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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE – Episode 91 & 92

TRUE LOVE – Episode 91 & 92

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )




By: Naomi Cindy B.


The whole member of the happy family were already seated at the dinning, having dinner while chatting non-stop and laughing. Sara couldn’t be more happy.

If anyone told her her fortune would come like this tonight, she’d have denied it, but here she is with her four adorable kids, having the time of her life.

Watching them made her smile continuously, and she had to stop eating just to stare at her bundles of joy.

“Seriously are you saying I’m gonna remain single for the rest of my life? We’re twenty three and yet, Vee is in a healthy relationship already. Juniper is busy with Jazzy but what the hell is wrong with me” Sphinx said.

“Maybe you’re suffering cos of the hearts of girls you broke” Maple replied.

“I never broke any heart, they came to me willingly and we just f-__-ked and parted ways, so literally I’ve never dated cos I never asked any of them out, and you know it” Sphinx rolled eyes, drinking some wine.

“You’re a playboy?” Vee scoffed.

“What? Anything wrong with it? I couldn’t possibly turn them down when they offered a free f-__-k, but I don’t blame them anyways, who’d resist the charm of my handsome face?” Sphinx said proudly.

“At this rate, you’d never date, trust me if I see any girl around you, then I’mma shoo her away?” Juniper said.

“And you think it’d work? Especially now that I’m known as the brother of an idol” Sphinx winked, and Vee laughed.

“Jerk” Juniper chuckled.

“Anytime I remember how you guys punched each other at first sight, I still laugh” Maple laughed.

“They did?” Sara spoke.

“Mum I didn’t tell you the story? The first thing Sphinx asked for was Diva’s number, and yunno how protective Vee can become when it comes to her, so that was it, he smashed his phone and they punched each other” Maple laughed again.

“Ok that’s crazy, Mrs. Lane told me a lot about it though, that you like girls too much, Sphinx” Sara smiled.

“But mum I can’t possibly like boys” Sphinx pouted.

“Just go for one girl and settle with her as your girlfriend, stop f-__-king around” Vee said, and they all laughed when Sphinx glared at Vee, and Vee immediately glared back.

“Can you both ever get along?” Sara chuckled.

“Never!” Vee and Sphinx said at a time.

“Funny how they love each other so much but kept pretending” Juniper laughed.

“The last person to finish eating is doing the dishes” Maple suddenly said, and they all started eating fast.

In three minutes , Maple, Sphinx and Juniper finished their meal, leaving Vee who’s still struggling with it.

“Ok, you guys win. I guess you do it a lot in Washington” he said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the dishes Jun-ho” Sara said.

“Now that I think about it, don’t we have Korean names too?” Juniper said.

“You all do” Sara smiled.

“What is it then?” Maple asked eagerly.

“Written down in my room” Sara replied, and Sphinx suddenly carried her in his arms.

“Sphinx!” She gasped.

“Let’s go there baby!” He winked, and she laughed as he took her upstairs to her room while the others ran after her.

They got there and he dropped her, then she got her diary from the stand.

“Juniper is Hwang I-Ra” she said.

“I-Ra? Aww! Sounds like Kira! So cute!” She gushed.

“Maple is Hwang Heesung” Sara said.

“Ok I love it” Maple smiled.

“Sphinx is Hwang Jae-jun” Sara read out before dropping the diary.

“I even share Jun with this @zzhole. Hwang Jun-ho and Hwang Jae-jun!” Sphinx gushed like a kid, hugging Vee who hugged him back immediately.

“Come here I-Ra!” Maple widened his arms.

“Ok Heesung!” Juniper hugged him, and Sara smiled .

The four suddenly broke the hug and came to her, pulling her to bed.

They fell on it at once, and they coiled their arms on her adorably.

“We should sleep like this” Juniper said.

“I love you all” Sara said, kissing them all on their hairs.

“We love you more” they said at once, and in another ten minutes, they were already asleep except Sara who kept staring at her four happiness.



“This dorm feels so empty without Vee” Myles suddenly said, falling on the couch beside Krystal who’s busy resting.

“I know, right? Despite his secrecy, his presence is priceless” she muttered with her eyes closed.

“Feeling sleepy already?” He asked, looking at her closed eyes.

“I actually crave for wine right now” she said, and he smiled before going to the cellar to get it.

He poured it into two cups and handed her one, then they clinked glasses and drank.

“So…what did you tell Maple the other time? When you went to the stairs with him” he asked slowly.

“Nothing much” she replied, and he looked at her.

“I told him I wanna try liking someone else” she said, swaying the wine in her cup.

“Someone else?’ he asked, his heart doing high jumps already.

“You” she replied straight, and his eyes widened.


“Can you make me fall for you? I want that. Make me fall so hard that I won’t think of any other guy, harder than I fell for Vee, can you?” She asked, and he dropped his wine glass.

“Can I kiss you first? We can start from there” he said, and she dropped her glass too.

She went closer and held his face, bringing it to hers to kiss him lightly on the lips.

She broke it and smiled. “What’s this? Your lips taste sweet” she whispered.

“Naturally” he whispered back, holding her face this time.

He kissed her gently, and she closed her eyes, kissing him back just as gently.



“C’mon! C’mon!! C’mon guess the new owners of their personal cars!!! Whoaaaa!!!!!!!” Freddy screamed immediately two cars got delivered in the dorm.

Two brand new sports cars!

“OMG our babies are finally here! Babies!!!” Piper screamed, running out with him.

“Unbelievable!” Diva screamed, jumping up too.

“Aww! I’m so happy” Jazzy said with a pout as he came out, and they all laughed.

“And guys! I just made payment for my parents new house! They’d be moving to Seoul next week after KMA!” Lyric announced.

“Me too, I finished payment for my parents new mansion, and they’d be moving to Seoul next week” Jazzy announced.

“Whoaaaaa!!!!!” Everyone screamed.

“We need to pop champagne again, look at us we’re making it! TRUE LOVE to the world!!!” Diva screamed.

Freddy rushed in to get the drink, and her phone rang.

It’s her dad.

“Uh appa!” She said cheerfully.

“You didn’t forget about our outing this afternoon, right?” He asked.

“No. I chose my dress already so you’re the one who shouldn’t forget” she smiled.

“I’m just too anxious, can’t wait” he replied, and she laughed.

“I’ll see you at 12 daddy!”

“Alright Je-na, bye!”

He hung up, and she kissed the phone before joining the others in the celebration.



The whole family is just waking up, and everyone came to the kitchen immediately, finding something to chew on before breakfast will be ready.

“Found some cookies!” Juniper said with a loud yawn.

“Fill it up in a plate, I’ll get the juice” Vee replied.

“Sure bro!” She winked, getting a plate.

“I’m starving, mum!” Maple hugged Sara from behind. She’s about to start cooking.

“It’ll take just thirty minutes, I’ll cook something” she stroked his hair.

He left for the living room with the others, and they settled on the couch, eating cookies and juice while watching a TV series.

“Can’t we watch something like Game Of Thrones? I h@ťě romance” Sphinx said.

“That’s why you’ll remain single for the rest of your life” Vee replied. Maple and Juniper began laughing hard.

“Stop attacking me, @zzhole” Sphinx rolled eyes.

“Well make me, @zzhole” Vee shot back, and the doorbell rang.

Juniper got it, and the family lawyer came in with Mr. Jo, the secretary of late Mr. Hwang.

“Mr. Jo?” Vee recognized the secretary instantly, and Sara came out of the kitchen.

“We’re here to settle things about Mr. Hwang’s will” the lawyer said, and they sat together.

“Luckily, it’s not gonna take much time cos he willed every single property to his kids and you, madam Sara” the lawyer read, handing Sara the document.

Sara took it slowly, wishing he’s still alive right now.

That got her tearing up, and her kids hugged her from the sides, consoling her again.



Binii concert is tonight, and the KMA nomination list came out since yesterday. It was crazy.

TRUE LOVE got over eight nominations in three different categories, including the overall best band of the year.

H. O. T got 10+ nominations, numerous as it always is every year.

VIXXEN got nominated in 6 categories too, and they can’t ask for more as newbies in the industry.

The concert started already, and MOONLIGHT is on stage already, performing their song “Dream Girl”

Their fans are currently trying to bring down the hall with their screams as the performance got to the middle, and when Pinkie went on a high note, the screams got crazier.

“Isn’t she amazing?” Lyric said beside Piper on their seat. They’re seated among the other idols.

“Well… Apart from her bratty clingy attitude, her voice breaks speakers. Isn’t that why MOONLIGHT is the best girl band?” Piper replied.

“She’s bratty cos she’s from a rich family, I guess I’d be bratty too if my family is rich” Diva replied, slipping her hair behind her ear.

“No. You’re not the type to do that, I know you well” Lyric replied, and Diva smiled.

MOONLIGHT left stage after their performance, and it was VIXXEN next.

Jazzy and Freddy started cheering, and Daniel stood from the middle of his band too, nodding as he clapped till they got to the stage.

Immediately they got there, Vee took off his shirt, and everyone screamed out loud, going crazy instantly.

It’s the first time it’s happening cos everyone knows how secretive he is about his skin, but the scream didn’t long cos the stage lights zoomed on his body, revealing the marks.

👥 What’s up with his skin?

👥 Vee oppa!

👥 Who did that to him?

👥 Was he bullied in highschool?

👥 I wish I could strangle whoever did this!

👥 He’s even Șëx¥ with the marks!

“Now I know why he h@ťěs showing skin” Daniel muttered from his seat.

“Looks like he got abused” Bobby replied beside him.

“Why is his skin like that?” Jazzy muttered.

“The marks are beautiful, aren’t they?” Diva smiled.

“Huh?” Freddy faced her.

“They are, to us. They’re marks that say never forget” she smiled again.

“Ever wonder why i dislike showing skin? Here’s it” Vee finally spoke, and the hall went silent.

Myles and Krystal were looking at him pitifully from both sides.

“I didn’t get abused like you might have been thinking, I have loving parents and I even just met my mother. I didn’t get bullied either. These marks are just… FORGET ME NOT marks, from someone important to me” He continued, and by now, most of the fans were already crying, even the idols.

“Violets, this is to say wh@ťěver you’re passing through now, is bound to become history tommorow, so never give up, never what?” He shouted.

“Never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The crowd screamed, and he sniffed as the intro of their song began playing.



The concert ended some minutes ago, but the guys didn’t go home, they went to the haven instead.

Vee, Daniel, Jazzy, Freddy, Myles… Sphinx and Maple joined them too.

The girls went to Hwang mansion as permitted by Sara, they’re gonna be having their fun there tonight.

Immediately the drinks landed on the table, Vee was the first to pour himself a cup.

“Dad did that to your skin, right?” Sphinx asked beside him, and he smiled.

“My skin will be fine, I’ve been treating it”

“I wish I ki||ed him myself, that wicked f-__-ker” Maple muttered, and Vee smiled as they poured drinks for themselves too.

“Tonight is so jolly, I don’t know why though” Daniel said.

“Maybe because I’m buying a car tommorow” Jazzy replied.

“Really?” Myles faced him.

“Yeah. I’m buying a car before the KMA next week” Jazzy replied, and they began hailing him.

“So almost everyone here has a girlfriend or a potential girlfriend” Vee said, and Sphinx rolled eyes.

“Piper is s*xily tall” Freddy smiled.

“Lyric is adorably cute” Daniel said.

Jazzy made to talk, but he suddenly went quiet and just drank.

“My Dee is breathtakingly pretty” Vee said proudly.

“Krystal’s curves be mesmerizing me, she’s too beautiful” Myles said, and they all faced Maple and Sphinx.

“First person to finish the drink in his bottle” Sphinx said, and Maple smiled, getting it immediately.

They all grabbed their bottles at once, and they started drinking directly from the bottle.

Maple and Sphinx only pretended to drink though, they didn’t gulp a single drop till the others finished everything in their bottles, and they dropped their bottles same time with everyone.


“My name is Hwang Jun-ho!” Vee shouted drunkenly, face-palming himself with a cute puppy smile.

“But she calls me puppy or Jun!” He laughed again.

“I’m Kang Daniel but she calls me Danny!* Daniel said drunkenly too, standing from his chair.

He climbed the table and began swaying himself.

His face is already so red, and hairband is gone, so his long hair is all-over his face right now.

“She calls me baby or Fred! But my name is Freddy” Freddy laughed, falling from his chair.

“Myles will soon change to Mine, wait till I make her fall for me completely” Myles laughed, rolling eyes.

“Hey, aren’t they so entertaining to watch?” Sphinx laughed.

“Tell me more, so interesting” Maple giggled.

“Hey guys! Why don’t you take off your pants and let’s go swimming!” Sphinx shouted.

“I’ll call their girls” Maple laughed again, getting his phone.



Diva’s phone is currently on the ring light holder, and the girls are lined in front of it, ready to start the Water challenge.

They’re all wearing tight elastic shorts and thin singlets.

“Who’d go first?” Piper asked.

“Let me” Krystal stepped forward, and they stepped back, giving her space as the timer started, and the song began playing.

🎶 Make me sweat
🎶 Make me hotter
🎶 Make me lose my breath
🎶 Make me water.

“d@mn! You did it! Your @zz moved!” Diva shouted.

“Yours will move too, aren’t you the twerking queen?” Krystal laughed.

“Bacardi is different from twerking yunno?” Diva smiled, and she was about to go next when her phone rang.

She took it from the holder only to see Maple’s video call.

“Why?” She muttered, picking the call.

“Y’all need to come to the haven right now! Your guys are dead drunk!” Maple laughed on screen.

“What do you mean?” Diva asked, and Maple turned the camera to the drunk cuties.

Their trousers are off, so they’re all left in their underpants.

“What the…f-__-k!” Diva gasped when she saw them.

“Let’s go swimming!!” Vee shouted, hugging Jazzy.

“Hey Hwang Vee! You promised not to cheat on me! How dare you hug him sweetheart!” Daniel shouted and started crying.

“Come here” Freddy carried Myles and started swaying him like a girl.

“Should we just get married?” Myles said affectionately.

“Kiss me” Jazzy replied, and the eyes of all the girls widened.

“No!!!!” They screamed at once, rushing out of the room.

They ran past Sara on the stairs, unable to answer her when she asked what was wrong

Each girl got in her car, and the drive to the haven started roughly.

They arrived at the same time, and they barged into the room.

Truly, their babies are all in, acting crazily drunk.

Myles and Freddy are still being all lovie dovey.

Daniel and Jazzy are still hugging while Daniel is still crying.

“Our mummies are here!” Vee suddenly said, breaking the hug with Jazzy.

“Mummy!!!” Daniel cried louder.

“Ok this is insane, what did they drink?” Lyric muttered shockingly, looking at her Danny acting childish.

“First of all, where’s Maple and Sphinx?” Diva muttered, looking at her Vee who kept winking, looking all red like a tomato.

“Here!” Sphinx’s voice said behind them, and the girls turned at once to see him with Maple by the door.

“We only played with them a little, we the single guys gang” Sphinx winked.

“Purr” Maple winked too, placing an arm on his shoulder.

“Yaaa!!!!!!!!!!!” Juniper and Krystal screamed at once, and the girls went after them while they took off.

They ran madly around the rails, and the girls chased madly too…



” Ya!!!!!”


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