to know what happened to her. What’s her story?

“I’m not running away. I just need space. I need to be alone.” I almost shout but she smirks.
“I don’t see any difference.” She says making my skin boil in anger.

“Of course you don’t. You don’t understand anything about me and why would you understand anything I say.

Sometimes I wish I was the dead one everytime I step into this house.” I say angrily rising up from the bed and storm out of Leo’s room.

I just got back to basketball but maybe I need a real break from everything and avenge Jake’s Lilly’s and Leo’s death.

Avenge those bastards for ruining my life.

❤❤❤❤ TBC

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