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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE - Episode 39 & 40

TRUE LOVE – Episode 39 & 40

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )




By: Naomi Cindy B.

Diva fell directly on him, and they went down together, landing on the water.

There was total silence immediately, the silence was deafening like it was when they entered.

All eyes remained wide, including Jazzy’s and Diva’s.

She’s laying directly on top of him, and his hand stayed on her waist, holding her still.

Luckily, they were quick to get over the shock, and Jazzy gave her a signal with his eyes.

She got it smartly, and since she owns the first verse of the song, she smiled.

The standing members got their eyes sign immediately, and Freddy snapped his fingers.

The music stopped playing, then it started from the beginning, blessing the speakers with their intro…

🎶 True love in your hearts…in your hearts…. your hearts… hearts…

Then Diva entered…

DIVA: Start the fire!
Throw the banger…
This is Seoul city…
Take over the streets!!!!…

She went on a extra high key on the last line, and the mouths of the crowd opened immediately.

👥 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👥 This is it!!!!!!!!!!!!

👥 f-__-k!! Yeah!!!!

She quickly rolled away from Jazzy and spranged up , then she joined the others.

Jazzy stood and stayed on His knees, then he dipped his fingers in his hair, turning his face up, and his waist moved in a Șëx¥ way as he sang the second part.

JAZZY: Take over your heart
Bring the sparks alive
Shinny butterflies in my heart
No other but you in my head…

Immediately he stood from his knees, another insane scream filled the hall as Lyric began her part.

LYRIC: Violins playing in the memories.
Memories lucid like a sweet dream.
I wanna feel more of you, I feel like raising the volume up…

FREDDY: Raise it/2×

JAZZY & LYRIC: Raise the volume
Volume up, c’mon baby feel me more.
I can see the stars in your eyes they shine so bright.
I’m tired of the silence, c’mon baby raise it up!

JAZZY: Volume up.

DIVA: For just you and me.

👥 Whoaaaa!!!!!

👥 Oh my goodness!!!

👥 Who are they!!!!

Now it’s Piper’s rap time, and when she began, the hall almost fell into crumbles.

The hard practices they had began showcasing. 7pm to 10pm every night without any break, 9am to 12pm everyday without resting, they began feeling the intensity, and as the crowd cheered them more, they got more energy.

PIPER: Blow the candles
Nothing love can’t do…

She finished the last two lines of her rap, and Freddy entered straight in another rap, making them scream again.

Now it’s so obvious that they even got more cheers than H. O. T.

A woman almost screamed her lungs out among the crowd as all the veins on her neck came out, but despite that, she didn’t stop.

Same energy is with everyone, and when Freddy finished his rap, they returned to the chorus. This time, the crowd even joined in.

FREDDY: Raise it/2×

JAZZY & LYRIC: Raise the volume
Volume up, c’mon baby feel me more.
I can see the stars in your eyes they shine so bright.
I’m tired of the silence, c’mon baby raise it up!

JAZZY: Volume up!

DIVA & CROWD: For just you and me!!!!!!

After that, only the beat began playing, and they did the outro dance, lining behind each other to hold waists.

Jazzy held Diva’s, and Piper held Jazzy’s, then Freddy held Piper’s. Lyric held Freddy’s, she’s the last one as they whined their waists, both male and female.

👥 Oh my days!!!!!

Thanks to Freddy and Jazzy’s flexible body, they did just as practiced, moving in sync with the females till they moved to another position where they’d have to dance separately.

Jazzy did several hip th-ru_sts, earning insane screams again. Freddy whined softly and Lyric went down on a low.

Piper did a split, and Diva climbed a chair on stage as planned, she squatted s*xily began twerking on it, and eyes widened again.

👥 Whoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

👥 She’s on fire!!!!!!

👥 So hot!!!

She came down from the chair after two minutes, and she joined the others in a circle, raising her right hand with them.

ALL: Volume up!

They finished up at a time, and the hall went silent as the song ended.

They left the circle and faced the crowd, all sweating so profusely as fear gripped them again, but the fear flew out when a loud scream rented the hall from the millions of people.

Their eyes widened at once, and Lyric covered her mouth with her palms in shock.

Did the crowd of 5M+ just scream for them? Did they just impress the crowd? Is this really happening right now?

For three minutes straight, the crowd refused to stop screaming, even when the MC came back to stage, they still didn’t.

Lyric finally let out her tears, she began crying slowly, tears of joy as she watched everyone going crazy for them.

They finally left the stage, and MOONLIGHT climbed the stage next, led by Pinkie.

Manager Kim was already waiting in the dressing room when TRUE LOVE got back, and he widened his arms again.

“Come here, quick!” He said, and they all rushed into his arms, hugging him at once.

“Thanks so much babies, even if we don’t win the award tonight, you guys made me proud already, I’m so proud of y’all, I’m so proud” he said in tears.

They stayed that way for minutes, and when they broke it, everyone was already in tears.

“The crowd cheered for us, every single person” Jazzy said.

“You deserved it, your performance was impressive and the song was on point” Mr. Kim smiled, hugging them again.

“Yo! Congratulations in advance Jazzy!” Kang Daniel said loudly, entering the room.

“Daniel!” Jazzy faced him, and they hugged.

“Congratulations? For what?” Jazzy said.

“Someone intentionally poured the water to ruin your performance, but you guys ki||ed it, don’t be surprised when you get the award tonight” Daniel replied, and Jazzy smiled.

Vee came in too, and Diva went to him all smiles.

“Congratulations in advance, you guys did it” he said.

“Your band was awesome too” she replied, and they hugged too.

After MOONLIGHT, twenty other bands and soloists performed, so the show was on till 11pm.

Immediately the last band left the stage, the MC got the results from the judges after two minutes, and he went back to the stage.

Everyone went calm, some discussing the possible results between each other as they waited impatiently.

“I won’t be presenting the awards tonight. Another person will take over right now, welcome IU please” the MC announced, and the crowd clapped immediately as she began walking to the stage with elegance.

She was smiling as she took the cards from the MC and took his place in front of the microphone.

The excitement grew in the crowd, and everyone began chatting.

“Listen everyone!” IU spoke, and they all diverted their attention to her.

“The winner of Sonorous idols show tonight definitely deserves it. They’re a band who showed the crowd the true meaning of consistency, and the fact that giving up is not an option even when the whole world and nature is against you. You can still strive on your own, beat all the odds and make it to the top. They are…” She said, and the suspense really worked as everyone went silent immediately, waiting for her to drop the bomb.

“The winner is…” She said and looked at the card again before looking up.

“Is TRUE LOVE” She announced, and the screams took over the hall again.

Immediately the band heard the name from the dressing room, their eyes widened, and they faced each other skeptically, looking like they saw ghosts.

“Yes!! Yes!!!” Manager Kim shouted.

“Wait..we? We’re TRUE LOVE, right?” Piper said shockingly.

“I didn’t hear wrong” Jazzy said.

“Go! Babies go!” Mr. Kim shouted, and Jazzy opened the door immediately, rushing out to the hallway while the others followed immediately.

When they got to the middle, they all began running till they got to the hall, and the screams from the crowd got crazier when they climbed the stage.




The crowd began chanting their name till they got to IU who immediately handed them the trophy.

It was Jazzy who took it, and he kissed it immediately, making everyone scream again.

“Congratulations” IU smiled, and he shook hands with her before she left the stage.

He handed the trophy to Diva, and they started handing it to each other, admiring it so much.

It’s their first, and they couldn’t be more happy.

Immediately the medal touched Lyric’s hand, she began crying as Jazzy stood in front of the microphone to speak.

“I still can’t believe this is happening, seriously” he said with a sniff.

“This brought back the sad memories of the past and please I wanna cry” he said as tears escaped his eyes.

Immediately it fell, the others began crying too.

Piper had to squat on stage to cry well, unstoppable tears of joy.

Freddy was licking his lips as his own tears fell, and Diva was sniffing too, crying like a kid.

“I really badly wanna cry tonight. I mean… I wasn’t expecting this, we all weren’t expecting it. We were the underdog, and the last show we attended at Biscotti, we got disgraced on stage, we were stoned with bottled water and a member left us” Jazzy continued, crying as he spoke.

At this point, the crowd began crying for them too.

“And here we are, winning the award despite the fact that our performance almost got ruined” Jazzy said again and began smiling despite the tears on his face.

When tears wouldn’t allow him talk anymore, Piper took over.

“Special thanks to everyone who cheered us on during the performance, and thanks to Sonorous for organizing this great show. Thank you Mr. Kim, we wouldn’t be here without you, you’re the best manager there is” she said, and the crowd screamed again as they all jointly raised the trophy

“We’re just starting though” Diva said.

“Yes, TRUE LOVE is just coming” Freddy said.

“Everybody scream!!!” Lyric shouted, and the crowd obeyed immediately.


They began walking out of stage, and the cheers of the crowd still followed them out.

Tonight will forever be memorable.



Rhapsody’s guards stopped following her in front of the elevator, and immediately she entered the elevator and pressed her floor, she grabbed her head, scattering her hair when she remembered TRUE LOVE actually won the award.

“Arggggghhh!!!!! $h|t! Arggggghhh!!!!!” She screamed, hitting her fist on the wall.

“They really actually won, they won!!!!” She screamed, almost going crazy.

“They won”



The jalopy bus drove in roughly, and right from inside the bus, the blaring of their song “Volume Up” could be heard.

It was so loud and they were singing along till the door opened, and Diva jumped out excitedly.

“Volume Up!!!” She screamed.

“f-__-k h@ťěrs!!!” Freddy screamed, sleeping on the bare ground.

“Yes! Yes we made it! Yes!!!” Piper screamed as she jumped out too.

Jazzy followed, laughing happily as his stage shoes landed on the ground.

Lyric was holding the trophy as she came out last, joining the celebration.

They acted crazy outside for almost ten minutes before going in.

Diva got the MP3 immediately, and they began playing the song so loud, singing along as they danced wildly, forgetting about anything else.

They just won a f-__-king award in the presence of H. O. T and MOONLIGHT.

The best male and female band didn’t get it, but they f-__-king did!!!

The joy was overwhelming, and they nearly didn’t hear the ringing of the doorbell.

Diva quickly went to the door and opened it, meeting a delivery man.

“From Mr. Kim” he said, handing her the chicken and bottles of soju.

“Awesome!” She shouted.

“Wait! This is TRUE LOVE dorm, right? I watched your performance minutes ago!” The man said, taking off his helmet.

“Really?” Diva smiled.

“Of course! Volume up!” He replied happily.

“That’s the spirit man!” Diva shouted.

“Can I get a photo with you and the rest of the band? Please?” He said.

“Of course!” She let him in, and they snapped a picture with him together, he made sure to take their autographs too before leaving.

They resumed the party with chicken and soju, drinking till they got drunk, all excited Lyric who’s forbidden from drinking since she’s not 20 yet.

She suddenly got a call from Daniel to come to the haven again, and she excitedly got her bag from the room, leaving the rest to the jubilation as she left the house.

Piper and Freddy crashed on the couch at exactly 1am, and when Diva made to crash on them too, Jazzy held her back.

“Are you drunk already?” He asked in a whisper, and she shook her head, though she’s feeling a little bit tipsy.

“No” she smiled.

“Come with me” he took her into her room, and when they got there, he left her standing and went to the bedstand drawer to bring out a necklace.

He came back to her with it, and she looked at it drowsily on his palm.

“Necklace?” She muttered, and he smiled.

“I feel like if I don’t do this now, then I might not have the courage tommorow” he said and came closer.

Her eyes slowly went shut when he leaned in and kissed her lips shortly.

Immediately he broke it, his hand went to the necklace on her neck.

He tried to pull it off, but Diva held it, stopping him from doing that.

“Don’t” she muttered tipsily.

“I love you” Jazzy replied, locking eyes with her.

She slowly let go of the necklace immediately, and Jazzy unlocked it from her neck.

It fell on the ground as he fix his own necklace on her neck gently.

He smiled afterwards, checking it out on her neck.

“I love you, will you date me?” He whispered, and immediately Diva moved her lips to talk, he held her face.

She hasn’t said a thing when he began kissing her lips hungrily.


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