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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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WHEN FATE STRIKES – Episode 29 & 30

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{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.


By, Lisa (A.O)



ENJOY!!! 💜

⋞ I LOVE YOU!!! ⋟

Leonardo’s eyes met Lyric’s own, and for a moment, they just stood there, staring at each other.

Then, Leonardo broke the silence.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked, his voice soft.

“I wanted to let you know I’m done” Lyric replied, her voice low and steady.

“Oh” He took a step towards her and she stepped back, she kept on shrinking back, and he wouldn’t stop moving closer to her.

Her back hit the wall, and Leonardo placed his palms on It, above her head.

“Do you know the main reason why I ask you to come here?” He asked in a soft tone.

“Wait! Are you a bad guy? You’re going to ki|| me?” Lyric asked with wide eyes.

Leonardo eyes widened even more.

What makes her think he’s a bad guy to her? Do he look like a bad guy to her?


“I’m sorry that’s not what I meant, I really didn’t mean to pass my boundaries! I just came out to inform you you that I’m done and I’ll be on my way now! If there’s any mistake I’ll just correct it all at the office tomorrow, I’ll take my leave now!” She replied hastily, already walking out.

“Lyric!” Leonardo called,and she halted.

“It’s late, would you mind-

“No, I’ll be fine you don’t have to worry! I can handle this!” She replied, and resumed walking.

What does she mean? Does that mean he’s really worried about her? What was he thinking when he uttered those words earlier?

All this was the question roaming his mind, as he watched her leave. He slowly cut the gaze and carried Chase who has been wiggling it’s tails to him, he then entered the house.


Pierce entered the house and met no one.

“Where did he go? Does that mean he went somewhere without telling him?” He ask no one In particular as he started descending the stairs.

He entered his room and noticed Dean covering his head with a duvets.

“What are you doing?” Pierce asked, and Dean pulled the duvet away from his body.

“I thought you’re her, why do you have to come in like that?” Dean said, unpleasinly.

“Is this the first time I would enter your room without notice? And who are you talking about? Who’s her? Gianna?” Pierce asked, with wide eyes.

Dean nodded.

“Wait- why would she come here?”

“Cos I need her! Please leave before she got here, I don’t want her to grew suspicious!” Dean replied.

“Wait that easily, does that mean I lost the bet?”

“Obviously, I hope you’re really ready to forgive Anita and move on! She’s not the only girl alive dude!” Dean rolled his eyes.

“You will never understand cos you’ve never been in love-

“And I never want to experience what’s love is! It’s gross!” Dean cut him off.

Pierce was about replying when they heard a sound from the door bell.Dean immediately pulled the duvet on himself again.

“You ain’t joking! She’s really here!” Pierce said, in disbelief.

“I have my ways!” Dean smirked.

“Does that mean you’re f_cking her today?”

“How’s that your business?”

“I doubts if she’s gonna agree! She’s just gonna grew more suspicious!” Piece replied.

“That’s enough Pierce, can you let her in and play along so she’ll believe me even more?”

“And why will I do that? Deal with it yourself!” He turned to the door, and immediately he twisted the door knob, he was surprised to meet Gianna waiting already.

“The door wasn’t locked so, I had to come in” Gianna said in a low tone.

Does that mean she had all they just said??


The second class for today just ended.

“You still haven’t tell me why your mood suddenly changed yesterday? You said you’re going to meet up with Dave! Did something happen between you two?” Mikaela faced Eclipse.

“No Micky! I don’t want to talk about it!” Eclipse responded.

“Why? Did something really happened? Why are you not telling me? Are you keeping things from me now?” Mikaela asked as once.

Eclipse release a sigh.

“Fine I’ll tell you! Dave ask us to meet up at the gym, but I run into Dylan and a girl Instead! I think he invited me there on purpose so I can see them together” She explained.

“I new it! Reason why I never for once like that Dave! Stop acting like a fool cos of a guy Eclipse! Dave Is a player, Dylan is the one who truly loves you! You are just blinded by your love for Dave”

“I’m going to accept what you’ve been telling me if you can give a straight answer to this question I’m going to ask. Would you stop loving Princeton because Kelly loves you or cos he confessed to you first?” Eclipse asked, and Mikaela blinked constantly.

She said nothing.

“See! You should understand what I’m feeling better than anyone else would”

“This is different!!” Mikaela muttered.

“How’s this different? Tell me how it’s different” Eclipse replied, her voice sounding annoyed.

“I’m sorry-

Eclipse stood.

“I need some fresh air and relax! This is not a fight, I’ll be back!” She said and exit the class.

Mikaela bits her lips worriedly.


“Eclipse!!” Eclipse immediately recognize Dave’s voice and turned.

“Hi Dave!” She smile when he got to her.

“You didn’t show up at the gym yesterday?” Dave asked.

“I did but saw your twin brother instead” Eclipse replied.

“I left when I saw them too, I’m sorry you had to see that!” Dave apologized.

“It’s okay” She nodded.

“I think he moved on from you already! You must be hurt…

“We were never destined to be anything more than just friends so I’m going fine with it, I don’t even feel the same way so I’m happy for him”Eclipse said, and Dave smirked secretly.

“Let’s stop talking about him,Is it okay if we have lunch together?” Dave cut in, and she held thier gaze for a minute before nodding.

“Great!” He smiled, and she returned the smile, before they began walking towards the cafeteria.


“How many schedule do I have to left for today?” Leonardo asked Lyric.

“Just 3 sir!” Lyric replied politely.

“Are they all necessary? Can’t we reschedule it for another day?”

“The files for the BM contract just arrived! They said they want a dinner meeting tonight and we can’t say no!” Lyric said.

“Am I gonna face them alone?” He asked immediately.

“I can come with you if you-

“Of course! I could really use your help over there! You can just text me the address and the time, you can go back to your post!” He said, and concentrate back on his laptop.

Lyric bowed and walked out. Then, Princeton entered.

“Boss! You called for me!” He said, and Leonardo looked up.

“Can you get Mikaela after school? I’ll be having a dinner meeting tonight and I want her to be safe… Can I trust you with her?” He asked, and Princeton immediately nodded.

“That’s all! You can go!”

Princeton hesitated for a while, he wanted to ask about the payment of his mom surgery but if he had to turn out to be Mikaela, then he owe him an explanation, and he would have even mentioned it if he did.

Leonardo suddenly looked up, and he quickly bowed and left.


Dean stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Gianna as she cooks. She was humming to herself, her dark hair falling over her shoulder as she stirred a pot on the cooker.

The smell of simmering tomato sauce filled the air, and Dean could feel his mouth watering, but not because of the food but his eyes was focused on something else on her body.

Fortunately, she didn’t heard anything earlier and Pierce already took his leave.

He slowly walked closer to her and Gianna immediately turned, noticing his presence.

“I thought you are not feeling well! How did you get here?” She asked surprisedly.

“Actually the truth is I lied” he uttered, and Gianna’s eyes widened.

“I just wanted to see your pretty face, I’m sorry I lied about my health. I only did what I think will work…” he paused, to stare at her.

“It’s okay… I wouldn’t come if I don’t want to” Gianna said without thinking.

“Really?” His face brighten.

“Don’t even think of anything! I’ll just finished this and take my leave” She attempt to turned back to what he held her waist and turned her back to himself.

“Don’t I deserve anything for the compliment?” He whispered, bringing his lips closer.

“Like-” She didn’t get to finish the words when he crashed his lips on hers, she was stunned at first but she slowly find herself responding.

Soon, the kiss grew from steady one to a hot kiss. Dean carried her and dropped her on the kitchen table, using one hands to switched off the cooker without breaking the kiss.

His hands trailing around her body, till his hands landed on her @zz, finally he gave it a hard squeeze and Gianna’s eyes widened, coming back to reality.

What is she doing?

“Are you okay?” Dean asked, knowing fully why did that.

“Why did you kiss me?” She inquired angrily.

“What do you mean? You kiss me back…

“Exactly why I’m asking.. Why did i kissed you? Why?!! I should leave!_” she made to get off, but he hold her back.

“Let me go!”

“I’ll only let you go if you can tell it straight to me you didn’t enjoy the kiss?” He asked, and Gianna gulped.

“I d- di- didn’t” She stuttered and Dean smirked proudly.

“Does that mean I can kiss you again?” He asked, and without waiting for her response, he adjusted her to sit up straight on the kitchen table, slamming her lips back on hers, more harder than the first one.

Slowly,Gianna began giving in.



As soon as Princeton drove the car into the compound. Mikaela was the first to got down from the back seat. Princeton got down too, and She turned to him.

“Are you leaving right now?” She asked, and he nudge his head.

“Oh, Can you at least followed me in? I really don’t want to stay in the house alone!” She added.

Princeton nodded, and she smile secretly.

They walked inside together. The house was silent, and Mikaela’s footsteps echoed on the marble floor.

She kept on stealing glances at Princeton constantly, wondering what is wrong with him. She suddenly halted and turned to him.

“You’re very quiet. Is everything okay?” Princeton just looked at her and said nothing. Mikaela’s smile faded, and she felt a flicker of worry.

“What’s going on? I’ve noticed you’ve not been smilling since you pick me up at school, you don’t even call me my name or smile! Did I do anything wrong? Is there something you want to tell me?” She added worriedly.

“Did you really pay for my mother’s surgery without telling me?Princeton said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Mikaela looked at him, her eyes shining with tears. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

“I’m sorry, Princeton,” she said, her voice shaking.

“I just wanted to help, and I thought…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked away.

“Why would you do such a thing? You make me look like a fool and worthless!” He said, raising his voice in frustration.

Mikaela flinched, did he just raised his voice at her?

“I just wanted to help you anyway I could and I know for sure you won’t agree if I told you about it! I know how it’s felt to loose a mother and I don’t want you to experience the same pain! I really h@ťě seeing you sad” She muttered, her eyes glistering with tears

Princeton watched her, his expression softening.

“I know you meant well. But you have to understand that this is a big deal for me. I need to be involved in decisions like this. I’m sorry for raising my voice….” He said softly,and Mikaela looked at him.

For minutes, they stood staring at each other. Then finally she spoke…

“If you’re really sorry then… Kiss me!” She said, and Princeton eyes widened.

“If you can’t then forget it-

“Why would I do such a thing?” He asked in return.

“I’m saying I love you! I love you so much Princeton!! I’ve been crushing on you for years!! Are you that blind enough to see it? I really love you so much! please don’t reject me! Please don’t say no!” Mikaela shouted in tears.



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