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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💔Episode 10💔

At the assembly ground one Friday morning, the principal announced that a great program is going to hold on Monday been because it’s a public holiday and therefore there will be no school, so they will use that day to hold the program, a strong man of will be the officiating minister.

All the students were very happy and there was a great uproar amongst the students, although some students were not happy about the church program that is going to be taken place on Monday.

The principal continues with her announcement…… Well as I was saying earlier, it has been observed in the past years that when such program is been announced a lot of people will just pack their bags and start going home in order to run away from church activities but not this time around, every body is going to be part and parcel of this particular program

Even the teachers are not exempted this time around, so we are taken the bull by the horn and know what is going on in this school, things are really going in the wrong ways in this school so I hopefully pray that God in his infinite power will reveal every hidden things that is going on in this school.

Amen oooo! was heard very loud and thunderously as many students choruses and an applause was given to the principal

She called the gateman presently before all the students and strictly warn him not to allow any student to pass through the gate starting from today or else he will have himself to blame because his job won’t be spared, he also told all the teachers that proper attendance of all the students will be taken and any student that sneaked out will not only repeat class but might be expelled from the school

That was a serious warning as many students faces were very unhappy while other students were very happy.

The assembly was dismissed as all the students marched in to their various classes some happy while some with a frown face and murmuring lips

On the D-day, around 10am the large school bell was heard and that is the indication that the program is about to commence, students were seen running up and down, running to the large school hall in other to secure the front sits so as to see everything that will happen that day very clean and clear,

Rose and Gift were able to secure the second sit in the front row and they were very happy, the principal, vice principal and all other teachers were sited in one corner of the hall.

20 minutes later, the program commenced, opening prayers was taken by one powerful brother that came with the lead pastor, although the pastor was not there at the moment but rumours have it that he had arrived.

After the opening prayers, then praise and worshipped followed by 2 sisters and a brother, it was really great as many people danced and danced, the Senior prefect was such a great dancer, she danced to the front and some other students who knows how to dance very well also danced to the floor but above all, the senior prefect was the best amongst all

Gift did not dance much as all her attention was focused on the S.p, she was watching her dance steps and sometimes she will try to imitate her dancing steps but will end up doing a wrong step which she either step on Rose or other people around her

Rose noticed her attitudes but completely ignored her because she wouldn’t want Gift to get upset or pick a fight with her in the program, sometimes she just laughed at her friend’s behavior and continue her dance, after all, heavenly race is per head and very personal too

Finally the music stopped and all the students shouted oohmm!, some hissing as they dried up their faces and bodies with a hanky because of the heat in their bodies

After that, a drama from the drama group in the school displayed their drama, the title of the drama is hell & torments…… It was quite an interesting and touching drama, many teachers were crying and some students too were in deep sober as the drama was been displayed.

After the drama, those who have special numbers were invited to sing, both those with a nice voice and those with a soar voice all sang that day, the SP also delivered her special number and her voice was so sweet and angelic that people really applauded her greatly when she finished

Gift was in awe of her role models voice that she still continues clapping when everyone has stopped, thank God for Rose who tapped her and made her realize herself.

Every thing was going as planned and immediately it clocked 12pm, an announcement was made for the Rev. Pastor to mount the podium, a round of applause and jubilation was heard by many number of students while some of the students faces were not smiling at all including the S.p,

Rose wondered why the ever smiling S.P is not happy and not even clapping to the arrival of the Pastor… Anyways it was not her problem, she removed her gaze from the s.p and continue clapping.

Some students were seen standing all over the door post with an excuse that they want to urinate, the S.p was one of those people, but the announcement that was made by the Rev pastor gave them no option but than to return to their various seats.


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