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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNTIL HE MET HER – Episode 4

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(Strange feelings..)?

Episode 5&6

Do not copy or repost ‼️

By Egbe Samuel Chigozie ✍️

Not Edited!



Hazel finished writing the exam as she pocketed her pen.

“I’m done sir” She said.

“Ok then, you’ll see your result in the school platform in the evening, just give me your contact” Mr Ryan said and Hazel said it to him.

She walked out of the office and started heading home.

Her mom actually gave her transport money for her to transport herself.

Meanwhile,at Jayden’s class,the students were making a hell of noise cos there’s no lecturer in the class.

A junior student entered the class and called the attention of Richard.

“Excuse me senior,the school clinic nurse seek to see you” The junior student said politely.

“I’m coming,you can go” Richard said and the student walked out of the class.

“What do you think?” Aaron,who was sitting beside Richard asked.

“Ion know, nothing is on my mind right now” Richard sighed.

“You have to be careful bro,you may go see the school clinic nurse” Aaron said and Richard stood from his locker.

Richard started walking out of the class, heading to the school clinic.

He entered the clinic and the nurse in there stared at him.

Richard almost laughed as he stared at Lexi, he’s having a eye now and the second eyes has been patched.

“Good morning ma’am” He greeted, winking at Lexi silently.

“Why will you punch his eyes? He’s left with a eye just because of you, please don’t let this repeat next time else you’ll be in trouble” The nurse scolded.

“I’m sorry ma’am,it will never happen again” Richard chuckled.

Lexi face looks funny.

“Why are you chuckling? I can’t find anything funny here” The nurse asked.

“It’s nothing ma’am” Richard said.

“You may leave” The nurse said and Richard walked out of the clinic.

Richard was walking towards the direction of the class but something caught his eyes.

He was Audrey, bullying a junior female student.

“Are you deaf! I said lick my shoe!” Audrey shouted at the student.

“I’m sorry senior Audrey,it was a mistake,I didn’t step on you purposely” The student pleaded.

“Lick my shoe now!” Audrey shouted, raising her hand to slap the girl but her hand hanged in the air when Richard spoke.

“Stop!” He shouted.

“You can go” Richard said to the girl and she quickly left.

“Who do you think you are to interrupt me!” Audrey said, boiling in anger.

“Richard Eden” He smiled.

“The day I’ll ki|| you is coming” She pushed his chest.

“What if I do the same to you? You’ll say I’ve committed a crime right?” Richard smirked.

“Don’t question me” She said.

“I thinking of telling you something and I think this is the best time to tell you” Richard said and she became interested.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“I like your @zz” He said and she gasped.

She was about hitting him but he ran away already.


Richard entered the class and he sat on his locker.

Meanwhile, Aaron was sitting on his locker while Jayden was on Richard locker.

“Where are you coming from?” Jayden asked.

“The school clinic” He replied.

“How did it went? And what did she said?” Aaron asked and Richard explained everything to them.

They started laughing hysterically when Richard said Lexi is left with a eye.

“I wish to see him” Jayden giggled.

They were interrupted when Audrey entered the class with her two friends at her back.

Cassie and Pearl.

The students eyes were on them as they entered the class.

The male students can swear that their boxers almost tore, Jayden was an exceptional though.

“She’s freaking hot” Richard muttered.

“Yes, really really hot and beautiful, she’s indeed the beautiful girl in Lake High” Aaron muttered senselessly.


Rachel was at the dinning, having her breakfast as she started feeling some pains in her belly.

She wanted to vomit but it refused to come out.

Nevertheless,she continued eating her food as soon tears was visible on her eyes.

She’s actually in tears because she wants her family to become rich, she’s really tired of poverty.

She started feeling pressed and she entered the bathroom,easing up herself but she was urinating blood.

She vomited inside the water closet and blood was also coming out.

Tears formed on her eyes as she looked at the mirror.

“I’m sorry Jayden, I’m sorry also Blaze” She started tearing up as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“If only you know that I’m sick,I can’t tell you so you won’t work hard to get me drugs, I’m sorry my sons” She cried bitterly.

“Assuming we’re from the rich breed,I would have been feeling better by now!” She continued crying.

Why will she be easing up blood and vomiting blood at the same time?

It’s complicated.


“So soon, you’re back” Mrs Hampton said when Hazel entered the house.

“Yes mom” She replied.

“How was the exams?” Mrs Hampton asked.

“Not hard mom,my result will be sent to me on the school platform this evening” Hazel said.

“That’s nice to hear, lemme place a call to aunt Sofia” Mrs Hampton said, bringing out her phone as she dialed Sofia number.

It’s didn’t take up to thirty seconds before she answered the call.

? Good morning big sis, how’s family?” Sofia asked immediately she swiped green.

? Perfectly fine,Hazel finally agreed to go to Lake High and she’s just coming back from the school” Mrs Hampton said.

? Yes!! I knew she’ll accept my words” Sofia shouted happily.

? She has even written her entrance exam,if she pass she’ll resume tomorrow” Mrs Hampton said.

? She’ll surely pass,I wish her good luck,extend my regards to her” Sofia said before hanging the call.


“Gosh I’m tired!” Aaron sighed tiredly as they finished with the last lecture.

They’re waiting for the jingling of the bell for them to go to the cafeteria.

“You’re a lazy @zz swears” Richard said.

“But the mathematics is very hard,I don’t even understand a thing the lecturer finished teaching us” Aaron said.

“Me too” Richard said and Jayden widened his eyes.

“What are you both thinking when the lecturer was explaining?” Jayden asked.

“I was listening but you know you’re smarter,teach me now please” Aaron said.

“You should listen now,else I won’t teach you anymore” Jayden said and Richard nodded his head.

Aaron wasn’t an exceptional.

Jayden began teaching them and they payed maximum attention,they found themselves understanding it better than what the teacher taught them.

“Done!” Jayden sighed.

“Bro you’re the best,I understand it better now” Aaron and Richard appreciated and with that.

The bell rang for lunch time.

The students rushed out of the class and Jayden sighed, remembering his mom.

“I miss you mom” He muttered.

Richard and Aaron were already out of the class, heading to the cafeteria.

Jayden stood up from his locker as he started heading to the cafeteria,he mistakenly bumped into a girl and she almost fell.

She was lucky for him holding her hand else she would have been on the ground already.

“I’m sorry” He apologized.

“I’m fine, I’m Luna” She said, bringing her hand for handshake and he accepted it

“You already know my name,Jay” He said.

“You’re intelligent, I’ll say” Luna said.

“Thanks” He answered.

“Where are you heading to?” She asked

“To the cafeteria” He replied.

“Let’s go, I’ll pay for you” She said, holding his hand but he withdrew his hand from hers.

“Thank you,but I can’t let you pay for me” He said, leaving her presence while she stared at him with uttering a word.


“Seems they’ve changed the system of cooking, it’s now more delicious” Richard said as he was eating his food fastly.

“Calm down to avoid getting choked” Jayden said and he smiled.

They continued eating in silence until a student distracted them.

? Lexi is here!

The student shouted and Richard and Aaron started laughing hysterically while Jayden was shaking his head.

? He’s left with a eye!

? He’s looking so ugly

? I can’t even get close to him again

Jayden continued shaking his head and Aaron stared at him confusedly.

“Why are you shaking your head like a lizard?” He asked.

“Nothing, I’m just pitying Lexi” Jayden said.

Lexi was boiling in anger as he was staring at Richard who was laughing hysterically.

“What are you thinking about?” James asked.

“I’m thinking of a way to eliminate Richard, he’s getting on my nerves” Lexi replied, stumping his foot on the floor repeatedly.

*If only he knows what he’s going to face* He muttered inwardly.


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