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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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VAMPIRE’S OBSESSION – Episode 41 & 42

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(Blood,lust and love)

THEME: тнe vaмpιre’ѕ мυѕe

CHAPTER 41 & 42

By: Maya j.a


‼️Do not copy or repost‼️


★★(what’s wrong?)★★

“Master is back” they cheered happily and Ashley eyes widened.

“What are they talking about?“

“Get her inside and clean her up to my taste” he said coldly and they nod immediately rushing the lost Ashley.

“Come with us ma’am” they said ushering Ashley’s inside.

She kept looking round like she is new being to the world.

They guide her inside the house.

They took her to a room that already arranged.

They guard her to the bathroom.

One move her hand to her robe rope ready to pull it but she held it tight.

“” she stuttered.

“um, we just want to bath you like our master instructed” one of them said.

The door pull open and a cute blond haired girl walk in dressed in her maid uniform.

“Hey, you all should leave” she smiled and they nod bowing lightly before going out making a grumpy face whispering along.

👥”where the heck is she from?“

👥”she look so naive”

👥”she look like bush people to me”

👥”if only I can be in her shoes, getting a massage bath and close to the master.”

“Am Coralyn, Cora for short” the blonde haired girl introduced.

“ Ashley” she cooed.

“Okay, am the head of the maids, seem you are not comfortable letting them bath you, I can be of help, its just me, I am sure you would let me help you take your bath right?“ Cora asked nicely and Ashley found her self nodding.

“Great then,let start with taking off your robe” she said and slowly loosed the rope.

The robe fell off her perfect body and she was left in just pants.

Cora stare at Ashley wondering why she is not wearing bra and her pants seem to be made from a fiber fabric.

Hmm, she dressed just like those bush people.

“Get into the tube” she muttered.

“Huh?, tube?, what’s tube?“ She asked startling Cora.

“That thing” Cora replied Pointing at the Jacuzzi tube.

Ashley stare at it adorably.

She thought the school was more civilized but now she know this place is more civilized than the supernatural world.

She nod and walk into it.

“Sit on it” Cora added as she saw Ashley wanted to remain standing.

She obeyed and take off her pants before sitting down.

Cora start from her long hair.

“I must admit, you’ve got a long dark hair” she complimented and Ashley find her self blushing.

“Thank you” she muttered.

Cora bath her and get her some clothe from the wardrobes.

“Master asked us to arrange this room and bought this cute wardrobes and the cute clothes inside when he visited last, we were all waiting for him to bring that precious girl he was arranging for, and now he brought you, you are so lucky” Cora cooed smiling as she brush Ashley’s hair after she finished dressing her.

Ashley was speechless, he did all that for her?, he must have reason, he is not kind to her that much like Damien, or did he want to surprise her?

“Master’s twin is more fun to be with but I know deep down master is more sweet and fun, to me he just had a lot to deal with, you know the celebrity world isn’t am easy thing” Cora said and chuckled.

“Celebrity?“ Ashley asked.


“What celebrity?“ She asked and Cora brows creased.

“Seriously, what part of the world are you from?,” she asked and quickly slap her lips realizing she just talk to the first lady their master had treated differently.

“ A celebrity is someone who is famous or well-known, typically for their work in the entertainment industry, like music, movies, television, or socia media” Cora explained.

“So he sing?“ Ashley asked.

“Um,its master Damien and Matthew who usually sing, Damon rarely sing but trust me, he is a model for his cuteness, girls tripped and pass out due to his cuteness” she explained dreamily.

Ashley won’t deny the fact that Damien and Damon is handsome, but Damon is more handsome.

“Many company usually came begging him to sign a contract of being the face of their company,” she added blushing.

“Okay…so what is social media?“ Ashley asked again.

Cora sighed and replied.

“Social media refers to websites and apps that allow users to connect and share content with each other, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Social media has become a huge part of our culture, and it’s used for everything from connecting with friends and family, to promoting businesses, to sharing news and information.“ she explained and Ashley managed to nod.

“Um..where can I find social media?“ She blurted.

“ are not from this city, are you?, social media are found on internet and mobile device like phone” she said showing Ashley her phone.

She quickly remembered it what Damien had introduced to her then, if not for Damon who never allow her to try the one he gave her, he threw it away.

They finished cleaning up and walk out to meet Damon waiting for her.

“Follow me” he said standing on the stairs.

She nod and followed him upstairs.

Immediately they got to his room, he shut the door facing her.

“Listen to me” he said more like a whisper.

“In this world, you don’t get to see me like you see me in my other world, you don’t to let anyone know I have a dark side, in this world we are all human” he said and staring at the frightened Ashley.

“Understood” he said and she nod like a frightened cat.

“Good girl” he said and pat her hair.

“You should go to sleep, I have something to attend to” he said and walk out.

What the f-__-k is happening?

Why is he hiding his identity?

What is he here that he is also well respected just like the other world too?.

She kept thinking as she find her way back to her room.

“Um..guess tomorrow we will continue, you’re fun to be with, i guess we should call it a night.” Cora smiles at Ashley and walk out heading to her own room.


Zendaya woke up with dark circles round her eyes and messy hair too.

Maya woke up yawning but immediately her eyes landed on Zendaya, her eyes widened.

“What happened?“ Maya asked.

“Nothing” she drawled.

Of course it a lie, how can she be okay, when her dream visitor came to her asking to wait for him, promising her fun only for her to wait for him but he didn’t come till she wake up,not just that,Lou didn’t sleep in her arms.

She look around searching for him but he is not in the room.

“Lou didn’t sleep here?“ She asked and Maya nod.

“Gawd” she cried and stand ready to go search for it.

“You can’t go out like this, your eyes” Maya sighed.

“My cat didn’t sleep at home!.” she cried.

“He will come back” Maya said wondering weather to tell her, that her her precious cat is a human, but she made a promise, now she is feeling guilty seeing Zendaya’s condition.

“Am worr..“ She trailed off as they heard him meowed walking in majestically.

“Oh my gawd, you are back” she squeaked running to it but he turned back and tried going out again, buy she dived on it as fell on it hugging him to her chest.

“Oh God, I have missed you, am sorry” she cried hugging it to her chest as she closed her eyes.

“I think she is in love already” Maya muttered to her self.


Damien knocked on Damon’s door countlessly, he pushed the door when he got no reply.

He wanted to come check in Ashley and apologized on walking out on her yesterday, he was just hurt.

His face dropped when he saw no one inside.

Where are they?, where did Damon take her to?, has he left for the human world with her?.

He was still thinking when he heard a knock.

“Come in” he said.

The door pull open and a girl walk in with a drink in her hand.

“Um..princess Gryta ask me to give you this” she said handling him the drink.

Without thinking twice, he collect it and gulp it down out of anger and hand her the cup, the girl bowed and left with the cup.

He ruffle his hair in anger, why is Damon doing this to him, first he likes viola but she is just so focused on that same f-__-king Damon, now its Ashley and he won’t let go?, can’t he just go for his Lolita or Eva?.

He was still thinking when his body begin to feel so hot.

He knew the feeling, it was familiar, the feeling he got the day Viola gave him that aphrodisiac drink.

He gulp down nothing as he fell on the bed gripping on the sheet so tight.

The door suddenly pulled open revealing Viola in a robe but a segzy lingerie inside.

He grit his teeth together in pain and anger.

“Her again?“ He thought gripping his teeth so tight.

This time aroundc he won’t let go!!


The door to Ashley room pull open and Damon walk in.

He relaxed on it watching her sleep peacefully.

He counts his step to her.

He sat on the bed edge.

He gaze fell on her face, as his hand move to her hair and he begin to stroke it gently.

“Even when I find out you are my doom, I don’t want to let go, how funny?, is this love?, or am been selfish or its the prophecy working?“ He asked no one in particular as his hand crawled up to her face.

His face lean closer to hers as he couldn’t stop his self from doing so.

He close his eyes, his lips inches away from hers,

“Master?“ Ashley called as her eyes spring open.

Damon eyes pull open and he move back immediately feigning a cold face immediately.

“Master what are you doing?, is something wrong with my face?“ She asked sitting up.



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