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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE – Episode 83 & 84

TRUE LOVE – Episode 83 & 84

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )





By: Naomi Cindy B.


All the Hwang family members are in all black with hot tears on their red faces as they took turns to drop flowers on a marbled pavement.

The air is full of grief, and the atmosphere is even teary as drizzles fell slowly.

Truly, life is unpredictable.


Diva rushed out of the dorm after she got herself together, and Lyric followed her till she got to her car.

“Diva I still don’t understand!” She pulled her back by the right arm, and Diva swallowed hard as she faced her.

“Mr. Bae is really your father? How come?” She asked in confusion.

“Didn’t i tell you guys the day I joined this band? My mum is dead and my dad abandoned me immediately” Diva replied, and Lyric gasped shockingly.

“What the hell!”

“And he has been in the same agency as me all these months, he has been avoiding me but I was just too dumb to figure out why” Diva replied and sniffed.

“Need to go to the agency, ASAP” she said and made to open the car door…

“You can’t drive yunno?” Lyric pulled her back again.

“I can, Jun taught me” she replied, and Lyric let go of her.

Diva entered the car and drove out of the dorm, still looking pale with shock as she drove out of the street into the main road.

Just thinking about the things she went through after he abandoned her made tears accumulate in her eyes.

Back then, Vee offered to help countlessly, but she always refused money from him, preferring to work and make money instead.

She had to work shifts at convenience stores and offloading trucks just to get money and fend for herself. She could remember getting duped one day, and she had to drop out from school when she ran out of money. Yeah, she dropped out of college, and she didn’t graduate till now.

She stopped the car suddenly, and the tears finally fell from her eyes.

“wae? wae appa? (Why? Why dad?)” She sniffed as her tears fell on the stirring wheel.

She was about to rest her head on the wheel and continue her tears when her eyes suddenly caught the City TV broadcast.

Hwang Vee, the only son of assemblyman Jin and the popular leader of VIXXEN got into an accident just now!

Her eyes widened madly, and her fingers began shaking on the wheel.

“No…no Jun!” She gasped and grabbed the wheel again, speeding away.

Judging by the spot of the accident, he’d be taken to the family hospital since it’s the closest, so she drove directly to the hospital, and immediately she stopped the car, the ambulance containing Vee stopped in front of the hospital too, and a stretcher was wheeled out of it.

Vee is lying on it, blood covering all of his face and the blue shirt he’s putting on.

“Vee!!! No it’s not him! Jun!!!” Diva ran out of her car tearfully, running after the stretcher as it was wheeled into the hospital.

“Jun!!!!! Why is he like that? He’s not moving!! Vee!!!!”

She was still running after the doctors as she screamed the devastating words.

Mrs. Lane suddenly appeared and held her tightly, stopping her from running further after the stretcher.

“No let me go!!! That’s not my boyfriend right? What’s with the blood on his body!!! Tell me that’s not my Jun!!!” She cried loudly again, hardening her bones so she’d free herself from Mrs. Lane.

She was almost free when the securities joined Mrs. Lane to grab her , holding her still.

“Diva, calm down he’d be fine” Mrs. Lane held her face, but she shook it off strongly.

“No!!! Jun!!!” She screamed, and shockingly, she freed herself from the two securities and resumed her race, but Vee has already been taken into the theater before she got there, and the door was shut.

“Vee!!! please survive it for me, i might just ki|| myself too if you leave!!! Please!!! Please baby” she went on her knees, holding the door tightly as hot tears ran down her cheeks.

Mrs. Lane knelt beside her again and held her shoulders, hugging her from behind.

“Nothing must happen to my puppy, nothing must happen to him!!” She cried, and Mrs. Lane hugged her tighter.

“Be optimistic, Vee is strong yunno?” She whispered, and Diva closed her teary eyes slowly.



The rest of the family are still in the living room just like Vee left them.

The three kids are standing in confusion while Sara is crying on the ground.

Mr. Hwang is sitting, but like a living dead. His face is soaked with tears too.

“My dad…R@P£D my mum?” Sphinx said slowly.

“And she got us adopted after birthing us, then she threw away our brother” Maple said.

Juniper was still speechless, so she fell heavily on the couch, sitting on the TV remote accidentally.

The TV came on immediately, and the first news on screen is of Vee who had an accident minutes ago.

“What the actual f-__-k!” No” Sphinx stood with popped eyes.

Mr. Hwang’s eyes widened too, and when he made to stand , a sharp pain from his chest sent him back, and he fell back on the couch, holding the chest.

“Argh!!!’ he groaned in pains.

“Jun-ho andwae! andwae!!! (no)” Sara screamed and spranged up, rushing out of the mansion.

Maple and Sphinx followed, and when Juniper made to do same, Mr. Hwang began gasping for breath.

She faced him, and her eyes widened when she saw him bleeding from the nose already.

“Mr. Hwang!” She ran to hold him, and when he kept getting worse, she made to call the hospital, but he held her, and she faced him.

“Mr. Hwang…

“Y’all… please forgive your… mother… It’s all my fault, so… don’t ever… forgive…me” he said with difficulty and resumed gasping.

“Mr. Hwang!” Juniper gasped, getting her phone to dial the hospital, but before she could even do that, Mr. Hwang stopped moving already, and her eyes widened as the phone fell from her.

She rushed back to him and held his shoulders.

“” she stuttered fearfully, shaking him.

“Da…dad” she stuttered again, but he remained unmoved, and she started crying.

“Dad!!!!! Don’t!!!! Dad!!!!!”


It was finally Juniper’s turn to drop her flower on the pavement, and her tears were dropping on the flowers as she stood in front of it, looking at the pavement sorrowfully.

Hwang Jin-48 YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE was written on top of it.

“Dad” Juniper cried again.

She had always wanted to meet her dad all her life, but he had to die the day she met him.

Though he committed a terrible sin which is hard to forgive, but he’s still their father, and the fact that she’s the only one who spent his last moment with him is so touching.

Anytime she remembers his last words and the regrets in his eyes, she only cries.

She dropped her flower and stepped back for Sphinx to step forward.

He didn’t say a word as he dropped his flower, but the tears in his eyes proved how sorrowful he is.

It was Maple next, and he’s crying slowly as he dropped his.

“RIP, dad” he muttered, and Mrs. Lane rubbed his back as his tears increased.

Diva is behind them with Sara whose face is soiled with tears. She’s trying her best to console her.

Myles and Krystal are present too, then Daniel and Jazzy.

His co-politicians are present too, even the president sent a representative.

The ground is full, and the crowd is pretty much. It’s expected though, he’s a politics icon.

Grief spread it’s wings on the ground, and sorrow continued reigning.

Hwang Jin might not be a great person at home, but in the political world, a great man is gone.



The whole family is back now including Mrs. Lane who’s currently sitting beside Sara.

The kids are on a three seater couch, all looking blue. Sara is still crying though.

“Dad told me to tell you something. Maple and Sphinx” Juniper suddenly spoke, and they looked at her at the same time.

“He said everything was his fault, and that you shouldn’t forgive him, but he wants us to forgive mum” she said, and Sphinx stood immediately.

Without a word, he went upstairs.

“I’ll be in my room” Maple said and went upstairs too.

Sara’s tears got more intense, and Juniper went to her.

She pulled her up and hugged her tightly.

“At least you didn’t abort our pregnancy. Thanks so much, mum” she cried, and Sara hugged her back as their tears fell with same energy.

Mrs. Lane smiled lightly.



Diva didn’t get to go see Mr. Bae since two days ago, so she went there immediately she left the burial.

Not minding her red bloating face, she entered the building like she’s on her way to a fight, and she barged into his office.


Mr. Bae’s eyes widened when he saw her face, and her lips started quivering when she tried to talk.

They began staring at each other, and Mr. Bae finally opened his mouth.

“Je-na” he muttered, and his voice was almost inaudible as he stood still on his spot.

“You didn’t attend the burial cos you knew I’d be there, right?” She said, and he folded his fists.

“You’ve been here… you’ve been seeing me, you’ve been avoiding me!!!” Diva finally bursted, and Mr. Bae started taking slow steps to her.

“You abandoned me immediately mum died! What did I do to deserve that? Just what!! Do you know how hard it was to sponsor myself through highschool and college? I had to drop out when… When I couldn’t move further, I didn’t even graduate with my mates!!! You left me!!! Why!!!!” She screamed crazily, and Mr. Bae rushed the remaining steps to her.

He made to hold her, but she pushed him, and he fell on the ground in front of her.

“Jeoldae yongseohaji ahn-eul geoya!!! (I will never forgive you!!!)” She yelled angrily and dashed out of the office, slamming the door behind herself.

“Je-na!!! Je-na!!” Mr. Bae stood and rushed after her, but he could only go as far as the door before stopping.

He rested his face on it as his tears fell.



Diva drove in and wiped her tears before coming out of the car.

She went in and met Daniel and Jazzy in front of the ward, just coming out.

“Krystal and Myles left just now” Daniel said.

“Oh…” She nodded.

“Are you ok?” Jazzy asked.

“I’m fine” she nodded once.

“We’ll return in the evening to check on him, take care ok?” Daniel said, and she nodded.

Jazzy gave her a shoulder pat as they left the hospital, and she opened the door.

She stepped in slowly, maybe she’d be lucky to meet him awake already, but he’s still the same as he has been since two days ago.

Her man is lying lifelessly in bed with several patches on his face, and his arm is bandaged.

He’s getting transfused with blood, and his monitor is beeping slowly beside him.

“He was in shock before the accident, and that induced his condition right now. He fell into a deep coma, I’m sorry”

She remembered the doctor’s words as she walked slowly to his bed, and she just couldn’t stop the tears again.

She has been crying since two days ago and it’s not stopping. It’s an unending sorrow galore.

She got to his bedside and knelt beside it, taking his right hand to rub.

“Jun” she whispered, caressing his knuckles gently.

“Don’t spend too much time lying down, wake up soon. I miss you a whole lot already, and i can’t wait for you to be back. It’s so hard for me right now, it’s too hard to see you lying down unconscious, it’s hard” she shed hot tears as she stared at his lifeless face.

She hoped for luck again, maybe he’d just open his eyes suddenly and call her name, but it still didn’t happen, he’s as still as a corpse.

She stood and climbed the bed. She slept beside him, wrapped her arm on him and gently placed her head on his chest as she cried slowly.

His faint heartbeats drummed softly in her ears, and she slowly closed her eyes as her tears slipped out again.

“Jun, please… open your beautiful eyes. I wanna see the sparks again”


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