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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💔 Episode 11💔

The Pastor started his sermon, his topic was centered on “Removing the Evil Garment”

It was quite an interesting topics but despite how interesting and lively the preaching was, many people were spotted sleeping and of course the S.p wasn’t exempted

When the ushers were waking up those who were sleeping, some try to pick up fight with the ushers who woke them but one thing was observed, when ever any usher get to the S. P, they will withdraw from her instead of touching her to wake up, they will go to the next persons sleeping.

About five ushers came to her but all didn’t bother to wake her, it was as if she always appears invisible to the ushers.

The Pastor delivered his message in 25 mints after which he raised a very powerful worship song

“Let your power flow in this place, let your healing flow in this place…. Anointing fall on me”

The song was so powerful that every body stood up from their chairs and joined the Pastor in singing…. Worship after worship, praises after praises was sang by the Pastor and the atmosphere really changed at that point in time

Some teachers and students were speaking in tongues while others have fallen down and rolling on the ground, some fell under anointing power of God while some who are demon pøssessed also fall, screaming and rolling on the ground.

The Pastor after series of worship burst into tongues and the atmosphere became hotter and hotter at each moment.

Rose was deep in prayers and was distracted by Gift who tapped her, she opened her eyes looking at Gift angrily because of the distraction from her

Gift told her to look at the S. P who was just sitting down crossing her legs and chewing gum and not even bothered to join in the prayers.

Rose looked at S. P without a second look at her she knew that something is not right about the S. P, Rose told Gift that she should better close her eyes and start praying herself out now instead of looking at others who are busy praying or doing one funny things or the other, Rose started praying again, Gift also closed her eyes and joined in the prayers.

After some time, the Pastor mount down from the podium with a heavy speaking in tongues and the atmosphere became even hotter and spirit filled, he began to lay hands on many demon pøssessed students and many were falling like trees that have just been cut down

Some were shouting fire ooo fire ooo fire ooo!!. Please oooo!!, the hall is so rowdy even some teachers were on the floor shouting and rolling too… Great deliverance was really going on in the hall

The S.p was just sitting down with crossed legs and her chewing gum, some times she appears visible and sometimes she appears invisible

The prayers continued and this time around nobody was closing their eyes because if you ignorantly closes your eyes and a demon pøssessed or some one who is under anointing wants to fall, the person might fall on you and both of you will end up on the floor so for that reason, every body was in the pray and watch mood, all their eyes are wide open as they gabash in prayers.

Soon the man of God gets to where the S.p was sitting, he stood before her and after series of speaking in tongues, he left and went to the next demon possessed person, the S.p laughed devilishly and blew her chewing gum very big until it busted, she Smiled again

The Pastor didn’t bother to look at her for the time been as he continued his deliverance with one demon possessed girl in Jss3.

The girls deliverance really consumed a lot of time, she was changing into different animals, both python, lion, cat etc, the students were really scared but the Pastor continued praying and speaking in different tongues.

She later turned to human and started laughing audibly, her teeth was like that of a viper and she tried using it to bite the Pastor but he dogged all of her attack both humanly and using the word of God

She continued her attack and changes in different forms, she gave some prayer warriors and ushers who tried to control her a very resounding and thunderous slap that they fail down and never bother to stand up again, they appears lifeless but thankfully we are seeing them breath because their chest was rising and fallen

Soon, the girl started dancing in seductive manner to seduce the people but that did not work, after a long trial by her she became weak and fell on the floor panting heavily

She started vomiting different kinds of things, razor, scissors, keys, both locked and unlocked, baby dolls that were tied with black cloths, She vomited also something that looks like human skull but very small in size.

While she was vomiting those things, the Pastor ignored her and was touching some people, he touched many students and proclaim deliverance to them, telling them that the girl was caging them all for a long time now.


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