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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The maids opened the door as Mr Raymond walked in. Beside him was his only child, Bruno and wife and kid. Grace and Rico.

Grace smiled warmly as she stared around the house.

“Look who decided to pay a visit,” Lorenzo exclaimed as he emerged from the kitchen.

His jaw dropped as he stared at the young boy, who returned his gaze.

“Don’t tell me this is Rico?” he muttered, then glanced at Grace.

“Of course, he’s growing much more than we expected,” Grace replied, patting his head.

“Hey,” Bruno said, trying to get Lorenzo’s attention, but Rico stole the spotlight.

“Am I invisible now?” Bruno asked, and Lorenzo smiled at him.

“Of course not,” he replied and hugged him, then picked up Rico.

Just by looking at him, one might think he’s around twelve, but he had just turned ten. He’s half Italian, given that Grace, his mother, is Nigerian. He has curly hair, a slightly bloody lip, and cute puppy eyes.

They went upstairs while Rico and Lorenzo explored the entire building.

“Whoa… There’s an indoor swimming pool here?” Rico asked, and Lorenzo nodded.

“I know life might be a bit boring for you, with your annoying father being a doctor and your mother a banker,” Lorenzo grumbled, and Rico laughed.

“Who said that? There’s always something called ‘family time’.”

He exclaimed and leaped into the swimming pool.

“No, no, no,” Lorenzo protested, and little Rico squealed.

He slowly climbed out of the swimming pool, and Lorenzo ruffled his hair.

“Good boy. You can swim after you’ve eaten, taken a bath, and had some rest,” Lorenzo advised.

“And that’s gonna take me like eternity,” Rico rolled his eyes, and Lorenzo chuckled.

“You’ve inherited your father’s temper!”

“And my mother’s charm,” Rico added, blinking his eyes as they walked away.

Rico looked around at the large frames and smiled. “Who’s this cute guy?” Rico asked, pointing his little hands at Vincenzo’s portrait.

“That’s the big annoying dog,” Lorenzo quipped, and Rico covered his mouth, laughing.

“What’s so funny? Is there something on my face?” Vincenzo asked, motioning to clean his face.

“He’s at your back,” Rico chuckled. “He’s behind you,” he said, and Lorenzo bit his lip, smiling and blinking.

“And who’s the big, annoying dog?” Vincenzo inquired, and Lorenzo shook his head.

“Oh, my handsome brother,” Lorenzo said, pretending to walk away, but Vincenzo grabbed him by the collar.

“What should I do to him, Rico?” Vincenzo asked, and Rico burst into laughter.

“Throw him into the dungeon and feed his body to the lions,” Rico suggested, laughing and showing off his dimples.

“At your service, Your Majesty,” Vincenzo replied, playfully dragging Lorenzo away while Rico continued to laugh.

The family spent quality time together, talking, and now they were all gathered at the dining table.

“Really?” Grace laughed, playfully hitting the table.

Mr Raymond shook his head as he also knew his daughter in law is quite the funny and loud type.

“Uhm. Very true” Lorenzo said.

“Are you back for real or are you guys gonna disappear?” Vincenzo asked, staring at Bruno.

“Yeah. We are back for real” He replied.

“Any plans for getting married yet?” Grace asked and Lorenzo quickly dropped his spoon.

“I h@ťě that word called ‘marriage’, can you just not mention it?” He asked, rubbing his arms.

“Come on, it’s not a big deal,” Grace said, smiling.

“I’d rather have different kinds of Mistress and not settle down” He muttered.

“That question was for you Vee, and I know you know that” Grace said and Vincenzo glared at her.

“Oh come on, don’t act so tough like you don’t need a woman to warm up your bed” He said and everyone burst into laughter.

“He is obsessed with Mirabella D’angelo”Lorenzo said and Bruno looked at him.

“Mirabella D’angelo? That slutty Ɓîtçh?”

“Mind your words. your beautiful damsel was a striper before you married her” He replied and Grace scratched her hair.

“You know what I’m talking about, Vincenzo.” Bruno said and dropped his spoon.

“Can we not ruin this moment, please!!!” Lorenzo said, staring at both.

“My business with Mirabella is not something you all should put your heads in”

“Fine. Do it your way” Bruno smirked.

“Where’s Rico?” Lorenzo asked, looking around.

“He’s fast asleep,” Grace replied and he nodded.

Mr Raymond got a call and stood up.”Excuse me” He muttered, picking up the call and leaving the dining table.


Mirabella stood outside, gazing at the entire estate. If anyone had told her things would turn out this awful, she wouldn’t have believed it.

With a heavy sigh, she turned and climbed into the car, Santino accelerating swiftly. She leaned over and closed her eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep, while Santino watched her with a gentle smile.

She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Even though she had cut her hair, it made her look even more adorable.

As they approached a stunning glass house, the gate scanned their car, and Santino drove in.

“Bella,” he whispered, kissing her forehead gently.

She slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the new place. “Whoa. It’s stunning; I wasn’t expecting it to be this gorgeous,” she said, stepping out of the car.

“I’m glad you like it,” he murmured, holding her hands.

The maids rushed out to greet them and began taking their bags and luggage inside.

Mirabella’s phone rang, but she ignored it, fully aware it was Vincenzo calling. He had been persistent, even after she blocked twenty of his numbers. After some hesitation, she finally picked it up.

“Do you already h@ťě me so much, mi amor?” he asked, and she rolled her eyes.
“Why are you calling me? Won’t your pretty doll be angry with you?” she inquired, her jealousy evident in her tone.

“Pretty doll?” he repeated, realization dawning on him as he sighed. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear,” he tried to explain. “I’m sorry, mi amor. I just can’t think straight without you,” he confessed, and she bit her lip hard.

“I know you’re mad at me. I shouldn’t have asked you to sign that contract. I should have let you stay with your dad. Maybe it wouldn’t have come to this point, and I’m truly sorry,” he admitted.

“I don’t care. It doesn’t change the fact that I despise you so much!”


“Lies? I h@ťě you, Vincenzo! Leave me alone!” she shouted, and Santino, who was returning with a glass of wine, frowned.

He took the phone and ended the call, handing it back to her.

“Why did you do that?” she asked, and he scoffed.

“Because I h@ťě it when you talk to him! I h@ťě the fact that I’m afraid you’ll go back to him!” he confessed, frustration in his voice.

“Do you want to know the truth?” she asked, her anger rising.

“I love him! I think about him day and night! I don’t even know what life is without him by my side!” Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued.

“I love Vincenzo Salvatore as much as I love myself.” She confessed, and the glass of wine in Santino’s hand slipped and shattered to the ground.

What?” Santino inquired as Mirabella wiped her tears away. She attempted to ascend the stairs, but Santino firmly grasped her arms and prevented her from moving.

“Do you understand how I feel right now?” He shouted.

Mirabella averted her gaze, realizing that this was the first time he had ever raised his voice at her.

“Do you even love me?” He questioned, and Mirabella turned to face him.

“Yes, I love you, but not as much as I love him,” she responded, wrestling her hands free from his grip. She then made her way upstairs and entered a room, sighing softly as she leaned against the door before closing it.


“Stay away from me!” Isabella whimpered, rolling over in bed.

She clutched the duvet tightly as sweat trickled down her forehead. Though she was fast asleep, she continued to mutter words.

“No!… Snow, please don’t leave me!” She cried, twisting in her sleep.

She screamed loudly upon waking up, realizing it had all been a dream.

“Oh my goodness,” she murmured, climbing out of bed and heading into the bathroom to wash her face.

“Babe, are you okay?” Diego asked, entering the bathroom. “Are those strange dreams still bothering you?” he inquired, and she nodded.

“That medication isn’t working. It feels like I’m slowly going crazy,” she hissed while applying soap to her body, and he left the bathroom.

She quickly bathed, changed her clothes, and retrieved the drugs Diego had previously given her. She stared at them, shook her head, and placed them in her purse.

“Who were you talking to?” Isabella questioned upon seeing Diego, who was smiling while on a phone call.

“I was talking to my cousin,” he replied, ending the call.

“I have somewhere to go. I’ll see you later,” she muttered, kissing his cheek, taking her purse, and leaving the house.

Diego went to the mini bar and poured himself a tequila. He rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

Lately, he had been growing impatient with Isabella. Everything was supposed to go according to his plan, but Isabella was still alive, and that alone was driving him insane.

He inhaled deeply before pouring himself a drink, the amber liquid swirling in the glass.

A bodyguard approached him with a respectful tone, “Sir, your car is ready,” and he turned his attention towards the man

“Alright,” he replied, downing the contents in his glass before placing it on the table.

Leaving the house, he slid into his car, and the driver sped away, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Approximately two hours later, Isabella’s car pulled into the driveway. With a wicked smirk, she stepped out of the vehicle.

Entering their room, she retrieved a vial of drugs from her purse and placed it on the table with disdain.

“Can’t believe this fool thought he could take me out,” she scoffed, her gaze sweeping the room as she laughed. “Seems like everyone’s out to get me, huh?”

She chuckled to herself. “But guess what?” She grabbed a glass of water from the table and gulped it down. “I am the she-devil!” She laughed, flopping onto the bed.


“Is he the one the Night Walkers are searching for?” he inquired, eyeing a man in his sixties, distinguished by his long dark hair, thick eyebrows, and a cigarette held between his teeth.

“I’ve heard plenty about you,” Marco remarked as they shook hands.

“Hope it was worth the listen?” Escobar replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Whiskey flowed into Escobar’s glass from Marco’s expert hand, and in return, Escobar poured for Marco. They clinked glasses and sipped.

“Your return to Italy has certainly made waves,” Marco noted, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes.

“Hmm, but I can’t be on the run forever, can I?” Escobar retorted, his tone wistful.

“Rumors suggest you earned your name by betraying your closest friends,” Marco remarked, his voice calculating.

“In the underworld, there’s no such thing as ‘best friends.’ Everyone’s a friend and an enemy,” Escobar replied, dismissively.

“I see. But seeking refuge within my organization, do you think it’ll come at a low cost?” Marco questioned, a steely resolve in his gaze.

“I’m ready to offer you my most precious possession—my daughter—in exchange for a chance to regain my standing in Italy. I’ve become a mere shadow of my former self,” Escobar confessed, his desperation apparent.

Marco’s countenance remained cold and aloof.

“Hmm… I have no interest in women,” he declared.


“Not at all,” Marco replied, his gaze fixed on his glass.

“I see. You wear arrogance like a mask,”Escobar muttered, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m aware, and you had the audacity to come here seeking refuge, offering your daughter in exchange? What exactly were you thinking?” Marco’s tone dripped with disdain, causing Escobar to squirm uncomfortably.

“I don’t understand. Do you realize how many men would ki|| to win my daughter’s hand?” Escobar protested.

Marco shook his head, his indifference unwavering. “I don’t know. Perhaps you should find out.”


“Leave when you’re done drinking and enjoying yourself,” Marco replied icily, striding away from the sitting room without a second glance.


“Why don’t you try giving her a call?” Grace suggested, and Vincenzo responded with a scoff.

“She’s as stubborn as they come,” he muttered with irritation, and Grace couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Come on, Vincenzo. I trusted you. If you genuinely like her, make her yours,” she encouraged, reaching out to hold his hand.
“I wish you knew the lady I’m talking about. She won’t give in that easily,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“I shouldn’t have fallen for her if I knew it would end up like this,” he lamented.

“Grace, are you seriously advising him on how to win over Mirabella?” Bruno chimed in as he walked in through the door.

“Of course! I’m feeling so lonely here. Can’t wait to meet the girl who stole his heart,” Grace replied, grinning.

“Mum! Mum!” Rico shouted, rushing into Vincenzo’s room. “Please, can I go out with Uncle Lorenzo? Please?” he pleaded, blinking his eyes at her. Grace rolled her eyes at his request.

“I promise not to stay out too long,” Rico added with a pout.

“Stories for the gods! If you like, stay out for a hundred hours. When it comes to reading, you suddenly have a headache!” Grace hissed.

“Yeah, school is boring, and I h@ťě reading. Deal with it!” Rico retorted sharply before running out of the room.

“This boy needs a good scolding,” Grace muttered, and Vincenzo chuckled.

“That’s just to show you both are crazy. You can’t produce a normal child,” he teased, playfully hitting Bruno’s shoulder.

“Yeah, he takes after his father, and I can’t stand it,” Grace remarked, causing Bruno’s jaw to drop.

“Babe, come on, I’m not that stubborn,” Bruno protested, and Vincenzo couldn’t help but cough with laughter.

“Says the one who founded the club,” Vincenzo rolled his eyes.

“I should go prepare lunch,” Grace said, standing up.

What about the maids? They can handle it,” Vincenzo suggested with a raised eyebrow.

“Awwnnn, sweet brother-in-law,” Grace blushed, her eyes sparkling. She leaned in closer and whispered,

“You see, your dear brother asked me to prepare his special meal,” as she playfully poked his arm.
Bruno smiled and spanked her @zz, making her Mõ@ɲ.

“No. No… you two segzual freaks to leave my room this instant!!!” He yelled, pointing his hand on the door.

“Like you’re a saint” Bruno rolled his eyes as he walked out with his wife.

“Urgh!!” He groaned and picked up his phone.

“I hope you answer this call, Mirabella”


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