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VIOLENT PASSIONS – Episode 8 & 9

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****(A young Girl’s Odessy)***




By Osbert Books

****Episode 8 And 9*********

**** On the Run **********

The mafia group held Jones hostage, as they have each been paid 10,000$ by Herald. But these thugs were unaware that Jones was a rich man. It was not long, before Jones guards at home called for reinforcements and a massive manhunt to find their boss was begun.

Jones pictures were published on newspapers across the Island. Within a few hours, Herald reached Jones group with a secret number requesting for five million dollars — an extremely huge sum of money in a country like Mauritius.

He further thr_@tened them that Jones would be dead in less than 48 hours from his wounds. Several of Jones business managers went into a frenzy —liquidating some properties and immediacy sent the large sum of money to Herald.

*****In the Philippines ****

Herald gave 5 percent of the money to the mafia group and ordered Jones release. That evening Herald booked a flight and fled to the Philippines the next day with Joan. With such a vast of amount of money, he was considered a very rich man in the Philippines, but Joan was far from being happy. Soon, she was to confront him seriously about the things Jones said to her.

At Jones Villa

Meanwhile, the released but wounded Jones arrived at his Villa surrounded by his staff and doctors. He received treatment for three days. He was hysterical and was almost going crazy with anger.

“I want him dead!!!!! Dead!!! I mean dead!!! “ —he roared day and night to both his personal doctors and his body guards.

“You all are useless!!! Very useless! —he screamed at all of them.

Jones also banned the name the “D Law”.

“No one should ever call me the D law again in this house!!!! Traitors all of you!! The last person who called me that name was nothing but a f-__-king bastard! I want him dead “ —Jones screamed all day.

He soon scribbled a propaganda message to his Friend — Emerald, and his message was full of nothing but cheap manipulation and lies.

Jones wrote to Emerald —“ My dear friend. You must have heard the news, for days, the newspapers have been publishing my name !! Have you not heard ?! But I am not the only one in danger ! I am sure you are also looking for your daughter!! Herald betrayed me! He had kidnapped your daughter and tried to rape her in my house! I tried to intervene and he had me shot, and kidnapped , and forced my staff to pay him five million dollars. I will do my best to have him ki||ed and I will free your daughter, I promise. Please don’t listen to wh@ťěver your daughter tells you if she shows up before this message gets to you in any way! She is high on drugs and Herald has been driving and manipulating her with hard and terrible drugs —she is not in her right senses! Act fast !!
Best wishes,
Your radical Friend, Jones

Emerald responded with shock
“I have planned to come see you but I got the news very late! I have been looking for my daughter for two and half days!! I will do everything in my power to find her! I hope she is Alive and safe! And sorry for the madness that has befallen you!! I am doing all in my power as we speak! I will spend every dime in my power for my daughter!!
Best wishes,
Your friend, Emerald.

Jones soon called a small circle of his guards and informants and ordered to contact every gang in the country and around, and pay any amount to any peasant or villager that can expose the whereabouts of Herald in any way and they immediately went to work.

*******Back in the Philippines

Back in the Philippines —Herald had rented out a luxury home very close to the beach —it was exciting to him, but Joan was still very much in shock.

In their Philippine secret home —that morning,
Joan was still feeling exhausted and confused. They were not even able to have segz —there was just no feelings or connection.

“Tell me the whole truth!! Herald what’s happening? What’s this whole relationship? Was Jones telling the truth?! Do you really love me or this is all fake? —She asked with a face expressing deep worries and regrets.

“You can’t be serious! Joan! What are you saying? I have been through a lot. This is not fake at all, my love. I am literally fighting and dying for this love! —Herald explained with shock and surprise

“Then tell me what Jones meant! Explain to me what Jones meant? Was this whole relationship planned so that you can throw me to Jones bed in the end? And why did you even send me to his house? —Joan asked with a stern face.

“My heart is heavy. Joan, my love, I will…” —Herald explained

“Just tell me everything !! Absolutely everything!! —Joan interrupted.

“I will tell you everything, nothing but the truth” —Herald explained.

He went on to explain the whole story —
And concluded with “finally, I brought you to his house to buy time, so that this whole torture and kidnap will happen —it was all just to extort money , for us to run away, and find real freedom! there was no other way. I had only three days. And I didn’t want Jones to have you”

“But he almost had me! He almost R@P£D me!”She explained

“But he didn’t !! He didn’t!” — Herald interrupted.

She further explained —“I don’t care ! I think you are lying, lots of what you say don’t make sense to me!! I think you don’t really love me!

“No Joan ! This is the whole truth! I swear! I have told you everything from the first day I met you at the chapel! It’s the whole truth! —Herald exclaimed in shock.

“I am done, my head is full! I feel like a mountain is on me—I just want to get away from all this madness ! I want to go back to my dad!” Joan explained.

“You can’t be serious!!! It’s too risky! I did all this for you to have freedom! For you and me! Baby, it’s too rough out there! Jones guards and informants are all over that country as we speak and I am planning to double the guards even here, because he has such a loyal gang of informants ready to find us and ki|| us even in a foreign country” —Herald explained with panic.

“No you did it for your selfish self! This whole relationship is a selfish arrangement! —then She burst out crying.

Herald began to helplessly caress and pamper her and apologizing and affirming his innocence.

Joan was still filled with anger, she couldn’t believe him. She ordered Herald to give her some money and she booked a flight back to Mauritius . With tears in Herald’s eyes while she left the compound —he said to her “ if this is your choice! It’s fine! You may never see me again!

The words hit her like lighting. But holding her self emotionally she dashed out of the house to the airport. The long flight to Mauritius was full of fear, panic and regret. “What if he is right? What will happen to Herald” — it was as though she was no more in her body —she felt so restless and sick and confused.

At Jones Villa

Jones guards and informants dashed into Jones room with urgent news.

“Greetings Boss! Our informants in the airport have spotted Joan, but it’s too difficult to kidnap her. There is a large crowd and lots of people there. And she may soon get into her fathers people! We must act weak! She just landed in Mauritius! —one of them explained, by the name of Michael.

“God! My god!”

Jones dropped his cigar and walked round the room. “I have a plan” —He said while turning to the small assembled group.

“Which of you have a brain?
The hilarious question shocked them. “Sir, we all have brains! —they replied in unison.

“ you idiots!! Well only Herald ever had a brain, and he is gone unfortunately! ! —Jones commented.

Jones continued “ I want one of you to act as a therapist. I will choose you Michael, because you are handsome —and Joan the Ɓîtçh loves handsome guys, she will be receptive to your manipulation. I will send you to my friend. I will tell my friend , Emerald, that his daughter has been stuffed with drugs, and has been thr_@tened by Herald and that herald is on a mission to destroy me and him. So he needs to disarm his daughter of any form of communication with Herald and lock her up in a room and you will be the therapist ! You must act quick !”

Yes D Law! “—Michael replied.

Don’t call me the Law! You idiot! —Jones responded.

Jones soon sent message to Emerald

“My friend, we spotted your daughter, she is heading home! But I must warn you! She is stuffed with drugs and have been thr_@tened and manipulated by herald and she will be spooning all kinds of lies when she arrives. Have her disarmed of all phones and gadgets and keep her isolated for atleast two weeks. I am sending a well trained therapist”

The message got to Emerald and he was over joyed with the news and sent heartfelt “thank you message to Jones. Emerald doubled the guards at his Villa.

*********At Emerald Villa ****

Joan arrived in three hours time and rushed to meet her father. He hugged her and at once she began to narrate everything . “Come on you are crazy girl! Jones warned me of this madness! You are stressed! You need to be attended to! Herald is the man we need to find “ Emerald explained in disbelief.

“No no no!! Herald is innocent! I swear dad! Joan screamed.

Emerald ignored her and ordered his guards to arrange a new room and she was locked up inside. He also seized her phones and gadgets and had them destroyed —fearing she will be tracked by Herald.

At this point, reality dawned on her. She was full of shock and fear especially that she will never be able to hear from her Herald again.

She was locked up in her new room.

As planned —the Fake therapist , Michale met Emerald who received him with open arms and sent him to see his daughter where he kept her.

Right there in her room —the fake therapist walked in to the room.

“Who are you? ! —Joan asked

“I don’t want to listen! Just get out! — she continued.

“I am a therapist! I am here to help you! “ Micheal said.

“Just get out! Get out! I am not crazy! I am fine !
I need to be out of here” Joan screamed.

Soon Michael turned around and said “shut up! You better listen! I am not a therapist ! You have to cooperate or Herald will die! I was sent from Jones! Herald had been captured by Jones men in the Philippines. So your cooperation will ensure he survives.

Joan was shocked , her mouth hanging open, and she began to sweat profusely . “ please I am confused, what do I do ? Please don’t ki|| him please I beg you!!

“Good! First rule is —you must cooperate and pretend as if you are flowing with my therapy! Secondly you must never try to communicate about the real truth ! Secondly you must do all of this for at least a month! So that this tension can die down! If not herald will be ki||ed and your dad will never believe you! —Michael concluded.

Okay I understand” —she nodded in fear.

He draws close to her —“ am I not handsome? I will love to sleep with you too! But it’s just a matter of time , you will be lying naked on Jones bed.

Joan continued to shiver in fear.

He reached out fondling her Břě@šťs and caressing her inner thighs, and she couldn’t resist, she was still deep in fear.

“I will leave you now “ — He said and left.

He immediately reached to Joan father , Emerald in the parlor and explained that she should be left alone and that she was recovering from the shock of what she had been through and he left.

***** At Jones Villa *******

Jones was very pleased with the action. “Good! For one month, she can be softened and things can be covered well. And we can either have herald captured , ki||ed or manipulated and I can still use you to make demands on her! Make sure you stay put and don’t fall stupidly in love like Herald did. —Jones explained to Michael.

*****At Emeralds Villa*****

Michael the fake therapist showed up again the next day . This time he was more quiet. But Joan looked calm with new dazzling clothes. Despite her moodiness, she looked extremely beautiful.

Joan immediately rose up, as he walked towards her —“what information! Is he okay! Why is this like this for me? And she began to cry.

Michael felt emotionally weakened and struggled to comport himself while seeing her tears.
“Everything will be fine , Joan, don’t worry”

The words shocked Joan. “Did you just console me? She asked.

He drew close to her and said —“I am human too and I don’t want to see women cry.

“I know you are trained to be hard. But you can help. I see something authentic in you—you are different, you can change things.

Michael felt emotionally trapped between his duty to Jones and his growing lust. He looked at her, taking back her skirts , he looked at her laps and fondled her Břě@šťs.

Joan with tears , said to him—“you don’t have to think of that? It’s not love! It’s vain! You have been having segz—all of you? It’s empty! segz without love is vain. Try having segz when you are in-love, you will see the beauty of segz.

The words hit Michael like lightening. He moved away from her , and tried to resist the emotional brainwashing that she was doing to him.

“And you are too handsome for you to be working dirty job for jones” — this words also shocked him.

“ I will see you in three days time! And as for Herald! He is fine for now! And he dashed out from the room.

“My dad will think today’s therapy was too short” she said as he left the room but he didn’t respond to her.

Joan spent the next three days in severe depression —walking up and down her new spacious room. She had her meals three times a day as usual but she rarely ate. She felt like collapsing each minutes. Her nights were full of tears and tears. The so called fake therapist was to see her very three days. She hoped to see the fake therapist again—atleast to hear some information about Herald.

******* The Philippines ********

Meanwhile — Herald had fallen both into depression and paranoia. There was no way to communicate with Joan. He was completely disconnected —all her lines were disconnected. Many thoughts ran through his mind. “I hope she has not just forgotten me just like that? Is she dead? Do I go back ? “thousands of thoughts ran through his mind.

For the mean time he doubled the security heavily around his house—yet he felt empty and like a looser and scared —nothing mattered to him anymore. He spent all of his nights in making plans on either to go or not to go back to Mauritius. But a new odyssey was to unfold for him ! !


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