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Friday, October 18, 2024
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WHEN FATE STRIKES – Episode 23 & 24

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{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.


By, Lisa (A.O)



ENJOY!!! 💜







Mikaela was standing by the bleachers, her eyes
fixed on the basketball court as she waited for
the game to begin, most especially for Princeton
to be called out, funny how she has came there
for Kelly,but her mind was filled up with
Princeton instead.

The noise of the crowd was growing louder as
people took their seats and began chatting with
their friends.

As Mikaela scanned the arena, she spotted
Banjo from the crowd. She had saw him
speaking with Princeton. She immediately stood
up from her seat and rushed to him.

Banjo who was taken by surprise, at her sudden

“Hi, You remember me right?” She asked, with a

Banjo nodded.

“Where’s Princeton? Is he no longer playing,I
haven’t seen him around” She asks impatiently.

“He’s in the locker room getting ready right now.
” Banjo replied and Mikaelela eyes widened with

“Can you show me the place?”

“Sure!” Banjo said, and turned to began leading
her over there, but she pulled him back.

“Before that, can you give me his number
without telling him? You see he won’t stop
refusing!” Mikaela stated and Banjo just stare at

“Please, I’ll be forever grateful to you” She added

Banjo chuckled before nodding.


“Alright, listen up Princeton, Today is the big
day, and I know you’re feeling nervous. But I
want you to remember one thing – you’ve got
this. You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve trained,
you’ve practiced, and now it’s time to show the
world what you’re made of. You’re the best
player in our team and I know you’re going to
give it your all. So don’t worry, don’t stress, just
focus on the game and play your hardest” the
coach said to Princeton, his voice booming over
the gymnasium.

“Thanks Coach” Princeton chortled.

“Break a leg, I’ll be watching okay?” The coach
patted his shoulder and left.

Almost immediately, Mikaelela walked in.

“Did you forget…” Princeton paused, when he
saw who it his.

Without thinking, Princeton rushed towards him,
her face alight with excitement.

“Why are you here?” He asked, immediately.

“What else? To cheer you up of course? Aren’t
you happy to see me?” Mikaela said sadly.

“It’s not that, I mean aren’t you here for Kelly?
You should be with him and not here…

“Wait a minute… Are you jealous?” She cuts him

“Why will I be? He’s your friend…”

“I only came here to tell you tell you I’ll be
cheering for you also, so, Fighting!!” She
bubbled joyously.


The gymnasium was packed to the rafters with
screaming fans, all eager to see who would be
crowned the champion of the basketball

Kelly, was doing warm-ups, while the home
team, Princeton, was doing the same. Both
players were looking sharp, and it was clear that
this would be a hard-fought battle.

The energy in the arena was palpable, the
tension building as the game was about to start

As the crowd began to clear out, the announcer
called out Kelly, He waved to the crowd, and
then his eyes landed on Mikaela, who was also
clapping for him. He smiled at her and she flash
him a smile back, before leaving the court.

Then the announcer called out the names of the
Princeton player.

As Princeton stood in the doorway, the light
from the gymnasium cast a shadow over his
features, highlighting his strong jawline and
piercing blue eyes. He was wearing a black tank
top, showing off his well-defined muscles, and a
pair of dark jeans.

His hair was slicked back, and he had a
confident, almost Ç0çƙy air about him. He’s
natural handsome but he look dangerously

Mikaela couldn’t help but stare hard, with her
eyes wide. She had to admit, He’s natural
handsome but he look dangerously handsome.

Mikaela’s smile only grew wider as the
Princeton kept his eyes averted, refusing to look
at her at all.

Kelly noticed this, and he narrowed his eyes,
glaring daggers at the Princeton. He really has
to win this at all cost.

From the very first minutes of the game, it was
clear that Princeton and Kelly were evenly
matched. Both players were putting up a strong
fight, each player giving it their all on the court.

It was a fierce back-and-forth game, with the
score neck and neck. The crowd was going wild,
cheering for their teams. The noise was
deafening, but the players were focused, giving
it their all.

The first half ended with the score tied, and the
crowd was buzzing with anticipation for the
second half.

The second half began almost immediately,
and the energy in the gymnasium was even
more intense than before.

Kelly seemed to have a new energy, coming out
of the break more determined than ever. They
were playing with a fire in their bellies, and it
showed on the court. They began to pull ahead,
slowly but surely, their lead increasing with
every basket they made. Princeton was fighting
hard, but it was clear that Kelly was in the zone.

As the final seconds of the game ticked down,
the crowd was on their feet, cheering for Kelly
as he sealed the victory.

Kelly turned to Mikaela, and immediately rushed
to where she stood in the middle of the crowd.

Without thinking, he swept her up in a hug,
lifting her off the ground and spinning her
around. She was shocked,and wasn’t expecting
it, she turn to met Princeton gaze on them, he
turned away and left the field.

“Wait… put me down Kelly!” She muttered.

Kelly set her back down, his hands still on her
shoulders. Mikaela stylishly removed his hand.

“I’m sorry if that got you mad, I was just too
happy… ” he asked, his voice gentle.

“I’m not mad, and congratulations for winning”
She said simply.

Kelly force a smile, He was surprised she’s
going to say only that.

“Kelly!!” One of Kelly’s teams called from where
they all stood. They hasn’t been any chance of
celebrate yet.

“I think I should go” Mikaela said.

“I want to tell you something remember” Kelly

“Let’s just talk about it in school, I promise” She
assured and ran out of the place.

“The Coach wanted to see you” One of Kelly’s
teams came to pull him away from there


“Arggh!!” Pierce winched as Dean treated his

“I’m sorry” Dean said in a mockery tone.

“f_ck you Dean, I shouldn’t have trusted you! I
shouldn’t have help you, I almost lost my arms
all bcos of a girl, seriously?” Pierce glared at

“I had to do it for her to took it seriously, she
wouldn’t believe I’m sincere if I didn’t to that…

“You’re sincere?” Pierce eyes widened.

“Sincere my foot! I mean she wouldn’t want to
be friends with me, but now she don’t have a
choice she sees me as her hero!” Dean smiled.

Pierce shooked his head.

“I don’t even know where I and Leo get you
from? You and Jayden are so bad…

Dean face expression changed.

“Do you have to mention bum anytime?” He
asked codly.

“Why not? He’s still our friend” Pierce answered.

“Stop it! If not for the fact that we pleaded Leo
for years, do you think he’ll still be friends with
us?” Don’t even try to mention his name in front
him, or else you won’t like what will happen to
you, I’m off!!” Dean stood, walking towards the

“Are you leaving bcos of that?” Pierce shouted
after him.

Dean didn’t say a word, He left like that.



Princeton stood in front of a building rooftop,
looking out over the city as the breeze washed
through him.

He had failed everyone, His mum, Banjo and
Thier team coach.


He recall how Banjo had scolded him earlier,
and his hearts sanked. Clarisse is in her final
stage in Cancer, if he took more time in delaying
the surgery, he might loose her.

“What should I do?” He muttered to himself.

He didn’t realize his phone has been beeping for
minutes.It’s from an unknown number.



He didn’t want to reply at first, but she won’t
stop bothering her if he didn’t. He had no

As Mikaela stepped onto the rooftop, she met
staring a lone figure staring at space, She
recognized him immediately, Princeton.

Her heart ached for him, She ran to him, and
when he saw her, he turned around, she was
already in close to him.

Without a word, she threw her arms around him,
hugging him tightly.


“I know you’re hurting and I wish I can take it
away. Just hug me back, and stop acting
stubborn always” She whispered into his ears.

He stood still for a moment, and then returned
the embrace, wrapping his arms around her.

She felt his body relax in her arms, and she
pulled back to look at him. His eyes were glassy,
and she could tell he had been crying.

“Did you cry?”


“It’s okay, I’m here now” Mikaela smiled softly,
and took his hand in hers. They stood in silence
for a moment, looking out over the city.


“Why don’t you want to tell brother about it? He
would have love to help if it’s concerns you?”
Mikaela said, breaking the long silence between
them. She actually overheard him talking about
it with Banjo.

They were already sitting on a white bench they

Princeton looked at her.

“I don’t want to bother him! Can you not tell
him?” He said.

“You don’t have to worry cos your secrets are
save with me” Mikaela beamed.

Princeton nodded.

“But….” Princeton looked at her.

“I won’t tell him if you promise to start calling
me by my name, the ma’am is weird and it’s
always make me feel old. Can you do that?”

He said no word.

“Should I just tell him about it?” Mikaela brought
out her phone.

“Are you blackmailing me right now?”

“Obviously, just say the word and we’ll be cool…
” her words was cut short when Princeton
grabbed her hand, and she blinked.

It’s the first time he would, and she couldn’t get
more surprised.

“Mikaela” he said softly, breaking the silence.

She turned to look at him, her eyes wide with
surprise. He had never called her by her name
before, and she couldn’t believe he had finally
do it. She felt her heart skip a beat.

“Is that okay?” he asked, his voice hesitant.

“Yes,it’s more than okay, I love the sound” She
nodded, a smile spreading across her face. He
returned her smile, and for the first time.

“It’s late! We should get going” He said, standing
up to his feet.

“Oh sure” She also stood. They started walking
out together.

“Wait_” Mikaela suddenly halted.

“Do you forgot something?” Princeton stopped
walking too.

“No, I want to be sure this isn’t a my illusion
again… Can you call me Mikaela again?” She


“It’s actually real, can you call me that from now
on?” She gushed enthusiastically.

Princeton nodded with a smile. They resumed
walking again and Mikaela couldn’t help but
stare at him in disbelief. He finally uttered what
she has always wanted to hear and now he’s
smilling at her.

Today has to be her lucky day.


It was a quiet afternoon in Leonardo’s office.
The sun streamed in through the window,
casting a warm glow over his desk. He sat at his
computer, absorbed in his work, untill his phone

The caller ID shows “Dean”.

Leonardo chuckled and answered the call,
wondering why he suddenly called him.

📞Hi, Leo,” Dean said, his voice serious.

📞 What’s with the suddenly call? Did Pierce
ditched you or something? Leonardo laughed

📞 He didn’t, but I miss you, Can we catch up at
the bar tonight?” Dean asked.

He might be an Inserious guy, but he never
joked with Leonardo. Back in college days when
they are still four, he and Leonardo are the best
friends, while Pierce and Jayden get along well

📞 Are you sure you’re okay?” Leonardo asks,
still laughing hard.

📞 If you’re not gonna come, forget it” Dean
said and hunged up.

“Did he just hung up on me?” Leonardo shocked
his head, and dropped the phone, turning back
to his computer.

Just then, Lyric entered with the files he had ask
her to bring minutes ago. She’s in her usual
outfits today, and he didn’t stare as yesterday,
maybe he was just attracted to the way she

“Lyric!” He suddenly called when she halted.

“I heard a new game will be launched together
with PENNY PERSUIT, is that true?” Leonardo

“Yes” Lyric nodded.

“It’s called ‘Mystical Realms’, and it’s a fantasy
RPG. Players will be able to create their own
characters and go on quests, fighting the
monsters and finding treasure. It’s going to be
huge!” Leonardo leaned forward, his interest

“Tell me more,” he said, a smile on his face.

Just as Lyric was about continuing,, the door to
the office flew open, and Davina stormed in, a
thunderous look on her face.

“Leo, we need to talk,” she said, her tone sharp.

Lyric turned, and Leonardo sat up straighter, a
angry expression on his face.

“What are you doing here again Davina?”

“You might have forgotten so soon, my dad still
have lotta shares of this company and you can’t
stop me from coming here, Now would you like
to tell you desperate secretary here we’ve
something to discuss” Davina huffed, glaring at
Lyric with so much h@ťěs in her eyes.

“Who are you to tell her to leave? You should be
the one to leave cos you’re not needed here”
Leonardo griped.

Davina turned to him, her gaze intense

“I’m your girlfriend and not her Leo I know you
still love me!” Davina replied, her voice cold.

Leonardo stood up and began walking over to

When he got to her, he looked into her eyes, his
gaze soft and full of emotions. He reached out
and gently took her hand in his, Lyric was
startled, but she understands she has to play

He stood there, holding her hand, for a moment
that felt like an eternity. Then, he spoke.

“We are done, so you should stop bothering me.
I only have one girlfriend and it’s her, we’re in
the middle of something before you entered”

“I know you still love me but you’re only faking
it, she’s not your girlfriend I know it, you can’t
fool me Leo, I’m not believe this sh!t!! You’re
mine! Only mine!!”

Leonardo suddenly twirled Lyric around, placing
his right hand on her waist.

“May I have permission to borrow your lips for
few minutes?” He asked and Lyric just stare at
him speechlessly, and like that he drew his face
down, to her size and pressed his lips on hers



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