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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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WHEN FATE STRIKES – Episode 13 & 14

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{ Destined Hearts… }

THEME: Roll Of Twist.


By, Lisa (A.O)









“Is it going to work? I don’t want to keep my hopes up and ended up disappointed” Dylan replied.

“Even if you don’t trust me, trying for the girl you love won’t hurt right?” Lisa asks and Dylan look at her.

Of course, She’s right.

He slowly nodded.

“Good! We’re starting tomorrow… Meet me at the gym as early as 7am tomorrow morning, see ya!” She waved and left.

Dylan couldn’t take his eyes off her till she was out of sight, he’s still finding it hard to believe what she just said.

How con someone like him managed to be as skinny as she is.

He’ll have to give it a try, for him to believe her.


Immediately Eclipse entered the class, every students fixed thier gazes on her, especially the girls.

🗣️ How can she do that?

🗣️ I told you I never like her, she’s so rude!!!

🗣️ I don’t blame her thou, he’s ugly and fat.

🗣️ She could have say yes, and reject him later.

Eclipse ignored all thier rumoured and went directly to Mikaela, who has also been staring.

She was sitting at the back of the class, Thier usual spot.

Funny how they are both the most brilliant students and they always seat at the back.

“Start explaining, what nonsense did you just sent me? You just humilated a poor guy in front of everyone and now you’re telling me you fall for another guy in less than thirty minutes” Mikaela said out loud.

“Stop nagging, and listen to me” Eclipse rolled her eyes.

Mikaela rolled her eyes too,then she inhaled and exhaled before moving closer to Eclipse.

“Wait! Are you for real? Like you aren’t joking? You just fell in love with someone? Tell me it’s a joke?” Mikaela asked.

“I’m not joking, and stop reminding me of that fatso. He lied to me and Ion like him… I’ve found someone better, His brother ” Eclipse concluded.

“What!!!” Mikaela spraged up.

The students in the class diverted thier gaze to them.

Mikaela covered her shock with a smile, and sank in her seat slowly. The students began looking away from them slowly.

“What the hell are you talking about Eclipse?!” Mikaela snapped in a whispering tone.

Eclipse was about to reply when the lecturer, entered the class.

“I’ll tell you about it later ok?” She whispered back.

“Can you start passing your assignment forward?” The lecturer said immediately and the class began.


“Pull out” Davina ordered but Roman didn’t make an effort to do so. It’s was as if he just started cos he’s not feeling tired at all.

“I said pull the f_ck out, @zzhole!!” She pushed him off the bed angrily and sat up.

“ARGH” Roman graoned,getting hold of his Ďïčk which was stinging hurtfully from the push. It’s actually hit the floor.

Davina didn’t spare him a glance, she left him there and walked into the bathroom,letting her naked body under the shower for more than thirty minutes before coming out.

She didn’t bother using a towel, he’s use to seeing her nakedness anyways.

Roman was still in, he already wore his clothes.

Davina walk to her closets, bringing out a short skimpy gown from it. She was about wearing it when she felts Roman’s hands around her B-__-bs.

“Roman, stop!! I’m not doing anything with you again, the last round was the 12th” She said seriously and made to pulled his hands away when he gave her a hard squeez on it.

“Hmm” Davina Mõ@ɲed out and Roman smirk before giving it another squeeze,more harder than the first one.

He began pressing it as hard as he wants and Davina didn’t know when the dress fell from her.

He turned her to himself, and reconnect thier lips.


Leonardo was in his office, working on some works on his laptop when Princeton came in.

“Where is she?” Leonardo raised his head.

“She just came in now” Princeton replied.


“On her way sir! She’s getting the files you might be needing” Princeton replied.

“We’re running late! The meeting has began”

Almost immediately, Lyric rushed in.

Leonardo signaled Princeton to leave. Princeton bowed lightly before existing the office.

“You’re late!” Leonardo said

“I was stuck in traffic, I promise it’s won’t happen again” Lyric bowed.

Leonardo nodded.

“Let’s go” He shoved his hands in his pocket and began walking out.

Lyric packed the rest of the files and went after him.


Gianna halted her car in front of the cafe, and came down. A smile playing on her face as she started walking in, she actually won a contract she has been working on for weeks and she can’t be more happier.

Apart from Mount Bar, this cafe is her second favorite place to be, the bar being the first.

Immediately she stepped in, the first thing her eyes caught was Ryder and his supposed finance he cheated on her with.

She hold on to the door knob unable to get in, or even walked out. She stood at that spot, glaring at both dangerously.

Soon, Ryder noticed eyes on them and he turned, his gaze meeting with hers. She quickly looked away and rushed out.

She entered her car in a rush, and drove away.


“Start explaining Eclipse, I’m really anxious!” Mikaela said as she dropped her tray on the table.

“Relax Micky, at least lemme breath!” Eclipse rolled her eyes

“I won’t, cos I’m still confused… Tell me already will you?”

“I already did, I told you in class I fell for Dylan’s twin at first sight. He’s the guy he use to send me his pics, no wonder it’s not that hard understanding my feeling. I’m in love with him” Eclipse said seriously.

“Are you listening to yourself? The guy that talking about is his twin brother. You and Dylan has known each other for a year. How can you do such a thing?”

“You should understand what I’m feeling more than anyone else. You and Kelly has been schoolmates since middle school but you never felt anything for him right?” Eclipse asked, and Mikaela went mute.

“Even though, What’s bad is bad! I really don’t support this” Mikaela mumbled, taking a bite from her burger.

“If you’re my friend, you’ll support me in this” Eclipse rolled her eyes.

Mikaela sighed.

🗣️ OMG it’s Kelly Clarkson!

🗣️ WTF Dave is back??

🗣️ Joshua is becoming more hot!

🗣️ Why are they in here?

🗣️Don’t tell me they are eating here?

🗣️ No way!

🗣️They don’t eat here?

🗣️ Could they be here cos of a girl.

🗣️ I doubt that.

Screams coming from different angles as Kelly, Dave and Joshua walked into the cafeteria, their eyes scanning the room for a place to sit. Kelly was the first to spot Mikaela and Eclipse sitting at a table in the corner, and decided to approach them.

As they got closer, noticed that the girls were engrossed in conversation, and didn’t seem to notice them. Undeterred, the guys pulled up chairs and sat down next to them.

Kelly cleared his throat, and said, “Hey, girls!?”

Eclipse and Mikaela looked up, a little startled. Eclipse mouth fell as they walk to them. She was surprised everyone seems to know Dave but she has never seen him or even Dylan in the school.

“Hi Kelly!” Mikaela said simply.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Kelly asked. Mikaela looked at him in a weird way.

“Don’t misunderstood! I don’t mean that! I just want to remind you of the…

“Basketball match! I didn’t forgot, I’ll surely make it” Mikaela assured.

Kelly smiles and picked up her milkshake, taking a long, slow sip directly from the straw.

“You can’t take that” Mikaela snatched it from him.

“I already did” Kelly smirked.

Mikaela rolled her eyes.

Eclipse on the other was lost staring at Dave. He suddenly faced her,causing her to blink constantly.

“Lovely, we met earlier. Mind telling me your name now?” He asked.

“Eclipse” Eclipse muttered.

“Unique, cute name for your cute self… if I may ask, Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk pass you again?”” Dave smiled.

Eclipse bit her lips.

“You’re Dylan twin brother right?” Mikaela asked him.

Dave nodded.

“How come we’ve never met if you attended this school?”

“I stayed in California all my live. Just decided to come back and ,, I’m organizing a party tomorrow at our house. You’re all invited” He winked at Eclipse.

“Stop all this, and let’s go… we’ve a match!!!” Kelly stood, same as Joshua.

“Make sure you come Lovely” Dave winked before following Kelly and Joshua.

Eclipse cheek turned red immediately.

“Oh my goodness! You’re blushing. This is serious” Mikaela shooked her head.



Lyric checked her watch and let out a soft sign. It’s been two hours and yet the meeting was still up.

“Sorry for the delay, Leo! I didn’t know they are yet to make up thier mind about the name and how it’s operates” Mr Ling said, beside Leonardo.

“You said the game is called PEARL PENNY, but you don’t know how pearl got there in the first place? Are you all listening to yourself?” Leonardo inquired, his voice raising in anger.

“Calm down Leo, the reason why we haven’t lunched it just yet is because we’re waiting for you to come up with the idea of how the pearl will earn the players money, so we can earn from it” Mr Ling said.

“Seriously? Am I the only worker here? Just because I’m the CEO doesn’t mean I should be responsible for every single thing that happened here. You should have came up with a plan before you ask me to attend this meeting” Leonardo stood up.

“I think I should leave, call me when you’ve more important thing to say” Leonardo stood.

“I think I’ve an idea” Lyric raised her hand.

“You don’t have to meddle, let’s go!” Leonardo answered.

“Let’s hear what she has to say Leonardo” Mr Brown chirped in.

Leonardo sat back, as Lyric make her way to the front of the board.

Lyric took a deep breath before speaking.

“If the game is about a earning from a pearl, how about we make the female lead a mermaid, she was given a chance to find the one her heart chooses in the human world, after she transformed into a human, she found her prince as expected but the prince already had a finance or maybe a wife, the mermaid was left heartbroken. A mermaid tears turn to pearls, the more she shed tears the more the pearl increase for the players. That way we’ll earn money from it” Lyric said, breathlessly.

The room was silent as the girl stepped away from the front of the boardroom, where she had just given her presentation.

She took a deep breath, her heart racing from the nerves and adrenaline of speaking in front of the group. Then, she heard the sound of clapping.

Turning around, she saw the entire boardroom erupting in applause, the members of the board standing up and cheering.

Lyric blushed, overwhelmed by the response. She couldn’t believe it. The idea just came to her, but they all seems to like it.

As the clapping died down, Mr Ling stood up and cleared his throat. He’s actually the board chairman.

“Thank you, Miss. That was very impressive” he said, smiling at the girl.

“Your ideas were innovative and your research was thorough. We’re very impressed” Mr Ling continued,

“Now, I’d like to open the floor for questions. Does anyone have any questions for Miss?” He turned to the board members, who all looked thoughtful.

One of the board members spoke up first. “I’d just like to say that I agree with the chairman,” he said. “Miss, your presentation was excellent. I think your ideas have a lot of merit, and I would like to see them implemented in our company.”

“I completely agree. Miss, your presentation was well-researched and well-presented. I would love to hear more about your ideas and how we could put them into action.”another board member chirped in.

“She’s pretty and brilliant, you got lucky this time” Mr Ling added.

The door suddenly opened violently and Davina blend in gracefully. Everyone turned to see the intruder.

“So sorry for interrupting your important meeting,but I really need to see Leo right away” Davina said, and made to grabbed his hand.

“How did you get in here again Davina? I told you never to come here! Get the hell out?!!” Leonardo snapped.

“I won’t leave until you decide to talk to me, never!” Davina said adamantly.

She suddenly spotted Lyric and she matched angrily to her.

“I’ve did my findings and I know you’re not his real fiance! You only did that to get rid of me, How dare a wrenched secretary like you!” Davina shouted, and slap Lyric.

“Davina!!” Leonardo shrieked,rushing to the front.

“I think you’ve had so much to drink, I’ve something to sober you up” Lyric moved closer…

Before Davina could process what she meant by that, Lyric gave her a hot resounding slap in return, not once but Twice.

👥 Gasp…



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