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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?(Just one night with him changed everything)?
?(My forbidden desire for him)?
written by Bella writes???
Chapter 14✌✌✌
“Will you marry me Dora” the words kept ringing in my head and it seemed kind of weird and untrue

“Did you just ask me that?” I said starring at him

“I did and I won’t repeat myself” He said haughtily

“Four years ago, I would have accepted your offer but now I don’t think I want to endure seeing your face everyday for the rest of my life” I said angrily

“So its a no right?” He asked

“Should I spell it out for you?” I said seething with anger

I was about walking off when he pulled me back

“Let me go?”

“Have been tolerant enough with you Dora, If you want me to be cruel and harsh just to get what I want, I will and If you want me to be a perfect gentleman I will do it, If that will make you mine” He said

I couldn’t say a thing, I just stared up at him

Sometimes he could be cruel and have seen that cruelty before,I had wished back then that I shouldn’t an example but now it seems like am going to be one because I won’t marry him

“I was never yours, Neither will I be now, I won’t marry you Michael, now leave me alone” I said and to my surprise he let go of me.

“You’ve chosen Dora, You of all people would know how ruthless I am when I want something, I want you and I will have you” he said

I stared at him and saw that he meant his words

Feeling a bit frightened I ran straight to my room

I didn’t even wait to answer the questions my parents were asking.

I locked the door behind me and sat on the bed thinking about what he just said to me tonight

“I want you and I will have you” His words kept on ringing in my head

“I have to leave, I need to leave this place for good” I thought as I began to pack my belongings

“Why have you brought me here” liam yelled at my guards who were holding him to the chair

“To talk of course, Why do you think I brought you here” I said as I took the seat facing him

“You bastard, After having fun with my fiancee here you are telling me thrash,I really want to strangle you right now” I said feeling angry

“Enough of your useless thr_@ts okay,I only brought you here to make a deal” I said snapping my fingers

“What sort of stupid deal will I ma……..” He stopped when he saw the brief case of money that my guard had kept in front of him

“You were saying……” I said smiling

“What’s this” he asker starring at the money

“I know your true intentions with Dora, You don’t love her, Your only after her money” I said

“Who told you that lie?” He yelled at me

“No one, I heard it myself , Let’s put that aside for now, Your company is bankrupt and you need money to revive it right?”

“Take this” I said

“And in exchange?”he asked

“In exchange you leave Dora for good, Stay away from her, If she comes to you refuse her” I said

“And do you think I will do all this” He said with a smug on his face

“You will. After all your in need of money and being the greedy bastard you are you will surely take this” I said

“Your right! I will rather take the money than to get back with Dora, Tell me something, What do you have going on with her?” He asked

“Its none of your business,Just take the money and disappear from Dora life” I said

“I think I know, You want Dora for yourself right? Well you can keep her, She is not really worth me sacrificing this money for” he said

“I don’t need your opinion about Dora, Just take the money and leave or do you want to leave here without anything” I said

“Fine, Am going, It was nice doing business with you” He said

“One more thing, No one must hear about this, Not even Dora” I said

“Don’t worry my lips shall be sealed forever, Good bye” He said and left the room.

I sighed as I stood by the window, staring outside

I just hope that what am doing now brings Dora to me.

“I don’t think I want to endure seeing your face for the rest of my life”

Remembering her words got me feeling hurt

“You have no option Dora, You will just have to see my face for the rest of your life cause I won’t give up till your my wife” I whispered to myself

“Boss, You need to answer this call,its very important” my guard said giving me the phone

I took it from him and answered

“You’ve got to go to the airport right away” Dora granny said


“Dora have left, She said she will be going back to New York or to some other country, Hurry Michael stop my baby from leaving again” She said and Immediately I took to my heels with my guards coming after me

I sat down on one of the empty seats waiting for them to announce my flight.

They would have seen my letter now and knowing granny she would come search for me

And I need to leave, Staying here will bring me lot of pain.

“The flight to New York city will be leaving soon, All passengers should start preparing”

On hearing the announcement I stood up with my luggage.

I was walking off when suddenly someone pull my hand

“And where do you think you are going to?” He asked holding onto my hand

“Why are you here?”

“To stop you from leaving”

“Just stop with this okay? All I want to do right is to leave, so just leave me alone” I said as I began to walk off

Two of his guards came to block my way

“What’s this Michael, why won’t you just let me leave? You’ve had your revenge, that should be enough” I said

“That is not enough for me okay, I already told you, I want you and you won’t be getting on that plane” he said as he walked towards me

While his guards took hold of my suitcase, He carried me into his arms and began to head out

“Put me down Michael, Put me down!”

“I let you go once Dora but not now,Not anymore” He said as he put me into the car

“This is kidnapping Michael, I will report this to the police” I said

“Not when you will be my wife” he said

“What do you mean?”

“As of now,This car is heading to the registry court where we will be married”


This Michael guy is just so persistent???

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