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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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WHEN FATE STRIKES – Episode 35 & 36

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{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.


By, Lisa (A.O)



ENJOY!!! 💜




“Sir Leonardo!” Lyric called slowly, when she got to him.

“I might really go crazy if I don’t do this tonight…” He slowly moved his hand around her waist, and crashed his lips on hers. Lyric eyes widened for minutes, but all she did is stands there? She was surprised herself that instead of breaking it, she began reciprocating the kiss.

Leonardo hugged her body to himself, and deepened the kiss even more,they were clearly eating each other lips.

Hunger, passion and affection lived in the kiss, then a mix of fire and sparks.

Their lips continued wetting each other. Their tongues battled affectionately, grinding on each other in their mouths as their bodies gummed like crazy.

She immediately broke the kiss, and pushed him off lightly.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking!” He apologized and Lyric nodded.

“It’s okay” She stuttered, avoiding his face.

“We should sleep” Leonardo added, and She turned to him with wide eyes.

“No- I mean you should take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch…” he stood instantly,and hand her the duvet cover.

“Goodnight” Leonardo gave her a small smile, then turned and headed for the couch.

“Goodnight” Lyric muttered, watching him leave, before settling down on the bed, covering herself with the duvet.

Leonardo lay on the couch, unable to sleep. Lyric was right there, in the next room, and he couldn’t stop thinking about her and the kiss they just shared.

What if she was cold? What if she was uncomfortable? He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but it was no use. She wouldn’t leave his mind.

He closed his eyes, but all he still sees is her.

Is he really going crazy?


The alarm bells was what woke up Mikaela as she seems to be enjoying her sleep. She sat up, a smile playing on her lips as she recalls last night.

Princeton stayed with her through the night, since he can’t leave her all alone.

She checked the time, before entering her bathroom to wash up. She came out and put a big top, packing her hair in buns before walking out of her room.

She met Princeton at the dinning room, already sets her table. She walk slowly to him and hugged him from behind.

“Mikaela” Princeton smile and turned to her, holding her tiny waist.

“Good morning” Mikaela return the smile, and peck her lips slowly.

“Morning Angel” He replied affectionately, and Mikaela blushed.

“So I’m an angel now?” She asks, pouting.

“Of course! My angel” Princeton responded, and her cheek reddened even more.

“I don’t know you’re this romantic, you’re always quite…” She said, touching his hair.

“I’m trying to be the best boyfriend you ever wish for… What do you think?” He carried her and placed her on the table, placing a short kiss on her forehead.

“Kiss me” Mikaela held his face, and he was about pressing his lips on hers when her stomach rumbled.

“You should eat first…” He chuckled and dropped her.

“No, kiss me first…” She pouted as Princeton draw out a chair for her.

“We can do that later, you should eat.. that way you’ll gain weight” He said in a mutter.

“Are you saying I’m skinny?” Mikaela frowned.

Princeton shakes his head.

“You just did” She sat dejected, still frowning.

“Alright! I’m sorry, you’re perfect the way you are” He replied and she slowly smile, and began eating.

“Alright! I’m sorry, you’re perfect the way you are” He replied and she smile.

“I’ve to go get boss… Will you be fine alone?” He asked.

“Brother isn’t back?” Mikaela asked with wide eyes.

“You don’t know?”

“f-__-k, I can’t believe I forgot!” She grabbed her phone to dial his number, just then, the door opened and Leonardo walked in.

They both looked up.

“Boss!” Princeton rushed to him.

“Are you okay?” He asked concernly and Leonardo nodded, his eyes on Mikaela who stood and walked up to him.

“Leo, you’re back. Thank goodness…” She gushed and hugged him.

“Are you just realizing I’m not around?” He asked when they broke the hug.

“I’m sorry I should have texted, was busy with assignment and all!” She replied, not bothering to hide her happiness.

“Did something happen? You seems happy than usual”

“Nothing, I’m just happy you’re back” She replied, and Leonardo gave her a confused look before turning to Princeton.

“Get the car ready, we’ll be leaving soon” He said, and left for his room.

“You’re going with him to the office?” Mikaela faced Princeton.

Princeton nodded.

“I was really hoping for we spent the day together” Mikaela pouted.

“I promise to make it up to you”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course…” Princeton replied.

“Okay… see you later!” She look around before placing a quick kiss on his lips. Princeton smiled and walked out, and she continues eating.


Lyric walked into her house, feeling numb. It had been a long night, and all she wanted to do was sleep, before resuming to work later.

But she knew she had to face her children first.

“Mom!!” She heard their voice and look up to see them rushing to her.

“Cuties!” Lyric smile and pulled them both into a warm hug.

“Mom, where were you last night?” Starr asked, his voice shaking. “We were so worried!”

Lyric took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “I’m so sorry, I should have called,” she said, her voice breaking. “I had to go on a last-minute business trip.”

Starr and Pearl looked at each other, not entirely convinced by their mother’s explanation.

“A last-minute business trip?” Pearl asked, her brow furrowed.

“It’s just… that doesn’t seem like you. Are you sure that’s what happened?”Lyric sighed, running a hand through her hair. She knew that her children were too smart to be fooled.

“I know it’s hard to believe. But I promise, that’s what happened. I had to go to a meeting with a client, and it ended up taking much longer than expected” She said.

Starr and Pearl were still skeptical, but they could see the exhaustion on their mother’s face.

“Okay, we believe you. But you have to promise to let us know next time you have to go out of town. We were so worried!” Pearl said, her voice still hesitant

Lyric nodded, feeling a wave of guilt wash over her.

“I promise, from now on I’ll always keep you in the loop, I’m so sorry for making you worry.” She wrapped her arms around her children, feeling their tiny bodies pressed against hers.

In that moment, she realized how much she had taken her children for granted. They can’t be little for long, and she wanted to make sure she didn’t miss a single moment of their childhoods.

“How about we all go out since tomorrow is my day off” She asked, breaking the hug.

“Yay!!” They kids squealed, jumping up exitedly.

“So is mom forgiven now?” Lyric asked.

“Of course!” They both smiled.

“Come here!” She held her kids tight, savoring the feel of their arms around her. In that moment, everything else faded away, and all that mattered was them.



Nikita badge into Davina room, meeting her f-__-king herself with a vibrator.

“Can’t you knock?” Davina retorted angrily.

“Have you no shame at all? Seriously? f-__-king yourself?” Nikita asked folding her arms in disbelief.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today! I don’t have time for you-

“What do you seem excited about?” Nikita rolled her eyes.

“‘Cos I’ll be getting rid of my only rivary tonight and after she’s gone… Leo will have no choice but to come back to me, we’ll surely be together again” Davina smirked.


Lyric walked out of the office, lost in thought. She had just completed a particularly challenging project, and was feeling proud of her accomplishment. The fact that she’s always getting praised by Leonardo is something to be happy about.

As she stepped out into the hallway, she was completely unaware of the danger that lurked around the corner.

Davina, who had been waiting for the right moment to strike, saw Lyric emerge from the office.

A wicked smile crossed her face, and she started the car, creeping towards her target.

Lyric remained oblivious, her mind still absorbed in the details of her work.

“Say your last prayer, Ɓîtçh!!” Davina smirked, igniting the engines quickly. She began driving towards her, laughing evilly.

Leonardo was just stepping out of the office with Princeton, when he sighted the danger.

“Lyric! Watch out!” He shouted at once, his voice was filled with fear and urgency.

Lyric looked up, startled. There, in front of her, was a car barreling towards her. She froze, unable to move. The car’s headlights were like twin beams of death, getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, a figure dashed towards her. It was Leonard his eyes filled with fear. He pushed her out of the way, just as the car hit him with a sickening thud. Lyric fell to the ground, watching in horror as Leonardo was thrown into the air.

The impact of the car hitting Leonardo was brutal. He flew several feet in the air, his body twisting and turning as he crashed to the ground.

“Leonard!!!” Lyric scrambled on her feet, rushing to him.



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