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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE – Episode 49 & 50

TRUE LOVE – Episode 49 & 50

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )




By: Naomi Cindy B.

“Jazzy what did you do?” Freddy asked him, but he only walked into his room and shut the door.

“Jazzy!!” Piper rushed to his door, banging hard on it.

“Jazzy!!!” She shouted again, banging harder on the door.

“Let him be for now, we should be finding ways to find Diva right now” Freddy said behind, and she faced him.

“How’s that possible? She left without telling us her destination”

“Let’s just search the neighborhood” Freddy replied, grabbing an umbrella.

Piper got her umbrella too, and they left the dorm in search of her.


Jazzy settled in bed when he got to his room, and he quickly drapped the duvet over himself when the cold breeze from the rain blew in.

Guilt is currently trying to eat into him, but he’s busy fighting it with all his manpower, he’s not gonna allow it into himself ever, he’s not wrong.

She should have defended herself if he said the wrong thing, but the fact that she threw the necklace at his face and ran out only means Rhapsody gave him the right information.

He kept consoling himself with that, and it’s working, but thinking about the fact that it’s raining right now. He couldn’t help but get worried, is she inside the rain?

He was still brooding when his phone rang, and when he saw it’s Rhapsody, he picked slowly.

“Rhapsody” he said calmly.

“I miss you, wish you’re beside me right now. I’m feeling so cold, f-__-king cold” she replied, and he could feel his heart skip a beat after hearing that.

“You should dress up to bed, wear something thick” he said.

“You’d be better than any thick sweater, I wanna be inside your skin” she replied, and his heart skipped another beat.

He went quiet, and she heard her chuckle.

“Did you confront her already? What did she say?” She asked, and he bit his lip.

“She left the dorm”

“See? Why didn’t she wait to defend herself if I was wrong? That Ɓîtçh!” She replied, and he bit his lip again.

“You really….still love…me?” He asked senselessly.

“Very much babe! I wouldn’t have kept my virginity intact since I left the band if I don’t love you. I wish you could come here tonight and stay beside me” she replied, and surprisingly, he smiled.

He lay in bed and piled the duvet over himself completely as he continued talking with her.

For complete thirty minutes, they’re still on it.



The call ended after 31 minutes, and immediately she dropped her phone, she smiled to herself in the mirror, loving her sweet-talk ski||s.

No doubt, Jazzy would be head over heels for him again already.

It might not look like it but she knows Jazzy best in the whole world, if not more than himself.

She knows everything about him since she’s the first person he met in the whole of the band.

Jazzy takes action before he thinks, he talks before he thinks too, he’s a typically irrational guy who’d do anything for love and he’s easy to deceive by the one he loves.

Another thing is that once he falls for someone, it’d be so hard to get over the person even after several years.

She got to know during the time they spent together, Jazzy would die for her without blinking, and she’s glad it’s still same till now.

With just few lies, she won him over again, and she’s not gonna be letting go of him this time, it’s for life.

She grinned as her phone rang where she dropped it earlier, it’s Min on the line, Vodka’s manager.

“Hey Min!” She smiled.

“Was I correct?” He asked, and she smiled wider.



Rhapsody was wearing black shades as she sat beneath the peach tree in the silent street.

No passing cars nor bikes, so it’s the best meeting place since she doesn’t want fans disruption.

A Lamborghini halted on the road some minutes later, and Min came out of it, wearing shades too.

“That’s one of Vodka’s car” she said, referring to the Lamborghini.

“Yeah, he allows me to drive his car anytime I need to go out alone” he replied, settling beside her.

“You both seem closer than just manager and boss” she smiled.

“Yeah, I’ve been managing him since five years ago” he replied.

“Cool, then you must be aware of when Diva was his chic” she said.

“You found out?” He faced her.

“Not just that! I found out he’s HIV positive too and I found out I’ve contacted it from him!” She snapped, and he removed his shades.


“Yes! So you better answer the questions I’m about to ask for the good of you and your boss! Did Vodka f-__-k Diva during their relationship?” She asked.

“Yes. But he didn’t get the virus from Diva. He got it from the girl he left Diva for” he replied.

“I know that already!!! Just answer my darn questions!!!” She shouted angrily.


“Ok he f-__-ked her, and what happened on the day he broke up?” She asked.

“She brought cake on his 29th birthday but she met him eating up the girl in his living room. She left in tears, and I worriedly followed her” he replied.

“You did?” She faced him.

“Yes. She went to BB skyscraper that night. I was scared she’d try something funny, so I climbed with her, but then she got there and met Jazzy who was also trying to jump down. I guess that made her change her mind, cos she saved him instead of jumping. I saw everything that night” Min explained, and Rhapsody smiled, standing up.

“Thanks, I got what I wanted”


“Thanks for the tip, I’d call you when I need anything else” Rhapsody said.

The call with Min is still on.

“Sure. And make sure you take the drugs accordingly. It’s dangerous if you miss a dose” he replied.

“I know, I’m hanging up” she said and ended the call.

She looked into the mirror again and smiled creepily.

“I’m not going down anytime soon. I strived so hard to get here and not even TRUE LOVE can make me go down” she muttered.



After searching the whole neighborhood under the heavy rain, Freddy and Piper faced each other, breathing heavily under their umbrellas.

“What do we do? She’s nowhere to be found” Piper said.

“I have no idea, what if she hurts herself?” Freddy replied fearfully.

“No no…don’t think that way, that’s not gonna happen, Diva is not the type” Piper shook her head.

“I’ll try her line again” Freddy said and got his phone.

They’ve been calling her but she has not been picking.

He dialled her line, and surprisingly, she picked!

“Diva where have…

“This is Lyric! She left her phone at the dorm. I’m just arriving, where’s she? And where’s everyone? Why is the dorm empty?” Lyric’s voice spoke.

“Lyric? f-__-k, Diva is missing!” Freddy replied.

“What! Let’s call the cops!” Lyric shouted immediately.



Diva was sitting by the bridge rails, her her back on the metals and her eyes closed.

She was shaking so badly, and as the rain continued drenching her, flu ate deeper and deeper into her system.

Her blood is almost frozen right now, but she’s not even feeling it, she just wants to cry and continue letting the rain do as it pleases.

She has been here since she ran out of the dorm, so far from their street.

She’s sure they won’t be able to find her even if they search for the whole night, unless she goes back by herself.

She opened her eyes, hiccuping as tears rolled out of them again.

She has never for once imagined she’d cry over relationships like this.

She never even wanted to let go of her virginity for Vodka back then, but his tongue was too sugar-coated that at every word he said, she melted more and more into his spell till she gave in, and she regretted that day so much. She’s still regretting till now.

She has always dreamt of losing her pride to the man she’d get married to, but it failed, and now Jazzy indirectly called her a slut, what could be more degrading?

She cried louder in the rain, and the hot tears turned warm as it mixed with the rainwater, cascading down her cheeks.

Her eyes suddenly caught Vee’s necklace on her wrist, and that brought back the memories of how he gave her a handshake instead of a hug, and when he said he wouldn’t be calling cos of Jazzy.

She buried her face in her propped up knees, and the tears flowed again.



Mr. Kim rushed out of his car in front of the building, and he rushed into the dorm in the same manner, meeting everyone in the living room except Jazzy.

“Is this for real? She’s really missing? Where’s Jazzy!” He asked impatiently, and Jazzy came out of his room that moment.

Piper spranged up immediately, walking angrily to him.

“Don’t tell me you slept at night” she said.

“What are you saying?” He replied.

“How could you sleep after making Diva leave this dorm last night? She didn’t come back jerk!!!” She shouted angrily.

“I didn’t tell her to leave, we broke up and she left on her own” he replied, and Mr. Kim moved closer.

“What! Breakup?” He said shockingly.

“It just happened, she threw my necklace at my face, meaning it’s over and I’m fine with it” Jazzy replied.

“Jazzy!!! What the hell is wrong with you!!! What happened to your tone of speaking? What changed?” Mr. Kim yelled.

“Who did you go out to meet last night? Everything changed the moment you came back” Freddy spoke, and Jazzy scoffed.

“Let me guess, Rhapsody? Did you meet that heartbreaker? I bet she told you something and that’s why you’re acting insane!” Freddy shouted.

“You met Rhapsody?” Mr. Kim said unbelievably.

“Oppa…” Lyric said disappointedly, and the door opened instantly.

Diva walked in looking pale and sick, and their eyes widened.

“Diva!” They all rushed to her excluding Jazzy though.

“Where have you been?” Mr. Kim asked.

“Did you stay in the rain? You look sick!” Lyric said.

“Diva you’re seriously not doing this” Freddy said.

“Let’s get her to the hospital” Piper said.

“I’m fine, I only need a warm shower” she said weakly and started walking in, meeting Jazzy in the middle of the living room.

She stopped in front of him, and he turned his face away.

“I’m sorry for using you to get over Vodka like you claimed. Sorry for being a Ɓîtçh, and sorry for dating you with dark intentions, let’s stay friends from now on” she smiled shortly and went in, leaving him standing.

“Wait…you said all that to her?” Freddy said with wide eyes.

Jazzy went in without answering again like last night.



It was 8:30am when Vee arrived at the airport with his band, and as expected, fans were already waiting to bade them goodbye, holding cardboards which has their good wishes written inside.

The three wore nose masks, waving at the fans who were calling their names as they walked into the airport with some staffs from their agency and their guards.

The number of fans went low when they got down from the lift, and they were about to proceed straight into the plane when Vee suddenly heard his name from behind again.

This time, it’s not a fan, he knows the voice.

He swiftly turned, and it’s indeed her, Diva.

“Bae” he said shockingly.

She was wearing a really big fur sweater, one of the ones she stole from him.

It covered her arms completely, and despite the fact that she rubbed powder to hide her face paleness, he detected that something is wrong with her immediately she got to him.

“What’s up with you? Are you sick?’ he asked, feeling her temperature.

“f-__-k! Your temperature is hot why are…

“I only came to say goodbye” she cut him off, and he stopped talking.

“Since we won’t be seeing each other for two weeks, and you won’t call. I decided to come see you off” she said, facing the ground.

Vee got his phone and dialled the doctor’s line immediately, at the family hospital.

“Goodmorning Dr, Bae will come to the hospital in an hour, please take care of her. Yeah, you should report to me how it goes”

He hung up after that, and he faced Diva again.

“You should go to the hospital after leaving this place”


“No buts” he said, and she nodded.


He smiled lightly, staring at her.

She stared back hard till Myles called his name.

“Vee it’s time!”

“See you soon” he said, and she swallowed hard multiple times as she waved.

Vee waved back for a minute before turning his back, finally entering the plane with Krystal and Myles.



Diva just finished getting doses from the doctors, and after she swallowed with water, she was told to rest for a bit so the fever will go down since she doesn’t wanna stay in the hospital.

She stayed in bed for approximately two hours, then she left the ward for Sara’s.

Sara got discharged today, so she offered to take her home.

She promised to cook for her today, so she’s just gonna cook for her at the mansion.

They left the hospital together and drove home in a ride.

It only took twenty minutes, and when they arrived, they were holding hands as they walked to the door.

Diva made to open the door, but Mr. Hwang opened it from inside before she could do it.

His face came to view, and Sara quickly bowed.

“Goodmorning sir”

He didn’t reply, he kept standing so she made to look up, but her eyes widened when she suddenly saw something.

Why is she just noticing it after all her years of working in this mansion?

Mr. Hwang has deep black mark on his wrist, exactly the one she saw on the wrist of that man that night…the one who ruined her.

She was still staring at it when Mr Mr. Hwang walked past them and left the house.

“Sara are you ok?” Diva asked.

“Huh?… I’m.. yeah”


MANILA, 12:30**

the band arrived some minutes ago, and they were driven directly to the hotel they’d be staying.

They get to use different rooms, so each of them settled for shower immediately they got to their respective rooms.

Krystal left her room and went to Vee’s.

Vee was in the shower when she came in, and she began searching for something.

She found it on the bed and went for it. His phone.

She took it and pressed his password which she spied on yesterday.

She unlocked the phone and went straight to contacts, searching for Diva’s number.

She smirked when it appeared on the screen, and she immediately did what she came for without thinking.

She gave it a long press and blocked the number without thinking twice.

She heard it yesterday when Vee was telling Diva that he’s not gonna call her.

With her number blocked like this, Diva won’t be able to call him too.

Two weeks is enough, if they don’t contact or see each other, she’d be able to make her moves and make him fall for her before they return to Korea.

She smiled after blocking the number, then she returned the phone to the same spot before leaving the room.

She returned to her room and smiled as she began stripping herself.

She wrapped towel on her body, to ready for shower, and she smiled at herself.

“I’ll make you mine in two weeks, Vee”


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