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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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VAMPIRE’S OBSESSION – Episode 25 & 26

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(Blood,lust and love)

THEME: тнe vaмpιre’ѕ мυѕe


By: Maya j.a


‼️Do not copy or repost‼️


★★(The book)★★

No, not her Her first kiss?

Damien eyes widened too.

She quickly push him off.

She look around seeing everyone standing with their eyes closed.

Her eyes move to Damien whobwas staring at her in awe.

“What happened to me?“ She asked buy Damien’s eyes were not on her face but somewhere else.

She trailer his gaze only for her to see it staring at two things.

Her melons and the big mole on her shoulder.

She gasped and quickly cover them with her hand.

Damien got back to his senses and quickly stand up.

Luckily for her, he was wearing a jacket, he puller it and hand it over to her.

“Here” he said and hand it over to her.

She put on as he help her stand up.

“What happened?“ She asked again,he didn’t reply her as he just grip her hand and walk away from the crowd.

Viola saw everything that happened from her window, she grit her teeth in anger.

Why is she so darn lucky?.

She should have be naked by now and everyone should have been laughing her now.

Why will Damien ruins her plot?.


They got to his room and he sat her down on his bed.

He brought out his phone to put a phone across Gryta.

Ashley eyes got glued to the phone wondering what’s that.

He called her and she picked.

He end the call after saying what he wants to say.

“What’s that?“ She asked her eyes still glued to the phone.

“It’s a phone” he answered.

“What’s a phone?“ She asked and Damien just sighed rubbing his temples.

Now he knows what part of the human side she is from.

Thought the world is just getting used to technology, Damon is trying to make theirs better, maybe its just hasn’t reach their side before they were attacked.

“Its a technology that is use to reach out to someone faster and easier” he said handling it to her.

She stare at it weirdly.

“You like it?“ He asked and she nod.

“Maybe I should put a call across Damon to get one for you” he said as he collect the phone to contact Damon.

“You know about his whereabout?“ She asked.

“He didn’t even told you anything before leaving, well your dearest master is also a model is the Urban human world” he explained and Ashley managed to close her mouth.

Of course he would be a model, he has the body fits.

So there are still other people like her out there?

She will be so glad to see them.

“Can I talk to him?“ she blurted.

Damien smile slowly died down as she said that.

Is she really missing him that much?

He just saved her, and they Even share a light kiss, why is she so concerned about him?.

“Not now” he said sounding cold.

He proceed inside and return with set of pants and hoodie for her.

She stare at the cloth, everything still seem new to her, new world, new cloth, new things and strange things too.

Who would believe vampire Still exist, talk less of been even civilized than them?.

She picked the clothes while he walk out.

She stare at his disappearing back wondering why he suddenly go cold.


Gryta step out of the bathroom with a towel tied to her waist.

Her door puller open and she grip on her towel tighter.

“Who is that?“ She asked holding the tip of her towel tight.

The person didn’t reply as she continue hearing approaching foostep.

“Loki, is that you?“ She asked but she. Got silent reply.

The footstep got closer and she begin to get scared as she move back.

“Eddy please dont” she cried holding her towel tighter.

“Seriously?, so am the monster you are expecting?“ He scoffed and fold his hand.

She let out a sigh in relief, when she heard his voice.

“what..what do you want?“ She wanted to scream at him but her voice betrayed her, as it comes out stuttering.

“Really?, Gryta, will you ask Loki this, if he is the one that walk in?“ He asked staring her .

His eyes move to her white fresh lap and he gulp down nothing, his eyes trailed it up to her slim waist and her busty chest, then to her baby face, her big round purple eyes.

Why the f”’k can’t he just throw his pride away and accept the fact that he is in love with her.

May be its because he don’t want to break Mavis’s heart

“What do you want Eddy?“ She gritted clutching her hand to her towel.

“Not like you are you even attractive”he said and rolled his eye ball.

“At least someone find me attractive, so I have hope” she scoffed and tried to walk pass him but he grip her back.

He don’t know what came over him, maybe its because he has been hallucinating about that too much, hat why.

His lips find its way to her lips.

Gryta eyes widened as she felt her body went limb.

He closed his eyes as his hand curled round her waist pulling her closer.

He nibbled on her lower lips as he th-ru_st his tongue into her mouth.

Gryta slowly began to drift off into the kiss but remembering how he do treat her, she has to push him away, or he is gonna think of her as a wh-_-re, nothing more.

She pushed him away roughly breathing hard.

“What was that for?,” she asked wiping her lips.

“I..I don’t know” Eddy stuttered staring at his hand in dismay.

His mind flahsed back to how he hold her curvy waist to his self, the feeling of her melons on his chest.

“Just leave please, before I loose it” she said and turn around backing him.

His gaze move to her backside and he quickly away.

She is blind, but yet she is d@mn beautiful and got a lot other ladies don’t have.

He just walk out without saying anything.

Gryta sighed after she felt he left.

Her mind flashed back to the kiss and she find her self smiling as she touched her lips.

As Gryta stood alone in the room, she felt a mix of emotions. She was confused by what had just happened, and she couldn’t shake the feeling of Eddy’s lips on hers. But she also felt a sense of relief that she had resisted his advances. She knew that giving in to him would have been a mistake, and she was proud of herself for staying true to her values.

Gryta realized that she had never felt this way about anyone before,not even Loki.

A knock interrupt her cute thoughts.

“Yes?“ She answered.

“Its me” she heard that timid voice that almost sounded like hers.

“Ashley” she smiled and rushed for the door.

She maybe blind but she easily master voices.

Ashley walk in smiling.

“Um,Damien said if you could follow me to the library to keep me busy” she said.

“Sure, am bored too” she replied walking to the wardrobe.

She brought out a big hoodie and tomboy shorts.

Seems they prefers different designs of robe in the palace and then this cute weird outfits here.

She thought as Gryta slowly get dressed.


Zendaya got to Matthew’s block.

She knock on his door waiting.

Well guys are scarce to her.

Apart from her stupîd brother, she just have Damon, Damien, and Matthew.

Damon and Damien are just like her brothers too but Matthew, Damon’s best friend is the only who move around her freely.

Though it is said that her dad went extra miles that he asked the priest to cast a spell on her.

A spell that chase guys away from her.

She hasn’t met the Prince that make her parents did all this but if she finally does, he is going to see fire!.

The door pulled open revealing Matthew in just pants.

His well built body came into view and Zendaya gulp down nothing.

Lou shake his ear staring at Matthew too, he just eyed him and look away.

Zendaya wanted to drop him while she rushed to check Matthew but he run to the door crying.

She just sigh and bring him along.

“You are back” she cooed smiling.

“Yeah,you miss me right?“ He grinned urging her to walk in.

She hesitated staring at his abs.

“Oh, am sorry about this, I will put something on now” he said and walk heading for wardrobe.

He find a T-shirt and put it on.

“So how is the model of a thing?, I can’t wait to join you guys, I think it will be cool” she smiled sitting on his bed.

“Yeah, that’s after we save the world” he said and joined her on the bed.

Lou immediately step down from Zendaya’s lap and sat in between them making sure there is enough gap in between them.

“Your pet is funny” Matthew said and she chuckled.

The air around them suddenly become awkward.

She stuck her gaze to the floor while she could feel Matthew’s gaze on her.

They usually stay alone together and gist, but why is it suddenly awkward?.

What’s going on?, he can’t like her, can he?

The spell suppose to work on him too right?

She kept thinking when she felt his hand on hers.

“Will you like to follow me next time, I did like to show you my life there” he smiled and she find her self nodding.

“Human world can be more fun than here you know” he said bringing out a new phone.

“Here this is their latest technology tgey have” he said handling her an iPhone 15.

“Is it for me?“ She asked and he nod.

“Can’t be coming back home without getting something for my baby” he dsidbsnd pinched her nose playfully.

Lou claws $h00t out jealously as he watch them.

“Matt, why do you prefer just me and Damon?“ She find her self asking.

“Well, Damon is like a brother I never had and you..“ He trailed of smiling.

“don’t worry,you will find out soon when we get to the human world” he said and stand up from the bed.

“Do you mind if we stroll?“ He asked stretching his hand to her.

Their eyes locked and it remain like that.

“Meow” Lou let a cried like it pains and its eyes slowly closed ad it fell weakly on the bed.

“Lou?“she cried Ehen saw what happened.

“What wrong with it?“ Matthew asked.

“I don’t know” Zendaya said worriedly carrying it in her arms.

“What do we do now?“ She asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t think the strolling is gonna work , I should take it home to find medication for him, am worried’ she cried picking the weak Lou in her arms.

“i guess we have to leave it till next time then” matthew cooed and she nod walking out with the cat.

Lou secretly let out a satisfied smirk.


You should pick a book of your choice and read, I did like to listen too, please” Gryta said as they entered a scecret place in the library.

Ashley walk to the books shelf and start to check on the books.

Gryta just sat on the chair placing her hand on the table waiting patiently for Ashley to finally come with something interesting.

Ashley saw a book with a thick black hard cover.

She picked the book without looking at the name or the book cover.

She walk to the table and dropped it on top.

She sat on a chair too and brought the book close to have a better look.

Her eyes dimmed when she view the cover well.

Its a picture of a girl standing with a black heart ripped out of her chest in her hand.

Her hair was floating, a big mole on her left shoulder but to her utmost surprise, there is no face.

Its was more like a sketch…she kept looking at it shocked cause it kind of look like her if not for the fact that is faceless.

“What’s that?“ Gryta asked as she notice the silent from her.

“The book seems weird” Ashley managed to say.

“Woah, I love weird things what its title?“ She asked.

Ashley eyes finally darted to the names and she felt her heart sank.

“PROPHECY OF HIS WEAKNESS ” she read out and Gryta eyes widened.


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