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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNBREAK MY HEART – Episode 73 & 74

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠



Logan smiled as he stared at Kristina’s sleeping face. He’s been awake for awhile and that’s all what he kept doing.

It just seem so unreal that they’re finally married. She’s finally his and no one else, the one he wants to spend his life with.

Logan brought his hand to her face and rubbed her cheek before tugging a piece of her hair behind her ear. He leaned closer and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Wake up wifey..” He smiled and poked her cheek.

“I wanna sleep some more…” Kristina pouted and turned to the other side of the bed.

Logan chuckled and slipped his arms round her waist, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder.

“Wakie! Wakie!” Logan pinched her cheek.

Kristina grumbled and slowly opened her eyes then yawned before facing him. She smiled and cupped his cheek.

“Good morning hubby” Kristina smiled.

“How did you sleep?” Logan held her hand and placed a kiss there. Kristina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Sleep? How do you expect me to sleep when we did it till 3AM..I barely slept” Kristina pouted.

Logan chuckled and rubbed her brows.

“We are married so it’s for better or for worst. Besides, we booked a flight which will leave by 10 so we gotta wake up early.” Logan said.

“Oh yeah, forgot about our honeymoon” Kristina said, sitting up on the bed. She stretched her arms.

“Less I forgot… Happy Valentine’s day love” Logan stretched a red rose to her.

“Awn…that’s sweet of you” Kristina collected it with a smile.

Logan stood up from the bed naked and scooped Kristina in his arms.

“Let’s go shower. It’s 7 so we have to hurry.” Logan said, entering the bathroom.

“Baby…baby…” Ricardo called.

Valentina slowly opened her eyes. She closed it back and opened it then blinked twice before sitting up on the bed, yawning lightly.

“Happy birthday my heartbeat” Ricardo said.

Valentina looked sideways and saw Ricardo sitting there, holding a plate with a cake in it. Valentina smiled, happy that he remembered her birthday.

“Thanks babe.. That’s so cute!” Valentina gushed.

“C’mon, blow the candles and make a wish.” Ricardo said.

Valentina nodded and mumbled something before blowing off the candle. She cupped Ricardo’s cheek and kissed him, they broke the kiss shortly.

“Unfortunately, Logan and Kristina’s wedding day fell on the eve of your birthday I could have wished we travel to Paris… I know how much you loved our stay there.” Ricardo smiled.

“It’s nothing, spending it with you and the kids is enough for me” Valentina smiled.

Ricardo smiled and stretched a red rose to her.

“Happy Valentine’s day my love. Want you to know that I love you.. You’re my now, you’re my tomorrow, you’re my forever love” Ricardo said.

“Awwn…” Valentina gushed, blushing really hard. She slowly took the rose and scented it with a smile on her face.

Ricardo placed the cake aside and stared at her.

“I’ll make sure you’ll never forget this day babe, it’s gonna be memorable. Trust me” Ricardo smiled.

“Really?” Valentina said and sat down on his thigh, straddling him.

“Why don’t we start now?” Valentina whispered and kissed him…

Ricardo held her waist, kissing her back. His hand squeezed her butt while her hands raised his shirt which he let remove. She began caressing his chest, running her hands on his abs.

“I love you” Valentina said breathlessly immediately they broke the kiss.

“Love you more” Ricardo smiled.

Her gaze caught something on his left chest and she gasped.

“You got my name tattooed on yourself?” Valentina said.

“Yeah, was planning to show you later but you ruined the surprise. I did it yesterday” Ricardo said.

Valentina stared at it and couldn’t help but run her hand through it.

“Gosh…will you stop being so romantic?” Valentina said.

Ricardo smirked and switched position, pinning her hand on the bed.

“Never” He muttered and kissed her back. Immediately his hand touched her nightie and made to pull it off…

“Dad!! Mom!!” Myles began knocking on the door.

Ricardo paused as his gaze darkened.

“Val, did you date anyone who’s name is Myles?” Ricardo asked.


“Who knows, maybe he died and got reincarnated into this Myles and he’s bent to always ruin our moment” Ricardo frowned, getting off her.

Valentina laughed and stood up from the bed.

“The kid is just clingy. He didn’t grow up with a mother so it’s normal” Valentina smiled, opening the door.

“Happy birthday mommy!!” Myles immediately hugged her, followed by Minnie.

“Thanks my babies. I’m so happy you thought of me” Valentina smiled..

“We made a drawing of you. See…” Minnie showed her.

“Awn…really? I’ll keep it safe with me don’t worry” Valentina took it from them.

“Oh my gosh…cake!!” Minnie rushed to where the cake was.

“Good morning dad” Myles smiled.

“Morning” He scoffed.

“What’s wrong with dad?” Myles asked.

Valentina simply giggled silently…

“Let’s do all our routine so that we can go say bye to aunt Kristina and uncle Logan” Valentina said.

“Okay mummy!”

“Can’t believe today we have school!” Kimberly groaned and hit her head lightly on the table.

“Yeah, I’m so tired! Yesterday’s party was kinda exhausting” Charlotte groaned.

Iris couldn’t even talk, she just yawned amd blinked like a zombie. Riley was just coming to school and she too looked awful.

“Bad morning girls” She said.

“Bad morning to you too” They chorused.

“Happy Valentine’s day girls!” Maxwell walked to them, smiling brightly.

They all gasped.

“f_ck!” Iris exclaimed.

“I forgot what day it was…” Kimberly muttered and looked at Maxwell who was looking at them all with a confused look.

“It’s too late!” Riley sighed..

“Oh you mean you forgot what day it was?” Maxwell asked and laughed when they nodded.

“You girls partied and left your memory behind” Maxwell teased.

“And what’s up with the scary look. You guys are even more scarier than those on Halloween day” Maxwell said.

“Will you get lost!” Charlotte snapped.

“Okay…I’m going” Maxwell shrugged.

“Wait for me after classes” Maxwell mouthed it to Kimberly and winked before leaving.
“Were should we go now?” Minnie asked.

Well they were just returning from airport were they went to see Kristina and Logan off.

“Let’s go to a rest and eat as a family!” Myles said.

“Great idea” Ricardo, smiled and made a U turn, driving to their favorite restaurant.

They got there and everyone alighted the car. The passerby’s began taking some pictures of them as they made their way into the restaurant.

The restaurant was none other that Valentina’s former workplace. The manager was surprised to see Valentina enter there, surprised and a little it ashamed.

“I wonder how Fiona is doing?” Valentina thought loudly.

Seeing her former boss just reminded her of her encounter with Fiona.

“She went back to where she came after I began dating you” Ricardo replied.

“Good for her” Valentina said.

They went and settled down on a seat before placing their orders.

“I’m sorry babe, I couldn’t get you something” Iris muttered after a while of silence.

Right now, they were at his secret location. Gavin smiled and brushed her hair behind her ear.

“For the uptenth time…it’s nothing. Valentine’s day isn’t a day were we are burdened to share gifts with our lovers. It’s all about the beautiful moments we share together.” Gavin said.

Iris smiled and kissed him lightly before placing her head back on his chest.

“I don’t know how I fell so deeply for you but I don’t want it to end…never” Gavin intertwined their fingers and kissed her hand.

“Me too candy” Iris said.

“Candy…love the sound of that” Gavin smiled and kissed her hair.

Iris smiled and stared at huge red teddy bear he gave her earlier.
“Where are you taking me to?” Riley chuckled as Luca held her hand, guiding her to somewhere. She couldn’t see it since her eyes got bandaged.

“Almost there…careful were you step” Luca smiled.

“And we’re here…” Luca said and Riley quickly removed the bandaged. She gasped at what she saw.

They were in an area which was beautifully decorated with red roses and red balloons. At the center of the hall is a table for two with some sweet delicacies in it.

“It’s so…beautiful” Riley gushed.

“Not as beautiful as you” Luca said making her blush.

He held her hand and kissed it before slipping a bracelet in it. The exact same replica of the one he had.

“So that you’ll always think of me when I’m far away from you.” Luca smiled.

“All I want to say is thank you. Thank you Riley, thanks for everything… I never felt this happy with anyone before. You kept on loving me despite knowing fully well that I was still in love with Iris. You took me in and then turned me to your slave. I’m a slave Riley…a slave of your love in which I’ll never want to part away from. All I need is you, all I want is you…baby, I love you too.” Luca smiled.

The smile which was on Riley’s face kept growing as he kept talking. Her heart almost exploded when she heard what she’s ben expecting for almost a month now.

“I…I love yo-”

“No need to say it again babe. Let me cherish you the way you truly deserve to be cherished” Luca cupped her cheek and kissed her.

Riley held his jacket, kissing him back too.

“Today was honestly the best birthday ever. Spending it with my new family…it can’t possibly be more better!” Valentina exclaimed.

“You sure about that?” Ricardo said as they entered a dark room..

“Huh? Wha…”

“Surprise!!!!” The light came on immediately.

Valentina gasped as she saw her mom, Iris with her friends and also some of her friends at work…

“Happy birthday Val!!” They exclaimed.

“Oh f_ck…you all remembered” Valentina said sweetly.

“Of course we did. Ever since we know you, you’ve been nothing but kind to us. Despite the fact that you are now higher in status that us, you didn’t forget us so how can we forget a day as special as this in your life.” One of Ricardo’s worker said.

“Aw…thanks everyone” Valentina said.

“What we waiting for? Let the party begin!!” Iris exclaimed and they began playing the music.

The maids brought in a huge cake with a ‘Happy Birthday My Queen’ written on it. Valentina blew the candles immediately after they finished singing the song to her.

“Thanks for today love” Valentina said to Ricardo who was feeding her with the cake.

“You can thank me after this” Ricardo said and stood up.

“Attention everyone!!” Ricardo said, earning everyone’s attention.

“I thank you all for coming here in your number, it really makes me happy that you love my heartbeat but not as much as I do” Ricardo said making the others to laugh.

“I want you all to witness this moment. Valentina, I will first of all start by saying a huge thank you to you. Thank you for coming into my life, thanking for loving me without accepting anything in return, thank you for loving my kids, thank you for loving me too… There’s no one on this earth that I’ll want to spend the rest of my day with but you. I want us to grow old together, I want us to see our children grow together, I want us to achieve greater things together. I want to do everything with you…waking up next to you knowing that you’re fully mine and that’s why here, before everyone here…”

Ricardo paused and went down on one knee. Valentina immediately gasped from where she was sitting, same as the others.

“I know I’m not perfect, there will be ups and downs but together we’ll find a way out. Valentina, will you make me the happiest man on earth by accepting to be my better half, my Mrs Thornton, the mother of my children… Will you marry me?” Ricardo opened the red box he had in hand and a diamond ring stood there, shining brightly.

Valentina closed her mouth with her hand, fighting back her tears but it was impossible.




The people cheered and clapped happily. Valentina sniffed in and nodded several times.

“Yes!! Yes!! There’s no one else I’ll want to spend the rest of my life but with you… I’ll say yes over and over” Valentina teared up happily.

Ricardo smiled and took her hand, sliding in the ring in her finger which fit in perfectly..

Valentina stood up and hugged him tightly as they clapped for them. She buried her face in his chest, feeling so embarrassed.

Ricardo lifted up her head and cleaned her tears.

“I love you babe” He said.

“Love you more my cupcake” Valentina smiled.

Ricardo leaned in and slowly took in her lips for a melting and heartwarming kiss.



{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


They both broke the kiss inorder to catch their breath, resting their heads on each other.

“Omg!! I’ll soon be an aunty!!” Iris exclaimed.

“Iris…” Valentina said, feeling embarrassed.

“I’m so happy for you my baby girl” Peggy came forward and hugged her tightly.

“Thanks mom” Valentina smiled.

“You take care of my daughter okay?” Peggy said to Ricardo who simply nodded with a smile.

“Let the party continue!” Gavin said and the resy continued what they were doing.

Valentina and Ricardo sat back on their table with their guests congratulating them.

“Mommy!!” Minnie jumped on her, hugging her tightly.

“Finally you’re gonna be my real mommy now! Can’t wait for us to start wearing matching clothes, and you’re gonna teach us how you ride a bicycle and also lot of cool things…Oh and I want a baby brother” Minnie said.

“No…I want a baby sister. So that I can protect her” Myles said.

“No I want a baby brother, it more cool” Minnie said.

“No a baby…”

“Wow! Wow! Wow! Calm down! When the time comes you’ll see..” Valentina said.

Ricardo chuckled as he watched them. One will think she’s really their mother. Ricardo held her hand making her look his way.

“Thank you for the love and care you’ve shown to my kids” Ricardo said.

“I’m their mother so it’s normal” Valentina smiled.

“Awn…let’s take a pic to remember this day” Minnie said.

Ricardo nodded and brought out his phone then they did a family hug before Ricardo took the picture.

“I look cute…” Myles smiled, checking out the picture.

They continued discussing till they didn’t even see the time fly by..


“Can I open my eyes now…” Valentina said.

“Nope, not yet” Ricardo said as he guided her by holding her hand. He released her and after some few seconds..

“You can now open them” He said.

Valentina slowly opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw. Their room was completely relooked with rose petals all over the bed and the candles aligned In a heart shape on the floor with a poster on the wall reading “I love you Mrs Thornton”

She looked at Ricardo and saw him holding a rose in his hand.

“Awn…must you be this romantic gosh! You’ve made me blush so much today!” Valentina said walking to him..

She collected the rose from him and he held her waist, pulling her closer to his chest.

“That’s why my name starts with the letter romantic” Ricardo whispered to her before pressing a button, keeping the remote aside afterwards.

A slow music began playing at the background. Ricardo held Valentina as they swayed to the rhythm of the music.

All through, Valentina just stared at Ricardo wondering if he’s real.. How can a man be this caring, loving, romantic,…all!!

“What’s wrong?” Ricardo asked when he noticed her staring at him.

“I just feel like I’m not deserving of all these” Valentina said.

“C’mon…you deserve all these and even more my future wifey” Ricardo said.

Valentina smiled.

“I love you” Valentina said.

“Love you more baby” Ricardo replied.

Valentina cupped his cheek and stood on her toes, kissing him deeply. Ricardo wrapped his hand round her waist and kissed her back too.

His hand went down to her hips and suddenly, he lifted her up. Valentina instantly wrapped her legs round him.

He walked to the bed and then placed her there, with him hovering above her. Some minutes later, he broke the kiss and stared at her face with so much affection in his eyes.

Valentina stared back at him, mirroring his emotions. She placed her hand on his cheek without breaking the eye contact.

“I’m ready Rick…make me yours” Valentina said.

Ricardo just smiled and brushed her hair backwards before claiming back her lips.

His other hand lifted up her skirt, caressing her warm and smooth thigh. Valentina’s hand found it’s way to his shirt which she swiftly undid the buttons before removing it. She ran her hand all round his body and that alone was able to make him go mad.

Ricardo broke the kiss and then lifted her top, removing it off her body. He pecked her lips before before going down. Tracing kisses from her chin to her chest, to her cleavage, stomach and then her navel. He placed a kiss on her navel and the sucked on it earning a sweet Mõ@ɲ from Valentina.

He then brought his hand to her waist, pulling down her skirt off her body. He continued with his kisses, kissing her s*x, going down to her leg…

Ricardo looked back up at Valentina who had this blush on her face making her look even more alluring especially with the candle light.

Ricardo slowly removed her bra and toasted it away, staring at her body. This isn’t the first he’s seeing her body and each time that happens, he’s always mesmerized..

“What did you do to me Val” Ricardo whispered to her..

Without warning he took one of her Ɲīpplës in, sucking on it, rolling his tongue round it.

Valentina kept Mõ@ɲing sweetly, enjoying what he’s doing her. Her body just kept reacting at every one of his touches.

Ricardo rubbed her honeypot which was already wet. He tore off her P@ŋtîēṣ and then dipped his finger into her.

“Ric…” Valentina Mõ@ɲed sweetly and bit her lips.

Ricardo continued his sweet torture till Valentina couldn’t hold it any longer, she came right there.

Ricardo brought his hand to his mouth and then licked it off before kissing Valentina for a brief while. He got down and quickly slipped off his trousers before getting back up.

He parted Valentina’s legs wide and slowly penetrated her. Her warm wall embraced his manhood and the feeling was just…just…

“Ahh…Baby” Valentina called painfully.

“Sorry my love, just endure” Ricardo kissed her forehead as he slowly began moving in and out of her, letting her adjust to his size.

Valentina nodded and bit her lips painfully, grabbing the sheets tightly.

“Oh f_ck…” Valentina Mõ@ɲed.

Gavin just stared at Iris who was snoring cutely, holding tight onto him like he was a teddy bear.

“Wake up sleeping beauty…we have classes today.” Gavin tickled her nose, making her sneeze.

“Huh?” Iris muttered sleepily and yawned.

“Good morning Gavin” Iris yawned, sitting up.

Well she decided to spend the night over his place.

“Morning princess” Gavin smiled, sitting up.

“Anyone ever told you you look so cute while sleeping. Like a princess” Gavin said, sitting up.

“C’mon…I’m sure I bothered you with my snores.” Iris said.

“Your snores sound cute to me. Like a baby’s own” Gavin smiled, standing up.

Iris stood up too from the bed, she wore one of his top and it looked so cute on her.

“Let’s go get ready for school, you’ll just wear one of Kim’s uniform” Gavin said, leading the way to the bathroom.

Valentina yawned lightly as she slowly say up on the bed, she stretched her hand and gasped when she realized she was naked.

A blush crept up her face when she remembered what happened last night. She looked to her side and her heart skipped beats when she saw Ricardo sleeping peacefully.

“He looks so cute…” Valentina thought.

She laid back down next to him and stared at him with a smile, watching him sleep like a baby.

Ricardo’s eye lid shook and his eyes slowly opened before closing back. He opened them back again and rubbed it, looking at Valentina’s side.

“Good morning hubby” Valentina smiled.

Ricardo smiled and pulled Valentina closed to him, resting her head on his chest.

“Morning my heartbeat” Ricardo mumbled with his eyes closed.

“How you feeling?” Valentina asked.

Ricardo chuckled and opened his eyes, rubbing his hand on her lips.

“I’m the one supposed to ask you that” Ricardo said.

“I’m good, little bit sore but I’ve never felt this good. I’m happy I have it to the love of my life” Valentina said.

“I’m happy I’m the first man in your life” Ricardo said and pecked her lips.

Valentina smiled and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest.

“Let’s spend the whole of today at home” Valentina mumbled.

“Wasn’t planning of going anywhere” Ricardo said and hugged her to himself.

“Let’s sleep some more” Ricardo said.

“So how was yesterday for you guys?” Charlotte asked..

“It was so cool! Luca finally said those three letters word to me” Riley said dreamily, staring at her bracelet he gave her.

“Awn…that’s so cute! Well spent the whole of yesterday with my Gavin and also we went at my sister’s birthday party. She’s engaged now!!” Iris said.

“That’s cute!!”

“As for me, I refused to be oppressed. Luckily I’m no longer into love” Charlotte said.

“Everything takes time. One day you’ll meet your better half” Iris smiled.

“What of you Kim? How was your Valentine with Max?” Riley asked.

Kimberly thought for a while and suddenly blushed.

“Let’s pass my turn…all you need to know is that Max is a bad boy” Kimberly muttered.

“Wait…don’t tell me you two-”

“Yes! Yes!” Kimberly said feeling so embarrassed.

“Awn… How was it?”

“Was he gentle?”

“Did you feel pain or was it sweet?”

“Stop! I’m so embarrassed and you’re asking all these…gosh!” Kimberly hid her face.

The girls just laughed…

The door opened and a pair of smooth and white legs slowly descended down the stairs.

“Welcome to New York” The hostess greeted.

“Thank you” She smiled and removed her shades then smiled, revealing her dimples.

Her face was so beautiful with her makeup on plus her body was to die for.

“I’m coming for you my babies…” She muttered then smiled before wearing back her shades, waking away with her heels making noises.


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