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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNBREAK MY HEART – Episode 63 & 64

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠




“f_ck! Look what you’ve done… Now Gavin thinks we’re…oh gosh!!” Kimberly said. Her face was all red out of embarrassment.

“Me? I was laying down here minding my business when you walked in dressed like a 3 year old girl going out for Halloween” Maxwell said.

Kimberly rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed.

“You’re so annoying” She frowned and left the room.


Gavin could be seen sitting by the balcony, laughing his àss out. He laughed so much that he almost fell from the chair he was sitting on…

“Seriously, what’s wrong with me?” He asked himself while laughing.

Well he said that earlier just to taunt them. He’s been having that hunch that Maxwell is into Kimberly and tonight just confirmed it.

“Think I’ll need to have a serious discussion with Max” He spoke to himself.

He looked at the stars and smiled sadly…

“Hope you’re okay? Hope you didn’t overwork yourself tonight” He said and sighed then stood up and walked in, closing the door behind him.

He walked back to his room and met Maxwell sitting on the bed like he was deep in thoughts…

“Penny for your thoughts” Gavin smiled.

Maxwell looked at him and gulped down nervously.

“About what you saw earlier. It’s not what it looks like.. She-”

“Do you like Kim or do you love her?” Gavin asked, crossing his arms in front of him.


“You heard me clearly Max” Gavin furrowed his brows.

“I…I love her” Maxwell looked away.

“Are you sure about it? I know you Max, I know all about your playboy life. All you care is f_ck and nothing else” Gavin said.

“I changed…because of her” Maxwell said.

“Are you sure about that? How sure I’m I that you won’t break my sister’s heart once she falls completely for you. How sure I’m I that you’re not after her pant” Gavin asked more like he was interrogating him.

“I’m sure of it, I’ll never toy with her for I loved her since childhood… I took it like I loved bullying her. I even came back to New York just for her…” Maxwell said.

Gavin stared at him for a while like he was studying him. He finally let out a slight smile.

He walked to his closet and brought out an iron rod.

“If you break my sister’s heart… I’ll break your skull with this rod. Deal or no deal” Gavin smiled.

Maxwell looked at him and let out a smile. This Gavin is really unbelievable…

“Deal” Maxwell said.

“It’s a pleasure doing business with you. I’ll keep this iron rod specially for you” Gavin kept it back and went to sit down beside him.

“So shall we continue our game or you’re tired to loose” Gavin asked.

“It’s on!!” Maxwell picked up his controller and they began playing…


“Life is beautiful” Valentina gushed…

“When you’re rich” Kristina added and they both chuckled..

Right now, they were at a spa enjoying the massages which where given to them.

“Cheers to our long and lasting friendship” Kristina lifted the lemonade she was sipping on.

“Cheers” Valentina replied and they did a toast…

It’s been three days that they’re here and all they did was relax, have fun. It was really a pure vacation with no work attached to it. And Christmas was to take place in three days time…

Once they were done with the massages and manicure they walked out of the spa.

“Love the hairstyle you chose” Valentina said.

“Thanks. Yours is super dope” Kristina smiled

“Where are those two?” Kristina asked.

“Let me call them” Valentina said and made a phone call.

Suddenly she felt someone hold her waist from behind and almost immediately, a phone began ringing.

“Miss me already?” Ricardo whispered to her…

She smiled and turned to him. Kristina was already with Logan.

“Let’s go on a double date before heading back home” Kristina said.

“Sure” Ricardo smiled.

They held hands with their partners and began walking down the streets of this beautiful city…

“It just feels like ages has passed that I haven’t been to school” Gavin said, coming down the car with Kimberly.

“Really? Then what will you say about me?” A voice spoke.

Gavin looked at where it was coming and saw Luca standing by the entrance in his uniform.

“Luca!!” Kimberly exclaimed and rushed then hugged him.

“Missed you too Kim Kim” Luca hugged her back. They broke the hug shortly…

“Bro?” Gavin came and hugged him briefly.

“How you feeling” Gavin asked.

“Well I’m good, just some minor pains but it ain’t that much. I heard you got sanctioned for three days…” Luca said.

“Yeah” Gavin sighed and told him about everything…

“That’s really not good. Hope Iris isn’t that sad..” Luca muttered.

“Well, I just wanna see her. Even if it’s from afar.” Gavin said.

“Let’s get in guys” Kimberly pulled them in.

As they stepped in, all eyes turned to them. Not only Gavin is back from his short vacation but Luca is back to his feets…

The girls were standing by the benches, discussing and laughing. Charlotte suddenly gasped at who she saw…

“Oh my God!! That’s Gavin and Luca!!” She exclaimed.

Iris and Riley turned back to look at them. Iris’s eyes got glued on Gavin’s, same as Gavin.

They stared at each other like that for a while before Gavin smiled slightly. He looked away and then walked off.

Iris looked down and sighed sadly..

“Luca!!” Charlotte exclaimed and jumped on him.

“Easy..easy…don’t break back my spinal cord with your weight” Luca chuckled.

“What?! Are you saying that I’m fat?” Charlotte exclaimed and hit his head…

“Welcome back Luca” Iris smiled and went to hug him.

“Thanks” He smiled as they broke the hug.

Luca looked at Riley for a while before looking away.

“I’ll go meet the boys. Bye!” He waved and left…

Riley released the breath she was holding. She felt relieved yet sad. She felt relieved that Luca didn’t aboard what happened days ago and she felt sad that he didn’t even spare her a word, he just left like that. Is he mad at her..

“So it’s him the mysterious guy you like” Iris looked at Riley.

“Huh?” She jolted off her thoughts

“I’m talking about Luca” Iris smiled

Riley just buried her face in her palms, cursing herself for what happened three days ago.
CANADA, 04:03PM**

Valentina walked out the bathroom drying her hair up with a towel wrapped round her body.

She went and sat down in front of the vanity table, applying her lotion..

“Tomorrow, I and Kris are planning to go ice skiing. Are you guys in…” Valentina spoke.

“Was planning on spending the whole day at home” Ricardo muttered. He was laying on the bed, pressing his phone.

“Awn really?…well will talk with your sis so we can push it to the next day” Valentina said.

“Mm..” Was all Ricardo said.

Valentina stood and went to his wardrobe then brought out one of Ricardo’s shirt. She looked back at Ricardo and made sure he wasn’t looking her way before she quickly dressed to his shirt.

Afterwards, she dried her hair and then brushed it before allowing it flow freely. Once she was done, she went and jumped on Ricardo taking his phone in the process…

“What you do engrossed in” Valentina said, checking his phone out.

“Give that back!!” Ricardo made to take it from her but he lifted her hand up.

“No!! Or you’re hiding something from me” Valentina teased.

“Nope, I just need to finish communicating something to my workers. Besides you know my phone’s password, my laptop password…all the password i use so what should I be hiding from you?” Ricardo smiled

“I know, was just teasing you” Valentina gave him back.

She kept sitting on him and watched him as he typed something out with a serious look on his face…

“And…..Done!” Ricardo said and kept his phone aside before holding Valentina’s waist.

“What now?” Ricardo asked.

Valentina got down him and laid down beside him before wrapping her arms round his waist, resting her head on his chest.

“The weather is cold… Let’s cuddle and chat till we fall asleep…” Valentina pouted.

Ricardo chuckled and wrapped his arms round her body, pulling her closer before placing a kiss on her forehead.

“That’s better” Valentina smiled.

“Never knew you were that curvy” Ricardo said making Valentina to gasp as she looked up at him.

“You looked at me while I was dressing up. That’s impolite and perverted” Valentina blushed embarrassedly.

“Oh really? I was laying here innocently when you walked in and began seducing me. Besides you don’t expect a man not to desire his woman…” Ricardo smirked.

Valentina just kept mute, blushing really hard making Ricardo to smile. He kissed back her forehead…

“My cute and shy girlfriend… Don’t worry, I won’t force you so take your time..but don’t take too much time. My self control is running out. I’m a man you know…” Ricardo said.

Valentina laughed out loudly…

Iris washed her hand and then walked out of the restroom while humming a song to herself.

She began heading to the library where the others awaited her with different things running through her head.

Suddenly someone pulled her to a corner.

“Who are…”

Before she could speak, the person sealed her lips off with a kiss. She gasped…

“I missed you baby…” Gavin gently rubbed her cheek, smiling at her.

Iris just stared at him. It feels like she haven’t seen him since eternity…



Alright guys, lately I’ve been noticing the sudden drop in the engagement of this story and I think the active members are slowly joining the ghost readers. Reason unknown to me..

Is the story not longer interesting? Aren’t I posting frequently? Maybe I’m jumping too quick to conclusion…

Unlock next chapter with: 4k+ likes, 300+ long comments, 45+ shares.

{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


“Gavin…” Iris whispered like he would run away if she speaks loud.

Gavin stroke her cheek, smiling happily. Seeing her safe and not crying is enough for him.

“Gavin…” Iris said and smiled then pulled his closer by the collar, crashing her lips on his..

Gavin pulled her closer by the waist, kissing her back with the same intensity. Their tongue rolled and danced against each other.

They broke the kiss inorder to catch their breath..

“I missed you so much” Iris finally spoke.

“Me too. I’m happy you aren’t sad…” Gavin smiled.

“I’ll be strong… I’m never giving up on you, never!” Iris said.

Gavin held her hand and kissed it. He looked at his watch and unfortunately it was time for his classes.

“I need to go now…let’s meet at our secret spot” Gavin said and Iris nodded.

He kissed her forehead and pecked her lips before leaving, making sure no one saw him with Iris…

Iris smiled so widely, touching the necklace she had round the neck. She kissed it and then looked at the road Gavin took..

Chemistry Laboratory***

Riley walked in the chemistry laboratory and looked around but saw no one. A junior student came to her and told her that the chemistry teacher was looking for her…

“Could it be a prank?” She thought.

Suddenly she heard the clacking sound of the door, signalling that it was locked. Riley quickly turned back and gasped…

“Luca…” She muttered, looking at Luca who was leaning on the door looking at her.

“I’m sorry I had to use to this method. Was afraid you’ll run away like last time” Luca said walking closer to her.

Riley looked down, biting her lips nervously. Right now, she just wished the earth should swallow her up…

“Riley? What you said at the hospital… Did you really mean all of it?” Luca asked.

That was followed by a moment of silence as Riley just stared down. She gathered up all the courage she could muster before looking up.

“Yes… I mean everything that I said” Riley said.

“All what I said back then is the pure truth. I…I love you,,, I’m just too afraid you might h@ťě me” Riley said.

Luca just stared at her. Right now, he’s still surprised… He didn’t expect that coming from her.

“What about this” Luca showed the bracelet on his wrist.

“Well it was a gift from my grandpa. Before dying, he said I should offer it to my first love” Riley said and looked down..

Luca sighed and walked closer to her till he was standing right in front of her. He brought out his hand from his pocket and then lifted Riley’s head up through her chin…

“Riley, even if you are still the bully you were I won’t h@ťě you. I’ve never h@ťěd you…” Luca said.

“Honestly, since the day I heard you confessing to me I’ve been reflecting on it and honestly,,, I don’t love you” Luca blurted out

Riley felt her heart shattered as she slowly looked down. Luca lifted back her head up.

“I am not done talking…” Luca smiled.

“Like I said I don’t love you… But I want to love you. I want to fall for you…make me fall for you please” Luca said.

Riley blinked severally, staring intently at him. She still couldn’t apprehend what he just said.

She stared at him for a long while before coming back to herself.

“Are..are you serious?” Riley asked.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Luca chuckled and shook his head.

A smile slowly spread on Riley’s lips as she stared at him. She suddenly hugged him.

“I promise it, I’ll make you fall for me…just the way I love you. Thank you for not hating me” Riley muttered.

Luca smiled and slowly brought his hands up to hug her.

“I would never h@ťě you” He said.

They broke the hug and they just stared at each other. Riley stood on her toes and then kissed him…
Two days slowly went by. With Valentina and Ricardo acting all lovingly to each other. Logan and Kristina weren’t both spared.

Gavin and Iris kept organizing secret dates, seeing each other in secret and all other things they did. Kimberly and Maxwell were still the cat and dog they used to be..

As for Luca and Riley, well they are still trying to know each other better.

And today is the day they wished could reach up really fast… Christmas!

“Babe, help me hang the decorations. I can’t reach up there” Valentina said, standing on her toes…

“Okay. Give it to me…shorty” Ricardo smiled.

Valentina hit his back and walked to the kitchen to see what Kristina was making. Well this will just be a little Christmas spent together…

Few minutes after Ricardo was done with the decoration, his phone began ringing. He brought it out and picked up then smiled smiled and who he saw…

“My twin babies…” He smiled.

“Merry Christmas daddy” Myles and Minnie chorused.

“Merry Christmas to you too” Ricardo smiled.

“Where’s mommy?” Minnie asked.

“Let me call her…” Ricardo said.

“Love, I’m having a video chat with the kids. They want to see you!” Ricardo said.

“Coming…” Valentina said from the kitchen. Almost immediately she came out of the kitchen…

“Hi my babies” Valentina said, looking at them on the phone.

“Mommy we miss you so much” Minnie pouted.

“Me too…” Valentina gushed.

“How about me? No one misses me” Ricardo scoffed.

“Of course dad!” Myles said.


“Yeah, when you were here we see you everyday so it’s no big deal…” Minnie shrugged.

“Unbelievable…” Ricardo muttered.

They kept discussing about anything that passed their minds…like a true family..

Iris smiled as she placed the star at the top of their Christmas tree.

“Hope Val is enjoying her stay in Canada. This will actually be the first Christmas celebrated without her” Peggy said, coming downstairs..

“Yeah…but don’t worry. I’m here” They hugged each other tightly.

“I know what you’re going through isn’t easy…but just don’t give up” Peggy said, referring to Gavin.

“Dont do the mistake that I did…” Peggy said inwardly.

“Thanks mom” Iris pecked and hugged her tightly.

“And the chocolate cake is ready!!” Kimberly brought out the cake from the oven…

“Need to taste it before concluding” Gavin smiled, already holding his fork…

He cut a little piece and then ate it wit seriousness…

“Well…not bad,,, for a cooking disaster like you” Gavin smirked.

Kimberly rolled her eyes and went to decorate it.

“Max,, can you help me” Kimberly pouted.

Maxwell who came to spend the feast with them and was now pressing his phone looked up in surprise.

He looked left and right like there was another Maxwell in the kitchen.

“Me?” Maxwell asked to be sure…

“Yeah you” Kimberly scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Oh okay..” Maxwell walked up to her.

“I’m coming too” Gavin joined them and they began decorating the cake till it was okay.

“Perfect!” Gavin smiled.

He looked at the door and saw his mother who has been standing there watching them all this while.

It’s been a week now and Gavin haven’t even spared her a conversation, her and Mr Robinson. Gavin stared at her for a while and sighed…

“Maybe I should soften up a bit. Just for today…” Gavin thought.

“Mom, come taste our cake” Gavin smiled.

Mrs Robinson smiled gladly like she was eagerly waiting for him to speak to her. She quickly rushed over to them and picked a fork then tasted the cake.

“Delicious, who made it” Mrs Robinson smiled.

“It’s me… Iris thought me” Kimberly smiled but quickly clamped her mouth tight when she realized who she mentioned.

Mrs Robinson looked at Gavin and saw sadness flash through his eyes yet he quickly covered it with a smile..

“Let’s go make chocolate tea.. The weather is suitable for it” Gavin changed the subject.

Mrs Robinson kept looking at Gavin. She looked down, deep in thoughts…

“This isn’t good….” She thought and sighed sadly.

“I’m the worst mother a person could ever which for…”

🎼…Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel!! Long lives the king of Israel🎼

🎼 Long lives the king of Israel🎼

Valentina clapped happily once they finished singing the song together. She placed her back on Ricardo’s chest since she was sitting in between his thigh.

“This is how I love Christmas. Spend it with the one you love…and family” Ricardo smiled and kissed Valentina’s hair.

“I told you I had a surprise for you right baby?” Logan finally spoke.

“What?” Kristina asked.

Logan stood and cleared his throat. The rest turned to him…

“So this is something I’ve been meaning to tell you a long time ago but due to alot of ups and downs like jade, I couldn’t… You know I love you, I love you and you are the only woman I’ll wish to be with. I want to wake up next to you every morning, help you dress our kids for work, tell you how much beautiful you are during your pregnancy period. I want to achieve even more greater things with you by my side and that’s why here, in front of them I’ll like to ask you…” Logan said and went down on one knees.

Kristina gasped already as she saw him bring out a red box from his pocket.

“Will you make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me my love?” Logan asked.

Kristina sniffed in and cleaned the tears which was thr_@tening to fall. She honestly wasn’t expecting this so soon… It was just like a dream to her…

“Yes… Yes! Yes! Yes!” She screamed and hugged him tightly, kissing him afterwards.

“Awn…that’s so romantic” Valentina cleaned her own tears.

“Don’t worry, ours will be more romantic than theirs” Ricardo smiled.

Valentina looked at him and kissed his lips.

“Merry Christmas my love” Valentina smiled.

“Merry Christmas”
While everyone was celebrating their Christmas with their loved ones, a certain useléss being was at a bar drinking.

“Another bottle!” Xander shouted..

He smirked as he thought of their plans. Well he was already healed and his suspension period was over.

“Can’t wait for tomorrow to reach… I’ll make it memorable for you Gavin. You’ll regret ever ruining my relationship with my family…” He said and gulped down all the drink in his bottle then let out a sly yet dangerous smile…


It’s the LoKris part for me…💍💍

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