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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

TRUE LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )



By: Naomi Cindy B.


Mr. Hwang is currently in bed, eyes slightly opened.

Sara is beside him, sitting quietly on a chair. She actually brought him after he passed out in the kitchen earlier, and they’ve been here since then.

He woke up ten minutes ago, and he has remained unmoved as his eyes stayed still, staring at the ceiling.

“Are you ok now? The doctor said you passed out as a result of shock” Sara said, and that was when he finally turned his face to her.

“You had… quadruplets?” He asked weakly, and she sighed.

“You heard me right earlier, Jin. Yes I had four kids”

“Where are the rest?” He asked again as he began blinking, ready to start crying.

“Immediately I gave birth to quadruplets that year, my pains multiplied so much that I thr_@tened to ki|| myself. I couldn’t even take care of myself but then four kids? One of the doctors saw my condition and offered to help, then she called a woman to the hospital. Her name was Mrs. Lane, she’s a rich woman in Washington who’s having issues with getting pregnant. She offered to adopt three of the kids, and i could swear that I didn’t think twice before saying yes. She adopted them and gave me some money to take care of the one baby left with me, I mean Vee” Sara explained.

“Then… why did you abandon him?” Mr. Hwang asked.

“The money didn’t leave the hospital with me, it was stolen unfortunately. That was when I gave up completely. Immediately I left the hospital, I dumped him in the trashcan, and your late wife got him from there” she explained again.

“So…” Mr. Hwang sniffed, finally letting out his tears.

“So … the other three kids are with the woman in Washington right now” he cried slowly, and Sara brought a picture out of her Jean skirt pocket.

They’re pictures of the kids with their names on top. Sphinx, Maple, and the female.. Juniper.

“Mrs. Lane is a nice person, she sends me their pictures every month, and that’s what I’ve been comforting myself with, they’re doing well over there” Sara replied and started crying too.

Mr. Hwang wrapped his palm on the picture, closing his eyes tightly as his tears poured out again.

“What have I done to myself? Just what… what have I done? I’m a monster” he lamented, crying bitterly.



Diva was still staring at her last message to Vee on her phone when Piper entered the room.

“Babe! Time to go on stage” she winked, and Diva smiled as she followed her out, meeting the others in the main room.

They’re dressed in same colour tonight, though different designs. Colour white.

Freddy and Jazzy are rocking armless shirts though, and Freddy is wearing a leather beret which looks so perfect on his blue hair.

All the girls are on tight shorts, and their tops are dazzling with expensive beads. Their stage shoes are fire.

Diva’s hair is blonde again since she seems to love the colour these days, and Piper left bangs tonight.

Lyric has expensive beads in her hair, and Jazzy’s hair is brown, same colour as his lens.

“Shall we?” He smiled out his cute dimples, and the rest smiled as they walked out of the room.

Before they could even get to the stage, the crowd began screaming their names, not minding if their lungs bursts as a result.

The sweet scent of TRUE LOVE filled the air, and immediately they climbed the stage, it all went crazier as fans waved their heart-shaped light stick in the air, colour red.

👥 TRUE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They stood for a minute on stage, maintaining their positions as they began smiling and showing cute gestures to the screaming fans.

Few months ago, they were irrelevant, but who’d have known they’d turn out as superstars?

No trick can beat destiny… indeed.



Vee began trying Diva’s line immediately he left Krystal’s room, but she’s not picking, and that got his heart racing madly.

Is she done with him now cos of the blocking? Is it over for real? He’d surely die if that is the case, he’d literally go down.

He was holding back his tears as he tried her line for the tenth time, but she’s still not picking, so he began typing a text.

• Bae, I swear I wasn’t the one who blocked you. I wouldn’t have done that, you should trust me.

He waited for her reply for two minutes, and when he received none, he began typing another.

• Can you at least pick my calls and let’s talk everything out? Please.

He waited one minute after sending that, then he dialled her line again, but she’s still not picking.

He angrily smashed his phone on the ground and punched the wall in frustration.

His knuckles began bleeding as he leaned on the rails, resting his head on it as his blood dropped down in droplets.

“Vee!” Krystal rushed out to him, and her eyes widened when she saw his bleeding knuckles.

“Vee you’re…

“Don’t come closer, I don’t wanna hurt you” he said, slowly looking up with teary eyes.

He’s already in tears.

Krystal began feeling so guilty, and she folded her fists as Myles ran out too.

“Vee there’s no way you’re going back tonight. Manager Bae said the weather is not fine and all the red-eye flights scheduled for tonight were cancelled, so you have to wait till tomorrow” he said, and when he saw his bleeding hand and teary face, his eyes widened.

“Vee what the f-__-k!”

Vee walked the other direction, going back inside.

“Vee!” Myles ran after him.

Krystal slowly squatted and started gathering the broken pieces of his smashed phone.

“I’m sorry…i was selfish, I wasn’t thinking” she sniffed back her guilt tears.



The concert ended an hour ago, and the band arrived back at the dorm thirty minutes ago.

Freddy and Piper are currently in the kitchen, making noodles together.

Lyric is sitting on the couch with Rain on her laps.

She’s stroking it’s head with her left hand while chatting Daniel with the right. She was smiling as she typed every text.

Diva is sitting blankly on the couch, staring into space. She hasn’t checked her phone since the concert ended, and she’s not even ready to do that cos if her message is still left not replied, she’d cry.

She was still sitting when Jazzy came out and settled beside her.

She wasn’t aware of his presence till he nudged her, and she jumped.

“You scared me!”

“What were you thinking? You ok?” He asked worriedly, and she sighed.

“I’m not”

“Is this about Vee?” He asked, and she faced him.

“How did you know?”

“It’s obvious, only food and love can have that much effect on you” he replied.

“Wh@ťěver” she chuckled, resting back on the chair.

Jazzy took a short look at her and urged himself to talk.

“I think….he loves you too” he suddenly said, and she faced him.


“Vee” he replied, and she blinked twice.


“The night you had menstrual cramps, when it rained, do you still remember?” He asked.

“When you massaged my tummy?” She replied, and he nodded.

“Actually… Vee came here”

“You told me” she said.

“I didn’t tell you everything”

“Everything?” She replied curiously.

“He stayed in the rain that night in front of our former dorm. I’m sure he spent close to two hours waiting” he confessed, and her eyes widened.


“Sorry I kept it from you. I’ve always been jealous of your friendship, and that’s probably part of why I wanted you . Vee likes you more than just friends, I’m very sure of it” he said, and Diva spranged up immediately.

She ran back in, and Jazzy held himself tight on the knees, trying to hold back.

Meanwhile, Freddy and Piper just finished making the noodles in the kitchen.

“Should we have it with kimchi?” Piper faced him.

“I’m sorry for kissing Pinkie” Freddy replied instead, and she squinted.

“That again? I forgot about it already so can we go now?”


“Wait why are you apologising? I’m not your girlfriend” she blinked.

“You asked why I kissed her” he replied.

“And you’re not telling me why” she said, and he sighed.

“Immediately her lips touched mine, I swear I lost it and didn’t even know when I began kissing back, it’s like I got charmed and I don’t even know what made me give my first kiss away like that” he said, and the chopsticks with Piper fell on the ground.

“First kiss?” She said shockingly, and Freddy looked her in the eye.

Maybe talking about this is not really a good idea, she looks even angrier.

“Forget it, I lost my appetite” she said and kicked the chopsticks away before walking out of the kitchen.

“Piper!” Freddy ran after her, but she was already in her room before he could reach her.

She shut the door on his face, and he covered his face with a palm.

“f-__-k, she’s so hard to talk to” he muttered, opening his eyes.

Both Lyric and Jazzy disappeared from the living room already, and his eyes widened.

He rushed into the kitchen to meet them eating the noodles like hungry cannibals.

“Yaa!!!!” He screamed.



Diva went straight there immediately she got her phone, and her eyes widened when she saw missed calls from Vee.

When did he call? Must be when she was on stage.

She gasped when she saw the messages too, and after reading them impatiently, she dialled his line, but it’s not connecting again.

The call dropped for the five times she tried, and her phone slipped from her hand to the floor, making the screen crack.

She squatted beside it and buried her face in her knees like a kid.



“H. O. T music video will be out next week too? Did they plan it with TRUE LOVE to overshadow everyone in the industry? I’m not understanding anything anymore” Vodka said as he came out of the bedroom.

He’s on call with the CEO of Galaxy.

“The last time I checked, it’s not a sin for artists to drop collabs so I dunno why you’re taking this personal” CEO replied, and Vodka’s eyes widened.

“It’s a collab? With who?’

“You didn’t know? The song is a collaboration with Megan Thee Stallion, and trust me when I say it’d shake the kpop world to it’s roots” the CEO replied, and Vodka hung up immediately, throwing his phone on the couch.

Few months ago his name was ringing on the lips of every citizen of Korea, they couldn’t do without listening to his raps and stalking him anytime he visits his outdoor studio, but everything changed immediately TRUE LOVE arrived.

The last music video he dropped has low views and failed to top any chart like the rest of his videos, it’s like TRUE LOVE came to take everything away, and if H. O. T drops their upcoming MV next week, then he’d need to go on hiatus cos it’d be over.

Something has to be done as fast as possible.

He was pacing around the living room when Min came in with a white box.

“A fan delivered this” he said, and Vodka sat.

“They still remember to give me gifts? Guess not everyone forgot me” he said as he took the box, but immediately he opened it, his eyes widened and he spranged up.

“What the hell!!” He screamed, and Min quickly shifted back.

It contains a sheet of paper, and just two things were written on it with blood.


He pushed the box away, and it landed on the ground, revealing the second thing inside.

It’s a picture of Byeol’s body, showing her face!, Then another picture showing how he threw the body into the river with Min.

“What!!!!!!” Min screamed in horror.

“Who delivered this!!!” Vodka shouted.

“A delivery bike! He was wearing a helmet!!” Min quickly replied, and Vodka’s phone rang immediately.

It’s a restricted number, so he picked slowly.

“I guess you’ve received my package by now, do you like it?” A crooked voice said, and his eyes widened more.



The doorbell rang just when Rhapsody was about to use her drugs, and she ditched the drugs for the door.

She opened it but no one is there, but she found a white box instead.

“What’s this? A gift from a fan?” She smiled, picking it up

She walked back in and opened it as she sat on the couch, but immediately she saw the content, her eyes widened and she pushed it away.

It’s a blood note with two words inside.


“No….no….no!!” She began panting as she ran out of the house.



VIXXEN landed back some minutes ago, and just like when they were leaving, fans came to welcome them back with excitement, but all that’s in Vee’s mind is getting back home and going to Diva’s dorm to fetch her.

He was the first to get to one of the waiting cars, and immediately he hopped in, he drove away.

“Is this how love is? Gawd, I’m in awe” Myles said.

“He should have gone to the hospital first” Krystal replied as they got in the second car.

“Meaning?” Myles faced her.

“He vomited all the breakfast he had in the plane. I think he’s sick” she replied.

“You should have told me!” Myles shouted.


Meanwhile, Vee got to TRUE LOVE dorm and found the door locked.

He began knocking on the door, thinking they’re asleep since the lights are off, but he stopped immediately a car halted in front of the dorm, and Jazzy came out.

“Jazzy” he rushed down to him.

“You’re back? This ain’t our dorm anymore, I only came to get something, we moved already” he replied.

“Moved where? I really need to see Bae and…

“You won’t find her in our new dorm too, she’s at the mansion” Jazzy cut him off, and Vee got back in his car immediately.

He drove off roughly, and Jazzy sighed.

“Guess I need to learn how to love from him”



Diva has been with Sara since 5, she actually came home to cook something for Mr. Hwang since he’s still at the hospital.

Diva helped her throughout, and when they were done, they stuck hands.

“I have to go now. He should eat before it gets cold, you’d still be here till I return, right?” Sara asked.

“Of course” Diva replied, and Sara began walking out of the kitchen.

“Wait…” Diva suddenly said, and Sara turned back.

“Vee… when last did you…hear from him?” She asked.

“Yesterday, why did you ask?” Sara replied, and Diva smiled awkwardly.

“Nothing, you should go” she replied, and Sara smiled shortly too before leaving the house.

Diva left the kitchen sadly and went upstairs, entering Vee’s room.

Though he’s not living here anymore, but his scent is still in the air, hanging everywhere in the room.

She climbed his bed and lay down on her back, eyes closed as she began reminiscing about their rough plays and the memories they created here.

His scent invaded her nostrils too, and she began hearing her name.



Is this some kind of imagination? Is she finally going crazy?

It’s Vee’s voice, but how’s that even possible when he’s not in Seoul right now, how come she’s hearing…

“Bae!” She heard for the third time, and her eyes flew open when the door opened.

She sat up in bed, and her eyes widened when she saw him for real.

He was breathing heavily as he stood by the door, looking like he ran a marathon here. Is this really him? Her Vee?

She got her confirmation when her heartbeats became crazily rapid, and as they locked their gazes, she felt goosebumps on her skin.

He is, he’s her bestie whom she fell in love with it, the guy she has been missing for two weeks…

She could swear that she’s hearing his heartbeats too, it’s echoing so loud in the room, and immediately she heard it, hers became faster than before, and she began panting slowly as her lips parted.

“Vee” he whispered, and that was it.

He walked straight to the bed and climbed fast, not bothering to take off his shoes.

He came over her immediately, and she quickly went down on the bed till her back touched the pillow.

“Jun-ho…” She whispered nervously, and he instantly brought his face down to hers. Without waiting anymore, he crashed his tender lips so hard on hers.

Diva lost her breath immediately, and her eyes went shut tightly.

She held his shirt with an hand, then she grabbed the sheets with the other hand as he sank his tongue into her mouth.


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