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Friday, October 18, 2024
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💔 Episode 20💔

They both arrived at their village the same time, Gift was surprised to see him there, she totally ignored him pretending he did not know him, but Francis kept following her still begging her to reconsider him

She started another round of insult and thr_@tened him to go back else she will send thugs to beat his poverty life mercilessly

Francis didn’t give ear to her insults or thr_@ts and continued to follow her until she got home… She met her mother who is preparing to go to farm, she greeted her and walked into the house, the woman was surprised to see her daughter back home so early and also her facial expressions wasn’t encouraging at all

She also saw Francis whose eyes is all red and swollen…. Gift’s mother was thrown into a state of confusion and panicky, she threw down her basin, cutlass and hoe and rushed inside to meet her daughter

Nwam(my child), what is it, what happened?

Gift removing her shoes, nothing mama, is that poverty stricken man still outside?

Her mother was surprised, who on earth bears such names my daughter?

Mama don’t pretend that you don’t know who I am talking about ooo, but if you don’t know I am referring to that poor Francis, can you imagine nne, that pauper is poorer than a church rat, she came to marry

(praising herself) akwa ugo dika mu, elelewa eje oru, omama asa aru, an elegant pretty girl like me, me that a president or governors son should be asking for marriage…. Chai nne atatlam ahuhu!(chai mama I don suffer).

Her mother was confused as well as angry now… Shut up you idiøt and speak like some one that went to school! I don’t understand a thing you have just said now.

Gift angry too… Abeg mama leave me jhor, if you don’t understand then go and ask that boy there…. I am off to tell Rose that will understand what am saying…… She walks out

Her mother met Francis and asked the poor boy what happened.

Francis said mama nothing ooo I love ur daughter with my whole heart, just that she came to my house and it was a mud house, that’s why she started abusing and calling me names. She has denied our love but I promise not to give up on her. Francis said wiping his eyes

Gifts mother was weak, she carried her two hands and placed on her head. Oh no, Gift will not ki|| me, what have I not thought this girl about marriage and life generally, does she wants to marry onye ogwu ego? (a money ritüalist)
Don’t she knows that the Bible said that a woman is a favor to her husband and also a helper and together they can build a home.

My son I am sorry for all the insults she gave you, I plead on her behalf, she is still a kid, I will talk sense into her biko o nwam, iwegi juru (please my son, let your anger calm) and stop crying, I assure you after talking to her, she will receive sense ooo! Go home and then come back tomorrow

Francis thanked her and left

Gift was at Rose house and was gisting her, telling her how poor and wretched Francis was and how good she insulted her and her generation

Rose was angry and disappointed at her friends attitude…….. She said to her

Gift but you told me you love Francis and will marry her, I asked you to pray for signs and and you told me that you did and that God showed you in the dream that he is ur hubby, you did wedding with him and also gave birth to his child. What happened to those dreams my friend, you also told me that he was very rich in that dream.

Abeg! abeg!! abeg!!! Rose forget that dream jare…. Odika o iba Jim mbahu (maybe malaria was holding me that time) Or is mare fantasies or imaginations is not real.

If you see this guy’s house eee! Very irritating, the guy dara ajo ukpa (the guy is more than poor) God forbid I can’t be poor and marry a poorer guy that I will feed oo!

Rose was angry at her friend but don’t want to show it….. Gift relax, that guy really loves you and both of you will be happy together please don’t look at his present situation now, he looks like some one that is industrious.

With your love and God by his side he will prosper, have you forgotten that novel we both read, (Coincidental Reunion written by Chidinma Ihemenandu) after Chioma married Emeka, the poor guy became rich, wealthy and prosperous….

Please, Rose just stop it ooo!, are you wishing me poverty and suffering, do I look like chioma or Job? Please if you love him or pity him so much then go and marry him, I dash you for free without grudge, I thought you are my friend now I know you are my worst enemy that wishes me ill. Mtcheww is a mistake coming hear at first, abeg lemme come and be going.

She leaves…. Rose quickly dresses up and run after her.

Please Gift it hasn’t gotten to that, I am only advising you as my friend, you went too far in your insult to the poor guy, you would have simply told him that you are not interested than the insults

Just don’t follow me to my house ooo enemy of progress, she told Rose but Rose followed her to her house

On getting to the house, Gift mother was seen crying and Gift asked her mother why she should be crying her mother told asked her.

Gift, did I do anything wrong to bring you into this world and sent you to school to be a reasonable young girl that will make me proud in future? Why have you decided to let pride, pomposity and arrogance be your watch word, why did you go to Francis house and insult him, is that how a young girl who is anticipating to leave with a man behaves, what have I not thought you in life or don’t you ever look at your friend’s life and learn something from her character?

Gift you won’t send me to early grãve oo! I didn’t ki|| my mother so you won’t ki|| me at all

(Gift chewing gum, Kim Kim Kim puff!!) Mama please stop comparing me with someone ooo! every one has his or her own life to live ooo!.

Amadi oha magbukwe gi egbeahu nwa nzuzu (may the gods of thùnder strike you deãd there stūpid girl)

Mama is okay please, Rose consoled the wailing woman.

Francis could not sleep through out the night, he refused to eat as he kept praying that God should change Gift’s heart because he truly loves her.


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