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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNBREAK MY HEART – Episode 35 & 36

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


Iris walked out of the school and plugged in her ear phone then began listening to music while heading to the club where she works.

Suddenly, someone covered her mouth and pulled her to a corner. She tried fighting back but the person was too strong for her…

Finally the person released her. She turned and faced him to see it was Gavin.

“You? Don’t scare me like that next time” Iris said and mistakenly hit his wounded hand.

“Ouch…” Gavin winced.

Iris gasped when she saw his hand wrapped up with a bandage. She quickly held it and stared at it worriedly…

“Who did this to you?” Iris asked.

Gavin smiled, staring at her pretty face.

“I love it when you worry about me, makes you look cuter” Gavin pinched her cheek.

Iris looked up at him and frowned then released his hand, looking elsewhere.

“Let’s go to where I wanted to take you to” Gavin held her hand and pulled her away…

“Wait, Gavin!” Iris protested but he literally dragged her away…

He pulled her to a bush. Gavin bent down and crawled under the bush. Iris just stared at it, she slowly followed behind too…

They crawled till they got out of the bush. Gavin helped iris get out of it. A gasp escaped her lips as she stared round the area.

The area was like heaven on earth, only sakuras (a tree whose leaves are pink) grew there and there were beautiful birds of all colors and different sort. Let’s not the forget the magnificent butterfly and the scent there was so soothing.

“Welcome to my paradise. My place to go when I want to be all alone” Gavin smiled.

“It’s…beautiful” Iris gasped.

“I know…come” Gavin held her hand and pulled her to a mat where a picnic was waiting for them.

Iris sat down and Gavin sat down opposite her. They began eating and Iris being the foodie that she was almost ate everything.

Gavin just chuckled seeing her eat with such speed. He finds it so cute that she doesn’t try to hide who she is by acting all girly in front of him…

“Calm down Iris, I won’t eat all the food” Gavin teased her.

“This is so good!!” Iris said.

She fell down on the grass when she was done eating enjoying the soothing breeze that was blowing…

“This is where I come to write my music” Gavin said.

“You write music?” Iris asked, sitting up.

Gavin nodded and sat down next to her then stretched his hand. A bird came and stood on it, looking at him and then at Iris.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me. I do write some music, I also love drawing…” Gavin smiled.

“Wow, will never imagine you doing such things” Iris said, looking up in the sky.

Gavin stood up and walked in a little bungalow. He came out with a book and a pencil then sat down opposite to Iris.

“Let me draw your ugly face” Gavin said and buried his face in his book then began sketching something out.

Iris shook her head and looked away. She began playing with the curious squirrel who approached her.

Minutes later, Gavin smiled satisfactorily.

“Finally done, here this is what you look like” Gavin said and showed her a sketch of a donkey.

“What?! A donkey…f_ck you!!” Iris said and shot him with a stone.

Gavin couldn’t stop himself from laughing while rubbing his head that was shot.

“Was just kidding, here” Gavin now showed her a portrait he drew of her playing with the squirrel while smiling.

Iris couldn’t help but smile, he drew it so well.

“That came out good” Iris smiled satisfactorily.

“Yeah” Gavin smiled.

He disposed of it and they began discussing of random things. Well they weren’t actually discussing, they were busy picking on each other.

It was almost 6PM and right now they were sitting on the root of the trees while admiring the beautiful sunset.

“This place is really a mood changer” Iris smiled.

“Do you mean this place or do you mean I am a mood changer” Gavin smirked and looked at her.

“Wh@ťěver…” Iris rolled her eyes.

“Why did you show me this place. Thought you said it was only you that knows it” Iris asked.

Gavin chuckled and sighed..

“You really love making me repeat myself right? It’s because 143” Gavin said.

“143??” Iris wondered.

“Yeah I…love….you” Gavin said staring in her eyes.

Iris stared back at him too. Gavin’s gaze went further down her lips. He brushed his hand around her earlobe and cupped her cheek in the process then slowly began leaning in.

Iris just stared at him with parted lips. Gavin brushed his nose on hers and when he was about to kiss her…

Iris came back to her senses and pushed him away then stood up and rushed out of the area.

Gavin watched her as she ran off. He smiled and bit his lips.

“Almost there” Gavin thought and closed his eyes then laid down…

Iris barged in their house while breathing heavily. She literally ran back home like someone was chasing her…

“Stupid, I’m so stupid!! Eagerly waiting for him to kiss you…” Iris hit her head lightly on the door.

“Iris?” Valentina called, she was sitting on the couch watching on her favorite movie.

“Tina?…Tina!!!” Iris rushed and jumped on Valentina, hugging her tightly.

“Missed you too sis, gosh you’re choking me!” Valentina managed to say.

Iris released Valentina and smiled then sat down next to her.

“Come on you have to tell me everything that happened there from day one!” Iris exclaimed.

Valentina smiled and began narrating it to Iris, not leaving out any details.

“You see? I told you that your boss was into you. Now what you gonna do? Reject him?” Iris asked.

“I don’t know” Valentina brushed her hairs behind.

“You have to know. Come one val, don’t let that douche bag called Ryan ruin your love life. Your boss is nothing compared to him, don’t let this opportunity slide pass you!” Iris said.

“Look who’s talking, the girl in whom the president son is crushing on” Valentina said.

“C’mon Tina…”

“What? I’m I wrong?” Valentina smirked and wiggled her brows.

“You’re so annoying” Iris said, going upstairs.

“Love you too baby” Valentina replied..

Valentina smiled at her reflection on the mirror. She was already dressed for work.

How she missed her secretary job, though they’ll be a load of work for her but its worthwhile…

She picked up her bag and walked out of her room, heading downstairs.

“Good morning mom, sis” Valentina said and sat down for breakfast. Well time was still much for her to arrive at work early…

They slowly took their breakfast while discussing of how today will look like. Valentina stood up once she was done with her meal..

“Have to get going for work, bye mom. Study well Iris.” Valentina waved goodbye at them then left.

As expected, the car was waiting outside for her. He opened the door for her to enter before entering too, driving off to work.

In no time, the car stopled in front of the company. Valentina got down and smiled when she looked at the company.

She walked in the company afterwards. People kept staring at her as she passed by, like she was a star…

👥 She’s here? That means boss is back too!

👥 Missed seeing his handsome face. I heard that they a dating.

👥 I’m sure she offered her body to the boss or maybe she seduced him…so cheap.

Valentina simply ignored them. Today, she woke up in a good mood and she wants to go back in the same mood.

She reached Ricard’s office and smiled when she spotted her office. She did a quick cleaning and arranged some files which were disorganized.

Once she was done clearing her office, she went in Ricardo’s office and also cleaned up his table and chair which accumulated dust…

Everything been set, she walked out of his office and sat down on hers. Almost immediately, Ricardo walked out of the elevator.

He walked to her direction with a smile on his lips. Valentina stood up when he arrived.

“Good morning Ricardo” Valentina smiled.

“Thanks, morning Val. Missed seeing you during this weekend” Ricardo pinched her nose and entered his office.

Valentina smiled and sat down then continued her job of sorting out the various files.

She suddenly remembered Ricardo’s coffee and stood up then entered his office to brew him a coffee.

Now everything seems different to Valentina. Now that she seems close to Ricardo doing these things looks…different to her.

She went and placed his mug of coffee on the table.

“Here’s your coffee boss…” Valentina smiled.

“You’re really trying to see what I will do. Thought I told you not to call me boss” Ricardo said, working on his laptop.

“Oh sorry” Valentina said and walked out of his office and sat down.

She began working on the computer too, like she thought, there would be a lot of work.

“Excuse me?” A lady voice could be heard.

Valentina looked up to see a very pretty lady dressed in a simple dress smiling at her. This is the first time she’s come here…

“Please can I see Mr Ricardo?” The lady asked…

“Who’s she?” Valentina wondered, looking at her from head to toe.


Love Gavin and Iris moments💋.

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