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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNBREAK MY HEART – Episode 16 & 17

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


Valentina walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied round her body. She applied her body lotion and then picked out some dress to wear.

She wore a red T-shirt and a black mini skirt then she wore her red flat shoes. Valentines curled up the end of her hair and then applied some light makeup. Short, she looked hot!!!

Once she was done dressing up, she picked her bag before walking out of the room.

“Woh woh woh!! You look hot!! Any particular thing to celebrate?” Iris smiled.

“I have a date with Ryan” Valentina smiled.

“Really? Well Ryan sure must be lucky to have a hot and Șëx¥ girl like you as girlfriend” Iris said and Valentina simply smiled.

She looked at the time and it was 5pm.

“Have to get going sweet. Bye!” Valentina blew kisses at Iris and began walking out.

“Bye! Make sure you gist me about everything while you’re back!!” Iris said.

Valentina walked out of her house and hailed a cab before entering. A message came up in her phone, from her boss..

💌 Make sure you’re present at work tomorrow. Have some announcement to make and also a lot of work to do💌

Valentina simply nodded and kept back her phone

“Miss we’re here.” The driver said.

Valentina looked out of the cab. She smiled and took a deep breath before alighting from the cab. She paid him and then turned to the mansion.

Valentina walked to the entrance and rang the bell. A maid came and opened the door and was somehow surprised to see Valentina here.

“Good evening Miss” She greeted.

“Thanks, is Ryan here?” She asked and the maid nodded, obviously not feeling comfortable.

Valentina walked in the house and walked herself to the interior of the house. She walked straight to Ryan’s room since that’s where he spends most of his time.

Valentina lifted her hand to knock but stopped midair when she heard some sounds coming from the house.

“f_ck me harder…”

“Faster…yeah baby!! Ahh!!”

Valentina’s heart increase in beating, she didn’t want to believe what she just heard…. No this can’t be!!

With shaky hands, Valentina turned the door knob and pushed it open. She was welcomed with a shocking sight.

Ryan was busy f*ngering while s*cking a lady’s B-__-bs. Valentina’s hand flew to her hands as tears began streaming down her cheek.

Right now she was feeling her heart break into millions of pieces, pierced by by thousands of torns.

She held onto the door in order to fall as her knees where getting weaker!!

“Ryan…” She whispered in tears.

Ryan quickly sprang up in surprise and covered his body, same as his secretary. He looked at Valentina with no remorse in his eyes.

“Why?…” That was all Valentina could say.

“I’m sorry Tina, I should have done that a long time ago. I don’t love you anymore” Ryan said.

“Cut that st*pid lie” His secretary snapped and looked at Valentina.

“He never loved you, he was with you because of your body. Unfortunately you never gave him what he wanted so he looked for something better… You’re just a-”

Valentina blocked her ears and staggered out of the area. She rushed out of the house in tears. She ran for some distance before her knees gave up.

“Why?!” Valentina cried. Those words kept ringing in her mind, the same images playing over and over…

“I never gave him what he want? So he was just playing with my heart?!” Valentina cried.

The passerby were all looking at her but she didn’t care a d@mn. Nothing hurts more than been toyed with the person you love unconditionally.

Ricardo looked at the time and it was 7pm, time to go back home. He stood up and packed his things in his suitcase before leaving.

His phone suddenly began ringing. He looked at the caller’s ID and sighed when he saw Logan.


“Hey man? I’m at Nightshine club, why don’t you join me there let’s grab some drinks?” Logan said, Ricardo could here the music blaring from his phone.

“I’ll come if and only if they’ll be no ladies included” Ricardo said.

“Of course, I don’t know why but ladies don’t interest me that much lately” Logan said.

“Okay, give me five minutes” Ricardo said and hung up.

He walked out of his company and entered his car then drove off heading to the club.

Ricardo walked in the club with his hands in his pocket. His eyes scanned around for Logan but couldn’t see him. Maybe he went to the restroom.

He went and sat down at the counter.

“What can I serve you Sir?” The bartender asked.

“White wine will do” Ricardo said, looking around. He could see the flirty eyes of women on him. Those who came with their partner were still stealing glances at him, showing how promiscuous they can be.

“That’s why I h@ťě love” Ricardo thought.

“Here’s your order” The bartender placed it in front of him.

“Miss, you need to go home. You’ve drank a lot” The bartender said to a lady sitting just beside him…

“Are you my mother?! Do you know how I feel right now?! Don’t talk to me, and give me another bottle?!” She said…

The voice sounded so familiar that Ricardo had to look at her. To his surprise, it was Valentina

“Miss Williams?” Ricardo said.

Valentina looked at him with swaying eyes. She smiled drunkenly…

“Oh it’s you Ricky!!” Valentina said.

“Sir do you know her? She’s been here for the past one hour. With the bottles she drank I’m sure she’s wasted” The bartender said.

“Really?” Ricardo furrowed his brows and the bartender nodded.

Ricardo brought out his wallet and gave some cash to the bartender.

“That’ll settle her bills and mine too. Keep the change” Ricardo said and turned to Valentina.

Ricardo looked around again and now spotted Logan but he was now with Kristina, probably trying to woo her.

“Miss Williams, you need to go back home” Ricardo said already sighting the lustful gazes of some men on her.

“No…I’m not yet drunk!!” Valentina said and picked his glass then began drinking from it…

“Miss Williams…” Ricardo said and pinched his brows. She stood up staggering and walked to the center of the club.

“Who wants a night with me!! I haven’t been touched yet… Who wants to f_ck this girl?” Valentina said, staggering abit while giggling drunkenly.

Some men began licking their lips. Unfortunately, Kristina didn’t hear her since Logan was blabbing on and on in her ears.

Ricardo grabbed her arm from behind and looked at the men with warning glare.

“She’s with me” He said and turned her to him, he was slowly getting pissed off. Even when she’s drunk, she’s still stubborn.

“That’s enough Miss Williams you need to go home” Ricardo raised his tone abit.

“My grumpy @zz, look how ugly you look when angry” Valentina chuckled and pinched his cheek.

Ricardo stared at her unbelievably, he is sure that by the time she’ll wake up tomorrow she’ll die of embarrassment once she remembers all what happened tonight.

Ricardo held her wrist and pulled her out of the club.

“Let me go!! Help!! He wanna r@pe me!! Help!! I don’t want to be r@ped by a grumpy @zz” Valentina whined.

Ricardo folded his fists, trying to surpress his anger. If not for the fact that she was drunk, he could have fired her long ago..

“Valentina shut up!!!” Ricardo spatted in her face.

Valentina stared drunkenly at him for a while. She held him by the collar and pulled him closer then slammed her lips on his.

Ricardo’s eyes almost popped out of it’s socket. Valentina kissed him for a brief while before she passed out.

Luckily Ricardo caught her before she could fall. He stared at her and then closed his eyes.

He lifted her up and then placed her in his car before entering the driver’s seat. He looked at her for a brief while before looking front. Everything she does reminds him so much of Evelyn and he h@ťěs it so d@mn much!!!

Now the funny part is that he has no idea of where she lives.

“Guess I have no choice then.” Ricardo roared the engine to life and then drove off heading to his house…

Tears streamed down Valentina’s cheek in her unconscious state.


Ricardo drove in his mansion and packed the car. He got down the car and carried her in a bridal style before entering his house.

“Welcome back….boss…” The maids held a look of surprise on their faces.

Since no visitors room were cleaned, he had no choice than to take her to his. Ricardo placed her on the bed and removed her shoes, he looked at her face for a while.

“Wh@ťěver you are going through must be so painful for you to drink this much. I have been there.” Ricardo spoke, remembering how he drank when Evelyn left him.

He stood up and walked in the bathroom to take a bath…


Valentina turned on the bed and frowned, she smiled when an intoxicating perfume hit her nostrils. Wait a sec, that wasn’t her perfume.

Valentina spranged up on the bed. She looked around and couldn’t believe her eyes, was she dreaming.

She winced when her head pounded really hard. Some blur images flashed through her eyes…

*grumpy @zz*

*who wants to f_ck this girl*

*Valentina you need to go home!!*

Valentina slowly began assembling the pieces and her hands immediately flew to her mouth.

“I did not just do that!! Tell me it’s a dream… No a nightmare!!” Valentina pannicked.

“You’re awake Miss Williams”

Her heart skipped millions of beats, in fact her heart just evaporated.


Valentina,😂 how will you explain this one now?😂

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


“Youre awake Miss Williams” Ricardo said, coming from the bathroom. He was already dressed in his suit..

Valentina gulped down and mumbled a short prayer before turning to face him.

“Good…morning boss” She greeted while looking down.

“Thanks, how are you feeling now?” Ricardo asked, packing his things in his suitcase.

“Better… I appreciate you helping me out yesterday and I’m sorry for the embarrassment I caused you yesterday” Valentina pouted.

“What happened that you drank that much.” Ricardo asked. It was so unlike her you drink like that.

Valentina looked down as sadness clouded her eyes. Even Ricardo was surprised to see her that way.

“It’s okay if it’s too…”

“I broke up with my boyfriend…in the most heartbreaking way. He cheated on me” Valentina blurted out.

“Oh…sorry” Ricardo said.

Thanks was followed by a moment of silence. Ricardo turned to leave but halted.

“If this can console you, my ex wife took all my money and abandoned me with two kids to raise on my own” Ricardo said without turning back.

Valentina looked up at him, he must have gone through a lot.

“I’m leaving now and considering the fact that you were at your weakest, I’ll give you 40 minutes to go back home, bath, dress and come to work” Ricardo said and left.

Valentina spranged uo from his bed. She searched for where her shoes could be and spotted it. She wore it and picked up her purse then dashed out of his room.

Myles who was coming out of his room, saw Valentina run downstairs as a very fast speed that he couldn’t see her face.

“Who’s she?” He wondered.

“Myles…! Let’s go! Dad is waiting for us!!” Minnie called for him.

“Coming!” He said and went his way…

Valentina rushed out of his house and hailed a cab. She entered the cab and couldn’t help but notice the look the driver gave her.

She told the driver her destination and he took off. It took her about 5 minutes to get home.

“Thanks, you can keep the change” She said and went in the house.

“Morning mom!” Valentina greeted while rushing upstairs.

“Goodness Tina!! Where were you last night!! Iris have been calling your phone but you weren’t picking!” Peggy said worriedly..

“I’ll explain everything to you once I get back home.” Valentina entered her room.

She took a quick bath while brushing her teeth. Once she was done, she put on a yellow flowery gown leaving her hair free.

She wore one of the new shoes she bought and rushed out of her room heading outside.

The passerby kept giving her a strange look while whispering to themselves. Valentina hailed a cab which drove her to Thornton Investment.

She paid the drive and came out then rushed inside. Even the workers there weren’t exempted for they were giving her strange looks.

Valentina got out of the elevator and rushed to her seat. She looked at the time and it was exactly 40 minutes gone.

“Miss Williams” Ricardo called.

Valentina stood up and went in.

“Yes boss?” She said.

Ricardo stretch the invitation card to her. She took it and read it then smiled.

“This collaboration will be a great boost to your company” Valentina smiled.

“Yeah, we’ll be traveling to Paris in three days for this. When I say we I mean you and I do get ready” Ricardo said.

“Really?” Valentina exclaimed happily.

She’s always wanted to go to Paris. She heard that it was a town for the lovers so it has always been her dream to go with Ryan.

A sigh escaped her lips when she thought of him. Forgetting will take a lot of time but she’s determined to do that. Maybe the trip will help her a little.

“Also, I want you to look for a competent and trust worthy nanny who’ll take care of my kids while I’m away” Ricardo said.

Valentina nodded when suddenly an idea hit her…

“I can be the nanny sir” Valentina said.

“What do you mean? You’re going with me, how can you be their nanny?” Ricardo furrowed his brows.

“Well how about we take them with us. I’m sure you’re feeling insecure to leave them here.. What if you take them along with us. I’m sure it’s not all the time that you’ll need me so I can babysit them.” Valentina smiled.

Ricardo tapped the pen he was holding on his lips.

“That is a good idea.” Ricardo muttered.

“Yes sir it is. But I’ll do that under one condition. You give back the 20% discount you did on my salary.” Valentina said.

Ricardo looked at her then smirked..

“Was just teasing you. I never took anything from you” Ricardo said.

“Okay, thanks boss” Valentina smiled.

“I’ll still pay you as a nanny if you accept” Ricardo said.

“Deal!” Valentina said.

“Here, hand it to the cashier” Ricardo gave her a file which she collected

“Don’t you see life is beautiful when we don’t argue” Valentina said while walking out of the office.

Ricardo simply chuckled and shook his head. This his Secretary sure has crazy vibes that can cheer any one up.

On her way to the cashier office, two kids suddenly ran pass Valentina pushing her in the process.

Valentina looked back…

“It must be the boss’s kids. Now that I remember that today is take your kids to work day.” Valentina thought and continued her way…


“Daddy!!” Minnie exclaimed as she rushed in his office. They both went to get some drinks for themselves.

“My two candies” Ricardo smiled.

They both sat down on his lap, looking at what he was doing. Ricardo continued typing on his laptop.

“What does this button does?” Myles made to press a button but Ricardo held his hand.

“Don’t touch champion” Ricardo smiled..

Minnie got down his laps and went to some files he placed at a corner then began ruffling through it.

“No Minnie, don’t touch those it’s important.” Ricardo said.

“Dad I want to press the button” Myles pouted.

They kept disturbing, trying to learn new things. Suddenly, the door swung open and Valentina walked.

“Here’s the files. The cashier already signed it so it’s ready for use” Valentina said and furrowed her brows when she saw two kids roaming around.

“Okay, i need you keep an eyes on my kids while I finish with this work at hand.”
Ricardo said and Valentina nodded.

“Okay, Myles…Minnie please follow her she’ll keep you company for the meanwhile” Ricardo said.

Myles and Minnie walked out, following Valentina behind.

They both sat down on a chair just beside Valentina office. Myles looked at her with a quite suspicious yet interested look…

“I think I’ve seen her somewhere” Myles thought.

Minnie on the other hand was admiring Valentina. From her hair, to her pretty face and skin…

“I wish i could be as pretty as her” Minnie smiled.

“Miss are you single?” Minnie asked. Valentina looked at her and nodded awkwardly. What kind of a kid asks such questions?

“Do you find my dad handsome?” Minnie asked.

“Uhm… He’s my boss” Valentina replied and concentrated on her work.

“That’s it… I’m bored” Myles pouted and stood from her seat. She went under Valentina table.

Valentina who was typing, was met with a shocking surprise when the computer suddenly turned off..

“Oh no!! The resume!” Valentina gasped.

Myles came out holding a wire in his hands.

“Here Minnie we can play jumpy jumper with this” Myles smiled.

Valentina pinched his brows when he saw he was the one that disconnected it.

“Give it to me…” Valentina said while smiling.

Myles shook his head stubbornly…

“I need to work with it” Valentina said but yet, Myles was still too adamant..

“That’s it!!” Valentina hit her hand on the table.

“Give it to me now!! Or else I’ll take it by force and spank you with it first” Valentina said, giving him an intimidating look.

Myles swallowed hard and quickly gave it to her. She smirked…

“Now sit” Valentina said.

“I don’t want to-”

“I said sit my friend!!!” Valentina snapped.

Myles pouted and sat down while frowning. Valentina connected it back and sat up on her computer.

In her nanny life, she’s got to babysit very stubborn kids. Kids who were more stubborn than Myles… So she knows how to handle them.

“Not only she’s so pretty but she’s also authoritative. I love her personality!! Wanna be like her!!” Minnie gushed inwardly.


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